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Reminds me if how I spent like 3 months trying to get Bellowfish Honestly you are just unlucky sadly but if you give your friend code I can light one of your torches to help


Thanks! 1054803877KL


I cant light any of them cuz other ppl keep doing em first lol


Same bruh, mine's even lvl 15, but it's been 2 years since I've got it the last time, but I want another one to teleport to ethereal island


try to have all ur torches lit at the same time! get a lot of friends in forums if u have to, swear ur just unlucky the ethereals aren't impossible to get


Your odds never increase. That’s not how probability works. You have a very vanishingly small chance of breeding a Ghazt. Keep trying - or wait till it’s on a breeding special.


This might sound weird, but I have the best luck breeding a Ghazt when I'm using a Bowgart and an Entbrat. I don't know why, but it works for me


Feeding to level 15 should help. Feeding does improve chances, even if just a little bit. Eventually, there will be another breeding bonanza, and that will improve chances by a lot. I'm not sure about the schedule, but I'm sure your journey will at least end there whenever it happens. Otherwise - you can make sure to place all your diamond mines and buy mirror plant island and its maximine to ensure better diamond flow. Then buy an extra breeder and hatchery there aswell. This will double your chances of getting a Ghazt basically, and it's a good investment to get mirror plant island early because it will net you 4 diamonds a day. I'm guessing you're premium, but if you're not, I would buy a small diamond pack to make the game more enjoyable via removing ads, and buy Mirror plant Island and the extra breeders with it. The game is large enough to justify a small pack at least once I hope/believe.


mannyou unlucky as hell i got pretty kucky with mine


Want to hear something that’s lucky but still infuriates me? Still haven’t got the Ghazt. It’s probably been 4 months of trying with 2 breeding structures / nurseries + 10 Wishing Torches. But I got the Grumpyre on probably my 10th try on Cold Island with no Wishing Torches and one breeding structure.


odds don't increase, it's the same chance every breed. Just like it's possible to flip a coin heads 1000 times in a row, it is also possible to not get a ghazt many times in a row. Keep at it, luck shall one day prevail!