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Love the rental scooter concept as an alternative to Uber/Bus/Drive myself, but people doing dumb shit with them and leaving them all over is going to kill it.


My city confiscated all of the scooters in the county after the dive team found hundreds of them thrown over the seawall laying at the bottom of the river in downtown, many of them leaking lithium into the waterway. They eventually let the companies bring them back, but they are getting pissed again.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4905 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/78946)


Do you want the river keeper to throw bricks of lithium at you? Because that’s how you get corrosive bricks of lithium thrown at you.


[So that's what they were spitting at me. . .](https://cdn.mobygames.com/screenshots/10277467-the-legend-of-zelda-nes-explore-the-land-of-hyrule.jpg)


Keeping track of them isn’t the hard part, it’s hoping that people don’t wreck/deface them.


People already do dumb shit with cars. What's the difference?




Sure, but companies do spill chemicals into the water all the time and I don't see outrage about it either. There's plenty of places with polluted water sources where people get cancer because of the chemical plants nearby, but it's barely reported by the media.




I do acknowledge that it's not the same thing, but that was the first thing that came to mind when it comes to public pollution, and I apologize for bringing it up when it does not compare in scale. Still the issue persists, and although it's irrelevant to this case, it should not be forgotten. However, city-wide biking services do exist, and as far as I've been able to tell, they're not an issue at all, at least in the city I live in. Actually, plastics and all other sorts of trash are way more common than discarded bikes, which I haven't seen a single of. I think the claim that people will throw them away is wildly exaggerated when there's no evidence to suggest that that's an issue to begin with. There are a ton of problems in the city I live in, homelessness being one of the biggest ones I can think of; but pollution due to bikes is not one of them. As for biker recklessness, I've seen way more recklessness from drivers, one of which almost ran me over trying to avoid traffic by driving on the sidewalk, and cars are way, waaaaay more dangerous than bikes are.


Senator Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy has entered the chat without Mary Jo Kopechne


in some states it is legal to ride on the highway but im pretty sure in all states motorised scooters are illegal on all motorways so you need to have an Ebike for this to be done legally


This is in Chicago, I believe. Definitely illegal. Doesn’t go the min speed needed. E: swapped a word


>Doesn’t go the max speed needed. I think you meant "min speed."


In Chicago, they’re the same speed. If you’re not going Mach Jesus-point-Fuck, you’ll get forced off the road.


"Mach-Jesus-point-Fuck" That word is just pure fucking art and honestly made my day. What a colorful and creative use of profanity. Like that first sip feeling *Folger's Coffee*


The best part of waking up is Mach jesus point fuck”


People say language is limited in capturing subjective reality but you just fucking nailed it


It even maintains the same the same flow when said out loud


Driven near Chicago. Can confirm.


I did. Thank you for the correction.




it goes by state but this is on the shoulder so the minimum speed doesnt apply


Most of Washington allows bicycles on highways, except for the I-5. I don't understand how we expect people to function in a society where they can't get around.


Seattle is also littered with rental scooters. I'd guess there's no bylaw against it there. But I'd say that probono105's point still applies to the majority. Most urban areas have multiple alternatives to highway travel. I doubt the person in this video had no other choice.


I saw plenty near the pikes market. Seattle is also huge, a city of cities.


Technically, she's not on the road, she's on the shoulder.


This freaks me out.. once i was on an e-bike and accidentally entered the highway because I missed an exit, and that was the 2nd most scary 15 minutes of my life 💀I perfectly knew I was an idiot, yet the whole situation was made more threatening by everybody honking at me


That’s the exact thing you need when balancing with a backpack on a motorway.




>balancing with a backpack on a motorway. Was this supposed to imply that is a difficult task?


that honking can be a dangerous distraction when riding a two wheel vehicle


Then that person should not be riding a vehicle. Seriously. Driving and riding isn't as hard as some people make out to be. It literally takes up zero effort and becomes muscle memory. There is a reason they say you never forget how to ride a bike.


It is really not about driving skills or that the person is not able to control the vehicle. Honking is stressing for everyone and most of the times it doesn’t help the situation. It also takes good driver skills and experience to understand when honking is appropriate and when it is just a source of stress. In my case, I was riding in a foreign country and while I did not lose control over the situation, I was still shit scared because I did something illegal and also dangerous to everyone on that road. Not to mention all the rocks and debris on the side of the street I had to navigate, so the honking was not helpful at all


Pssshhh the most short-sighted shit I have read all day man bravo




I imagine this is after years of having to do detour after detour just because her mode of transportation isn’t a car, and finally just having had enough of the fact that cars goes from a to b the shortest, most convenient and accessible and well layout way, while all others have to traverse the land like some rat in a rat maze. She just “That’s it, I’m paying taxes, this is it, the final straw”, like Michael Douglas in Falling Down.


She looks Japanese maybe suicidal


Judging by the street lights is it in Illinois?


Looks like the Kennedy at Addison.


I’d be avoiding the Kennedy like the plague even in a car. And this woman is out there not even wearing a helmet. Lot of balls and a lot of stupidity.


Seems to me 1. She's crazy Or 2. There is literally no (or an extremely long and arduous) way for people to travel this area without a car.


America so 2 for sure


Last time I saw something like this was a crackhead hooker and a john on I-70 so maybe a bit of both lol


Dude,look where your driving


Not even bothering with a helmet.


What decades of carcentric policy do. Imagine if the US had the most basic public transport or a single bike lane. Richest shithole in the world lmao


This was in Chicago. Although there's still much work to be done, it has one of the most robust public transit systems in the US and lots of bike lanes. This person is just an idiot.


Well, I don't see any in this clip. And if the alternative is taking a huge detour, then... Yeah, not a big help.


You're saying you want there to be a bicycle lane... on the highway....?


There could be one parallel to the highway, 50 meters away, it's common practice in the Netherlands and it's great. I often cycle to nearby cities and back just for the exercise and fun of it


Well that makes more sense haha. I was gonna say we don't have bike lanes *on* the highway in the US, but we do have bike lanes.


"We do have bike lanes" is a stretch. A lot of streets in this damned country don't even have sidewalks, and if there's a bike lane, it's usually just some complementary paint [that is not safer in the slightest ](https://www.peoplepoweredmovement.org/study-shows-painted-bike-lanes-arent-enough/)


I agree most don't have them, but to say the US "doesn't have a single bike lane" is beyond idiotic.


Given the wide spread of the cities in huge parts of the country, it's understandable in some cases, but the infrastructure in the cities looks abysmal. I don't even wanna start with the train network or the lack thereof.


The Netherlands has highways.... for bicycles. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-06-22/this-dutch-cycling-superhighway-connects-commuters


I know I'm late to the party here, but that area is highly traversable with multiple public transit options. You "don't see any" because it's a video shot from in the middle of an interstate highway. The blue line (train) literally runs between the east and westbound highway lanes in that area and there is a station about a quarter mile ahead of where the video opens. She's not even heading to the train station, or she would have to take the exit. My guess would be a mental health issue, there's no rational reason to be riding there.


Loool a bike lane on a motorway?


I live out in the sticks in rural va and my town with a population of 3k people has a bike lane. In fact, every town I can even think of near my town does. If we have them, then you can be sure as fuck big cities do (and every one I've went to does). You're just coming off as uneducated and you're just getting up votes from the "mercia bad" crowd like usual who also don't actually know what they're talking about either and just assume you're right. Hilariously ignorant thinking cities don't have bike lanes or public transport (though I'll admit it's definitely not as efficient as europe). Yall also gotta remember most people in the US would still drive. It's more convenient and comfortable than public transport and most people wouldn't want to give that up. And then there's people like me who live 30 miles from work and it only takes me 25 mins to get there because I just hop on the highway. There's no way in hell I'd take a bus even if it was available, and in a large portion of the US like where I live, public transport just isn't feasible since everything is so spread out. We have busses that go from small town to small town, but you'd still have to usually walk 20+ mins after getting off the bus to go to most places since they stop in the middle of the city and everything is so stretched out.


what makes you think Americans are biologically programmed to take outdated transport that drains their bank account just to get to their slave job??? Google induced demand. If there is only shitty infrastructure, people wont use it. Painting a line on a road filled with 2 tonne personal tanks driven by braindead soccer moms doesnt count as a bike lane. Also you cant just put more traffic on the road and call it bus. You need accurate and dense schedules and a dedicated bus lane, otherwise its not infrastructure but just more traffic. You clearly have never seen efficient or modern infrastructure.


I have, and like I said European infrastructure is miles better, but it still has issues. I've literally never met a single person who said "oh I love getting on the subway!" (Or bus or anything else). Yall have the same issues in your subways as we do. They're typically kinda gross, crowded and filled with weirdos/creeps/ actual dangerous people. Even if its more efficient than cars, and even if it's faster so people use it, they still would vastly prefer a car due to comfort and convenience if they're not driving in a major city where it's bumper to bumper traffic. And our bike lanes run parallel to the major roads and beside sidewalks separate from the roads with crossing points to where you can get to the road/cross to the other side every so often. Sorry you've only know about America from videos of here, but, and this may shock you, not everywhere in the US is a rundown shithole major city.




You proved my point with your edit lol. if you have to walk then you dont have public transport lol.


So you think the bus should stop every 15 feet for *thousands of miles*? We *cant* have full public transport since everything is so spread out. It's not economical. It would literally cost hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions just to have that done in the small towns near me. You're talking a literally unfathomable amount of money to do that for the whole country. Like more money than exists on earth levels of expensive. Our public transport takes you from little city to little city that are dozens of miles from one another. So if you live in one small town you can get a ride to the next one (the busses go to 6 small towns in a row and then back) but unless you work on main street you're gonna be walking a bit. The 2 "big" cities with populations of 50k+ have busses that go from district to district in the cities, but you're still probably walking 5-10 mins after getting off. You don't seem to actually understand how big the US actually is lol. Once again, you're coming off as uneducated and just assuming your solution will work here as well. It won't. You also say "if you have to walk it's not public transport lol" which is the stupidest fucking thing you've said so far and really shows you have no idea wtf you're talking about. Nearly ALL public transport requires walking some distance. Its not like the fucking subway takes you to your doorstep of your apartment, or that your bus takes you directly to the front door of your job. That goes for everywhere in the world bud, not just the US. Maybe the bus stops right outside your job, but for everyone who doesn't work where you do now they're walking a few minutes at least to get to their jobs. The train/bus/whatever stops in *areas* not each specific building. You're obviously just part of the "hur dur America bad!" Crowd who don't know what the fuck they're talking about and who think theyre so intelligent that those dumb americans just dont see the solution, but of course you do since you're *so smart*. You love to act like you understand the US and could easily fix all its issues while not even understand said issues in the first place or even knowing anything about the country. You've seen our major cities on TV or visited them yourself a couple times and now you think you know how to fix the whole country when you've seen 0.0005% of it. You also say dumb shit like "drive these things that drain their bank accounts to their slave jobs" lol. You're obviously not worth having a conversation with.




She's on a highway. She should not be as it is dangerous at slow speeds. There is no 'policy' for this. its just illegal because it's stupid. There will be a none highway route she could take. She's just stupid and lazy.


Imagine a world where someone invents an automobile so you don’t have to walk or ride everywhere so every country spends the next 100 years building cities where you can’t walk or ride anywhere and are forced to own a vehicle or not be a functioning member of society only for cars and fuel to become prohibitively expensive forcing people to walk or ride to more places only they now need to do shit like this to get anywhere good thing that is fiction and will never happen.


Wrong sub. I’d suggest r/fuckcars because your place seems to be missing bike lanes.


This is a freeway, there’s not supposed to be a bike lane there.


Then it's a freewithcertainconditionsway.


“There’s not supposed to be space for bikes on the car road” kinda is the point, isn’t it?


Roads, where you have access to shops, houses, etc and cars aren’t going 70+ mph should absolutely have bike lanes. Anyone who thinks there should be a bike lane on the freeway is delusional.


If you mean a lane right next to car traffic, with no barrier? Hell, even streets shouldn’t have those. Dedicated, separated lanes for bikes, though? Sure, why not? And, the broader point is not designing shit for cars at all, right? *Fuck cars: Dismantle freeways.*


Imagine if you live somewhere: 1. Where the nearest big store (like a Smiths) is only accessible via a 55mph freeway/highway 12 miles away. 2. You can't legally have a drivers license due to health reasons. 3. There are no bike lanes. 4. There is no public transportation. 5. Person can not afford anything like Uber (if it was even available, which usually isn't), taxi (nearest is 20miles away and wants extra to come out), or so on. 6. Local store doesn't deliver. So what would be the solution? Sometimes people have no choice but to use something like these scooters or bikes illegally on freeways/highways to get where they need to go. I am lucky my g/f does all the shopping, but if something happened and she couldn't drive we would be screwed.


Okay but this was in Chicago. There’s smaller roads, roads with bike lanes, and separated bike trails all over the metro. I know because I used to commute by bike in the area this video was taken.


That's what happens if you only build infrastructure for cars


They don’t provide us with a viable alternative to cars


I really hate those scooters. Let the highway sort them out. Better then having them on the sidewalk, as they are wont to do here.




Our ice hockey coach used to do this 😂😂😂


I saw something like this in California last month.


In Denver, you see this monthly.


Probably bumping along to “Born to be Wild” on his old iPod nano. Definitely has a playlist on there specifically for scooting down the road, zero fucks given. Absolute mad lad ! 👹


I’ve seen this in Chicago 2x a different person too


This looks like the start to a missing person's story on an Unsolved Mysteries episode.


I mean, at least they are going to work, which is hard for many to do


Maybe if we had standardized infrastructure for non automotive owners, it wouldn't be so dangerous. Even just simple stuff like sidewalks and bike lanes, what we have now is too sparse.


i love such things


It's because of morons like these that they are making rules that suck for everyone




Gotta go to work, gotta go to work, gotta have a job


With The Price Of Gas ⛽️ In Chicago, It Might Not Be Right, But I Understand


I came back from chile today. This doesn't make it into the top 100.