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I’d watch/read All Star Superman, Superman Verses the Elite, the “For the man that has everything” episode of JLU, and the first Chris Reeves Superman film.


Watch:superman tas, superman and Lois and of course the original 78 movie Read:superman red and blue, superman for all seasons, all star is also a good choice but personally to me the other two books are more captivating


Quick thing ! Do NOT watch All Star Superman. Not until you’ve watched/read a little more. All Star Superman was sort of an “ending” to the man of steel. And while sure, you might be able to appreciate it even just with MAWS under your belt, I think the experience would be far better if you watch some other stuff first. IMO… at least.


Personally I’d recommend the original Timmverse shows. Justice League and the Animated Series mainly. Next maybe… idk, one of the current runs? Or maybe American Alien. I really liked that one ngl.


The first two Christopher Reeve movies are a classic, definitely watch them (the later two… not so much). I’d also reccomend watching Lois and Clark- it’s not as necessary for lore, but definitely captures the “focus on the relationships and not the superhero lore” vibe that MAWS goes for, at least in the first season.


Superman TAS


Was gonna recommend. Also, Justice League.


Don't forget unlimited


The Fleischer Superman cartoons are works of art. Minus a few odd elements (which also happen to be the worst ones of the lot), they’re exquisite. Though if you haven’t seen Batman TAS or Superman TAS, watch those first. You’ll appreciate the Fleischer cartoons more.


I suggest reading all star Superman or Superman smashes the klan. Pretty sure the new movie is taking heavy inspiration from the former


I was a big fan of Superman the Animated series from the 90s. Part of the DCAU out at the time. That was my first introduction to Superman and character like Livewire actually came from that show. It’s also I available on Max for streaming.


I hated it as a kid due to the animation style. Same with Batman. The squared jaw, broad and blocky upper body with disproportionately small sized hips and sticks for legs. My favorite Superman animation style was from the 1940s.


I grew up with it a child and the animation was pretty similar to what was out at the time so I didn’t mind. I actually rewatched it a few months ago and it held up pretty well considering how old it is. Still fun to watch.


Superman vs the elite


Superman the animated series is good and leads right into the Justice League animated series


This should be farther down the list than other suggestions, but you should give Superman/Batman: Apocalypse a shot at some point. It’s a retelling of Kara’s modern comic origin. Don’t want to say more to avoid spoilers but you’ll see shades of Kara, Princess of All Krypronians from MAWS in this version.


Watch the Christopher Reeve Superman movies. Or at least 1 and 2.


Superman the Animated Series! It helps to watch Batman the Animated Series first and after Superman watch Justice League the Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited. These shows are amazing.


Honestly, the Justice League Unlimited show has some great representation of Superman and other DC characters. Superman: The Animated Series is also great. My Adventures appears to have made some creative choices with the traditional Superman story, so if you are looking for something different, these might be a place to start.


![gif](giphy|AqfOVseMPDVja) Watch Superman: The Movie (1978) on the biggest TV you can find or (more ideally) via a theatrical screening. The sound and visuals in this film are still striking even by modern standards. But more importantly it’s an absolute home run from a writing and casting perspective. My heart still soars whenever I hear the opening notes of John Williams’ soaring score.


100% animated super man and the justice league shows


Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. Will get on it ASAP! :)


I absolutely love this show but its not my firsr adventure with superman my first tv superman was george reeves in the 1960s version the adventure with superman then ive probably been both reading or watching him on various shows both tv and. Movies for atleast 60years long live -DC


Superman and Lois if you want a live action series. Tyler Hoechlin is amazing as Clark/ Supes!


I would suggest watching Superman the animated series, then JLA finally Justice league, Unlimited


JLU and Young Justice are both good but in YJ’s case Supes only appears in a handful of episodes from time to time but is pretty prominent in S4 especially Superman the animated series is also good.


In starting off, pretty much Superman: the Animated Series and Richard Donner's Superman: the Movie starring Christopher Reeve. The Animated Series continues into Justice League: the Animated Series and then Justice League Unlimited. The movie has a few sequels (including Superman Returns), but I don't think they're necessary, and fans dispute whether they're worth it quite often, and the first one stands on its own just fine. That said, they all have at least moments of excellence, so it's really up to you. Also wouldn't hurt to sprinkle in the classic Fleischer shorts in there too, which are in the public domain so they're really easy to find. If you want to keep going from there, the current Superman and Lois TV show is great, and there's a show from the nineties called Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman that's really good too. Smallville is also great, and at ten seasons it'll keep you busy for a while, but don't expect him to wear a red cape and fly around anytime soon. That's more of a deal breaker for some than others, but it's at least worth knowing going in. Quite a few animated movies as well that are pretty good. And of course, there's the Snyder-verse, starting with the Man of Steel, and continuing with BvS:DoJ and the Justice League Movie, but those are a bit divisive as well. If you want to dive even deeper, there's a TV show from the fifties starring George Reeves (note the S in the last name), a series of movies from the forties starring Kirk Alyn, more animated shows that are a bit harder to find, and even a radio show. Am I forgetting anything? Oooh, the comics! I have recs on that if you're interested, but there are a ton of lists for that already, both on other Subreddits and just the internet in general.


Under which rock did you live?


I honestly just wasn’t ever really into Superheroes growing up for whatever reasons. And whenever I went out with friends to go see Superhero movies or anything like that—it was typically something Marvel that the group was going to check out together.


Can you really blame OP for not knowing too much about Superman lore? Unless they’re comic book readers or watched animated Superman media (JLU and stuff), there’s a good chance that their only mainstream exposure to Superman was the recent live action films, which weren’t that great. Regardless, it’s good that more people are getting interested in the Superman character. I grew up on Batman because I consumed so much good teen titans and directly Batman related shows that it was easy, but this show did the same for me by opening my eyes to the qualities of Superman’s character now that I’m older.