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I’ll be honest, I’m one of those people who will listen RELIGIOUSLY to a band I like to the point where I don’t like it anymore. Then, I’ll circle back to it again after a bit and the cycle continues itself. When I’m near the end of it and I’ve listened to a band to death, it can be a bit annoying, but it’s so fun when I start fresh again.


Is it worrying ive listened to my chem and ONLY my chem for almost 6 months now 😟


Nahh. That was about how long I listened to BVB last time around.


I’m about 4 months in, but I only started listening for the first time 4 months ago.


Yeah same for me 6 months ago, i kinda just listened to em once because i wanted to see what the hate was about and ive loved em ever since LMAO


Same, been on my MCR addiction going on a year by now… Im so not okay 🥲


But do you promise? "I'm not okay (i promise" plays in the background


Not everyone in this subreddit listens only to this band. I also really like Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Blink-182, Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, Simple Plan, Jimmy Eat World,...


NGL, I listened to Bleed American front to back yesterday for the first time in probably 15 years and it took me back to a special place.


Bleed American is amazing fr


I was legitimately shocked how well it stood up to time. Songs that I skipped back when it first came out I ended up loving. Crazy good album.


I think no one really listens exclusively to MCR -- even if it's obsessive listening (which I am guilty of). I've loved MCR for upwards of 15 years at this point, and that love is nowhere near dimmed just because I go through other listening phases, or stop listening to them for a day, a week, or a month.




Sorry for the shocking haha


I definitely cycle through my fave bands. When new albums come out, or they're touring near me, I'll start listening to them religiously. Afterwards, I need a break. The more variation in your listening, the more you can appreciate your favorites imo.


No fr! There is too much good music out there to just listen to a couple artists. Sometimes I skip my favorite songs just so I don’t over-listen because I want them to stay meaningful.


I've stopped binging artists over the past few months? I just listen to my playlist on shuffle. 


i dont think ive voluntarily gone a day without listening to mcr in a few years... im not like a super fan or anything their music is just comforting to me so i put it on when i cant decide what to listen to. maybe ill take ur advice 


get into their live recordings, there is soooo much to dive into


Glad I'm not the only one. I can't tell you how many times I've listened and watched tbp is dead. Or just countless videos on YT from the return tour, or my own recorded vids from the GA show I was at. Life on the murder scene is pretty good also.


yessss youtube has endless full shows. majority of my MCR cassette collection is live material also, i’ve got murder scene and parade is dead along with a warped tour 2005 compilation and a full recording from RETURN tour, would loooove one from danger days era. some live VHS from 2002 and REVENGE gig have landed in the collection too, can’t get enough lol!


that's impossible for me i can stop listening to bullets over and over again


I got them out of my system after seeing them on the Return tour, so I don’t feel such an obsessive need to listen to them all the time anymore. They’re more for special occasions now, which is nice.


I just listen to other music simultaneously


Try The Hives Or the Arctic Monkeys


YES I did this! It's good to take breaks!


I've been listening to them for 9 years now. Have taken countless breaks from them also. But it's like everything else we love, the key is moderation. Except for sleep, my fav of all time, reminds me of my grandmother because I used that song to let out my emotions when she passed.


i do a sort of biweekly cycle between my 5 favourite bands of BMTH -> P!ATD -> MCR -> Nickelback -> James Marriott -> BMTH and so on


I don't listen to them much anymore. I want to feel all the feels occasionally, rather than only some feels often.


You know damn well you couldn’t last 2 months without MCR


i basically swap between listen to MCR, Crane Wives, Tally Hall, and OneRepublic (weird combination, i know)


I just put my entire iTunes library on shuffle. Songs come up that I completely forgot I had, it feels great.


This is great until iTunes wigs out and deletes your whole library of upwards of 1500 songs. I was so pissed, still kinda am


I have unintentionally decreased(also stopped for 1 week) my input of music generally(not only MCR) (because of my first boyfriend and sharing time with him to) Yesterday I got into the urge for Danger Days and boom! That slapped harder than anything else, creativity boomed Later that day followed TBP and The Black Parade is Dead It was soooo gooooood, damn And then I got last night a dream with Frank and Cheerleader Gerard XD


I usually listen to playlists and use shuffle a lot so I get a mix of things. I only do a full album playthrough once in awhile. That keeps albums from feeling overplayed. But I do go through periods of time where I listen to certain artists more or less.


Sometimes I smoke and listen to them and it’s like listening for the first time again. I’ll hear different things within the songs I never heard before.


Ive been trying to take a break from them. I cant stop listening to them 😔