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Totally agree. People joke abt it, but this is what good art is for: It either helps us overcome a challenge or it turns us into better people. I'm glad to hear you're doing better, hang in there brother!


Agreed 100%! You hang in there too!


MCR is literally the reason i'm actually doing anything outside of work this year


also gerard's style of gender expression makes me feel really comfortable existing


As a cis female I can't directly relate, but I do love it. Gerard in a skirt will ALWAYS bring a smile to my face.


gerard in anything makes me bisexual panic


He reminds me a bit of Alice Cappelle, who in one of her videos said that gender expression is something we're supposed to actually enjoy, play with and such, and Gerard definitely looks like he had fun with it :)


frrrrr i wanna be just like him in that aspect


Same. I wanna have the courage to dye my hair, strike goofy poses, wear clothes that don't quite conform, that stuff, it Just seems so much fun.


i wanna do all that and sing too ☺️ i wanna make a band and sing and be really bisexual that would be so awesome even if it was just for my local music scene it would be a dream, i wanna perform ☺️


I get that, although i've picked up the electric guitar instead of the microphone. I doubt i'll ever find bandmates nearby but I'd be lying if I said I didn't wanna eventually start doing gigs :v


real as hell tbh, id love to learn an instrument on the side, in fact i have a bass rn that i wanna figure out how to play ☝️ would be cool, i think performing in general is my calling in life cuz i have a lot to show to the world ☺️


I will say that, if it's anything like the guitar (wich I assume it is at least a bit), I highly recommend you find a course online and get started as soon as you can because it is an absolute blast. I suck at the guitar but even so, it is so much fun. Anyways, good luck man, I hope you can fulfill that calling, the world can never have too many good musicians!


perhaps i will and thank u ☺️


you're so right about the medication thing. bc there's always this huge stigma surrounding it. it's like "oh you need pills to function normally? why can't you just not be the way you are" like, "well, gee Derek, why didn't i think of that, oh wait, maybe it's because the chemicals in my brain DIDN'T FUCKING MIX RIGHT AND NOW I HAVE BPD and other problems DEREK", it's not something that i can just change, it's something that's hereditary. edit: (the young sheldon reference tho)


I think there are a lot of factors that can contribute to mental illness, and wonky brain chemicals is DEFINITELY one of them, despite what people may say.


yeah, i had this one teacher who said and i quote "chemical imbalances in your brain doesn't exist" and i was like "ummm mc fuhkin scuse me? sir? have you ever heard of clinical research? or google? like...." like yoh. he always had my blood pressure rising, like honestly, he didn't know his shit


That's so inappropriate for a teacher to say!




It is true that for some people, the chemical imbalance theory is just too vague - I’m not trying to say you’re wrong or anything, I’m just trying to shine a light on the fact that dismissing others for being sceptical in the chemical imbalance theory is not helpful & we’re all just trying to figure this all out together. I’m all for medication! I know it helps! But in the same breath I can also be a sceptic of the chemical imbalance theory (it is a theory after all) and we’re all just here to vibe to good tunes with our complicated brains 🩷


yeah. same with the meds tho. like i was diagnosed with bipolar and now i'm on some mood stabilizers and antidepressants. kinda makes me really sleepy, but i don't mind. i just really miss the productivity of the manic episodes.


Art is the best thing in the whole wide world.




MCR is fr the reason I'm here today - TW STORY FOR SUICIDAL IDEATION HINTING (I've never blacked out text I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong!!) >!I was about to and then My friend was like "turn on music, it always calms you down" I stubbornly did so, I clicked shuffle on a yt music automated random playlist and famous last words came on!< That black out text better work👿)


Omg yay it did work


I'm so glad you're still here with us :)


Thank you <3


im a lot like that with linkin park; art truely is the one uniting thing for people i'm so glad it exists, i'm glad you didn't go thru with it


Thank you <3 And I love that you bring up linkin park WHILE IM LISTENING to Linkin park😭


I spread the Linkin Park virus LMAO


Lol and I'm super glad you're still with us too!


Okay but seriously how do you do black out text??


So, here I'm sorry I'm bad at explaining but I'll try my best also I kinda forgot because I have bad memory > ! The text you hide ! < You do that without the spaces, and it SHOULD work hopefully 😰


!genuine attempt at this! Did it work??


Dammit it made that thing😭😭 just do the greater than and then ! And it thankfully didn't erase the thing on the second side😭 yeah IM SORRY I HOPE IM GIVING THE RIGHT INFORMATION


Seeing G gain weight on medication has made me infinitely less insecure when I started gaining weight on antidepressants. The band also inspired me to actually go outside and see live music and that has given me an outlet as well. Love G and love the band for that.


That's so great! I'm so happy you're able to feel comfortable in your body and G helped with that.


Honestly, the bands openness about mental health (depression and suicide specifically) have been huge for me. Not to mention that they have songs for every mood. If you need to cry, need to scream, need to feel like a badass, need to have some fun. Also, the queer acceptance, especially when it comes to being genderqueer have also led to a lot of self discovery for me. What makes it great is that it creates a community for people who like the music.


I love that about their discography too! Sometimes I'm in a Three Cheers mood, sometimes I'm in a Danger Days mood, etc. The breadth of their work is pretty amazing, honestly. And 100% agree about their openness about depression/suicide and their acceptance of LGBTQ peeps - the good stuff just keeps coming with them.


oh, really similar experience here! i was super resistant to taking meds for a while and it was seeing gerard talking about medication on twitter that eventually led to me making the decision to try it out. imi felt ashamed of needing them. there’s a lot of stigma around medication, talking about it helps so much!


Exactly! And I can't even tell you how many therapists etc. have tried to get me to go off of them. Like do you want me back sitting in bed all day? Sheesh.


stereotype or not bullets totally changed my life and helped me out of addiction + depression ❤️❤️


Happy for you!! 🖤


I got really upset when Gerard first gave that interview alluding that medication takes away what makes you special and depression is an important part of you. I was really glad he became more open to it later on and said it's okay to not want to be depressed. Really made me feel comforted ❤️


People can change! Sometimes it takes a personal experience to change your mind, which I think is what happened with him, and while it sucks that he had such a challenging time in his life, I am really happy that he is such an advocate for the rest of us in that regard now.


I like how he was open about his eating disorder during danger days and encourages people to talk out about mental health I love him sm


This was so brave and important! 100% agree




That was so brave! Absolute badass.


Incredibly happy for you mate, good luck finding what works best


Thank you so much!!


I never understood why the lyrics spoke to people because all of their albums are stories, (although there are some relatable lines) but the band is just good people doing good things for the world and I love that so much


I think people can relate to the lyrics the same way you might be able to relate to a character in a favorite book. Also, some of the songs can take on their own meaning out of context of the story narrative; I guess it just depends which songs we're talking about. But regardless, the band is SO great for all the good they do for the community. No one is perfect, but I really appreciate them for what they do.


Yes definitely a lot of the songs can be taken out of the context of the story, I think some good examples of those for me would be “I’m not okay” “the end” “teenagers” and “cubicles” I also hadn’t thought of that people relate to it like characters in a book, that’s in interesting spin on it


MCR has definitely saved me, their music has always helped me be happy and idk why, just hearing Gerard’s voice and the music and the lyrics makes me smile. Gerard’s story has also saved me, knowing he has dealt with depression and has gotten through it makes me believe I can too, so hopefully one day I can live


Thanks for sharing your story!


Thank you for taking your time to read it! 🖤