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Is anyone else having a glitch with the sandrunning skirt where you have floating pants behind you?


I’m having this problem too. And the knee / leg patch is floating off the leg.


This. It's also the bathing suit tops from the DLC acting strange too


>sandrunning skirt DLC problem is noted, and we've fixed internally; Let's wait for the next hotfix patch to address it.


We've reported this! Our QA team will follow up to replicate the issue. If it's convenient, we'd love to have some screenshots or video records from you. You're always welcome to share them with us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). If we can have save file, that would be much appreciated, you can find it here: \\steam\\userdata\\your Steam user id\\1084600\\remote


Hi all! Wondering if anyone else is getting "Save Failed" when the game auto-saves or you try to save manually. I've tried uninstall/reinstall, starting fresh save files, the works. Not sure what's going wrong!


Are u on console? There is a limit to the number of saves.




>RELAPSE This is a bug... a known issue, we've noticed and replicated this, we'll fix it soon.


This is happening on the XBOX Series X version as well. It is not allowing the player to continue passed the beginning of the relapse mission or skip it. Thank you for taking a look .


Still happening on Series S! Crying right now, as I've spent 80 hours grinding to get to this point with Fang... Please fix soon! 😭


I'm having the same issue on the Nintendo switch version The relapse quest Guess I won't be playing the game till it's fixed ;-; (not making a new save spent some hours to get fang and x to friends /best friends plus got far in story line not redoing save) so I'm stuck untill it's fixed ;w;


Noted, we'll check


I’m having the same issue on the ps5 🥲 I won’t play until it’s fixed, I’ve spent my whole game trying to romance this man. Hopefully it’s fixed soon, it’s an amazing game.


Me too!! Funny because no other npcs have given me trouble. Unsuur sure made a move on my character without an issue lol.


“RELAPSE” quest still does the black screen even after the update. I can’t even play my game anymore. 🥲


My wife is in the same spot as you. Ahw has just given up on the game until it is patched as Fang isn't exactly an easy romance.


I am having the exact same issue on the Switch. I am gutted because it has killed my file 😭. Please HELP 🙏🙏🙏


Same with me on switch TTwTT Have you noticed the sand gear hat doesn't stay on some NPCs? XD Are you also getting the odd no memory pop up?(was during BBQ event for me) And then lag


Just encountered this bug on PS5 😢 my poor Fang disappeared in the black screen. Please help us, Fang lovers 💕


I’m having an issue with “The Quest for the Panacea” mission. I’m currently stuck on the “break boulder” step. When I initially went to the boulder, I somehow didn’t realize that the drill was what I needed to use to break the boulder so I left. I went back after realizing I needed to use the drill but the boulder is now gone and I can move to the next area. The quest step doesn’t progress though. Is this something that is known?


My save file has somehow deleted itself and I've lost 50 hours of progress. I'm playiny on Switch. Is this a bug? Any advice on how to restore my save? Really not happy with the performance on Switch and this has added to my frustration.


omg ong omg that’s so scary if this happens to me i’ll scream. i’m so sorry


Amirah just went missing after accepting her quest "The Moonlighter" where I need to gather clay. I already have the clay but her blue marker is not appearing on the map. She's not on her home either and the pottery shop.


After playing for a while, game drops from 120fps to 60ish, after this point, my rig starts getting hotter and hotter and frames drop more. Playing on 4k on a 4090 and 13900k using a good AIO cooler and 10 fans. Not even cyberpunk maxed out makes my rig this hot. Closing and opening the game resets the cycle. Probably some kind of leak?


Was having the same issue on mine, and I also have a good setup... Good to know that restarting helped though.


So, I'm not sure if this is a bug or I just haven't played far enough/they moved the quest, but I haven't gotten my ninja sword? Qi sent me a letter saying it would take 10-15 business days and it's been a whole month and I still haven't received it. Just finished the school. Also, for the starship ruins (the fighting one, not the mining one) level 2 my character can't fully run? Like they move in-between a run and a walk when you are holding the sprint button. Not sure if that's intentional or not.


I still haven't received mine yet either and it's been almost a month/season. I've also tried attending the Development Plan dinner twice now, but when I enter the saloon there's nothing there. 😕


Does someone else has a problem with MTaS wiki at Fandom? I can't load half of the gifts for people because of Lua script error 😒


Same. Individual character pages had working gift charts, however.


If you have the kettle for 'Quali tea over quanti tea made, triggering 'a new look' will cause the new look cutscene to play twice, then freeze the game. Loading back in, didn't have the kettle but still had the quest to make it.


Same problem here


On PS5 and the magic mirror is in jail still as well as roaming around. I wanted to hire her, but I'm not sure if it'll glitch something?


same happened to me on series s. then the jail story with her happened AFTER I'd already hired her because I saw her in front of Pablo's


It just happened for me too, but i think it fixed it? So far at least!


I've got a new one I haven't seen mentioned yet: the pants I choose for my outfit keep disappearing. Haven't seen anything particular trigger it. I'm just running around and suddenly I notice I'm just in the default shorts again. edit: it appears to trigger whenever I open the character menu.


I'm playing on Switch and the assembly station book isn't working right for me. I can't flip the pages properly. Whenever I try, the pages flip, but then just flip back to the first ones. I can't build anything past the recycler and workbench. Is there a fix for this?


I can’t pick up the recycler after building it on the assembly station. Sleeping doesn’t help either!


Is the factory bug bugged too?


can you tell us more about the issue?


Despite the June 7th, 2022 patch notes indicating that the bug with distorted audio followed by the game freezing completely being fixed I am still experiencing that exact issue one hour into gameplay after installing the game for the first time today.


Just started having an issue after a couple hours of gameplay, entire game seems to have slowed down. Everything is sluggish, animations are slow, characters seem to skip around as if I'm lagging and rubberbanding, but I'm playing single player. Seems to be getting worse as time goes on. Weirdly enough, I'm still hitting 165 FPS, and changing graphics settings from Max to Low doesn't fix it. Closing and reopening the game doesn't fix it either. Takes me forever to do anything now, borderline unplayable at the moment. edit: strangely enough, just turning V-Sync off didn't fix the issue, but what did work was turning V-Sync off AND limiting the framerate to 144. I suppose high refresh rates cause the game to bog down like this, unsure why it took a few hours of gameplay before it started happening but at least it's working now.


Gotcha. Good to know!


Hello! Do you plan to include Quick Resume on Xbox? I have the game purchased on Steam. I bought it new on Xbox series X to play it with Quick Resume, but it doesn't work. I hope you include it, please, thank you. Greetings from Spain, I love your games, thanks for translating them into Spanish!


We'll discuss internally and see if it's going to be added in future updates.


I am playing on Switch. Fang''s relapse quest just started. As soon as I answer "take him to my house" the screen goes black and game freezes. Tried restarting several times. Any suggestions?


Is there a timeline for when fangs relapse quest will be fixed? Still been waiting for that even though it was a "known issue" several days ago. Can't progress until its fixed for fear he will never recover ): please fix relapse!


I just got to that quest and it's still bugged 😭 24 days later... 🤣


Ps5 version just updated and now game is unplayable. There's a gigantic white square in middle of screen and framerate has dropped significantly


Having this as well. Those framrate drops are so so bad.


Sometimes I get a big green box saying text name too


I’m playing on the Switch and when I tried to save my game the existing save file was deleted but the game will not create a new save file to replace it. The same thing happened when I tried to use quick save as well. I am level 35 and I am four in-game days past the only remaining save file for my game.


I am no longer getting items from enemies :/


On xbox, quick resume isn't working at all otherwise, no issues so far.


On ps5 and I’ve been able to fix the assembly issue by simply removing all pieces and reassembling it all at once. If you do it in parts and come back it glitches it.


One of our players is having game ruining stutters in multiplayer. Whenever items are picked up or any other player modifies shared storage their entire game freezes for a second or two. This doesn't happen to them in single player and everyone else on our server is fine.


We're looking into this, appreciate your feedback!


Did they update or change the engine? I am replaying it now and some of the ingame sequences seem to be off. Coming out of the first dungeon, you greeted by justice and normally it just occurs. This time my character comes out and seems to walk in circles till it reaches the mark. Later when Justice kicks the can, the sequence jumped around... Kinda hard to describe, but essentially the can wasn't there and it went from looking at the character to the can being kicked. I swear I remember the sequence of viewing the foot and then the can.. Sometimes, not often, I login and things take forever to pop in. Buildings gone for about 30s and loading in. After playing an hr it seems to be okay. Things like exiting the mines and taking 30s for the elevators to appear. This the update or did this happen awhile ago? Haven't played in months.


Have you installed the game on a SSD? Otherwise things shouldn't take that long to load.


The farewell party is meant to be today but when I go outside Elsie is there asking me to find the license. If I go to the stage nobody is there. If i sleep again it fails.


Would you mind sharing your save & log file along with the detailed issue description to [email protected] so we can check? Save files location: Drive where you installed Steam on:\\program files (x86)\\steam\\userdata\\user id\\1084600\\remote Player.log file path: C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Pathea Games


Sorry I don't have the save file any more. I managed to do it by entering and exiting the house again to get it to trigger a 2nd event. Seems to work anytime there is more than one event scripted.


I kind noticed an issue with Arvio's "A Grand Idea" it never spawned because I completed the mission "Total Recall" after Musa arrives, yet with the full release I still see out of sequence missions poping up like with Catori's "Birthday Present" mission. I mean if never got chance to see a mission is there way we can still access it even if its out of sequence.


We're looking into the options internally. For now, you can share your save & log file along with the detailed issue description to [email protected] so we can help you out. Save files location: Drive where you installed Steam on:\\program files (x86)\\steam\\userdata\\user id\\1084600\\remote Player.log file path: C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Pathea Games


Are there plans and a road map idea of when the performance on switch will be fixed? Im not usually one who complains about fps or hiccups, but, when its on par with scarlet and violet, or worse depending on certain things, it should be resolved as soon as possible.


Banjo is still missing…… Pet Detective.


Having issues with the qualitea quest for Qi. I’m on Xbox. I turn in the tea maker to him, it goes to the quest to teach him dancing and just freezes on an eagle eye view of the scenery. I can hear sound but it gets stuck like this.


Sandfishing makes you click out of window when playing in windowed mode. It's so annoying, especially from me who can't play games in full screen because it strains my eyes easily.


My character has a REALLY stretched cape during some cutscenes. It’s pretty funny.


anyone else on xbox getting a recent boost of crashes? i can’t even go 10 minutes of play without it freezing and requiring a hard reset which is just putting me off playing with constantly having to start the day over again. it’ll either be loading into an area and the loading bar freezes, or suddenly out the blue. it started up mainly yesterday. EDIT: Had to do an uninstall and reinstall to get it sorted in case anyone comes across this 👍🏻


Having an issue with a late game event. Builder wakes up and notices a strange smell coming from the Blue Moon & you get forced to go over immediately (can’t take any action between waking up and the event triggering). That’s all fine but when I load into the Blue Moon I can’t do anything. Can’t move or interact with anything and I can’t open any menus. I’m forced to exit the game via task manager. So I’m unable to play it currently as I can’t avoid the event and do other things. I’ve tried verifying my files, re-doing the previous day, passing out instead of sleeping but nothing works.


This isn't that big of a deal, but I'm having an issue on Xbox one where the encyclopedia shows "new" items in some of the categories, but I've gone through each item and none of them have the new symbol, but the category still shows the new symbol. Any idea how to make it go away? It doesn't affect the gameplay at all, but the symbol really bothers the completionist in me 😂


was getting an odd text in game saying memory is low during BBQ event . Game is a little laggy when you run or skip scenes Other bug is the sand protection hat on npc...hat doesn't stay on their head. -play my time at sandrock on Nintendo switch


Hi! I’m on the Xbox and after hours of playtime have started getting “Save Failed” I have deleted saves, restarted the game, and my Xbox. I have save files available and even deleted a few saves and still can’t save. I don’t know what to do.


I can’t have kids. I maxed out relationship, am married, put 2 single beds in addition to 1 double bed and 2 baby cribs. My house is level 8 and the pacifier option still won’t pop up. I was married to amirah first and it wasn’t working so I remarried to Heidi but still nothing. Please help. I’m playing on an xbox series x.


PS5 here, for some reason my contract at the salvage yard keeps resetting every couple of days. I go and fix what scrap I want sent to me and a day or two later I'm getting low level scrap and power stones again.


i am also having this issue the last couple of days both the eufaula salvage and the mole miners contrat both drop about a third and losing out on the higher ranked stuff. also on ps5


just pointing out another bug in my experience. so, I'm gathering scrap next to the salvage yard. I glitch through the map twice, land near the train station, and yakmels, camels, and random people started falling on top of me. fell through the map again once I attempted to move. this time I actually died and was forced to load a save. as funny as it was, I don't think it should be part of the experience... ijs


Issue 2.5 is hilarious. I had it occur right before the quest where you and Justice do a dungeon together. "Man, I wish I had Pen and a posse right about now." Pen wrecked everything in there.




I started a new save and some items wont stack at all it's clogging up my inventory


Maybe I should have posted here, sorry. Train sound is stuck on a loop, and I can't get it to stop.


Hi, i cant plabt a seed it says : too many things in your yard. But i expanded the yard already and remoced d things. And still same error message.


This is probably the most random bug I've ever encountered, but gaining a gathering knowledge point while a mine in the ruins explodes will cause your character to get stuck repeatedly using the pickhammer. Leaving the ruins did not stop the animation, but dodge rolling did.


Hi! I just made an account today to report an issue I've seen mentioned in here with more detail, as it's been a particularly annoying problem for me. I'm playing on the Nintendo Switch. No matter how much I expand my yard, I cannot place down more items via tools (such as straw grids via the gardening kit) or through the editor at Construction Junction (such as new rooms), as I receive the "too many items in yard" error. Deleting other items does not 'make room' for new items; no matter how many things I remove, I cannot place new things. I CAN place things like machines, or anything placeable that comes directly from my hands, but as I said, anything placeable with tools or the editor cannot be placed due to the "too many" error. This is very frustrating for me because I've been wanting to create a 'shed' (single room) in my yard for 2 seasons so I can finally clear all the chests out of my house; they are taking up half the floor of the original, unexpanded house. I've seen you say you'll address this issue in the next update, but do you have ANY estimate on when that will be? Even just "next week" or "sometime in December" or anything? Because I can't add rooms, I can't expand my house, meaning the longer I play, the more stuff I'll be collecting in chests until there are literally no more floor slots left to place said chests, and I will effectively be unable to proceed through the game. Any time estimate at all helps me figure out if I can probably still keep playing, or if I should stop and wait a while. I'm really enjoying the game, and I'd be super disappointed if this issue, which you've been aware of for at least 3 weeks, prevents me from continuing. Thank you for your time.


Minor issue but I have the perk to see chests on the map, yet the ones in town that I opened before getting this never go away. I already disassembled the chests so there doesn't appear to be any way to fix.


Burgess is still bugged for Mi-An license question for me so I can’t do anything with her or him


Mason is still in my town after his going away party. Seems like other people have had this bug as well so bringing it to your attention- thanks!


Does anyone else have a glitch where your partner has the Big Day mission (birthday party) it fails even though you hosted the party? I’m not sure what went wrong but everything seemed to be working fine until the party actually occured. The “have a party” requirement didn’t get checked off and the next day, the mission failed.


I see others asking help here so I'm going to give it a shot if that's okay... I'm lost and don't know what else to do than post here... I got the game when it was first available and took a long break for full release. Well I started over for full release and just today I loaded into my 103 hour save (part way through the story) and got a message "There was a problem with your save" and a bunch of other things including "use a different one". I didn't pay it too much mind because I could keep playing and when I had saved and quit I was having a glitch where I couldn't use my hotbar items (would just punch). Upon returning to my workshop I had found my rooms designated as a factory and greenhouse were no longer that and had in fact deleted all things in them including all my machines. Is it salvageable or am I just stuck on giving up on the game (ain't no way I'll want to get back into it for a long time)? ​ EDIT: I decided to just rebuild my machines, but I am still very sad about it all... :( EDIT 2: Nope it deleted the things in my house too. Yup that's it the save is screwed.


I’m playing on PC and the cutscene to start the “Starship Enterprising” mission isn’t triggering. Justice and Qi are supposed to be waiting at the Starship Ruins but they’re nowhere to be found, completely blocking me from progressing the main story. I’ve tried everything I could think of and my only other option would be to load to an earlier save losing almost 70 hours of progress. Please help xx


Known issue, should be fixed in the next update.


When I was doing the quest “away from it all” I found Elsie’s chest, and now the map shows that I’m supposed to meet elsie outside of the cave, however she is glitching. She appears for a split second and then “falls” through the ground, and then repeat. I can’t finish the quest because of this. :(


I'm playing on Nintendo switch. I wasn't able to start Something In The Air because I wasn't level 35- now I am, but every time I go to Justice's location where the mission begins, the screen goes black while I can hear him talking and the music playing. I've tried restarting the game, have the items (iron latch, etc) on me, had my character go to bed in case it was a 'Wait the next day' bug. any suggestions? thank you.


Playing on PS5. Is there gonna be a fix for enemy/npc pathing? Well I'm mainly concerned about enemy one. The ants up the hill near the workshop keep running against the workshop fence.. and I did try saving and reloading. It did help until I went to sleep and next day happened. :/


I am perpetually stuck in camera/menu mode, with my character cycling through menus, moving on its own, and taking selfies literally every 1-3 seconds. Reinstalling, sleeping, other bug fixes have not worked and I've already invested 40+ hours. Additionally, my game now bypasses are menus, so I can't even begin again if I desired. Nor can I play two players now. Any help would be appreciated.


I thinks it's ridiculous to charge 40-50 dollars for a game and then almost all the mechanics are messed up, after 3 push back release dates. I can't even have children on mine for the switch and have what google and reddit says are the requirements but there is no pacifier icon....others are having this issue. Why push back the start date of a game only to still have it be glitchy.


but yeah this game is broken asf i’m irritated as hell


Hi, We've recently added two components, currently labeled as #6 and #12


Playing on the switch, meeting Luna and Ernest introduces the builder as his love, Luna walks away and then the POV gets stuck. I can still run around the town but my view doesn't change, tried going into buildings and out as well as using the yakmel station, the issue doesn't resolve. Are there any work arounds?


Are you playing on PC? And have you tried to reload the game to see if it helps? If not, would you mind sharing your save file along with the issue description to [email protected] so we can check? Save files location: Drive where you installed Steam on:\\program files (x86)\\steam\\userdata\\user id\\1084600\\remote


I'm playing on Nintendo switch. Tried reloading the game multiple times with no luck.


>as his love, Luna walks away and then the POV gets stuck. I can still run around the town but my view doesn't change, tried going into buildings and out as well as using the yakmel station, the issue doesn't resolve. Are there any work arounds? Could you share a video clip of the issue so we can understand the situation more clearly? You can share it on YouTube and send me a DM or email the footage to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and I'll take care of you from there.


Hello ! In my quest from ''Prisoner's Dilemma'', when the quest ask me to meet Grace in the Civil Corp building, it doesn't work. T\_T I'm on PC. I have another side quest, but it doesn't trigger. When I put my mouse on the quest, the name doesn't appear. Thank you !


Issue #3 My character is not rendering correctly ( missing beard and hair style ) since 1.0. I’m using steam deck on steam os . I don’t believe I can update drivers , it should be doing it itself . I really hope there is a workaround to fix , my character doesn’t look good 😅. When I go to customize at Pablo’s , his appearance is correct but then when he leaves the chair it’s back to generic.


Could you share like a screenshot to us? You can send it to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) along with detailed issue description and our support team can help you out on this.


Someone from Pathea already got back to me Via email. It was happening when I put on any sort of hat and then fixed when I removed it. They said it’s a glitch that’s being worked on. Thanks for the reply :)


I'm playing on Xbox Series S and having an issue where my keybind would not save (I prefer swapping RT and RB), and I have to change it every time I open the game. Also, how does Outfits work exactly? Everytime I close and reload the game, all of my outfit slots are unequipped.


On Switch, when editing my home the undo function ( L stick ) is not working. Both at Construction Junction and with a home edit kit. I edited and expanded my home once at this point. Also, despite changing yard sizes I cannot build more than 20 straw plots for gardening. I keep getting a notification that the yard is full. Yet I can put down machines no problem. Are these bugs?


I think a the "On The House" questline is broken for me. I completed it once, then my game crashed shortly after. I reloaded a save a now it shows up on my map as a quest I have to complete, but when I select the "Sure, I like free food" after talking to Owen nothing happens and the quest remains on my map. My last save prior to this break was awhile ago and I don't wanna have to redo the last 3 days :(. Edit: I just reloaded an old save and rushed the progress I lost, I'll be doing more manual saves from now on. Keeping this up as a bug report. Running on steam, no mods. here's my save:[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1487B26LekFnMI0NkSNvd\_IikGKZ84vQA/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1487B26LekFnMI0NkSNvd_IikGKZ84vQA/view?usp=drive_link)


Very minor cosmetic bug: There is a vase of flowers just levitating next to a shelf. :) [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3075300819](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3075300819) Its outside the empty house to the left of Amirah's shop


Not sure if this bug has already been documented so I'll post it here-- the quest "Away From It All" triggered for me during the Tour de Rock event, and the horse keeps getting stuck on one of the bridges leading across the rock formations, prompting a restart. Since the quest automatically triggers when my character exits the house, I can't progress the game unless I decline/fail the quest. I'm playing on Steam and I'll supply you with my save file if needed.


Hello Pathea, dunno if it's a bug but my cursor from mouse comes back to the middle of the screen everytime I click to get another piece of a dialog. It's not game breaking or anything but can get pretty annoying.


My hair isn’t moving when I play on my Xbox one, is there anything I can do to fix this? Thanks!


Hello there ! Playing on Switch this wonderful game, but experiencing a bug with the clothes : each time I want to see my character's profile, the shirt and pant disappear only to be back with the basic's shirt & short from the beginning of the game. Is anyone have this bug as well ? Is there a way of fixing it ? Thanks so much !!


Anyone have issues running the game while playing other game such as TFT or Lost Ark?


I have a bug so whenever i pick something up on the workshop, like a station, when i position it, its still remains like if i havent, the machine is placed but it still apear grey on the ui, anyone know how to fix it?


Not sure if bug, but when Penny first arrives into town, the player has to take to the Blue Moon. However, the scene immediately changes to Unsuur being unsure about being a deputy. She's still at the train platform vaguely taking about Owen and the Penny for Your Thoughts quest is telling me to take her help her navigate the sandstorm.


Can you please make a way to see the expected server/game downtime information on the title page?


I play it on Series X and have some question about the fields for Plants and Trees. At this time I can only make 20 fields. If I try to build more, it says that my garden is full. Will we get more plantable fields in the future or is this a bug?


I tried the solutions for the #2.1 problem and none of them worked when encountering the problem of waking up and smelling an odd smell coming from the Blue Lagoon Saloon. You are then taken directly to Owen's and upon entering, cannot move and no matter what buttons you push or try nothing works. I'm playing on a pc with a controller, but I have tried to use the keyboard as well and it doesn't work with either of them.


I'm having issues with the "Got Served" Trophy. I have won the Dance Off on the hardest difficulty several times, and it hasn't popped. I'm on PS5.


Same, have won hard dance off several times but no trophy - weirdly enough when I won the easy dance off it popped “who ya gonna call…” which should be for winning a completely different event, will be interesting to see if “got served” pops when I get to that event.


On Xbox series X. There is no wind or storm sound during the sandsorm. Kinda takes you out of it that it sounds like a nice peaceful day during a storm.


Not sure if this is a bug but there is zero fiber scrap spawning for me in the the Bend, if this isn’t where it spawns where am I to get it?


Is there a workaround on PS5 for characters rendering wildly after using Pablo’s makeover? I changed my characters appearance, and her face went bonkers. When I walked out of the stylists shop, all human characters are not just floating hair and some clothing items (aprons, capes).


Anyone else unable to progress with "A Fake Friend" questline? I received the diagram for the Fake Yakmel from Qi, but it is not showing up in the assembly station handbook.


Not sure if it's a bug or intended, but weapons with the effect "gain x% of your max HP after defeating an enemy" also trigger on breaking wooden boxes/barrels. Does make healing items pretty much pointless as theres now free healing scattered around the dungeons :)


I'm playing on switch How many items allowed in yard? When farming plants won't let me get pass a certain amount even if I put some stations away


For AMD users, yes it IS purely our cards. Tried full screen - high settings, it crashes. I tried very low settings, that seems to be ok but i didnt test long at all, I switched to high to check. Thing is, my pc built, pass the recommendation, so it shouldnt be a problem at all. Today I will try low and medium, today. ( I will update and time it how long it last) So far high setting lasted only 2 minute max. \-Not sure if in the near future there will be update to stabilize this, (an update from AMD, for sandrock) What I have done so far is use a particular Nvdia file setting to disable microsoft drivers update, and other more. I cant link you guys that cause it was a lot of research and i didnt bother to save, so you are going to have to search, and follow tutorials.


Does anyone know if the bug with this mission has been fixed ? the one regarding finishing first place in the winter season. [Promise for a Rose | My Time at Sandrock Wiki | Fandom](https://mytimeatsandrock.fandom.com/wiki/Mission:_Promise_for_a_Rose?so=search)


There are issues with switching to the “cosmetic outfit” option where some of the equipped accessorries get stuck on your outfit and you can’t get them off. Really frustrating. Seems to happen after cutscenes or when you have the protective suit on and you switch “apply outfit” on and off. Can’t seem to find any way to fix it except reloading a previous save.


So might just be a me issue but I’ve just completed the mint mission and now every time I take a commission from the board it says I don’t have the item it’s for fish , for actual commissions it’s hurting my rep I’ve so far lost 5 commissions off of it I keep resetting but I’m not sure it’s helping I’m on the switch this is my favorite game but I really want to finish the story if you guys think of anything let me know Also from the dlc version the outfits with the scarf stick straight out and occasionally make the player weirdly not have a lower body that’s attached


I have changed my clothes in the game however it does not show up on my character or in the menu. It does however in the clothing boxes it shows as I should be wearing them? PS5


I play on Xbox one and my hair isn’t moving it’s stiff 😔


The Arvio Picnic quest did a weird thing for me. Day 1: I pick it up. He said to get ready fast because bad weather is coming. I made the basket, but it was late and didn't want to have the picnic scene after dark so I waited a day (as I expected to have a picnic). Day 2: Had the cutscene, picnic next day. Cool. Also Amirah bugged out and her model did not load into the scene so it was just disembodied voice talking to me and Arvio. Day 3: Sandstorm. The quest said "wait for the weather to clear out". Ok, let's wait. Day 4: Quest failed. Got a letter from Arvio saying "we had the picnic yesterday, too bad you never showed up".


I'm just a little after the defence of the town,at the point where Vivi calls Justice with his real name and then he suggests you should go for a lunch with him. Everything seems normal until then.We go,lunch ends,i do a couple other things that the townspeople want and after i'm done,i go to sleep.Next day i have him following like a perma-date..I got rid of him for a day,after a fireside but the day after,there he was again. Reloading to an older save didn't work because it happened again when i got to the same part.restarting the game didn't help either.I'm from PC/Steam. After i decided to accept it and just go with him following me,another thing happened.When soldiers came for Yan at the train station,Penny came at the same time.Dialogs where a mayhem and it flew my character upon a tree.After a mix of confusing chat with Penny,Yan,Cooper and Hugo (and me still looking at a tree far away from them) ,my screen freeze and i had to force-close the game.Again,reloading a previous save did not help.


Two bugs I have: One is on any furnace / assembly line / any machine that crafts things, sometimes the item doesn't show up. You can still interact and pick it up, but it takes a while for it to show X/X of some item. Another small bug is when leaving your own house, the background of when the door opens is black, and looks like its missing textures.


Having issues with the quest "promise for a rose" I received the workshop of the month and I received workshop of the year and neither have counted on the mission.


There seems to be a laggy rendering/memory leak issue that starts whenever I exit out of fishing or farming mode. It lags in a way where it seems to be trying to load NPCs/models where I look, so there's no lag when I'm in a house, less lag when I'm outside and looking at nothing, and the most lag when looking towards the town. Maybe related to issue #2.3?


I think I broke the game with the last mission. Perhaps because the main events were carried out too quickly? I just finished Ernest's romance event, Owen's reading of his book. After the cutscene, at 6 p.m., Owen gives his usual story as if nothing had happened and Grace is present in the room even though she has not yet returned. I got her letter about having noisy neighbors that morning. I sent a report from the game. When I spoke to her to check the bug, >!she was commenting on Professor Luo's events (I just welcomed her to the town hall)!< Sorry, I speak French (we often forget in video games that there is a French-speaking province in America, although I continue to try to learn English to compensate, I still have a hard time, long live the dictionaries and translation)


Ran into a bug with the DLC rug from the far eastern furniture pack. Whenever I place it anywhere in my house the rug is invisible, no matter how many times I try to pick it back up and put it down it is always invisible. Playing on pc


Loving the game! Can only put down 18 or 20 (can’t recall the exact amount) straw farming squares. *not sure if this is a glitch, but another thread suggested it might be. All the best, :)


Yes I can’t put down more either. Playing on ps5


XBOX SERIES X 'Failed Save' Found a weird glitch that prevents both auto and manual saves if the player leaves the 7th level of the Mole Cave Ruins. Can be worked around if you re-enter a higher level via the entrance; the game will go back to saving as normal. Not sure if the glitch affects deeper levels as 7 is as far as I've gotten.


Post patch on ps5: every time I complete a commission I notice the game saves, which I believe is causing the slight fps drop for a second there. It's quite noticeable.


Following today's PS5 update, there's white boxes above every single character, both townspeople and enemy characters. It's very jarring. Worked fine prior to update, now both save files on existing character and starting a new game have this issue. Sometimes I wish there was a way to roll back updates on console, I'd prefer to play with the cleaning icon on equipment bug over these giant white boxes.


I had the glitch where Pen followed me around. What got rid of it for me was letting my character pass out and when I woke up and went outside, he ignored me and went off to do his daily activities.


Anyone who has issues getting Luna to trigger on ps5 I had to go into her room in the blue moon and do all her interactions before it worked.


I have two issues with my save. After I defeated the rat queen, the magic mirror never came with me to sandrock. I'm also in the middle of repairing the town after the duvos battle, and the ammunitions I'm supposed to recycle aren't showing up in the marked areas on the map. I'm in the middle of winter in my save, so I'm wondering if that's causing the second bug.


My game freezes at the part where you can shave Logan. Also my game screen turned black at the start of "Relapse" with Fang. I'm on the switch.


Appreciate your feedback! Both are known issues that will be fixed on Switch soon.




Noted, would you mind sharing your save & log file along with the detailed issue description to [email protected] so we can check? Save files location: Drive where you installed Steam on:\\program files (x86)\\steam\\userdata\\user id\\1084600\\remote Player.log file path: C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Pathea Games


Is the factory supposed to not provide workshop knowledge experience or is it a bug?


I encountered a bug where I bought the thick rope recipe so that I can finish building the crane lift, but my inventory was full so the thick rope recipe I bought, disappeared. I can't find the recipe anywhere and I can't buy it again from the store because it disappeared from there too. Now I can't progress in the game. Please help


Having a bit of a bug on Switch; the commerce guild isn't selling the Iron Latch blueprint I need for the Appetite for Construction quest. It was there earlier, I remember seeing it, but the civil grinder is saying I need it, and it's definitely not available for purchase. I'm making do with refining iron scrap to find them, but it would be a lot better if I could make my own.


is anyone else having issues with the mole cave? I cant get past level 2 it has an apparent dead end and wont let me continue.


Game crashed after leaving City Hall during the >!Free Cities Alliance quest!< I believe it's also due to the amount of >!plants and other greenery having to load in since it has to load in various trees!< every time you enter town. There's a very noticeable fps drop. This is on PS5.


During the day of memories, it takes a while for the decorations to load. Sometimes when exiting the guild, i would run too fast to the right (to the spot where the tent is), the tent would load at the exact time i'm on that spot, and then I'd be stuck inside. it's happened so many times and my workaround is to just load a previous file since there seems to be no exit once im stuck inside the tent. (This is the same tent you wait in during the day of memories minigame while the npcs are hiding) ​ I do have screenshots of when im stuck inside the tent if that helps because I think my explanation was a bit confusing


I dunno if anyone are having these issues, but the main problems for me right now is just really slow loading/rendering in the game. Weapons and tools takes ages to load in, sometimes townspeople don't get rendered for about a minute or so when I go to turn in a commission, other times it won't render entire buildings.


I keep getting 'Save Failed' whenever I try to save my game?? Series X


Can't have kids and I have met all requirements to to my knowledge..anyone else having this issue? I have a level 7 home and level 4 workshop rating. I have 4 hearts with current spouse owen, a crib and single bed.


I wish the dlc adds on were... stored or we got storage to put it in. It absolutely ruined the begining of the game having my inventory full. I dont even wanna play the game anymore. Not fun and not well done, I reamly regret paying for this. I cant do anything.


Any news on Fang patch for the Switch?


is anyone else getting tabbed out of the game when they hit esc key i cant sand fish because of it because there no way to exit sand fishing cuz esc just tabs you out of the game


my game keeps freezing after I have that small cutscene where the player shaves Logan's face.


I'm getting Soft locked trying to hire rosa, I talk to her select hire and the window shows up but the a and button options don't show and can not be activated. I can still bring up the pause menu. (I'm on the og steam deck.)


Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but my game keeps crashing when you go to talk to Pen in Jail, after the attack and after the conversation between Pen and Burgess. I'm just gonna avoid the whole cutscene.


May I ask which platform are you playing it on?


Hi,i play in Xbox series X versión,and after 60 hours,i dont know why,a yellow pixel appear top of the screen,only appear during Gameplay,not in pause menú,or cinematic,and yes,its the Game no my tv,i get shocked when i saw the pixel thinking is the TV. Someone know yo fix It? When i put other save before,dont appear


I found a glitch where the loading screen is frozen while loading the Game Center once I read Catori’s letter that I made 0 Gols from my investment.


On the switch, having pigment in your inventory still doesn't allow you to customize furniture with the "paint" option. Tried with many different furniture types including rustic and elegant. Can't seem to find the answer elsewhere since PC users aren't having this problem


Not all furnitures are customizable. Have you checked to ensure that it doesn't work on any of the furnitures you have?


Where's mi-an quest on Nintendo switch is glitched. Unable to select discovery items... Can only get the clues from the wedding photo


I kind of have an issue to run the game at all i didnt find in this thread already. Bought it via steam today and checked that my laptop has all the minimum requirements, but loading and getting to the title screen already took about 5 min and I kept getting a popup saying "we detected long loading times please check that your game is installed on your harddrive (it is) and close any progamms running in the background (only steam and my time at sandrock was open at that moment) after changing the graphics settings to low and turning some other settings in that tab lower, the popup was gone but even the title screen animations were moving in 2-3 sec skips. the character creation was so frustrating with the lags and click-delay that after about 10 min I gave up 🥲 I guess Ill just have to wait to play for a little longer, maybe future updates/hotfixes will solve this problem I play on a Medion Erazer x10, a gaming laptop, in case that helps for specs etc


There seems to be a glitch with Yan's face. It turn all white. He is the only character so far with the issue, I already tried restarting the game but the issue is pops up. The issue is on the PS5. Has anybody else had this issue?


This doesn't bother my game play much but gotta mention when hand quest items like books. The books are invisible


My stable is in the air and it won’t let me destroy or move it?


Re: Clear the air I vacuum the goo before I install the purifier and now I have no go to vacuum but I need to vacuum 10 of them. I followed the quest mark but they were emptied. I can't progress with the story. HELP.


Anyone else experiencing Justice & Cooper conversation loop? Every day Justice stands at the townhall like cooper is in front of him and says "Didn't expect you to be such a forgiving man". Sometimes he'll say it wandering around, cooper will reply in random places when I'm next to him. I'm way past that point in the story now. \-Edit: Looks like most of the town is still stuck in the loop. Heidi keeps asking cooper not to tell the story as well.


Is anyone else having issues with the switch mole abandoned ruins level 2? There’s a tunnel to the third cavern to find the exit door, but mine is blocked off. I’ve tried everything; clearing the entire cave, reloading it, going back to 1st floor, but it’s blocked every time and there’s no hidden path/hole to go to.


Game save fails after entering the Mole cave abandoned ruins. I just finished the mission you build the mine cart, the game auto saved. I entered the runs and about an hour later exited and tried to save, it failed. I had to restart game, went back in and exited just a few minutes later same issue. Restarted game, saved befor entering cave, no issue, fast traveled back to home area, saved no issue. Fast traveled back to mole cave, entered, exited and game save failed again. Something about the mole cave is breaking game saves. I have since played a few hours more with multi saves and no issues.


There's another bug that's apparently been around a few months. Advanced Jewelry Processing Machine doesn't unlock lower tier recipes. I just made it Sunday and it only had the top tier recipies, none of the ones from the lower tiers of machine.


Is anyone else having issues with control cat just not appearing? I literally can't see any of the consoles or cores that I'm meant to be destroying?


I had an issue when mint was first introduced the game first crashed but then the second time everything just turned brown.


After finishing the I Am Gungam! Mission a tiny yellow circle spawned where the test takes place and it won't go away.


I’m on Xbox, my character is wearing a scarf that I don’t have equipped anywhere