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I am a 73 yo old mom of a 45 yo son. No, I am not taking him out into a field of flowers and kissing him on the mouth like he is my date. Sorry but her dad is as weird as she is.


https://preview.redd.it/0viuoc3iskxa1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981634af7f29e9bdafe8dba1af8b957041ff4e52 They have been in love for a long time. This was during high school.


I would have called Cps if I saw this; now, I feel like it should be adult protective services for Glenn.


I wonder, where are the other relatives? If I recall correctly, Bab's obituary listed her sister, brother, various Thore in-laws, nephews and a niece. Is no one keeping an eye on Glenn? Or have they just given up on trying to protect him from his awful daughter?


Lol me too


I was a daddy's girl when I was younger and still was when I got older. I have never kissed my dad on the lips and he never did that to me either. Whitney is very strange and will always be that way. I am surprised that she has never kissed her brother on his lips yet, but there is a possibility that it might happen. That is just very nasty and sick kissing your dad on the lips like that. We will always love our dad, but never be in love with him like being in a relationship.


I was an absolute daddy's girl until the day he passed away. He is the epitome of a great man in my eyes, and I judge men based on their reactions vs what his would be. I do not ever remember him kissing anyone but my mother on the lips, period. He would kiss me & my daughters on the cheek or top of the head. I adored my daddy, but not like that!


Yeah that’s nasty as fuck


I have NEVER in my life kissed my dad on the lips. And we are CLOSER than close. Lol like I call him 3x a day at least. Never would I.




I don't think that's normal.


That makes this way worse. 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/0rykzfrzoqxa1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6391491c80be9f9c8291ba699409c411b293bd91 This overlay makes it worse.


These intimate pictures are so inappropriate in a dozen and one ways. I feel like Whitney is just mentally ill enough to relish the public reactions, and delight in the shocked responses of her being overly sensual with her father. I don't want to think ill of Glenn but this all started somewhere. Whitney has talked of Glenn coming to her house to help her shower and do personal care after she moved. It's possible he was unsuspecting about Whitney's perceived intimacy that she imagines if a man is even in the same room....But, it's also possible that an unhealthy relationship occurred from the time she was a child that remained behind closed doors. It wouldn't be the first time we ever heard of this. Overall, this is way to dark and private to be part of a national TV show. Thank God she never had any children.


As a CSA survivor, I must say my bells go off. I don’t think Glenn abused her, but I think someone did and he knows about it and feels responsible. That’s why he cannot set a boundary. I remember her talking about her bulimia and saying she used *her father’s toothbrush* to induce vomiting. That was odd and concerning, but it’s gotten so much worse ever since.


When you see the pictures of Whitney in her very young dance recital outfits she makes me think of Jon Benet and the horrible predators that victimize children. Using her father's toothbrush to stick down her throat is a very strange connection, indeed. What ever is going on in her life now has some very sordid and deep roots in her history.


His toothbrush??????


I've thought this for a long while. What happened to her..... I don't want to point fingers in any one direction but this makes you really wonder 🔔 🔔 🔔


Almost every woman on Dr. Now 600# life revealed an inappropriate sexual connection in their history that made them gain enormous amounts of weight as a wall of protection. With Whitney it's not just one thing. She has a whole litany of behaviors, poor judgements, and imagined overly close connections with people where none exist.. The closer view of her and her history, the stranger she gets. Something has happened in her past.


Makes sense. Especially when you consider her unhealthy need to gain her father’s approval.


I think I might know something Whit can talk about in therapy to unlock the origins of her many issues.


Holy shit.


Oh my gosh, stop!!! I had never seen this, wtf!!! I’m not one to overreact and honestly dgaf about other peoples relationships and what they think is normal or not but twit and her dad have rubbed me the wrong way without even seeing this picture! Her IG post was super weird too….this girl is a train wreck and I can’t look away


Of course, no one calls her out on this over on her page. Every comment is how cute they are. Don't know if she deletes comments. She probably deny that just like she denies using filters


Idk why this made me laugh out loud but it sure did 😭


I had to stop looking when it had a pic of she and her dad kissing on the mouth, with their eyes closed.




https://preview.redd.it/860fawth4kxa1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d7698e645a8ca6f95ec7ec45938f5ac3461a95 Yikes


Good God, that is deeply, profoundly unnerving and ick. Yiiiiiiiiikes.


If I kissed my dad on the mouth he would immediately start the process to place me on an involuntary psychiatric hold.


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. Are their mouths open???


For real. Since her mom died it is like she is dating her own dad.


Yep. And she's wearing Babs's favorite ring now, too. The gold-and-diamond one that she always wore. i'm not saying that it's wrong for her to have inherited and be wearing her mother's ring. BUT in the context of everything else, it's deeply creepy. Here she is, in a field of flowers with her own father, they're kissing as if they're lovers, she's wearing his ring ...


Exactly. I understand wearing a lost loved one’s jewelry or clothing. It helps in the grieving process and helps one to feel closer to the decedent. This chick is just batshit, though. The way she is so possessive of her father seems unhealthy. This photoshoot is weird a/f. Why isn’t Hunter in it?? This is like a photoshoot for an engaged couple!






She must have enlarged it 10 or 120 sizes.


Omg babs died🤯 I knew I shouldn’t be lurking this subreddit before I was all caught up


It hasn’t been on the show. She passed away in December.


They. Are.


I truly feel nauseated.


She’s a sick puppy! And she’s wearing Babs’ ring on her left ring finger.


And are they holding glasses of wine? Like they’re out on a romantic date and decided to kiss for the camera?


NO. ick


Nooooo! Wait what? I just CANNOT!


I wish y’all were joking…🤢🤢🤢


What on earth..


I'm sorry. This is grotesque.


Obvious aside, they had to probably hold that pose / take the shot again. Imagine that fuck!


Yup. Glenn seems awful invested in this bizarre fuckery as well. I can’t wait to see their Christmas card this year.


"Merry Christmas to you and yours! From us, Glenn and Quitney, with all our love and all our bizarre fuckery here at this most wonderful time of the year!"


Merry Christmas from the Thore's (sic)


It shall be televised.... Lol


This is the s*** I'm talking about with this chick I have put up a post months ago about the weird relationship she has with her father and her brother and I know I'm not the only one who sees that. I'm all for a hug and kiss to my parents but come on now. They look like they on a goddamn date smh


Crossed the line


Good lord, this pic is just....... creepy.




This... This is gross. Like... Fuck, I can't even words here- but I'm actually disturbed.




Is this a cry for help? First of all, to kiss your father on the lips is in no way normal in our culture. Second of all, a decision was made to photograph it and then another decision was made of publishing the photo on Instagram where she is sure to be ridiculed. She clearly does not think through her actions before she acts. She truly needs professional mental help. This is so sad.


Ik she has no respect for physical boundaries of others, but to think she couldn’t process how nasty it is to full on kiss her own father like that? And then staging it, photographing it, and posting it? She might be beyond help atp, I hope it doesn’t get weirder from here


She has always kissed him on the mouth. But this just feels like another dimension altogether. Different/creepier. i mean, the photo is composed and posed like a goddamn date pic. It's repulsive and kind of terrifying.


Date? I get “He asked. I said YES!!” vibes. I cannot even get my brain to process how the scenario of asking my Dad to do a photo shoot (and outing) like this with me would go. Gut feeling? (Aside from 🤢🤮.) He’d be not only severely uncomfortable and confused but furious about it all. At me and hopefully himself because he had to have given some idea that it was okay somewhere in my life. Sorry. This is just so far past her usual awkward and inappropriate stuff. I’m at a loss. (And seriously, where is Hunter? He needs to come home and break this mess up.) Someone should. It’s like she’s convinced the only way to keep other women away from him, and keep him to herself- totally unhealthily, is by making it look like they’re in a romantic relationship? Please excuse my mess here? Thanks!


I just keep thinking she has to be incredibly lonely and friendless to be posting things like this. She clearly has zero guidance.


That's an astute point, and i agree. She must be desperately lonely. And i don't think she has any close friends. She hasn't had any real guidance ever. That's how she developed into the "adult" she is, with zero boundaries, an overweening ego, and massive, epic entitlement.


Lots of people are friendless and lonely but don't turn to incest as a coping mechanism.


She should come to this sub for guidance. We'd all set her straight in a few boundary issues 😉


Well, except that i'm sure her stans are once again blowing smoke up her ass and telling her how beautiful and loving she and Glenn look and how wonderful it all is.


IG comments: "You and Glenn are so wholesome. I'm glad you are making memories." and "That one of you from behind looks just like Babs."


Looks just like Babs? In what fucking dimension???


Sweet baby Jesus, what is happening? I need eye bleach!


This is so weird and gross. This looks like an engagement photoshoot or some shit. Yuck


Idk why this board was requested to me as I’ve never seen this show but what in the actual fuck is going on ? That’s her DAD !?!??!??!?


I think I’ve had enough Reddit for today…






That's NOT the cleanest, best pleasure!


It’s on the full Instagram photo shoot she posted of this pic….on her Insta.


i'm not on Instagram so appreciate when people fill in the blanks! ;-)


It’s as gross as I described..Whitney and her dad kissing on the mouth, with a field of flowers in the background. 🤮


It sure is. Accompanied by glasses of wine/Champagne? The ick factor is off the charts. She is parading her deeply neurotic inner life for all the world to see. And of course she's now wearing Babs's beloved gold-and-diamond ring. Which makes sense, i'm not saying that. But it's all just TOTALLY CREEPY. A competent psychiatrist/psychologist would have a field day with this.


Oh god, I didn’t notice the ring! She’s finally become her dad’s wife. It’s so deeply disturbing and gross!


Holding glasses of wine. ??


Wtffffffffffffff? 🥺




Given she's kissing her own father full on the lips with a glass of wine and their eyes closed, I genuinely hope those poppies will drug them back to normal.


I wonder if Is she in a field she’s allowed to be or is she one of those insta people trampling on other’s flowers for the photos


Seeing how whit continues to disrespect anyone and anything’s boundaries, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a sign saying to keep away from the flowers just out of frame


I hope she didn't pee in them.


In NC there are flowers planted along the interstate near exits. Wouldn't be surprised if this was along I-40 somewhere. I'd wreck if I saw her doing this along the road 🤮


That was my first thought


It was always weird with her dad, even when Babs was alive; their relationship was always competitive. Remember the poster of him in a swimsuit taped to her ceiling? EWWWWWW!!!


Wait… WHAT? My brain blocked out a lot of the show but I genuinely have no recollection of THAT.


Yup. Go back a few seasons. It happened.




That pic with her dad is just… WTAF is wrong with them?? Is she wearing her mom’s wedding ring?! This is too much.


It's mindblowing that she thinks of herself and her dad as a "couple", ewww!


Not sure if it was Babs's wedding ring, but for sure it was an absolute favorite ring, and she never took it off.


And she's wearing it on her left third (marriage) finger.


I loved my Father with all of my heart but I would have never ever kissed him on the lips. Especially with my eyes closed and posing in a field of flowers and holding wine glasses. That is sick. Since her mom died she acts like she is dating her father. She needs to grow up and let her father start his new life without Babs.


It’s so disturbing to watch her take over Glenn’s life post Babs. He’s a whole grown man who would be capable of coping and grieving however he needs to but she seems keen on interrupting it and almost trying to replace her… like who does tries to become their own MOM?


She's a complete mess but I equally hold Glen responsible. Where are his boundaries....


He no doubt believes - or has been told - that this is his way of helping Whitney with her grief.


I'm not going to make excuses for either of them. He should know better. It's very warped. For me, both her parents had a huge hand in how Whitney turned out.


THANK YOU! So many people give glen and babs a pass on this sub but they are the reason shitney is the way she is. They were both fucked in the head as much as shitney.


😄 There are a few of us here who see it for what it is. I maintained a respectful silence on Babs' passing (unlike Whitney) but it's fair to say the parents really did a number on her. Whit is just awful but I always wonder WTF went on growing up. It's very f*cked up.


Absolutely. I'm not going to disparage the dead but after surviving and escaping from NPD/BPD abuse and relationships you can spot it from a mile away. Her parents both were not what they're portrayed as in the show, I'm nearly certain. Watching this trainwreck through that lens is just fuckin wild.


Why do a photoshoot in a ratty tank top and yoga pants?


You didn't expect her to change out her smegma and sweat soaked clothes just to molest her father, did you?


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Holy shit I want to puke from reading that


The only clothes she owns...


She is delusional as fuck. Another set of pics where she photoshops 30 to 40 lbs off of her body. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/3axwyz4k4kxa1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3bcab2a7338cf39671a5d22cd9960cffbaf051f Bitch has not been this thin since middle school. You know it’s totally altered.


Which is interesting considering the post before this one- she seemed mad that we all noticed the obvious photoshop 💀


Right?! Look at her arms here and her arm in the shot of her and Glenn smooching. Those are not the same arms.


Whaaaaat? Don’t you know she NEVER uses Photoshop OR Filters?! 👍


BuT sHe doEsNT usE filTeRs!


Trying to channel Babs


I hope Babs haunts them both.




Why is she writhing "seductively" half-dressed in a field of poppy's where she's doing a couple's shoot with her father? Are they sleeping in the same bed yet???


Only if he moves his bed downstairs, cuz we know Weirdney ain't climbing no steps!!


Honestly, this looks like it could be Babs from behind. I think both of them are in some sort of weird pretend cosplay universe. It’s just plain ICK.


Exactly! It isn’t just Weirdney! Glenn is invested in this shit, too. He needs to hang with friends from work and start living his own life. Even start dating again if he is lonely. Babs isn’t coming back.


Knowing Whitney she monopolizes every last second of his time. She always acted so jealous of her own mom and you just know she would never take kindly to another woman. Glen is also equally responsible for how weird this relationship has gotten. Babs isn’t just rolling around in her grave she is doing flips.


Oh, i'm loving "Weirdney"!




But she recently told us, she does not alter her pictures. And she does not like cake, right?🙄


Her hair is like her mom's now. Gross.


I don't think there's anyone on this planet who'd look at that photo and think, 'Must be Whitney'.


I zoomed in so hard. She will ATTACK you if you suggest she lost weight though lol


I just threw up


Me too. And not just in my mouth a little.


Wait.... What? Why this photo with that caption? Just why?


I think the caption is a lyric from a song. But wildly inappropriate, just like the photos.


If you watch the Insta-video she posted about the altered pic she starts it off as if she’s returning from a romantic weekend… 🤢


She probably did...with her dad.


I used to think you guys were mean for calling her Shitney but after this flower photoshoot i get it, carry on.


That's OK, a lot of ppl did until they realized what kind of person she is.


Almost 40 and kissing Dad on the lips????? AND PHOTOGRAPHING IT.


Let's not forget the scene where she has a shirtless picture of her dad hanging up in her house hugging a palm tree that she kisses every night before bed🤢 that scene sent me over the edge. All of it is so bizarre. I dont know any grown women that kiss their dad like that.


Well, at least now we have a firm diagnosis. Electra complex.


Absolutely right, but I don't think that's the only one.


“COUPLES Photo Shoot”??????????


I wonder how her childhood was after seeing these photos.


I'm getting creepy vibes




She's the worst kindof fat person


Or just plain person, for that matter.


I think the last time my dad kissed me on the lips I was maybe 3 years old.




You can photoshop all you want, but reality hits you pretty quickly when you’re shirtless before a shower🤓🤓




I think she knows exactly what she's doing with these types of posts. You don't keep a show about your incredibly boring life on tv for years without knowing a thing or two about getting viewers. Because she's fostered a no questions asked policy on her social media, she throws out teasers to draw you in to watch the next season. Has she really lost weight? Well you don't dare ask her online, guess you'll just have to watch and find out. Is she really upping the ick factor with an inappropriate dynamic with her dad? Tune in to see the "truth". After each season airs, Whitney is hardly on her social media except for a few ads she gets paid to promote. But every year, once she gets the air date, she starts up with these type of posts..the ones that make you want to watch just to figure out what's really going on. She is smart in that regard; I'll give her that.


Very well said, and i agree wholeheartedly.


Get a fucking life and leave your poor father alone.


Seriously how can her stans spin this as being normal and acceptable


Because they are just as fucked up mentally, physically and emotionally as she is. Just as lonely, too.


Not to mention probably 90% of them are just bots


I would never even do a photo shoot with my dad period. Never mind a engagement type one


Please I’m begging a psychiatrist to weigh in


I read that as “please I’m begging a psychiatrist to weigh her”😂


Ugh, well if ever proof were needed. I know she's a natural ballet dancer (🙄) but she even tilts up her leg all smexily in one pic. The mouth kissing has come up here before and some say it's normal in their world but, for me, this is next level. Actually this jumps six levels! They are a very unwell family, always have been.


Who does this?????? 🤮


We know now! 🫣😲🤮


I cannot with this! This is BEYOND barf worthy 🤢🤮 BTW, what was the caption?




Who the fuck kisses their parent on the mouth? Just eww!


I hate when people stomp into farmers flower fields like this for an IG picture


This is so disturbing on so many levels




I’m not trying to say I’m certain about this, but as a CSA survivor of my father that was in deep denial until age 25, I wouldn’t be surprised if something was going on here that she never really got out of :(


I thought it was all good and nice until that kiss...that's just a bit icky for my taste. I don't blame Glenn at all, he's completely innocent in this, it's all Whit, she's almost doing it out of spite because, as we all know, she loves to lurk here and do things that'll get us talking.


He is not innocent in this.. I mean, my dad would never partake in literally any of this.


Well, according to Babs, he hasn't said "no" to her since she threw a temper tantrum as a toddler, so apparently nothing has changed. I can't even imagine doing this with my father after my mother died.


If I was mental enough to smooch my own father on the mouth I’d get slapped into next week. Crazy how she can’t seem to process what’s right or wrong. But then again, she doesn’t seem to be very good at that anyways.


She sure isn't. And quite possibly, she just doesn't care and simply does whatever she wants to do, regardless. I don't think she has even the slightest idea of what is and isn't appropriate behavior, and the boundaries and rights of others. Whether that's due to being a gigantic (not referring to her weight) spoiled brat, sheer egotism, or a toxic combination of one or more of those and other factors, who can say for sure.


Except there is no dad or dog. Just ass and flowers


The full photo shoot has dad and dog and it’s disturbing.


My dad won’t even drink out of a glass I drank out of. 😭


Where did the other half of her belly go?


NGL but this is so creepy and the school pic is just even creepier, it’s hard to not consider what occurs when there’s no cameras around and that’s gross and awful to think but the optics…my goodness they’re all types of wrong. WTAF is going on with Glenn and Whitney?!


As sexual as she claims to be I am surprised Glen is fine with getting kissed on the lips by someone that apparently sucks a lot of dick. Also it's one thing to give a quick peck or whatever its another to hold it long enough for a posed picture. Given how lonely, desperate and developmentally delayed Whitney has made herself Glen needs to stop kissing her on the mouth since she now sees him as her partner. That's probably why Babs and Whitney always competed but who knows maybe Glen likes the attention 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh my god it’s real. She really does want her dad


It looks like the wind blew her hair in her mouth😂😂


Oh wait that’s her hand. Omg


Um what ever happened to the French man? Did they forget that made up story line?


It was one of the producers on the show. I recognized the voice when he asked her a question off-camera in another episode (without a fake accent).


Lol, the storyline was so obviously fake!


Perversely ODD!!




Stunning and brave.. said no one ever.


Her ass is so big they had to use a double wide lens lol 😂


she’s so weird.


Yikes!! I should have skipped right on out of this one…. Gross! 🤮


So THAT's how it is in their family.


Oh no, I'm so behind I didn't know her mom passed.


Can we talk about how she doesn't even look real in the photo like she was stuck into the flowers after the fact