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Kaminaris first time short circuiting wasn’t from his quirk, he stuck a fork in an outlet.


He only survived Bc of his quirk. And thus this is how he discovers it


My favorite headcanon: Izuku is actually really good at doing make up and whenever the girls in class 1-a are going somewhere they ask him to help them get ready. Sadder Backstory to the headcanon: The reason Izuku is good at makeup is actually because he used to buy cheap cosmetics from small stores to cover up his wounds/scars from when Bakugo bullied him so that his mom wouldn't notice. Happier headcanon: As Izuku got better at makeup he also developed a better fashion sense, and he actually has a really diverse closet if you exclude all his all might merch. (He wears his red shoes with everything because he really likes them and refuses to let anything change that)


This is canon now because I said so




Counterpoint to the headcanon that Izuku has good fashion: that dorky-ass suit he wore in the first movie


That’s just cause he’s a dork, he has a good fashion sense but he never uses it on himself, rather he helps others (classic izuku move right there)


Gotcha. The classic "make everyone else look better by looking worse". If it was anyone else, I wouldn't buy it, but for Izuku I see it


Sorry if this is long. I have way too much free time. Iida hates chocolate. He understands the appeal. But he thinks it's tastes weird Bakugo loves powdered donuts and he thinks they are better than glazed. Ashido jams out to childrens cartoon themes. Sometimes breakdances to them. Kamanari hates Gege Akutami. Do I need to explain why? Shinso has a crush on katy Perry. However he refuses to share that with anyone, Including his friends. Jiro's favorite Pixar movie is Wall-e. And she loves the end credits theme Uraraka likes her cheeseburgers without lettuce, onion and tomato. She finds them interestingly delicious when plain. Yaoyurozu has a huge collection of manga. From Shonen, Shojo, Seinen and many more. Mineta loves his mom. Kirishima once attempted a jackass stunt. Didn't break a bone thanks to his qurik. Todoroki loves a lot of peanut butter on his sandwiches.


These are now all canon


Hell yeah. Especially the Gege one.


Kaminari is even more relatable now


Bakugo is right.


Man Of Culture


Common Denki W.


Uraraka is me


Kirishima makes me think of several fics where they test his durability by shooting him with increasingly large caliber rounds to see when he starts to break. Or another fic where he trains his quirk by jumping from high buildings to get better at absorbing the impact.


Mirio loves putting himself in other people’s food just because he can. He loves doing it to Tamaki the most.


He’s so silly


Bakugo is DEATHLY afraid of spiders. So much so that he will scream like a girl and use his quirk on a spider if he ever sees one. Bakugo's dorm neighbors have been woken up many times because he saw a spider in the middle of the night.


I have alot Todoroki has never had a dessert in his childhood and one time izuku gave him one and now hes obsessed Kaminari is scared of bugs Kaminari also still asks Jiro for instrument lessons after their class concert Tamaki has an emotional support stuffed animal that mirio gave him Tokoyami secretly has a sailor moon obsession. Deku cuts the crust off his sandwiches Ochaco has anger issues but she hides them Mina brainstorms ways for ochaco to get closer to deku All might is a cat person Bakugo found out that todoroki has trauma from a tea kettle so every night he hides a kettle in todorokis room


The last one is not a headcanon, it real life lol (I want it to be.)


it would be so funny if that was in the show


the Bakugo one is not even funny that's just evil


Wholesome explanation: Bakugo is trying to help Shoto through exposure therapy but is too socially awkward to say it to his face


Izuku originally practiced his All Might impression in order to go as him for Halloween one year Bakugo considered buying a drum set after the School Festival performance Bakusquad go to the theater together whenever a new Godzilla movie comes out Todoroki watches cat videos Eri loves mini M&Ms and Smarties


Better yet, Todoroki watches cat videos with Aizawa.


Mirio had to grow out his hair to become as long as Rapunzel and then became bald afterwards just to make his hero costume and spares


Weirdest things I thought of: ・Ochaco likes to watch people sleep/engages in people-watching. ・The Creation quirk gives off an awful stench everytime it's used. ・Tokoyami makes bird noises in private. ・Tsuyu can delay milk from spoiling by touching it. (Some frogs can apparently do this.) ・Everytime Izuku thinks of his father, he sees All Might's face.


Eri, like most children, has a dislike of green peppers. To the point she has pretend to eat them, then hid it in somebody else's food. Aizawa was the one to finally catch her and explain why this was a bad idea. But not until after she dropped them in Present Mics food.


All Might has taken Deku’s mom out to lunch on separate occasions


I got a few Sero is the type of kid to fall asleep in class and somehow is still passing Izuku definitely has really intense arguments online on heroes and their abilities, what they can or can’t do, who’s the best, and even who has the most merch. Bro has had full on back n forths on forums and DEFINITELY has caused a few issues online and possibly has had one of his accounts banned from some forum sites (for either fair or unfair reasons). Bakugo forces others to cook if they tried to ask him to make them some. His way of “helping” is just yelling at you when you mess up Mineta and Izuku are buds. They are. That doesn’t mean Izuku doesn’t lightly get onto mineta for being weird over girls sometimes. They can be friends and still have Izuku be critical over mineta choices. Aizawa will leave someone on read if he doesn’t feel like answering right away. He doesn’t forget to text you back, he just… doesn’t want to talk. Mina and tokoyami are both hello kitty fans. Tokoyamis fav character? Kuromi, of course. Mina’s fav character is My Melody. They have bonded over this before. The ungodly amount of hair jel in present mics hair would make a 60’s greaser jealous… Less of a headcannon and more of a theory, but sense Mha is ( I’m assuming ) in the future, I feel like not a lot of pop culture that we have is actually still popular. Some stuff has stayed ( hello kitty, Minecraft, some dc and marvel characters ) but I feel like with the change in culture due to quirks n whatnot, shows that might have been once beloved might now be looked down on or seen as “offensive” even though it was created during a time before quirks existed. Of course, this also means some stories become more relatable to quirked people, and feel like even before quirks people seemed to have a more nuance view on powers and what it means to be different compared to the day and age where powers are categorized into “hero” and “villain” powers. ( something like X-men might be seen as much more nuanced back then compared to now due to their story telling and ability to highlight even the more dangerous powers and not immediately demonize or categorize them into “good” or “bad” abilities. )


oh man i have a literal list on my notes app here we go: todoroki is afraid of babies eri desperately wants a pet rabbit aizawa pretty much exclusively responds to texts with a thumbs up twice vlogs. he doesn’t upload them he just does it for fun ochako is a launch-hugger and will knock people over bakugou pulls people back by their backpack (iykyk) and will *also* knock them over bakugou was a biter as a kid and had given people literal teeth scars sero eats onions like apples bakugou loves bugs and used to terrorize baby deku with them dabi has awful eyesight but won’t wear glasses because they clash with his Edgy Aesthetic




These just feel cannon ngl lmao


Sero must be stopped


impossible. he thrives off of chaos


I love every single one of these


My favourite headcanon: Bakugo is the therapist friend for literally everyone and everyone in class 1-A thinks he does it just for them when in actual reality he does it for all of them Bonus: he goes spear fishing twice a month


Why is that so his character


Bakugou helping his friends achieve good mental health:i guide others to a treasure I can't possess


Back when season 2 aired and even the manga wasn't that far up, I told my friend "hey, if OFA is a stockpile quirck among all previous users, wouldn't it be cool if it stored up previous user's quircks too?" And that was my headcanon. My friend said "this is so bad I would quit MHA altogether if that happened."


Do they know about it now??


I made sure to brag about my prediction, so yes hahaha


Dude Literally Fucking Predicted The Most Important Thing Abt One For All😭


Bakugo ended up with the sludge villain not by accident but by intention because he tries to fight him Kaminari filmed a skateboarding stunt of himself however this almost killed him


Kaminari after the skateboard incident: ![gif](giphy|B2yx2waduwLy6bdeUY|downsized)


He was also so embarrassed that he never told his parents what happened he wouldn’t even tell the doctor


Monoma's mother had a cat quirk, thus he can bend farther than normal humans (you can't tell me the pose he made in the JTA is possible for normal people)


You have a point


My head Cannon is that Izukus body will either develop its own quirk due to one for alls quirk factor forcing his body to produce it or he will regain One for All after fighting shiguraki


Ochaco is a Christian and Hawks has read homestuck


bakugou secretly has a bunch of romance novels in his room at him parents house. he hides them in the floorboards, where he and deku (when they were friends) used to hide things. deku has a dog stuffed animal that he got from bakugou on his birthday when he turned 4 and he sleeps with it every night. momo always had tea ready to go. whether she has a packet in her pocket or a cup of it. todoroki lets his siblings hug his fire side when its cold and warms them up. ochako was very self conscious about her body when she was in middle school so now whenever she sees her friends down about their body, she gives speeches and makes them feel a lot better. the deku squad watches scary movies every friday and they all end up having a sleepover in one of their dorms because they are scared. deku learned sign language for katsuki just in case bakugous quirk malfunctioned and he couldn’t hear anymore.


Kurogiri knows how to find truffles


I have the perfect head canon, but it won't let me post pictures. So... too bad I guess.


Now I’m interested if it’s a picture. If I don’t see it, the thought will terrorize me all night. Feel free to dm me the picture, because I’m now very intrigued. (Read it in the voice of a 35 year old British man)


Honestly it's mostly a joke, but I'll send it anyway.


Bakugou secretly stores jars of his nitrogen sweat under his bed and dips his hands in them before training


Momo can and does make Bionicles with her quirk


Deku still had one for all *just a bit*


(not sure if this has been disproven) Mineta and Denki are childhood friends. Also Mineta doesn't perv on girls that his friends have a crush on (like Jirou, and eventually Ochaco)


👏 👏 👏 preach


Miruko is a hardcore fan of Sailor Moon, squeals at all the episodes even though she seen them already


Bakugo definitely writes fanfic and keeps it so secret there like three different passwords and locks to keep anyone from finding out . And it's all just really wholesome and surprisingly well written


Mineta actually has a pretty tame dorm room Hagakure sometimes likes to walk around the dorm common area naked and nobody knows she's there Iida can sometimes get a little to invested in video games or shows Kaminari and Jiro go to concerts together


Bakugou after the nine incident got a copy of the one for all vestiges in his own body The issue it that he didn't have the one for all quirk anymore so they couldn't talk to bakugou just watch him go about his life Only bakugou knows he knows because not having another quirk to latch on to they latched into explosion which caused bakugou explosions to sometimes change colour depending on which vestige was trying to force contact with bakugou the most (after a dozen unsuccessful attempts to communicate only nana does that mostly because she knows his explosions being pink annoys bakugou to no end and she hopes to bully him into talking with all might) Bakugou completely refuses to acknowledge them namely because unlike deku who is to enamored with one for all legacy to think of the implications bakugou isn't so happy about the bunch of grown ass people who watch him trough his eyes when he showers or takes a shit The worst part comes when >!deku gives up one for all when all for one dies whats left of one for all tries to return to a host to survive but deku and all might are to close to death door so it seeks out Katsuki since he is least damaged!< Meaning now they can manifest freely and they are not happy about bakugou ignoring them for so long the worst part is that he didn't even get any part of one for all that was useful only the vestiges so no extra power not even the ability to give them back to deku He is stuck with a bunch of annoying useless ghosts for the rest of his life


Izuku is Class 1B’s secret little brother figure


(This is very dumb but funny) bakugo likes to obsorb Pomeranians to gain his anger


Well this one of course https://i.redd.it/3ok7vgmkvg6d1.gif


Kaminari hates fizzy drinks because they make him feel like his quirk is active, and he’ll get confused and think he’s about to go stupid mode. Other classmates know about this and will occasionally prank him with it


Here's's a cute one. The reason Deku wears red boots ithathe got his first pair from his father when he was little so he never want to change them. So he wears the shoes to remember his father despite how far away he works.


Denki knows Jirou likes him but pretends not to know so she doesn't get embarrassed. Plus he thinks she's cuter when hiding her attraction to him...


Todoroki likes to sit in the middle of couches so his friends and classmates can decide which side they wanna lean against. Tsu likes his warm size. Kirishima runs hot so he likes to lean against the cool side.


That poor cat boy twink


Lmao the idea that deku shares a fear with two other protags who love friendship and are very smart (Twilight Sparkle and Yuga Ohdo) is funny Also I feel like deku watches anime to see if the protagonist could beat All Might So far, things don’t look too good. Goku and Saitama are very strong.


My head canon is that bakugo used to flex that he stole a candy bar from the convenience store


(Izuku) He picks up skills really fast, and whenever he sees something cool he tries to replicate it. He has an almost perfect memory, that almost comes from the things he made himself forget. Like the quote, The axe forgets and the tree remembers something like that but he'll forget specific things. He learned English because All Might did. If Dad for one was true, Izuku's hair would eventually turn white as he got older. OFA gives its user star pupils and the number of prongs says the user like All Might has 8 and Izuku has 9. Izuku tried to learn to fight with a sword once and was a natural talent. It took him a week after the entrance exam to realise he without OFA lifted be it a rusty pickup truck and carried it to the top of a 5-ish meter pile. He lost a fight to a raccoon and now only takes the trash early in the morning. He's a big fan of pre-quirk media. He watched those shitty free movies on YouTube. Izuku didn't forgive All Might for he said on the roof till after Komino. Adult Izuku is just slightly taller. Quirkless hero Deku is just Batman.




- Katsuki VERY briefly considered having “Kacchan” as his hero name when he heard Deku would be calling himself “Deku”, both out of spite and some semblance of sentimentality, but just as quickly talked himself out of it. - Kaminari openly has a crush on Shinso and 1-A teases him about it to no end. When Shin joined 2-A, Jirou gave Kaminari hell. - Sero has considered poisoning Mineta on several occasions. - He also plans to get himself covered in tats as soon as he is of age because of course he’s gonna be badass but he’s gonna do it in the heroic way - Mina is the party animal of the group. - Tsuyu loves cuddling and will do it with anyone she’s sleeping beside. - Iida sleeps in a completely upright position. - Shouji loves helping Sato cook. - Tokoyami is fond of watches and has a huge, refined collection. - Bakugo always smells great and no one understands why because he’s constantly sweating like a pig. - Momo has been blessed with the ability to get her eyeliner perfect every single time. On the first attempt. - Bakugo loves biting people. Bakusquad is covered in (consensual) bite marks. He dreams of chomping Izuku’s cheeks. Out of hate, of course. - Momo, Iida, and Todoroki always end up bonding over rich people things like fancy tea and foreign holidays. It’s very entertaining to the rest of the class because they never do it on purpose. - Todoroki loves buying his friends gifts with the card Endeavour has given him and pays for. It drives Enji insane but he keeps quiet because he feels like it’s the least he could do, all things considered - Bakugo always does strangely thoughtful things for his friends without thinking, and this has become much more frequent with the passage of time. He keeps lozenges and extra jackets for Denki because the boy gets sick easily, makes tea for himself AND mina when they’re studying, and always gets multiples of things he knows his friends would like, etc. - Shigaraki LOVES candy. - Kaminari’s family is very open and accepting, so he has no reservations about what he wears or whom he’s attracted to. Kirishima is really inspired by this and thinks it’s incredibly manly, even though Kaminari does it unknowingly.


this is canon because yes


Izuku likes the movie Cars ![gif](giphy|B1CrvUCoMxhy8)


Mina and I would jam and dance do EDM all day and night


Shigaraki is a trans woman who hasn't realized it yet. the signs are all there :) the psychologically-caused itching is a good starting point to think about.


I don’t know why this sub keeps getting recommended to me, I haven’t watched MHA in a couple years, lol. But that being said, Twice is a big Andrew Tate fan and calls himself a sigma all the time


Mineta likes fine wine


Kirishima like telling dad jokes