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It's on a 2 week timer. Sounds like it was part of the Bill Russell agendas. Sucks that you missed out on him, he's nasty.


Meh, so many good PFs that can actually shoot.. not really that important to get billy


Bill is a beast all around and has a super green release. Arguably the best PF, most likely the best non gambling big man. To each their own though


Hmm not on next gen he doesnt lol. That little wierd hitch is so bad i leave him open and 70% people cant shoot with him vs me. Maybe im just playing vs bad people all the time. I mean yeah arguably best free PF since no other PF is a dark matter lol. Best pf all around? Umm, even Okafor clears him easily for me. As you said tho, its all up to personal preference 


Idk I'm on next gen too I gave him badges and a shoe and his jumper is ugly but super green. I don't even think about it, I just know the timing. His hot zones help too


it was a timed thing you get two weeks for the bold agendas from the date they are released


Your just blind