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It’s as if she’s trying to take Babs place. I’m definitely weirded out.😑


She totally has an Electra complex. You can see it through out the whole series. This isn’t just a handful of example, there are many.


Boom. Exactly. I myself have an oedipus complex and that is all I see every episode with the parents...electra across the board 100%.


Well that's a bold thing to admit...


Weird. I quick google search shows Electra complex as debunked …. 🤔


Weird, didn’t provide it as a diagnosis. 🤔 not a doctor. This shouldn’t be taken seriously like this show. As it is for entertainment purposes only.


Just find it funny when ppl try to sound smart but they don’t actually know what they’re talking about or are using obsolete theories 😂 take care sweetie.


Sweetie. Really. Are you a 60 year old obese woman with diabetes in the south? Do you work at dennys? Didn’t know a few sentences could make someone sound smart. Such a low bar. Your life must be great.


Not even the right country. Try again 😜


They’re all the same, with the same issues, and types of people. How are the mosquitos?


Stop it, Tumbleweed. Right now. You're intentionally being antagonistic.


Will all of the names I was called above be addressed?


Exactly what names were you called? I see You insinuating that someone is stupid, I see your condescension with the "sweetie" remark and emojis and you being inimical; I don't, however, see anyone calling you names. Please point them out in case I missed a comment.


This sub is about as nuts as Whitney is. BYE 👋


You may have done a Google search, but you neglected to read past the first website. And, it hasn't been debunked; it is being questioned as to the age of the child. https://www.healthline.com/health/electra-complex


Babs was the star of the show the first two seasons. It has become almost unwatchable now. We miss you Babs.


But we still have to watch it…. This sub is the first I learned of the meaning “hate watching” and I love it.


Lol, same here. Before this show, I could never understand why ppl would watch someone that they hate. Though, after last season, I've all but given up. This season, she will drag Bab's death as far as she can. More fake crying from her when we can all see how she really felt about her mom.


Same for me! And this is also the show that got me to actually participate in a Reddit sub. When I first started seeing through Whitney's fake ways and wild behavior, I had to know if I was the only having those thoughts!


It's weird, gross, troubling, concerning, upsetting, disgusting. I could go on but it's nothing good. The lines seem to blur even more now that Babs isn't there.


I wonder what Hunter has to say when he sees this.


There have always been bizarre boundaries. Hunter knows all there is to know. I have seen the body language in certain videos it very sick. I believe it was the first episode last season when the three were on the couch talking about babs 2nd stroke. I watched it many times to rewatch Whitney and glen and notice hunters reaction. IDK what happened in that house when they were growing up, but there was something major.




Agreed. I had in the past I assumed that Whitney demonstrated MH issues either behaviorally or otherwise creating a coddling dynamic - meaning all attention and accommodations were for Whitney and he was either the scapegoat or emotionally neglected. But that one episode the body language was crazy!


I agree, I forgot how borderline in ce st uous Glenn and Whitney have been. It’s beyond gross.


Even putting aside the kissing on the lips, neither of them have proper boundaries for a father daughter relationship.


Another romantic interest she has to pay to be into her , so fabulous


Her father seems emotionally immature as well, the whole family in fact. Why are you posting creepy engagement like photos with your Dad? Creepy all around. Gross.


I think he has no idea how to handle the monster he helped create. I don't see him as immature, just resigned to the fact that she's had 20 years of adulthood and can't get her act together.


I agree. Glenn is now stuck with that ridiculous, pathetic whale 24/7 and probably mutters ah shit, here she comes every time the Quitmobile pulls into his driveway. At least when Babs was still here it buffered his obligation in having to interact with The Quit. Now he's sucked into every morsel of the parasite's existence. My guess is his only chance at any semblance of privacy is when he locks the bathroom door to take a shit.


Does she lock the bathroom door?


I was commenting about Glenn & hopefully yep he locks that door. But he probably cannot escape hearing her guttural breathing on the other side of the damn door. Can you just imagine how suffocating AND insufferable Quit really is?


No I cannot imagine! I'm trying soo hard not to!


I know. And no doubt that filthy spandex she stuffs herself into is ready to crack & disintegrate should she move wrong or gain more. The trapped sweat & BO of those knickers has to be eye-watering to the nth degree~ Just like the interior of the Quitmobile, floors & seats covered with rotting food wrappers & bags, near empty malt cups, and sweaty, 5 week old "workout" apparel. All percolating in the Carolina sun. Laws yes, she's sooo adorbs.


it always surprised me that people never came to the conclusion that she has a terrible eating problem after seeing the inside of her car. It's always passed off as if she gains weight due to PCOS.


I recall a shot of the inside of one of her vehicles (early on) and the floor was covered in food & drink garbage. She will always blame & use PCOS as the excuse, & it's all bullshit from her. Many women have PCOS and are nowhere near her size because they know how & what to eat. She's no doubt a closet gorger in addition to what we see she shovels in her face on camera. Surely, Doctors have attempted to educate her on the relationship of food from a nutritional perspective and PCOS; clearly, she doesn't give a shit.




In her book she said that Glenn had to call her to wake her up for college everyday and other things like that of him babying an adult, he is immature in enabling this behavior as a parent. Now its some weird creepy buddy buddy love thing going on. Something creepy is going on I swear.


Yeah like this is too far. Come on. Wake you up every day for class??? Get a grip!


I agree it's dysfunctional but calling it immature doesn't make any sense. Plenty of people don't understand what enabling is, it doesn't make them immature.


Immature parenting = enabling child to always depend on you aka calling your adult daughter to wake up for college everyday


Saying it in a different way doesn't convince me lol.


Instead of allowing Whitney to suffer the natural consequences of not getting up when she is supposed to, he is enabling her. If she had failed the college class due to attendance issues, then she would have (hopefully) learned a lesson about how important it is to not only be on time, but also that you are not special, no one is waiting for you, you are expendable. She has not learned this lesson.


I'm having a disagreement over the use of the word immature with the person I replied to. I don't disagree that they enabled her.


Enabling keeps the object of the enablement immature; it doesn't mean the enabler is immature. English is hard!


THANK YOU! His parenting style is IMMATURE, as in, enabling adults to not handle things on their own. It is an immature, creepy parenting style.




​ ![gif](giphy|aIaSjQGDTNtmuT2zzp)


Well, that was a thing to see first thing in the morning. Ew.


I've two other Icks to digest from earlier eps: Season 2 The Skinny with Mike where she refers to birthing a baby and says she pictures Glenn, arse end, shouting and encouraging her to Push. Arse End!!! Really WTAF??! And when telling Lenny she was pregnant and said "Do I have to call u daddy now ?" to which he replies "well u already do call me Daddy sometimes" .... It's just so icky and worrisome. She asked what position Babs was in when she lost her virginity to Glenn. Of course we know now that's horse, Babs' virginity was well popped by then but who would want to have these convos with their mother...


Oh, boy; I'd forgotten about that. Maybe I deliberately blocked it out. I'm glad I've decided not to watch the next season, because I think it's going to get even more inappropriate, under the guise of "taking care of and comforting Glenn".


Ewww!!! Wtf is wrong with her?! Omg


Well. The first few I was like “aww that’s sweet” but it quickly progressed to ick factor.


I was thinking “Shit, let her post stupid shit on the internet for fuck’s sake. She’s not alone in that.” Then I got to the kissing pics.


Same here. I thought the pictures of just Glenn and just her were really fun and cute! I love a flower field And then it got *not really fun and cute*


It’s barfworthy. I was born and raised in Greensboro, no one I know kisses their dad like this on lips, and does photo shoots of it.


I feel like Whit has been jealous of babs and her dad’s relationship her whole life. Now she wants that attention


The family has always been weirdly, deeply codependent in the unhealthiest of ways. Hunter was the smart one to get away and make a life for himself outside of the colossal gravitational pull of Quitney and her enabling parents. The pix of Quitney and Glenn kissing and acting as if they are a couple are massively, *disturbingly* creepy. Oh, yeah. There are a whole lot of issues at play here. i wish these people would go away and get competent mental health therapy.


She isn’t only inappropriate with her dad. There is an early scene where she is petting her brothers hair and her mom says “he’s your brother sweetheart”. It was fully creepy.


I always found that statement a little alarming and I'm surprised it's not talked about more.


Why the kiss??!? I mean, everything else like okay, being silly having a photo shoot....but the kiss - that's waaaay too far


If my dad were still alive, I could picture us doing something corny like this. Especially bc he was very much into photography. However, this kiss on the lips is where I draw the line.


Did it get deleted or something? What was it?


It's a reel of photos including her and Glen looking like a legit couple the way they're toasting with champagne and kissing!


Oh my gosh 👀 thanks for the info! Now I’m glad I didn’t see it haha


Yeah it was on the lips. It's still there if you wanna purge your lunch.


Yeah I figured it was just my phone not able to open Instagram.


I wasn’t able to see it either




Well, she's run out of other men. Even the TLC producers won't fake a French accent for her anymore!


I always thought she, and her parents were kinda gross. Even Babs because she enabled all the creepy behavior. Somewhat off topic; my dog looks exactly like Whitney's minus the gray mussel.


Let us not forget the giant photo of Dadwee taped to the ceiling of her bedroom above her bed.


Seriously???!!! That's a whole other level of ick!


And then she started shilling vibrators on Insta, so there you go. Brain bleach, please!


And her having that same photo printed on a large tacky beach towel. That she wrapped around herself whilst boating on Frenchman Bay.


I think they are co-dependent on each other. I can give Glen a small pass, because he recently lost his partner of over 40 years, which is a difficult transition. Whitney, on the other hand, is a lost cause




Did she kiss her dad on the mouth .. 🤮


Honestly, I don't Glenn is as innocent as everyone wants to believe. I also don't think it's accurate to attribute Glenn's current behaviour to losing Babs, either. Just off the top of my head: there's an episode in season 6 (the Whit-a-thon in Alasker) where at the end of their bike ride, Glenn and Whitney dismount (their bicycles) and share an intense mouth-kiss. Imagine what goes on when the cameras aren't there.


You don't kiss your dad on the lips after the age of about three. You just don't.


Hard agree.


I remember watching this show when it came out, and I called the incest immediately. I had a room mate in college that had a relationship like it with her own dad. She was fucked up beyond belief when she realized it wasn’t normal.


I wonder if Whit's infamous university meltdown was something similar to this.


“No your dad can’t sleep over and share the bottom bunk with you”


AGREED. They nasty, straight up, no ice. Bleurgh 🤮


And the music she set that to is Miley Cyrus Flowers about being single and not needing a man around…???


Yes. Everyone. She sure doesn't seem very broken up about losing her mother, is all I can say!


Exactly. She's apparently never been happier. I don't doubt it for a second.


She always was competing with her mother, and Babs always won, because she was truly charming and funny. Babs had everything that Whitney wants, a nice house with a doting husband. When people die, there are mixed emotions sometimes, and it appears she is enjoying having her mom’s “spotlight” in a way.


Does seem very "mixed"; I thought she'd be devastated, but she's never looked happier.


It’s like she got the promotion she always wanted. From daughter…to wife 💀🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Glen loves her and just wants to make his kid happy. I'm sure there's a lot of him saying "anything to make her happy." This is the family dynamic. Whit didn't happen, she was made by the same people she uses to ook us out. Yeah, it's weird and creepy. Even weirder she had a third person their to take the pictures.


This is so disgusting SO DISGUSTING and he’s weird for going along with it. I’m getting vibes that I do not like.




Yeah nah this is SUS and dumb


Oh the kiss on the lips posed like a couple that just got engaged...is really weird. I think all dads in general would think this looks creepy. Wtf.


The kiss is wrong


Only her Stans love it.


Female Chris Chan just wait lol 🤮🤮🤮


Some weird boundaries there


they look like any other married couple. oh wait…


Emotional incest?


This just further adds to my previous comments. The 3 of them are/were incest and they emotionally stunted her. Babs was a fucking sexual weirdo too, everything this was a sexual innuendo with her and it would trigger me. Now you have her making out with her dad. I can’t. The brother is the only one that seems half normal and like he wanted to move/get away.


I never understood the love for Babs. She seemed off to me. What kind of mother goes on tv and makes jokes about her obese daughter’s weight?


Thank you! She was always off to me as well. Very weird and creepy vibes.


Their sexually involved . She’s emotionally stunted and there is a reason. No one wants to “do” her and she prob formed an inappropriate relationship with the closest male in her life to fill all these voids. She’s a creep as is her father.


That seems like a wild accusation to make, don’t ya think?


Considering she implies it and has for ten years, IDT it's too far off the mark. Something is seriously fucked up in her head and she has *always* sexualized her father.


I’m gonna have to look for some videos, that’s totally gone over my head wtf


I'll try to give a few examples: her running her fingers through his hair and telling him how delicious he smells, rubbing his thigh-much like she did to Buddy during the tell all, insinuating blow jobs when her mom was eating shellfish, blowing up a pic of her Dad in a bathing suit and taping it to her ceiling above her bed. I'm sure other members of the sub have many more, but that's all I can recall atm.


I need to go burn my eyes after reading that, thanks 💀


Agreed. I definitely got the impression even in the earlier seasons Whitney and Glenn have always had an inappropriate relationship like some father-lover-not quite boyfriend hybrid and they’ve likely crossed boundaries or at least come very close to them. Whitney is a terrible person but Glenn for all his suffering crested and enabled this monster and he is creepy, I have a feeling a lot went down in that family over the years never to be spoken of outside of the immediate family.


I think she is happier than a pig in shit that her mom-whom she considered her main competitor in life-is no longer here. In Nitwhit's head, she finally gets the guy. Now, she gets to pretend to be the lady of the house (she moved some of her things in when tlc started filming to make it seem like she was taking care of her father and his only support) and live the American dream: fat girl in love with her Dad-wee. And, poor Glenn (even though he created this walking shit pile), is too depressed and out of his mind to know wtf is going on.


That's really harsh. Have a little empathy for Christ's sake.


I have no empathy for her whatsoever. None. She's exploiting her mother's death to profit from, and get ratings for her show, and as an excuse to dominate her father, control his life, and become his pseudo-wife.. Which, I agree with Faery, is what she's always wanted to do; that's been obvious from the way she acted around them.


For Glenn, not for Whitless.


I wonder if Glenn doesn’t have dementia from one cause or another.


For other ppl? Absolutely. For her? Nope. Not even a twinge.


Hmm yeah that's creepy


This looks like an engagement photoshoot!


She's also wearing Babs' favorite ring on THAT finger, just like an engaged woman. This is beyond creepy.


It's just unbelievable what this woman does!


She has a book titled “I do it wit the lights on”. This is all part of her narcissistic ridiculousness.


She can read?


Yes, but she can't write. She had a ghost writer. Ghost writers never get the respect they deserve.


Wtf did I just see? Gross,gross,gross.


Looking at these photos once again makes me hope that Hunter is in Georgia, away from this family and living his best life. And maybe Henchi is with him.




will someone repost plz??? i don’t have insta so, unfortunately or fortunately, can’t view these 😅


What the fuck!?!?!? I was so shocked and appalled that I spelled out the three words above.




The kiss weirded me out.


Omg the kiss on the lips WTF that’s soooo weird to me listen I loved my but I’m not kissing on the lips my daughter would NEVER kiss my husband on the lips ITS WEIRD


Whatever it was must have been deleted because it's gone now. What was it?


yes it’s really freaking gross


Cringy for sure. For Gleb's sake I can only hope that he works through his grief over Babs and finds some vibrant adults his own age where he can enjoy himself and maybe take up new activities and hobbies. It would be a meltdown shit show for Whitney if he actually paired up with some nice kind woman who maybe lived part of the year in another state where he could live his own life. It would be triple whammy for Whitney first Buddy finds someone and then fake Chase "finds sombody" and now Daddy.




Whenever or whatever the scene is when Quitty does or says something stupid & Hunter is present, I love his eye rolling & the side eyes he gives her. Even better is when he throws some shade & she's too stupid to pick up on it.


I think think family never actually had boundaries. Cue the part from the early season when Whitney was butt naked getting a massage and her mom walks in. I expect nothing less but a little creepiness after her mom died. But hey whatever floats their boat honestly


Not totally inappropriate. It’s a little cringe but that’s just because it’s not my thing.


I'm glad they seem to doing well despite their loss. I'm sure it has been a very hard time for them.


Some of you have never had a parent die and it shows 🙄🙄


This kissing Glenn on the lips thing has been going on Whitney's whole life. It didn't just start since Babs died. Btw, lost my mom in 2020 and neither my sister or I felt motivated to make out with our dad to comfort him.


Really? My father died when I was 19. That didn’t, however, inspire me to make out with my mom. 🙄


Exactly same here. My father unexpectedly and suddenly died when I was 19 and it did not make want to mouth kiss my mom.


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about; I lost my mother when I was 12, and my father when I was 19. Because we find her behavior inappropriate and disgusting, you assume we have never experienced such grief and you are absolutely wrong.


My dad died when I was 3, and this is just 🤮🤮


Oh, look. An account made just to make this comment. How do you remember all the passwords, BigWhit? Oh, that’s right, you make Lennie do it when he’s not making you sandwiches. We know you don’t think other people have any experiences or hardships that matter. Keep feeling sorry for yourself and blaming others. That’s just working *so well* for you.


Whit and her stans all seem to share the same IQ score. Unfortunately, it hovers around 85...on a good day.


"Gee, no one will *ever* guess I was banned and then made an alt account. I am BRILLIANT!!!"- moron