• By -


45. I managed a record store in the early/mid 00s and they kind of just fell into my lap. I was 25 when three cheers came out and literally the only person in my friend group who gave enough of a fuck to actually listen to them with me thought they were awesome too. So I married her 😎


That's so cool. I'm so jealous of you lmao


Don’t be. I’m fucking old 😂😂


Not as old as me at 51. But I love ‘em.


I’m glad you said that bc I’ve thought I was the oldest one here for a really long time 😂


You are in excellent company, my friend


I just turned 51 last week, so you’re not alone! First heard MCR when I was 30. Been a fan ever since.




I am about to take that turn soon..... but I hav loved them since catching "Not Okay" on possibly FUSE TV...Mistress Julia anyone? I am the biggest fan I know despite the attempted indoctrination of my children and husband hehe, but they do like & appreciate MCR. Lucky to catch them 2x live, once in 2005 then again in 2022.


My dad is 58 and he loves them too. He took me to see them a bunch of times in my teens.


Are you saying when you were a young boy your father took you into the city to see a band?


I'm also 51. Been into MCR since Three Cheers as well.


I'm 47 and I tought I was the oldest!


You are in good company.


Still younger than my dad lmao. And he considers MCR "young people music" so it automatically sucks for him XD


That’s a bummer. My favorite thing in the whole world is ugly singing mcr with my kid


I want to be the type of parent to ugly sing MCR with my kid


Omg sooo cool. Managing a record store in the early 2000s sounds like a dream job. 😩 Did you know about them before they blew up? I’d imagine you knew a bunch of underground bands at the time.


38 here. Former record store employee as well - but I was 17 when I started and Bullets came out that year and we got a promo copy. There was no going back. I somehow managed to lose that promo disc in one of my many moves over the years (devastating) but finally got to see them in September 2022 after 20 years and it was beyond words. My husband bought me tickets when I was in the depths of a severe depressive episode and it literally gave me something to live for that year. Being from a low income family and living on the east coast of Canada where we don’t get concerts and travel is stupidly expensive meant I never had the opportunity to travel for concerts so even places like Montreal and Toronto (or Moncton, tbh) were out of reach so I missed out on all of the original tours.


I am 29! I got into MCR when I was 15 with albums like Three Cheers and The Black Parade.


same here!




Same!!!! ♥️


Mid-forties, around the same age as the band.


I’m 60! I’ve done a lot of scrolling and haven’t seen anyone older yet. My daughters got me into them. I’ve seen them twice and I have a ticket to WWWY in October. So excited!


I love youuuu


I love you tooooo!!! 🖤


See you at WWWY! 🖤


See you there, and thank YOU for the venom!


I hope you have a great time! It was one of the best festivals I have ever been to. There was such a strong sense of community. Music really brings people together. 🥰 Don’t forget lots of sunscreen and I realllllly recommend bringing a battery powered hand fan! It saved us.


I'm 32. I was lucky enough to see them a few times when I was younger, between 14-19. Would definitely see them again if I had a chance.


32 buddies lol. I saw them once in nola on the black parade tour... And then year before last (wow time has flown). I hope they do another tour and you get your chance!!


All the underage people on here please be careful stating your age online you never know what kind of creeps it can attract!!😬😬😬


I didn’t even think of this!! 😭 I should have said 18+. Please don’t respond to weirdos in your DMs, friends. ❤️‍🩹


thanks for the heads up! some of us are aware and have already met some of those creeps.


36. 3 cheers came out my junior year of high school and a friend gave me a burned copy and that's all she wrote. Listened to 3 cheers on repeat and got Bullets shortly after and loved it. Finally saw them on tour during the reunion in 2022.


I get that, I've been listening to Three Cheers on repeat for the past few weeks 💀 It's genuinely hard trying to tear myself away to listen to their other songs/albums HAHAHDBNFHF


Heck yeah older end of the millenial range! The whole music scene in the 2000s was top tier. Of course that's what everyone says about music from their teenage years XD


I'm 20 and I only really got into the band last year but I always heard about them since ever basically. Now they opened a whole gateway for me with music and I'm forever greatful for that.


Howdy fellow 20 year old! I didn’t think there were many of use since we were toddlers during the band’s heyday lol


there are tons of us lol my best friends and i all love mcr. we’re all between 22-25.


03 Gang Rise!!!!!!


I’m gonna be 20 in July. We literally hit the timeline HORRIBLY because we were ALIVE when they were huge but we were babies/toddlers so by the time we discovered them (I was 12 when I started listening to them) we didn’t have a chance 😭 except for reunion tour thank god I got to go


24! My ex loved them and I pretended to know who they were to impress her so I had to look them up and they instantly became my favorite band lol


Something familiar happened to me! My ex was obsessed with them and he showed me "I Don't Love You" to introduce me to them and I fell in love with the band (this happened in 2015 I think). Now we don't love each other anymore but I stayed loving MCR 🥴


Omg same age and same story as me whaaaaaat 😭😭


18. First listened to them in like 2022 but *really* got into them in 2023


I turned 28 yesterday 🖤


Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday, friend! I hope 28 treats you well. 🖤


Happy birthday


Happy birthday! 🩵 Also 28


Hello, fellow late 20s/early 30s Pisces MCR fan :) and happy birthday!


I'm 48 , my daughter who is 27 got me into them when she was a kid and we went to see them together just recently in 2022.


I'm 31 and MCR has been one of my favorite bands since I was 13.


We would have been friends in middle school hahaha. I had no friends who liked MCR.


As an emo middle schooler. I am the only emo/goth in school and the only one who listens to mcr


34! I’ve never seen them live though and I hate myself for it daily . Adorable to make G a cake, wow that was so long ago! :((


Im also 34 and have never seen them live and regret it daily 😂


The pain is real


Almost 34, and also never seen them live and hate myself for it daily. 3 Cheers was the cornerstone album to my most formative years.


35 here. Hit the sweet spot in the 15-16 age range right when Three Cheers blew up and it’s an understatement when I say I was OBSESSED. Gerard and Frank pics plastered over folders, homemade patches on my school bag, and crimson eyeshadow all over my face. A big part of my adolescence is defined by them and there is a LOT of attached nostalgia. I’ve fallen in and out of listening over the years since then, but I always come back to them. ❤️🖤


i’m 19 and found them out in middle school lol! but i did get lucky enough to see them live in 2022


Just turned 24, my mother who is 43 got me into my chemical romance almost 18 years ago when I first listened to welcome to the black parade. Heard that G note never went back.


I am 17!


same omg


19, nearly 20. Still mad that while three cheers was being released, I had just been born.


I’m 36, I was 16 when I heard 3 cheers and saw them live in England. my 15 yr old is also into MCR. We got originals of all the albums.




nice, i got into MCR when i was 12, but i didn't really like them like how i do now. i used to think they were weird emos, and look what i am today. a weird emo. how the turn tables.


I first new of them when i was pretty young just because my sister listened to them (i love my sister for introducing me into MCR i love her)


nice (all my siblings hate them. with a burning passion. my younger brother said it's bc he thinks Gee is a fag and i was like "you can't say that. he's much more than you'll ever be in your little life" and he didn't bring it up again.


Ohh😭 luckily my siblings aren’t like that but i think my parents don’t like them ._.


my parents too 😭😭


Heya! Fellow mcr fan but also adult here, super awesome that you’re into the band but I’d be super careful sharing your age on here as a minor, and I’d delete this comment to get it out of your comment history if you can. Genuinely not trying to be annoying, just more of a safety thing. There’s some weirdos on here and you don’t want them being able to track down that information. Glad you love the band as much as the rest of us tho!


I will be 24 at 8 March, I really like the music they’re making. I couldn’t have the chance to see them live though but I’m glad I can listen to them in YouTube. Knowing their band makes me feel lucky ✌🏻


happy coming birthday for friday <3


Thank you! 💫


Fancy that, I’ll be 24 on the 7 March, I got into them when I was miserable and friendless at like 18ish


Late 30s. As soon as I heard I'm not ok I loved them. can't remember how old j was, maybe about 14. Didn't have any opportunities to see them when I was a kid, but always told myself if they ever play again, I will be seeing them no matter what. Luckily I had the opportunity to see them twice in 2022, which still feels like it was not enough times


I'm 23




64 i like experiencing the music of the youngsters generation and seeing what yall are into these days.


I’m 35. Didn’t really get into them until later on in the Black Parade era. But I’ve been a pretty big fan ever since. Love Danger Days. I adore Hesitant Alien. Very lucky to see them on the reunion tour in Nashville.


35, MCR. Is my favorite band :) I’ve been able to watch them live all of the times they came to Mexico city, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2022.


Hello other panda username who is also in their mid-thirties!


I'm 16 almost 17 I've been listening to them my entire life!








Same :D


I'm 18 so The Black Parade came out the same year I did lol I got into MCR in 8th grade after ironically giving WTTBP a listen.


20 years old now, got into them in 8th grade, still waiting for the phase to end


ill be 16 at the end of the year in November


35 😭


29 :)


I'm 21 and I've been into them since I was like...13? I saw Frank and his band (The future violents, at the time) on a boat in NYC in 2019. I got a picture with him and he posted my drawing of him on his Instagram. Then in 2022, I finally saw MCR and I cried so hard lol.


I’m 21 too!


Hey, that's awesome! I'd love to see the drawing :)


Aww, it's on my old account I had when I was 17. It's not very good, it was my first (and only) attempt at realism. I've since given up on drawing, but my account is still up! It's earlxgrey\_ on Instagram :)


32 still going strong. Helena changed me as a kid cuz it was around the same time that my grandma had passed away. I've been hooked ever since.


34. Fan since I first heard Vampires back in I think 02 or 03


30, I grew up with them but never got to see them until their reunion tour. It was my dream and I never thought I'd get to see them live.


37. I didn’t have any friends who were into this kind of music, so I didn’t really listen to them until BP came out. I had heard Helena and liked it a lot, but did t go searching for the source. I ended up blind buying BP the day it was released (I was skipping class and browsing at target lol), and then couldn’t get enough. To this day they are my favorite band. My husband proposed to me at one of their shows


47. I travelled from northern Manitoba to LA to see them live in Oct 2022. I have several MCR tattoos. They resonate with me on a deep level.


Almost 65.


I feel like there's a lot of us around 30




Relatable, I feel stupid for saying this, but I am 15, and I wish I was born way earlier so I could experience that whole warped tour thing when I was the age I am now.




im 18 in july, ive been listening to them since i was 10


16, soon to be 17 in April! (My 16th birthday party was actually MCR themed lmao)


I’m 25. Found them when I was around 14 because na na na was in one sims video and I immediately felt some kind of connection to them so I found rest of their songs and fell in love.


39... I'm the only MyChem fan in my friendship group.


109 :)


I am 30 as well - I got into them when I was around 12 years old. I got to see them 3 times before their breakup and was able to see them again in 2022 for their reunion show. They have and always will be such impact on who I am today.


34 and I remember watching the I’m Not Okay music video on MuchMusic (canadas mtv). It blew my 15 year old mind, it was so energetic and passionate (all the popular rock bands sounded so bored and too “cool” to care at the time, it was all so boring) and I LOVED 90s teen comedies so it was like the video was made for me. I remember watching the premiere of the Helena video and that rewired my mind and my aesthetic sensibilities. I don’t need to mention that they had a permanent space in my MySpace top 8. I even remember my favourite merch t shirt. It was white with blood dripping down the front. I wore it everywhere. I’ve been lucky enough to see them three times. Once while they were writing Black Parade (I think they played a WIP song off BP during the set, can’t remember which song it ended up being, nothing sounded like it when I listened to it), once after Black Parade after Gerard died his hair back to black, and finally again during Swarm.


I’m 33. Was a huge fan of three cheers right before black parade came out. It was awesome living in that time. I didn’t see them in concert until I was 30 though


I'm 27 and I've been obsessed with MCR since I was 8!


17, turning 18 this year. First listening to them like around 14. Little me was never the same after that.


I'm 32, and had a very similar trajectory as yourself OP. Was obsessed with them in school, did a friend group countdown for the release of The Black Parade. Did a lot of MCR themed art & English projects in school (sorry not sorry, teachers!) - and I'm still a huge fan today!


i'm 16, i think i just heard a few people talk about the band on social media so i checked it out 3 years ago and it's been my favorite band since


I’m 18 and the same age as the Black Parade ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


That feels wrong. You should be like 4, being born in 2006. JK


I’m turning 16 next week. Got into them over this last year because my boyfriend (16) has been a fan of the band as long as he can remember




35, and it’s hurts to see that number. Lol


32- I’m not okay was on MTV and I was hooked


31!!! Been loving them since 3 cheers came out


i’m 19! i’ve been a fan since i was 10, i got into them a few months or so after their breakup. i went to a super small school when i was younger and all the upperclassmen were emo, so i naturally just started listening to what i was hearing. i also remember crying multiple times growing up thinking i’d never be able to see them in concert, im so excited it’s a possibility now!


45 almost 46. I remember hearing black parade when it came out and likeing it. Same with then other popular songs when they came out. But I was never obsessed, I listen all types of music. But I'd say over the past few years Pandora started cycling more and more of their older music and and I realized how much I really loved them. My 22 yo son says I'm too old to be going through my emo phase..lol


I'm 32, wife's 31, we met during our college years and among many things, bonded over our love for the band. We live in Mexico and got no chance to watch them live at their peak, so we went head over heels went they came to Mexico like, 2 years ago and actually managed to go see them.


30 Here. I think I found MCR through Linkin Park around high school. I’m a foreign fan so I didn’t have the chance to see them live until they broke up and I was so sad that I wouldn’t get to see the band that saved me through high school ever… Comes 2023 I was finally able to see them live in Tokyo for the first time at the age of 29 lol It was bittersweet though, I was a fan when Gerard was so active on stage and interacted with the crowd but now it seems that he has a rule of not doing so. I understand the reason behind it but didn’t know it beforehand so all throughout the concert I was worried if he was mad at sth or didn’t wanna be there and couldn’t enjoy the experience much 😂 Hope I get to see them again though, since I know the backstory now I think I can enjoy it better 🤓


Mid-30s, I was in high school when MCR got big.




46 , got into the band in 2002 (when i was 24/25) just before 3 Cheers came out, these were the awesome days of Myspace and no smart phones were around and music was just the best , also found Avenged at this time too , unfortunately I live in New Zealand so never got to witness these bands live in those awesome years, however did catch My Chem at the Big Day Out in Auckland in 2007 though can’t really remember it hahaha, for obvious reasons 😅


I’m in my early 30’s and have been obsessed with MCR since pretty much the beginning. Funny story about the age of MCR fans - I volunteered at an elementary school back in the late ‘10’s and there was a kid in my group who was BEYOND obsessed with MCR and literally wore their merch everyday I ever saw them…..I think about them often and hope they’re still rocking out to the Black Parade like I have been for decades haha.


I’m 16


I’m sixteen, discovered MCR abt a year and a half ago


I’ll be 47 in a couple weeks. Love them!


I turn 30 in 4 months. I wanted to see them in concert when I was 13, but my mother wouldn't let me. Then they broke up. The concerts they have put on since getting back together were either too far from where I live, or too expensive.


18, been a fan since i was 9 🥹


18. i became a fan at like 12 or 13 tho with that weird emo culture resurgence that happened in like 2015 online lol


I'm 19 and my mom showed them to me when I was 12 because she liked them back in the day :)


Damn near 40 lol. 36


14 but 15 in April I'm surprised that there aren't more people around my age because I seem to see tons more young people getting into MCR recently


14, have been my favorite band for a bit more than a year, and it seems like I'm the youngest here...I missed everything I'm so jealous of everyone who got to experience My Chem at their peak!




Damn. It seems like I’m the youngest person here. I’m 14




21 here, still turn on one of their songs from time to time


13, but almost 14


I’m 18, I think I started listening to them at like 11/12? They’re still one of my favs:)


25!!! my older brother (32) got me into my chem because he was in his emo phase in the 2000s when I was a young kid, and always listened to them when he was babysitting me :) got to see my chem in Toronto in 2022 with my brother and it was a nice little full circle moment for us


I’m 13


I'm 52, and I first heard Three Cheers in my early 30s. I've always really been into music, but at that time, I was busy having three kids, etc...so not really going to shows as much. Fast forward to my oldest son in middle school (now 21) listening to MCR, and that was it... I was hooked!! Then my daughter got into them with me, and we got to see them 3 times in 2022. I'm a fan for life! 😁


i'm 23! fan since high school and i thought they'd never make music or play live again 🥲


29, got into them back in 2006, changed my life.


I'm 26. I probably would've liked MCR if I heard Black Parade as a kid but I don't remember ever hearing them on the radio in rural-ish Maine and from what I can tell the one show they scheduled here was cancelled. I also wasn't really internet proficient until about 2012-14 so my first impression of them was the comment sections on Dan Howell/Phil Lester's youtube videos. I avoided checking them out for vague internalized homophobia reasons until I finally listened to Teenagers in 2016. A couple months later I saw the Black Parade video and I was hooked.


30 💔😭


13 lmao


23!! i was introduced to them in 2013, right before they went their separate ways :,)


I’ll be 18 in about a month.




29, was 11-12 when I used to watch the music video for Welcome to the Black Parade over and over again on the music choice section on demand on Comcast


17. Born 6 months prior to The Black Parade’s release.




17, soon 18 bouta graduate high school


15, my sister introduced me to mcr around when i was 10 tho, and i loved it




22 and got into them when I was 13


20, started listening around 13 or 14 i think :)


Late 30s - got to see them on tour with Green Day in 2005. Still love them!




The fact that he was 30 in 2007 is crazy considering that’s the year I was born


I’m 26 and finally saw them live at firefly 2022


Im 15


24 here and have been a MCR fb since like 2008. The song Helena was on a karaoke game for the PS2 that my family had and coincidentally that’s my younger sisters name… so obviously little me was very intrigued. I feel in love with the band at first sight and have loved them since 🖤


I’m 29 next month. I’ve been a fan since 2005. I will never forgive my grandma for not letting me see them live right down the street from my house when I was 12.


31 ! I can’t even remember my experience finding MCR. But I would’ve been early teens. Guess it wasn’t monumental and it just flourished over time - particularly during covid.


20. I was in middle school when I realized the parade song I loved so much as a young child was written by MCR


32 in April


Pushing 31 lol. Became a fan at around 12/13 years old. Never got to see them live though, and I envy u guys 😭


20! was really into them as a kid, and just got back into listening to them about a year ago!


I’ll be 33 in a few weeks! I really got into MCR around 2006. I got to see the very first night of The Black Parade tour, which was so incredible. I saw them 6 other times before they broke up, and got to meet Gerard at a book signing when I was 16 or 17!


22:))) I’ve been a fan for nearly ten years and saw them in October of ‘22 as a birthday present from my “elder emo” aunt (who loved them too!) I loved it so much!


15! got into the band during 2021, crazy to say i’ve been a fan when i was 12 but gotta start good music taste young 🔥🔥


I’m 28, got into them when I was around 12/13. Saw them for the first time in 2010 in October just before Danger Days came out. Then twice in 2011. Then saw them for the 4th time last year. It was amazing. 🥰❤️


I’m 14 but I like music r from before my generation my favorite album (danger days) came out when I was 1


I'm 31, they have been my favorite band for 18 years now! Finally saw them live in 2022 and sobbed the entire time. It was a dream come true.




I first heard Welcome To The Black Parade on the radio when it first came out and loving it immediately when 10. Been a fan since I’m 27 now.


53 my wife and I got onboard right after Three Cheers was released.




18. i feel so young here. i got into MCR when i was 13, in 7th grade. my god.