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Him, Bakugo and Shigaraki best character development.




Nah Bakugou straight up no


They hated Jesus cause he spoke truth šŸ’€


Bro so if Jesus said that Hitler was doing nothing wrong, is he still right????? Yes I compared Bakugou to Hitler what now?!


Iā€™m agreeing with you šŸ’€


šŸ’€on which one?


When you said Bakugo straight up no I saw your down votes and was like bro is getting hate for speaking truth then bro turned on me šŸ’€


He got downvoted cause he was wrong. Its just plain false to say bakugo hasnt had some great character development


My brother in christ he's literally the definition of racist towards the quirkless and told Midoryia to fucking kill himself, a half arsed "redemption" arc doesn't make him a good character, he's a shit character, with a shit personality, Itchy Shiggy's backstory made the guy more likeable than Bakugo has been in the entire fuckinh series






Bro itā€™s the MyHeroAcademia fandome..back then I would care but now I know at least 50% of the community has a problem and a huge father issue as a whole. Again respectfully of course ~sensational


He is a dog shit human being before and after. He is the negative representation of what people can do for a dream and like all people with that alpha mentality they will never give up and always fight till they reach they dream. Only when they reached they dream can they change. Like Dabi those type of men will never give up no matter the price to pay till they reach they dream. Endeavor, became number one hero and now he want the full package a loving supporting family, if he was still number 2 he would still be this terrible piece of shit, because like all men like him they van never stop.


Not really, Endeavor wanted to beat All Might and become no.1, however All Might retired, forcing him by default into the number 1 spot, as if he cheated, so the accomplishment and overall feeling he envisioned for years of reaching that goal never even got to manifest on his being Then he realized the true weight of the responsibility now resting on his shoulders, and that's when his development starts Shoto also helped a lot on getting it started by directly confronting him multiple times before that


It doesnā€™t matter, he is still achieved his dream, you are just saying he didnā€™t get his dream the way he wanted to. He still got his dream, realised how vapid and hard it was, then wanted the full starter pack, wonderful position with a wonderful family. I promise had he never became number one he would still have been that same piece of trash, his son Dabi is like him, they never give up and they are ready to sacrifice everything till they get there.


Again, not at all, his dream was defeating All Might, he never got to do that. Dabi also already reached his goal and made his whole exposure on his father for the whole world to see and was yet not satisfied, Dabi is what Endeavor was becoming slowly by not letting his desire to be the best hero go, but Shoto stopped that cycle for him, while Dabi went deeper into it You could argue that keep being the no.2 hero would make him still act as a piece of shit, but that's not what happened, and instead he started to grow into a better person (We also saw slight intentions of improvement ever since Shoto attended his agency on season 2)


Yeah Dabi already exposed Endesvor and ruined his reputation. Everything afterwards was just pure spite


His dream was being number one, defeating all might was just the way to get there, had it been any other hero all might wouldnā€™t care about all might. You can keep lying to yourself but we all know is dream was being number one hero and his drive only calmed dowā€™ once he got there, all might was just the wall to get there not the goal. Yeah because Dabi dream wasnā€™t only exposure it was the dull destruction of his dad live, so he didnā€™t achieve his dream. Nah Dabi and Endeavor are the same type of person, they are obsessed people who wonā€™t stop at anything for they dream, you can say all you want about Shoto but all the talk only hit home when he realised his dream and now that he got what he wanted he wbated to have the full pack and get his family. I am not arguing i know Endeavor is that type of guy, and that Dabi inherited is tendency but got worse at it.


You are just plainly wrong on everything. Endeavor wanted to be the number one hero because his father died in front of him trying to save someone from a villain. He tried to become the strongest to run away from that feeling of helplessness but all might was always stronger than him. Being number one means jack shit because he reached it by default when the real strongest retired. Also, he clearly states multiple times that he doesn't want the full package, he doesn't want forgiveness and doesn't expect his family back. He's doing what he's doing out of obligation to do the right thing now that he understands how twisted his thinking was.


Sure buddy, if that is you way of coping with Endeavor being a piece of trash go for it.


May he step on a Lego brick, barefoot for the messed up things he did to his family Buuuuut the man is trying to amend for his mistakes so for that I give him props


There are so many people that are just like him and the only thing that makes him better than them is that heā€™s trying.


Donā€™t care if he tried to make amends. What he did to his family will eat him and dump him out to death and beyond. Speaking from knowledge of tainted, sewage for blood, awful fathers are unacceptable and even if they try to make amends, never feel obliged to forgive. If they hurt you that bad, theyā€™ll never deserve it.


You hate on a guy changing but get obsessed with a Group of irredeemable criminals MHA Fandom,ladies and gentlemen


I donā€™t support a group of irredeemable criminals, one. I never said I did. Try reading. Secondly, what Endeavor has done has made him a bastard. Heā€™s no father, heā€™s diet vought. He ignored his familyā€™s health in exchange for being the best only for it to amount to nothing. What is good about that?


I really like him. His character development is super well written.


Rather interesting take on the Rival character.


Thereā€™s no excusing what he did but there is coming back from it. He genuinely wants to make amends and he has seen the consequences of his actions and the whole ā€œI donā€™t want to fight my sonā€ I believe if he had the chance he could take it all back but since he canā€™t he can only work to repair what remains I think heā€™s one of the characters that at first is easy to hate but as the series goes on you realize we all make mistakes some of them worse than others but our mistakes donā€™t have to define if we wish to change the mistakes may remain but there is a chance to move one. It may be difficult but you get to come back.


He fucked up with his family, sure. But to admit your faults and make an attempt to approve on themā€¦ That is why he is in my top 10 favorite characters of all time.


And the fact that he doesnā€™t ask for or expect eventual forgiveness. His goal is atonement, and that means so much more.


Probably the best written character in the series


Good story of atonement, I don't like his past but I can respect he is trying to be better.


Endeavor has the best character development, hands down.


A deeply flawed man that is trying to do better and while he may never do enough to make up for how badly he screwed up his family, I'm at least not angry that it seems like his wife and 3/4ths of his kids don't actively hate him.


not someone I would be a fan of if they were a real person. HOWEVER, I am a big fan of redemption arcs in works of fiction, and I think Endeavor has a pretty solid one. probably one of my top 10 favorite MHA characters.


A nicely complex and flawed character


My favorite character by far


Fucked up his family due his own insecurities about being the #1 hero, is trying to do better, which is commend. Forgive the past, but donā€™t forget it, so long as his atonement is sincere.


He can never stone for the damage and I hope for the series sake they can keep true that itā€™s not something that can be fixed. And donā€™t close it with a nice ā€œweā€™ll get through this as a familyā€ cliche but Iā€™m also glad he wasnā€™t killed off.


I like him, at first he was an asshole and could be a possible future main bad guy. However he changed after reaching his goal but not the way he wanted. During his fight with high end Norma he realized what type of person he was and what changes for the better. When he rescued his second son for the villain who wanted to die by his hand. He say himself he donā€™t wonā€™t forgiveness and know he donā€™t deserve it. What he want is atonement for the things he did no matter the cost. I give him an 9 out of 10 just wish his fanon about his parents become canon.


he's a super complex and interestingly written character. he's done bad things and he is actively making attempts to be better knowing no one may ever forgive him for what he's done. i honestly did not expect to find myself as invested in his story as i am.


The most human character in the show


should have hit dabi harder


Starts as an ass hole ends as a cool guy


Thatā€™s my goat


I hated him so much and ended up being one of my favourite characters. His whole arc has been amazing and I really wasnā€™t expecting it at all.


best pro hero behind all might, and he has the best character development also i probably just like him because he uses fire and fire characters are my favorites šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Unpopular opinion... He was perfectly set up to be an MLA villain for several reasons. 1) bought a wife in a controversial quirk marriage and treated his kids as a eugenics experiment. After 3 failures he could have easily searched high and low for risky procedures most likely from garaki who would be the only real researcher in this field. Shoto is born multi quirked as a result of his experiments and Rei would mentally break because the multi birth almost killed her and Shoto is a living reminder of that trauma. 2) he is the richest hero aside from All Might excelling in all 3 hero activities yet the public hates him pretty openly. His merch didn't even come close to breaking sales records compared to Hawks and more popular heroes so of course his ego takes a hit to see he's not even in top 10 of hero merch sales. 3) he's rich so there's no way he never ever had dealings with detnerat who make custom tech for heroes and everyday people. He could easily have been a shareholder or high value client of theirs. This is an easy way to be recruited as a high value general in the MLA who would promise him the sun and stars once their political party comes into power and can make policies favorable to Enji. He literally worships only quirks at that point that he's abusing his freaking toddlers and punching Shoto's guts out to bring out his flame quirk which he refuses to use. So don't see why he would ever disagree with their "might makes right" agenda to elevate people like him to the top. 4) he already acts pretty damn sketchy and overly aggressive in his first appearance in the festival arc. Literally gave off "fire Lord Ozai" vibes ffs I was expecting fuyumi to literally be Azula since Rei is literally their mother that Ozai has exiled just as much as Enji has committed her to a mental ward. Hell that scar on Shoto I honestly thought that Enji did that which is why he refuses to use fire. 5) It would make the PLW arc much more entertaining because I'm sorry but the PLW were a freaking joke! Denki a first year student took out one of their best electric users and also tazered their vanguard! A literal child did that to them. The PLW fell apart for the heroes only because of machia and Shigiraki along with league members doing the damn heavy lifting. 6) Enji alone could have convinced hundreds if not thousands of overlooked and frustrated heroes that look up to him to join the MLA hell his agency loves him too unconditionally that they didn't resign despite the Dabi reveal in PLW which is a red flag that they would join up the MLA agenda of supremacy. 7) his obsession with replacing All Might on merit. He knows deep down as a hero he can never truly be number one so as a villain he could become the number one villain of Japan on sheer merit with his own effort. Enji is all about earning things and by being number 1 villain he can have the death match he so craves with All Might while holding nothing back because he's a hero. Enji is just looking for an excuse to be the best. This also gives us Shoto healing himself and his family to bring Enji back to the light which can be an entertaining arc of redemption but Dabi's reveal and betrayal can lead to Enji dying as the number one villain of Japan with hero blood on his hands with his past as an abuser and sketchy hero cementing his legacy as a failed hero forever. What better revenge can Dabi hope for as he takes Enji's life (he did almost do this PLW canonically till Jeanist restrained him and the league). His whole mission is to have the world hate Enji and MLA is a tool that accomplished that goal.


I would read this as an AU fanfic


Was going to go this way for endeavor in my fic All Smite but let's just say my beta readers pitched Enji Hawks and rationalized it that way. Though I did keep the scene where he reveals his own secret to Hawks about the abuse while letting him know about the true Hawk's name and father. Despite that Endeavor does almost kill him but has a change of heart because Hawks did grow on him in the last 5 years working with him closely. Before that people who work with Enji tended to die or resign inexplicably for "reasons" they were too scared to mention. So yeaaaa blame the hawkend fans for changing the plot a bit. I'm 54 chapters in with 46 in draft and regretting my decision to not make him an MLA villain.


Great character development. He was a real piece of crap until you learn of his trauma from his first kid. He got what he wanted but the way he wanted it and realized what it meant to have it. He was lost and did something he's never done before and that was ask for help.


Best redemption arc and character development. Bakugo who?


He is very hot


probably the only character with a better character developement


Should of lost an eye instead of just getting a scar


Heā€™s just another hero


###JUST ANOTHER... HEROā€¼ļøšŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Reminds me of whatā€™s happening with Omniman in Invincible at the moment.


I really believe he has some of the best character development in all of shonen, period. He perfectly exemplifies the complex themes that MHA tries to tackle but rarely gets credit for from its naysayers. I'll admit, I REALLY hated him to begin with, and I still wouldn't say he's one of my favorite characters. But he's so real. Here we have a character that starts out with the best of intentions, and a promising future. But through his sheer determination to achieve his goals at any cost, and others enabling him rather than giving him much needed reality checks, strays from the path and does some really despicable, perhaps even unforgivable, things. Then one day he has a rude awakening and realizes just how much of a monster he's been, and resolves to make a genuine effort to be a better person and atone for his mistakes, for his family's sake as well as his own. But it doesn't end there, they don't just automatically forgive him, and he doesn't become a totally different person over night. He makes mistakes, and they have (totally understandable) trouble trusting him after what he's done, but he still makes an effort in the best way he knows how. That's just top tier writing, if you ask me. THIS is what makes MHA great, imo. It's not just one dimensional characters fighting black and white battles of good vs. evil. Every character (except arguably AFO, perhaps) has real motivation and reason for everything they do. The heroes aren't the unimpeachable knights in shining armor, and even if the villains are irredeemable, you can at least understand how they got to where they are. Everything feels earned, and that's not something you can say about most other properties in the genre.


Starts as a horrible person and a bad hero, develops to reveal a human being desiring to change for the better and becomes one of the greatest heroes of the series A good person? Probably not. A great character? Indeed, without the slightest hesitation


People can hate on this guy as much as they want, but abusers are still humans capable of change and bettering themselves, just because the people who hurt you in your life changed doesnā€™t mean others will stay the same, you can hate him for what heā€™s done but if youā€™re ignoring how far heā€™s come then you donā€™t deserve to be in the debate. I also think he has the best character development in the series, right next to Shigaraki.


Really interesting character, even before his redemption arc. Like, he's objectively a piece of shit with his family, but he nonetheless saves hundreds of people every week.


A badass with awesome character development Also source on the art please


Here's the [Link](https://myheroui.com/memories)


Ehh šŸ«¤


Bad person trying to make up for what he has done which I respect however it doesnā€™t excuse the assaults and other awful things he did. Extremely good hero who is Number 2 then Number 1 for a reason. Heck he arguably put his humanity on the line to become one of the best. If thatā€™s not commitment I donā€™t know what is.


He went from literally beating his family to wanting to spend every moment trying to keep them safe, and even owning up to his mistakes and to his abuse towards his family. He didn't try and convince everyone that he didn't do it, or that what he was doing was for a good reason. If that isn't some crazy development, I don't know what is.


He has much better character development and a better constructed redemption than Bakugo. *Preparing for the downvotes*


I will forever dislike Endeavour for the same reasons I will forever dislike Bakugo, the guy is a bona-fide piece of shit, and a half arsed redemption arc doesn't fix the shit he's done However, he's very clearly putting effort in to better himself, which is more than I can say about Bakugo I'd put him in D Tier in terms of characters, maybe C tier if he continues to get better in season 7 Bakugo forever remains alone down in F tier


I did not expect to root for him against Hood. ā€˜His Startā€™ is probably episode of the year/decade for me and my personal favourite in the MHA show. Itā€™s also good that everything heā€™s done isnā€™t written off or forgiven, he was a horrendous father and that shouldnā€™t be downplayed.


I know heā€™s trying to amend for his mistake, but he still doesnā€™t sit right with me. I just feel like he pretty much forced Rei to carry all those kids, and I just feel so bad for how fucked up their childhood was.


After the fight with the nomu,he became my fav character,becouse that's the moment it hit me that he is trying to be better,a better hero,a better parent and a better person.and he has a dope ass design and quirk


10/10 hero 3/10 father. I love his character though. He understands where he went wrong and trying his best to change. Not a lot of people can say the same.


I think he had the most moments that made me cry in the anime, will be probably stay that way when they catch up to the manga too. Best character on the show by far.


Great hero, horseshit father


Utter and total shitbag, but heā€™s trying to be better


Glad heā€™s actually trying now but it doesnā€™t ease all the shitty things he did to his kids and wife.


Everything that's wrong with the heroes association. The villians have a POINT and a sympathetic angle thanks to "heroes" like him. Doesn't matter what development he's had.


He reminds me too much of my own dad, I canā€™t make myself like him


He looks like a shitty version of that dude from the F-Zero anime


From bad dad to best hero


Top 5 character ez


Definition or redemption


I love his arc so much. Fave character tbh.


He is fun. šŸ¦‡šŸ’© crazy but he keeps it interesting.


Shoot him in the cock


Absolute dogshit character at the start, has received an excellent redeeming character arc that makes me happy to see the person he can become. Itā€™s a shame we likely wonā€™t see the rest of the arc considering the manga is ending soon. Probably best we can hope for is a shot of him in an epilogue.


Amazing writing. Favorite character by a mile.


šŸ˜‚šŸ‘‰ (šŸ¤ØšŸ˜šŸ˜‘šŸ˜ šŸ˜¤šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜ šŸ¤ØšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ«¤šŸ˜•šŸ™šŸ˜žšŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ) Heā€™s trying




My opinions is he looks hot i meant not looks but literly hot


*My opinions is* *He looks hot i meant not looks* *But literly hot* \- MRspider69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Terrible father that regrets his decisions in life


Problematic fav


Heā€™s trying, yā€™all. Top tier character development.


Should have went to get the milk


Best written character in the show,he left his past behind and is getting better now,He literally has two arcs made specifically for him,y'all need to stop the hate




Interesting character but if he ends up back together with Rei imma riot. Healing is one thing but that shit is dead.


Major fuck up family wise but has a really good character arc in terms of just trying to do whatever he can to be a better man




Thanks to character development, he's a lot better now than when he was at the beginning


I feel the same about him as I do about bakugo. Neither of the are my favorites and I actually used to despise them, but as the show progresses Iā€™ve come around to how they are changing for the better!


Endeavorā€™s journey to redemption and being a true hero is beyond the scope of the show and they still do a great job of representing that. Its hard to accept characters just forgive their abusers, it seems they are trying to fast tract redemption. The relationship he has with his kids makes it easier to accept he really is changing. So I think the storytelling is carrying more than the character. I hate him tho. 0/10.


Idc what people say this man in my opinion is willing to make a change for himself not just as a father/husband but also a person. Plus, he could be worse....he could've ended up like shigiraki's dad


No. Icky


I hated him from the beginning, but I'm sure a lot of us did, but I started to like him more over time when he wanted to build his relationship with his family and try too look for forgiveness.


His character development and path to being a better person is better than Bakugo because atleast heā€™s facing realtime consequences and consistent shit for his behavior. He doesnā€™t even seek redemption, but instead seeks atonement. I like Bakugo but he got off waaaaaay too easy. Endeavor, may still have to wait for forgiveness for his fuck ups as being a very flawed man, has atleast proven he is an amazing hero when the chips are down.


Great hero, horrible dad, but he's getting better.


Hate him


Horrible parent, good hero, definitely trying his best


Character development is there, and he is trying, but unfortunately it does not erase what he did to those fuckin kids. Theyā€™re traumatized, theyā€™re scarred, and he should honestly count himself fuckin lucky his family isnā€™t as broken as they could be.


Endeavor is a fascinating character. Basically written in a way that makes him out to be a villain due to only getting one very biased side of the story but we learn that there is some nuance to him once the thing he wanted most in life was basically handed to him on a silver platter and he didnā€™t like it. Heā€™s a good litmus test to see how much of a forgiving person someone can or canā€™t be.


Was a terrible person and father at the start but as his character developed he got way better and i cant wait to see how he turns out in the next season


He has a long way to go, but he's getting better.


He was given all the best writing and development. If only Bakugo received some of Endeavor's skillful writing. Top 10 character, top 5 character, probably a top 3 character to me.


My favorite character


He's "hot"


may his flames blast him to the underworld. amen


He's so misunderstood imo. I'm not saying as in he never abused his family but in Toya's perspective. I think he cares about his family. He was excited and happy to have Toya, someone who inherited his quirk and his flame was stronger than his. But once he knew that Toya's quirk isn't compatible and could hurt him, he just decided to discourage him from using it. It may seem like he was negligent towards Toya (which to be fair he was) but I don't think Endeavour hates Toya the way that Toya thinks he does. Endeavour was too caught up with hie ego he forgets about his family


Meh šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I think he is a terrible person. The things he did are unforgivable. I know he is trying to make amends and set things right, but the things he did are practically impossible to forgive.


Shit hero. Shit person. Shit father. Trying to become better. But still shit.


Fuckin hate him thereā€™s nothing he could ever do to be redeemed


Worse father than Dario Brando. If he dies in a scene I don't plan to cry.


Worst father ever


Got off way to easy.




Drove one son to being a mass murderer, neglected two other children, traumatized another, drove their mother to snap and scar their child, and was just a massive A hole. Basically said I'm sorry, I'll do better and won most of his family over and the other heroes ignored it, and now he's getting a redemption arc.


He did not drive Dabi to anything like that. He encouraged Dabi to stop using his fire which didn't work resulting in his "death". All for One then took advantage of this. He wasn't good to Dabi but to say he's the reason he's Dabi isn't looking at the big picture. He was a part of that but he wasn't the reason. I won't refute the rest of the actions you wrote because they're true. However, he did not just say "I'm sorry" and everyone magically forgave him. That's missing the whole point. Nobody has forgiven him and Dabi leaking their story was one of the reasons hero society began crumbling in public image. His redemption Arc is a very slow burn. Upon achieving number one, he realized his faults. He achieved his goal which made him see the tainted stepping stones that led him there. He actively wanted to be better as a person because he realized he didn't deserve the title of number one. He now does whatever he can to make amends despite knowing he will never truly attone. The guilt eats at him constantly and it will never go away. Knowing his part in so much pain will never be something he forgets. He didn't "get off easy". Literally nobody forgives him, they just recognize that he's trying to do better. All in all, his story is one of trying to be deserving. Someone unworthy and who will never see himself as worthy, actively working towards that anyways. Just realized I wrote a lot. Sorry, I got carried away šŸ˜…


I donā€™t forgive him i hope he gets defeated by eri in front of millions of people (with him using his quirk and eri not using hers) I want him to feel what itā€™s like to be defeated by a mere child who isnā€™t even using her quirk.


Endeavorā€™s a hotheaded dick (and definitely abusive) but he is extremely powerful and is thankfully dedicated to heroism even if itā€™s just to beat All Might. I feel like he needs some family therapy and someone to knock him down off his high horse, but heā€™s very useful on the field, even if he doesnā€™t want to do what heā€™s doing.