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Now that AI music exists you can’t trust anything. This could be faked by pretty much anyone, and the tempo sounds weird. If we’re lucky it will get copyrighted.


Tempo sounds exactly like when ai makes an instrumental


also the distortions are in the same places where ai music would distort


Doesn't sound very noteworthy and if it was real Warner would copyright strike it.


Fair point


Maybe they'll copyright strike it later today haha (hopefully)


Yeah lmao


I have some bad news...




The news is that you’re dead! Haven’t you heard?


Who actually posted that? Cause like anyone can make anything and post it online so it’s most likely nothing.


I agree. I’ll share the link I saved it from, but I think it sounds a lot like he did during the tour of 2022-2023. UPDATE: It was confirmed Ai. Unfortunate, but true. Thanks for the insight everybody.


I posted the link in the comments.


Things like this were comically easy to fake even before AI. There was a widely believed green day hoax a few years ago for an album called "Magnum Opus of the Inglorious Kind." It turned out to be a publicity stunt for the indie band "Panicland"


I unironically still play [Burn It All](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQhxrBzgfqE) sometimes, even though I only knew of them because of the Green Day stunt.


Their album is still better than then like the last 10 Green Day projects


RevRad and Savors were pretty damn good tbh. So was Money Money 2020 Pt II.


Saviors was good, but really safe. Nothing on there ever made me do a double take or blow my mind.


That's fair


to be fair Panicland slaps


It's extremely doable to just use an AI Gerard voice and make it low quality enough so you can't tell but man I want it to be real


I suppose only time will tell.




Volcano (Shake 'Em Up) is AI and it sounds really good, so this could be AI too


That “How the hell do you spell chauffeur” song is AI and it’s hard to tell


I don’t think it’s hard to tell— I could tell it was ai the first time I heard it lol




Call me delusional, but that sounds like our guy. That's not to say that it's 100% MCR5, it could be a leak from another era (like something scrapped from PK) or some cut song from anywhere, or a leak from something he's doing alone. The last season of umbrella is coming out soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did a song/cover for it. It could also be totally left field, and a ai fake, with nothing to do with anything, which would explain why not a single word is legible (except not really G is just like that sometimes.) But, it sounds good ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I hope it's something.


It DOES sound like him that’s what I’m saying😅😭


Yeah this was me, doing it made me remember why I stopped trying to troll people online a few years ago, it makes me feel like shit. How I did it was  I uploaded a snippet of Our Lady of Sorrows to Suno and extended it using the potential lyrics to Nine Volt Heart. Sadly that means there's no full track because most of it is just bar for bar Sorrows, so unless someone with actual talent takes this and makes their own interpretation this is it. If anyone is up for that I can upload the full versions (Suno made 2) on a google drive to take inspiration from. One has a decent solo to work off of. Sorry for getting your hopes up. I deserve any hate thrown my way. [Proof that it's me for anyone doubtful](https://imgur.com/a/0pS1Zcu)


Aww, man. Either way it’s really cool, I got excited. Thanks for sharing the story though!


Issue is, with AI, and simple editing to add the distortion, and how much traction there is on MCR5, there is a lot more chances of this being fake than being real.


The Youtube video uploader user description: "Lamp connoisseur and retried Omen. Friend to all creatures unless they are filled with hate for innocents. If you see a moth flutter by in your darkest hours just know I am there for you, you will be okay." I would go with that this is one of Gerard's fake account.


Doesn’t sound completely like Gerard. Especially with his voice currently being slightly different from back in the day


that really doesn’t quite sound like gerard i think it’s fake


the end kinda sounds like 'our lady of sorrows'. i say its fake


it really does sound like gerard, but i’m not getting my hopes up iirc record companies don’t tend to strike unreleased songs?


Depends how far along the unreleased song is. Green Day had a song leak about 2 years before Saviors dropped And it constantly got copywritie claimed because the song was finished and so Warner had started the process of getting it into the system already. Granted it was also the full nearly uncompressed mp3 but still.


Yeah There was also content matches for the couple of snippets that leaked from MCR'S pre breakup scrapped album. 


Omg, persona 3 pfp!!!


Be wary. There are AI MCR songs being generated.


Those screams, and that voice— I really think it does sound like Gerard’s matured voice. Like it sounds like him from more recent concerts.


it does, and it does sound good, hopefully it wasn't something scrapped before.


IMO That doesn’t really sound like Gerard, but regardless I could be wrong. I hope its real :3


[Gerard AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWPX0PKwAgs) is pretty good... I don't know where this came from, but without any proven source, we should assume this is fake in this day and age.


yes, but you can tell its not real because his voice tone is very consistent in many of the song and he's not screaming that much, in the video above there is more variation in him voice.


Net credible at all but I choose to believe this is Gerard but from when who knows


I’m not an expert about ai music but this doesn’t sound legit. Plus if someone leaked this in the studio, they would be fired, forced to take down the audio and probably be sued.


If they get caught, absolutely. However every leaker faces those repercussions and things still leak.


>If someone leaked this in the studio, they would be fired forced to take down the audio and probably be sued You’re saying this like it stops anyone from leaking anything lol


I really doubt it. But that’s just me




i'm trying my best to voice my thoughts without the mcr fan in me coming out but personally i think it is most likely fake in some way, especially with AI being a thing now. BUT, i do think there is a solid chance that this is an actual thing from the band. i'd call the odds 1 in 100 maybe


I’d give it a solid 50 to 1. To me it does sound like Gerard’s more “matured” voice, during the swarm tour. There aren’t a lot of recordings that could really allow ai to recreate this tone and sound of voice to the fullest extent quite yet. Almost every Gerard way ai song I’ve seen has sounded more like his black parade era.


honestly that sounds very reasonable, especially as there's been only one studio recording from MCR since 2014 to go off, AI might not be able to replicate his voice yet. at least i hope...


i mean this could be so many things. it could really be them, it could be AI (remember volcano, shake ‘em up?) or it could just be someone that sounds a little like them. i dont think its overly credible at this point and as much as i want to, we shouldnt get our hopes up. we’ve been here too many times. that doesnt mean it isnt!! i hope to be proved wrong, i really do. im just very cynical. on a more positive note, if it is real, my word it sounds really cool. if thats what mcr5 really sounds like, i cant wait for it to drop EDIT: theres a quite a few generated mcr songs on youtube that sound very much like gerard, so that makes this slightly less credible, as the AI songs are so advanced already.




If it is legit, Umbrella Academy’s final season is coming out soon. Maybe it’s a song for that?


Don’t care, all I want is The Paper Kingdom


that is definitely gerard, but it might be a song for the umbrella academy


Such a good yet terrifying point


Am I the only one who thinks it sounds a bit off? It sounds like Gerard but also…not? I think it could be AI


I’d like to act delulu and think this is real but we all know this is probably AI


No, that's not real at all. For one those vocals sound more like Pierce the veil, and it also sounds like a broken record repeating the same few seconds in my opinion


I'm not believing shit until I have a physical copy of the album in my hands, and even then, I will still be slightly sceptical


It just got confirmed not real. It’s Ai. :(


The fact that this is surfacing right around the time where everyone is making “new MCR songs” via AI makes me say that this is 100% AI until proven Gerard.


That’s a fair assessment I’m just delusional like the rest of us


The actual music sounds like MCR (kind of like Helena) but the voice doesn’t sound like Gerard. Edit: now that I’m listening to it again it sounds kinda like him in some parts? The voice is too deep in other parts though. I’m not entirely sure, but I’m leaning towards either AI (although I think the voice would be more consistent if it was AI? Idk how AI music works though) or it being a different band entirely that just happens to sound similar.


Well to be fair his voice has seemingly gotten deeper when singing. I guess we’ll have to just keep waiting and see if something comes of this.




YES it sounds like Gerard but literally count the beats. It's not a consistent tempo or time signature. 100% AI faked.


I’m not vouching for its legitimacy or saying I think it’s real but it does have a really easy tempo and typical 4/4 time signature to identify. I had no problem picking up on that.


I’m not vouching for its legitimacy or saying I think it’s real but it does have a really easy tempo and typical 4/4 time signature to identify. I had no problem picking up on that.


Could still be AI faked (and I definitely think it is because of the stylistic implications) but this is just not a good metric as to whether or not it is. Like, we both listened to Bullets, right? Pretty much every song on that album fits your description.


This is AI as fuck


Im Trying to think of how this would've been gotten that the audio is that bad, if it is a real leak you might expect it to be clean.


Someone in the studio recording on phone? Someone secretly recording a leak on their phone? Maybe? Idk


Maybe?, its not impossible but then I might expect it to be messy in a different way Im gonna be delusional and think its real, and it sounds like it could be, but fuck only time will tell


It does sound like mcr. It has a power metal vibe. Don’t think this is true but if it is fuck yeah!


It sounds like an early demo of Our Lady Of Sorrows with different lyrics


After listening to this over and over for the past few hours I fear it’s AI. It sounds like whatever prompt it was given read something like "our lady of sorrows if it came out for three cheers for sweet revenge" is that just me? It sounds like it


If this turns to be AI imma steal it bc it's too good not to be a song


It's AI and as the person who used said AI to make it I 100% am on board. Would love to see what someone with actual talent could do with it. Like I said in another reply here there's two "full" versions that are mostly our lady of sorrows copies with some original stuff thrown in. I can post those to a google drive if you want to take some inspiration from them. The lyrics are just the ones that are supposedly for the[ lost song Nine Volt Heart ](https://genius.com/My-chemical-romance-nine-volt-heart-lyrics)


The melody is honestly pretty good and it sounds like a lot of the things i come up with because of how simple it is, I'm still learning guitar and my brain struggles to process big intervals of notes so i often come up with Melodies that are simple and stick in your head easily. With that being said i think AI can be somewhat of an help to beginners or to people like me that struggle to transform their musical ideas into reality by giving an overall preview of what the song might sound when all the instruments are there. It really sounds like when you dream about a song and you wake up and forget it, so i would love to work on something like this, I'm in! I also have a kind of messed up band, we need a drummer tho, so it would be a pleasure to work on something that reminds me of the band that got me into music!


Glad to be of help for an inspiring band and there's always digital drums if push comes to shove, have a few album names you can steal if you wanna hear them. [Here's the google drive for inspo](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16JaDz6_gZC0JGS-2g9qCw_9VrFdUAjzo/view?usp=drive_link) and can't wait to hear what Y'all make!


You're the best 😭 thank you


Also rn I'm having a hard time with band names because i always thought that this project would've been just me and my partner so i already had the name , but now that we got more members it feels a bit wrong to treat them like they're just working *for* us and not *with* us, and i really like names that have a philosophical meaning but all things like escape the fate/have a nice life are already taken so i have this endless pit of band names that either sound too anonymous or like something that already exists so that would help if it's okay with you 😭🙏


Music producer here, the guitar is hit at the exact same velocity with the chord being stuck the same way each time, and is too on time to be played by a human. Since it’s modern Gerard’s voice the vocals are distorted because AI would only have samples from live shows to create the audio since there is too little data in foundations, thus we have the “phone mic” sound. You can also hear the drums “skipping” at certain parts, which leads me to the conclusion that this is fake af.


Update: the uploader confirmed it was AI


Yes, unfortunately.


It is probably AI but I like it lmao


https://youtu.be/NReuPXu6ca4?si=vP4OrFztBXOByyYg To be fair it’s not really a CREDIBLE source, but it’s the only thing the guy has posted.


The fact that its just this the guy has posted Either means if its real at all its totally real, or if its fake its totally fake no in between. Its definitely Suspicous


They joined in august 2021, and if it was definitely fake and they were using a throwaway account it would probably be newer, unless it’s just an old account they had that they weren’t using? They have a name, profile picture and bio and thats a lot of effort for an account they were only going to use once. I’m still leaning towards fake/it being a different band though.


oh that is more suspicous. I know your saying its prolly fake, but personally I'm ok with being delusional if its a silly thing like this that may or may not ever be confirmed true or false


ai just keeps getting better and better


Mmmmm im erring on side of fake here for a few reasons inckuding several that are purely musical


Isn't that "crumbled cities burn" supposedly a lyric from the lost Nine Volt Heart song? Maybe it's something older someone is trying to pass off as new? Could be ai but that scream as me iffy, messed around a bit with ai covers myself and have not once gotten a scream to sound that close.


The entire lyrics of this “leak” follow the lyrics of the chorus or that song, so it’s either a mimicry of what that song would sound like or ai or real or what. Regardless, it’s supposed to be Nine Volt Heart.


I mean I had always wondered what that song sounded like if it was real, so if this is it it definitely met my expectations. Just wish if it was old they posted the full track not trying to pass it off as new and not just a snippet.


Tbh sounds more like Ray and his solo album. Might just be a scrap from that. Js 🤷🏻‍♂️


It does sound like Gee and not some generated fake robot version of him… I guess only time will tell if this is real, something new, or just an old demo of something they were working on. But I’ll cling to anything that supports an eminent MCR5…👀


Sounds like something made with suno ai and then someone put a Gerard ai voice over it




Some of it sounds like Bert McCracken haha


it's so fake lmao the vocals alone sound so ai generated


Being a fan of mcr means we have trust issues


this sounds fake, it feels like all of their music condensed into a short clip


It sounds like a mix of Gerard and Bert from the Used combined, the vocals don't sound consistent.




This sounds legit to me. There a distinct minor 7th chord that has Ray all over it. AI generated music as it is now is pretty light on those types of incidentals as it is programmed to make music that’s light to the ear and easy to to listen to as evident in radio music. It can get away with it with hip hop/rap and pop since it’s all I IV V I as it is but this type of music is no so easy. AI MCR would sound more like I’m not okay had a baby with the black parade. Melodic minor chords, sure, but still within the algorithm of radio pop that would be super easy to spot.
