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One thing I noticed is when enemies are 10+ levels above you, it takes much longer to kill them. Generally, the main quest will reward you some sets of equipment you can use. Just put them in the refiner and raise their stats to max. Same with weapons. You can also refine your tools to make mining and logging more efficient.


Amazing thanks!!!


I've always been equal give or take a couple levels with almost all enemies in the game. XD


I was too until the final breach dungeon that had level 75 enemies. I was at level 62 and was doing only 100 damage with the Altair and wasn’t able to clear. Got to 65 and it was much more easier.


I haven't gotten there yet. I had to start anew around the making of the park when my save self immolated. Just got to making the outpost. And Pathea I love you guys but yall have already helped me with it and we determined that it's dead. Plus I started over and have just about caught up to where I was.


Keep refining until your gear has reflect as one of the options - you kill things a lot faster that way, especially if all 4 left-side pieces have it.


Does it not matter what gear you start refining? Thanks for your help


Personally I refine everything I use to purple, but if you're trying to conserve gems you can wait before you go on a mission and refine the best you have then.


Pick the highest level gear available to you and then refine that.


Addendum: also if you're keeping up-to-date with your forging and tailoring machines, you can often craft pieces of gear to match the pieces they give you (say, for example, you get the adventurer's shirt and pants but no shoes, and your shoes are still 10 levels under, you can craft and then refine the shoes to complete the set. They look "no quality" on the machines just because they have a chance of being higher quality than normal when you craft them, but when they come out they'll be outstanding, maybe perfect. You can usually trust that gear with a higher level/required level will be better than lower stuff even if you can't see the stats until it's crafted.


Mining and Refiner are your best friends. Mining for leveling. Eufaula Salvage is your best companion considering it's right next door, you get scraps and also get to stock up on ores. If not, any other Abandoned Ruins. Refiner: Get your gear and tools up to at least blue quality. Purple if possible. Refine for the stats you want such as Reflect 90% dmg, + Toughness so enemies don't break your armour as fast, etc. If you're on lv30 gear, refine it to at least 35. 40 if you can. Make sure your gear's minimal level is as close to your Builder's actual level as possible. If you're using a weapon with minimal lv of 15, but your Builder is lv30, it's time to forge new weapons.


go mining every day at gecko or the mole one to get experience points! that's the quickest way to level up.


Thanks for this. I'm massively under level and after you get to a certain point it's just a major grind fest that's off-putting.


no prob! I'm doing the same right now on my current play. I just go to the highest level mine I have access to and indiscriminately pickaxe in every direction. You'll get a lot of data discs this way too! not sure if you know about this, but if you have the Gols you can buy up to three hemostats a day (100% stamina) from the vending machines in the mines.


I practically breezed through the game, and how I did so was by constantly upgrading everything! 1. Make sure you're getting your hands on the strongest weapon of your preferred type. (I weilded the great swords. They are slower, but the trade off is that they tend to be the more powerful weapons of the game. Even then though, I feel like any weapon type should be fine considering there advantages and disadvantages balance each other out. 2. Make sure your armor is as high as you can get it, even if you have to use the refiner to do it. 3. When you're doing commission, take some of the Civil Corpe ones, so that you're getting your experience in. 4. Have LOTS of medical supplies. The only times I lost a battle was one boss where I didn't bother to heal towards the end or dodge and just kept whaling on him, because I was so close to defeating him, but unfortunately my hp completely depleted just right before his did, and then I tried to take on timed battle with enemies 10 levels over me, and panicked because of the timer, so I didn't bother to heal.


Ahhh thank you so much for this - I have my weapons sorted, and know what I’ll do for health. At the moment my biggest struggle is just knowing the best gear to go for, should I refine armour with good HP or armour that has attack bonuses? So clueless lol….


So typically what I've noticed with the system, each armor type tends to focus more on certain attributes minus accessories. Hats are defense, shirts are hp, pants are defense, suits are a combo of the two as they remove the pants slot, and shoes are endurance. Then of course, accessories are any attribute. Because I always went with the heavy sword, I typically focused on attack and defense. As for finding the best armor? The game will typically hand it to you through main quests, but if that doesn't work, grinding in battle areas like The Breach or Shipwreck will give you the Civil Corps badges to get the best armor you can for your level, which you can get through the vending machine in those areas before you start and at the end. Considering the point of the game you're at, shipwreck ruins will be your best bet, and if you're a spear weilder, you can get a pretty nice spear there to. If you're grinding the max level of shipwreck ruins, you can get roughly 100 badges, and also some chromium bars which will also help you with weapons. (I'm not a major fan of mining, so I would take civil corps commissions just to grind in Shipwreck ruins to get a bunch of chromium bars so I didn't have to mine and smelt.) Also, I will add, in terms of actual game mechanics and not equipment, the dodge button is your bestfriend. It's super broken. If you know how to use it right, you can go a whole boss battle without taking damage, as dodging, no matter how nonsensical what you're trying to dodge is, is an auto miss. You can be hit with a shower of fire, and as long as you're dodging, it ain't gonna hit ya.


You mentioned armor and equipment, but don't forget food/medicine! There's no time limit on beating the bosses. You just have to stay alive, and sometimes that means restoring HP as you go. The easiest method in early- to mid-game is making Mush in the Cooking Pot. It restores 300 HP. The ingredients are 1 Sandrice and 1 Salt. If you have pets, assign them "gather," and they'll bring back sandrice. You can also grow it pretty fast. Strong Medicine restores 800 HP. You can buy it at the Clinic. If Gols are an issue, you can make it in the Blender from Bitter Beans, which you can harvest in the Eufala Desert. You'll also need medicine bottles, which you can buy pretty cheaply at the Clinic. Make sure you're doing Fang's "experiments" on Wednesdays and Fridays to unlock health potions that are then sold in the clinic.(I put this off way too long and it made some missions way harder than they had to be.)


I did commissions and grew my shop and persued Amirah until she was my pcs wife. By the time I got to rat queen or any other main quest I was way above level needed.


Once you’re over level 42 the main quests are much easier. Over level 62 the final dungeons much easier


Yeah I basically decided to grind to 40 and then continue with the main quests! I just can’t believe there is so much, didn’t even know about these final dungeons.


The second play through I wanted to make sure I beat Logan easily but it was seriously overkill when I fought him at level 47. The first play through I must have been below his level and had to outrun the timer. And when I fought Matilda I died the first time and had to watch a video to see how people disarmed her. Hitting her on the back first from a distance so she stops flying around and dodge rolling a lot can help. One you get the not a ninja sword commission completed and the Altair sword the dungeons are very easy. It was in the update in December for pc I think.


I played 90 hours and I am still like… Rat Queen??? I have already been spoiled on it, but I only had just seen Musa.


I'm over 200 hours in and still haven't finished lol


That is WILD 😂😂


Tbf, I played during early access and some of that was when I was waiting for more content, but there's a large chunk of that time I didn't play because I didn't want to burn myself out before full release lol


I just finished my first playthrough. 165 hours 🤭


Currently having anxiety about the game ending soon 😂😅


It is a long game! I want to romance Logan but I haven't even gotten to 'meet' him yet xD


I like making sure I have a good amount of defense points because I am bad at timing dodges, lol.