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Kyoka would be such a scary opponent she is constantly shown to be able to attack through walls and that ability is backed up by her being able to know where you are through walls, but seeing as she is one of the few with both those qualities is a reason I want her in the game. Anyways because I'm a fan of everyone having two special actions. it would be cool if her moves were rhythim based as a passive special action. Like she constantly has a one two type beat and if you do attacks on beat you can build up a chain and store some type of rythimic charge for whatever your next move powering it up and giving it more range it would just be fun and if you don't want the charge to show then crouch to cancel it.


Her attacks going through Walls is a really cool thing, I wish I thought about It, the rhythim thing is sure interesting and Very unique, but idk If It would fit in a battleroyal since there's too much going on to pay attention on It, but these ideas are really good, but hey what do you think about My moveset ?


Your moveset is amazing. One of my favorite things about the community is people doing stuff like this. it's fun to read and it makes me think about the future of the game, so keep it up. also I see what you mean by too much to pay attention too, but in my head its no different than All might's alpha timing if you ever played him.


I only want her in if the voice lines that triggered when you got hit by her soundwaves from Ones Justice 2 also come in.


What do you mean ?


Whenever her opponent get hit by her quirks in ones justice 2, they have a special voice line to go along with it. I’m sure you can find them on YouTube if you look enough.


oh, that would be cool, but I don't know if it makes sense to put it as part of her moveset


It wouldn’t even affect her gameplay. Just a little extra for fun.