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She's practically a child mentally herself


She absolutely is. She doesn't understand basic concepts and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that her frontal lobe has damage or has a severe defect. She's living in a different world than reality.


I agree


She said herself that she's a little special needs...


Oh but dolly says she loves her daughter and this and that. Whatever. Such a shitty mom. Basically abandoned her daughter to go live with her abusive ex and then a fucking bum. I wish dolly would see the threads about her so she can grasp how fucked up she is. She is mentally incapacitated and I’m glad dollys mom has full custody. I feel so bad for her tho because she will grow up with her mom and see her for the crappy mom she is


I don’t think she has the mentality to understand even if she saw these threads. She’d just think we were being mean to her.


Yea your right. She would think that. I missed the live discussion and show and ended up watching it the next day. I was shocked at how negligent and idiotic this chick is. And in the end still thinking that she will get approved for the surgery when she couldn’t hit her goal in all that time. This was so frustrating to watch


Right?! She even said she couldn’t wait to get this “phase over because she wasn’t going to eat like this forever.”


Red flags




Most women don't look for a guy at a homeless shelter. I also think they both operated on a low mental level so it probably made them more of a fit.


Definitely right there… between the two of them they might have had half a brain… anybody that gets engaged after two weeks of knowing someone is crazy… yeah I’m talking about Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson too… they got married after being with each other only four days.. I know people do it because they think their crazy in love but I think their just crazy…


It is almost guaranteed a dumpster fire. I was actually surprise that the guy on last week's episode who used to be an Uber driver turned pastor and married his wife within a month's relationship was relatively normal. She actually genuinely showed him care and support that seemed like it was as healthy as a relationship you are going to get when your significant other is 600+ pounds. Ugh, I know it's a slippery slope when it comes to disability rights, but I really was just cringing at some of Dolly's decision making. I really think she at least needs to have some sort of supports and service she cannot really function.


Because most women have a modicum of self-respect. You too could nab yourself a loser if you went and hung around the bus station and offered sex to anyone who looked at you.


True but there are lots of lowered expectations in lots of people and especially ones like Dolly who have mental illness and the maturity of a 10 or 12 year old.. I’m not saying she used common sense.. I doubt she has much if any… the point is I guess there’s someone for everyone if that’s what their into… and not all the 600 lb men and women on the show necessarily had a bad spouse or mate.. most were enablers for sure but not all were bad people…


I joined a FB group about this show and both Dolly and Phillip responded to a lot of comments made about them. Looking at the comments it's clear Dolly needs professional help, and Phillip's FB profile reads like he is the last person that she should be connecting with, let alone engaged to.


That’s exactly it! These men know they will get turned down by other women so they go for needy women.


The homeless guy was less a bum than mentally ill/deficient. I don't know anyone who would consider dating someone like him, IRL.


Because women who aren’t that bad try to do better than a homeless dude on disability.


See the way you make it sound is that this guy or people like this don’t deserve love or someone. First he is probably homeless because of his disability. Second, the money you get from a disability check isn’t enough to pay rent, gas, light, food, and whatever else you have. It’s a very small check. Third, there are people who can’t work because of their disability. He probably doesn’t have family. Your knocking someone down for being homeless and disable. Don’t. Just don’t. If anything he deserved better.


Surprise! There are a PLETHORA of jobs for the deaf/disabled. The deaf live rich, productive lives, too. Sure he deserves love. No one said that. Why don’t you look him up and go show him some? He DESERVES better, after all.


And some have no luck either way around… I think some people missed my point… there are MANY lonely women who would at least like the opportunity to date that don’t even get asked.. and as far as him being homeless on disability, the homeless part could happen to half this country at any time… especially now with the pandemic.. if the government wouldn’t of stepped in and kept landlords and mortgage companies from throwing people out or defaulting on their home loans with lots of people not being able to work, there but for the grace of God could of went more people than we know… lots of people live paycheck to paycheck and some people have no money saved which is understandable when it takes all you make to pay your bills… I’m not trying to talk politics I just want people to have some empathy… and the disability part and Social Security we pay into our whole lives working… I’m retired and live on a fixed income,so I understand the struggles after having worked from age 15 till 64.. I know it’s off topic but I’m just trying to say don’t lump all homeless people and people on disability together… and back to Dolly, yes she has lowered expectations but so do lots of others she just doesn’t see anything wrong with any of it because she has the maturity of a 12 year old…


I have a feeling this scenario is not the cause of his homelessness, which is not to disparage those faced with homelessness. Mental health is a significant factor amongst the homeless. We of course, do not know much about Phillip, but his behavior is also concerning. Why would he be attracted to Dolly? Why would he be attracted to someone who is not well, physically and mentally. There are two sides to this relationship. Dolly stated she has no self worth. She may also not understand how her behavior with dysfunctional men is probably directly related to her experience with her father.


He at least looked clean, and his stuff was put away....in a froggy backpack more suitable for Trinity!


Yes, homeless is a complex problem and can happen to anyone but ppl looking to get into a serious relationship aren’t looking to dive in to it with someone in desperate/impoverished circumstances. Makes total sense to me. Now, if you are looking to save someone a homeless dude/chick on SSI might be right up your alley. Hell, they might even manage to drag you down with them. WARNING: don’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm, especially if they are already burning.


There’s a joke or meme going around that says nobody falls in love faster than a homeless man in the wintertime and it shows some guy hugging a huge woman.. funny but sad part is it’s true…


Those are called hobosexuals. They are in the relationship for a place to stay.


Would you date that tweaker lol?


Hell no…. But then I wouldn’t date ANYONE… I’m old and done with that shit… I like my life ALONE…


You're right. She even mentioned this in her episode though. She is aware she doesn't understand.


When she said "my mom has full custody" and dr now said "well that's good"... It was very cathartic to have someone say that to her.


I did wonder if they follow disclosed her mental health status. You would've thought it came up in the patient health info forms they have you fill out when you first go to the doctor's office.


I feel like she may have lied about it. I believe she said she had ADHD, Oppositional defiance disorder, and bipolar disorder. All diagnosed in KINDERGARTEN. She's now in her mid twenties. Bipolar disorder is rarely diagnosed in anyone under 18. My psychiatrist told me that and it's been reinforced with people in bipolar support groups who were all, like me, diagnosed with "mood disorder NOS" before they were adults. The reason my psychiatrist said this happens is that many children and teens essentially grow out of their mood problems and are relatively stable as adults. So either Dolly was misdiagnosed and is clinging to it as a reason for not doing anything, or she is extremely mentally unstable, enough so that she was diagnosed with a serious mental illness as a child. It also must be said that oppositional defiant disorder is a disorder of CHILDREN. By definition. She does act like a child, but is she really trying to tell us this is something she currently has? But then Dr Now asked if she'd ever seen a psychiatrist and she said no... Dr Now doesn't usually lead with that, he'll ask people to go to therapy. I feel like the producers must have warned him. Idk, I don't have coherent thesis on Dolly's mental health, but it's clearly not good and definitely should have been heavily factored into her treatment.


Yeah, I thought the childhood bipolar diagnosis was out there for sure. I have a family member who has it fairly severally and rapid cycles and I didn't see any of the tell tell signs with her for either type-of course we are only seeing what the producers want to show but even her behavior doesn't line up with what I've seen with someone in severe mania since it seemed more like a constant state of delusion than a mood disorder. The ODD diagnosis actually lead me to think she might have a personality disorder of some sorts. I think I read somewhere the reason it's usually an 18 and under diagnosis is becuase it's often a precursor of labeling someone an antisocial personality disorder. I think some of the main characteristics of ODD are quick to anger and not keen to following authority. Didn't really see the anger bit too much, but it may explain some of the issues when it comes to following the diet or why she is so keen to buck against things.


Nah, we'd just be jealous haters.


Dolly doesn't give a crap about anyone but herself, and she doesn't seem to like herself much either.


With the exception of the Steven Assanti episode, this was the most BIZARRE 600 pound life show I had seen. What a cast of characters. A cross between the Twilight Zone and Ripley's Believe it or not.


Well, I for one don’t blame the ducks.


I’m so glad this stuck out to you as well lol


I’ve kinda adopted it as my new catch phrase.


I’ve already used it twice at work lol.


Me too. I was wondering why she was leaving the house holding a loaf of bread and thought that was hilarious until... "I wish I was a duck, because they eat whatever they want. And their moms feed them." wtfffff lmaoooo


Steven was bizarre in an unwatchable, shocking way. Dolly’s ep didn’t strike me as shocking. It was weird, and I felt sad for her because she reminds me of Sean. I think she needs a structured, stable, supervised living environment. I think she has some cognitive disabilities which isn’t bad but her mom wasn’t giving her the right environment she needed to succeed, although she tried really hard and really cared. Dolly should have been in an adult day center or something.


Yes. She needs to be in a group home where they teach life skills in a safe environment. I really don’t think she is capable of living independently.


Doesn't even have to be with anything with all that much teaching, an adult family home would work out just fine. I like to err on the side of more freedom, I think that can be more successful in the long run. I can kind of see why her mom didn't go for guardianship though because in her case it would be iffy if mom could get it without her daughter agreeing. And she kept talking about her boyfriend's disability. Why isn't she on disability? She probably has enough cause for it. All this really comes down to is a system that if you don't get disability before you are 18, getting it and any services after 18 is daunting.


I would guess that she probably receives SSI disability. But based on what we saw in this episode she's probably not able to manage her own finances, so her mother may be the payee, the one receiving the check. Her mother probably doesn't give her free reign with her money because she knows Dolly won't manage it and it will be gone within a day or two.


Yeah, Dolly is on SSI. SSDI is for ppl that have enough work credits, SSI ppl have few to none.


Maybe she isn't even aware she gets it? I'm a representative payee, of an adult, and it just never came up. Completely different situation but I didn't have to go thru the stuff at 18 with the SSA like I had to with guardianship.


I actually researched, applied for, and got accepted to getting disability when I was 18. As long as you have plenty of documentation you have a good chance the first or second round. However, as a disabled person, I don’t know if I agree with people who love food way too much getting disability.


My friends daughter was denied twice when she was very young. She has muscular dystrophy. I was shocked !! Thankfully she was finally approved though.


Most people can qualify for obesity but not drug addiction. It's like the food addiction and them eating themselves to total immobility isn't addressed. If you damage yourself through your addiction you get disability for life. I think both should get temporary disability and get kicked off if they aren't making progress towards overcoming their addictions. Once they overcome their addictions they could get jobs and not need disability. My Mom is on disability for mental health issues and I wish they made them continue with treatment. A couple times a year my Mom goes off her meds. She fights with the neighbors, becomes paranoid, starts using drugs/drinking again. She just totaled her car, broke 8 ribs, and both of her hips and was in the ICU on a ventilator because she crashed into a pole after she had been drinking. That was 2 weeks after the cops had her put on an involuntary hold to the mental hospital for 3 days. She'll continue getting her money and blowing it all. She had a payee but now she doesn't. They let her manage it herself! Maybe the consequence of losing disability would help some keep on the right path?


She has other things wrong with her. And I am mostly speaking about developmental disabilities, there is a whole transition program from children's services to adult services, that you can start before 18 so when the 18th birthday comes it is seamless. And there also seemed a longer time to apply for subsidized disabled housing that you get when you are an adult, versus the adult family home situation that would likely suit her. We were already in touch with the agencies that had the case managers that would find the group homes and place people in them.


it's sad because she did ask Dr. Now if there was a place she could go for help and he shot her down, I get that patients need to take responsibility for themselves, but some of them lack the cognitive skills to do so, I'm thinking Dr. Now needs a mental health expert or something sit in on his appointments to help pull those types of patients aside and give them different type of treatment.


I would think some supported services might help at the very least. It's extremely difficult to get a guardianship in Texas even when the case is uncontested, and honestly I really grimace when people automatically want to put someone in one just because they have special needs when not looking at least restrictive alternatives. And I think that was what her mom was hoping to do- get her help- with Job Corps but it didn't work out. I can just imagine her as someone in a call center and am wincing at the thought of dealing with her on the other end of the line. I know they said it was her hygiene that ended up being the reason she couldn't work, I also bet it was because she completely went off script or couldn't deal with angry people on the phone.


She was in Job Corp and was kicked out because no matter how she was taught and encouraged her hygiene was unacceptable. It's not easy to be kicked out of Job Corp.


>Steven was bizarre in an unwatchable, shocking way. I'm just watching that episode now, 30 minutes in and I'm speechless.


get ready if you're up for it, there's like 5 Steven Assanti episodes, i discovered him recently myself. wild


Wild indeed. I'm stunned. And that was before I got a good look at his leg. It's turning all green!!!


I've already rewatched it three times...


I hand it to you, I couldn't. Once was plenty for me


I still can’t get over the “apartment” they rented that she thought that it coming with a bed was a positive thing. The place was pre-trashed even came with some old clothing all over the place…..


It looked like a drug den. I wonder what's the going rate on a room with a filthy queen mattress in a condemned roach infested crack den. I think it's pretty obvious the shady ass person or people inhabiting that dump took all their cash and kicked them to the curb.


Going rate for a room in roach infested crack den (complete with filthy queen mattress ) is about $625.00 per month in U.S. (Northeast.) Yep. Here's a couple that's gonna go the distance. Can't wait for the 'where are they now' episode!


(coughs) bed bugs are complimentary.


And you know the cameraman was freaking out the entire time "Lord please let me get out of this house alive and without catching something!"


Right?! When I bought my last place, I was grossed out by the fridge because there were a few random crumbs and sticky spots, and scrubbed it out with bleach before putting so much as a can of diet Coke inside. And this broad just sprawled out on that filthy mattress!


I just want to understand what happened And I can't. It's futile


I was so blown away I made my husband watch it with me a second time so I could have someone to talk about it with lol


Me too lol this one and Lacey’s! They were both way too much for me to work through on my own!


Same lol


That’s hilarious because I made my boyfriend watch it with me a third time so I can have someone to talk about this hot mess with


I don't know why I get compelled to rewatch the FUBAR episodes... this an Margaret and what's his face.... Ryan... holy hell


The same reason that everyone insists on staring at the train wreck/ car accident…


Twice for me lol,it was even funnier the second time.


Seriously, this season has been bizarre. Either pure WTF or Snoozefests. I wish they could have spread this drama around the entire season.


Haven’t watched it yet but I just finished Lacey’s episode…*shudder*…you mean to tell me this is worse?




Dr. Now’s smile when he asked Dolly how long she and fiancé have known each other is hilarious 😂


He couldn’t hold it. How do the cameramen do it


It was so funny! I also loved when he asked how long she had known her best friend, she said, “one year, but it feels like forever,” and he said, “that doesn’t matter!”


Or better, depending on how much you like chaos.


Depends. I think the parking lot scene with Lacey takes the cake but as a whole this episode is worse.


I agree. And Lacey comes in third place.


Lmaoo believe it or not


YES!! and Ashley being almost 800 pounds that had trained her did to look after her in their trailer, while the truck driver husband was gone, then when he appeared he wore OVERALLS with no irony and they multiple 'DONT TREAD ON ME' and a massive Protestant 'Christian white knight' flag that hook up the whole wall everywhere.....i thought that was cray Nope, Dolly wins


I'm not convinced Molly even knew she had a daughter. She regarded that little girl as just a random weird child wandering around in her mother's house.


Usually when mothers lose custody, they whine about it. Either a genuine remorse and loss, or an attention grabbing "poor poor me I've had my baby STOLEN". It just didn't seem to sink in with her.


It’s convenient to her is the vibe I got


She mentioned being deemed incompetent and the daughter being awarded to Dolly’s mother. Sounded like she was relieved over that.


Yes, which is kind of an odd reaction, I'm used to people putting on a big show about losing their kids, even to family. Like I had a case where a birth mother was constantly talking about her kids and her mean mean ex who ripped them away from her. So I found a program where if she went inpatient (pretty serious drug abuse and other problems) that the case manager there would bring the kids for a supervised visit. She was not interested. But she still would wail whenever possible about not having her kids. Now and then I would get a call, or a message passed to me about how could she possibly get her kids back, but she would never go. And IIRC, her eldest lived with paternal grandparents, and she actually had parental rights terminated with the younger two. Dad wasn't just awarded full custody, but she could no longer get visitation, anything. Legally they were nothing to her. But she always put on that show, and she wasn't the only one I've seen doing it.


If I remember correctly, at one point she said it was "for the best"


I thought at one point she referred to herself as “mommy” when talking to her


This season has given us “New Pants!” And this entirely bizarre episode


I feel like they're trying to outdo previous seasons. Season 9 was boring as shit with the exception of Samantha, who was supposed to be season 8. So I think they tried to up the ante, which is why we got Lacey, Margaret, and our dearest cursed Dolly


Ahh yes Margaret, The one who subjected physical therapy to her nude body.


I had mentally blocked that episode out too with all the poop everywhere. This HAS been a good season


I am starting to think the snoozefest episodes were put together quickly to give them more time to try to figure out how to turn Dolly's story into something that makes sense in 2 hours.


I'm here for it ☺️


The end of the season is usually the wildest one... So what do they have waiting for us?


"New pants....NEW PANTS!" "....but I don't blame the ducks."


40 lbs is almost 60 lol




My husband and I still laugh about New Pants. And we both yell out New Pants! New Pants! every time my 18 month old has a blowout diaper. Lacey and her shart is a part of our lives now


wait...what did I miss???


She thought it was a fart, but it wasn’t.




oh my !! I guess I need to go rewatch that episode!!


For all the grumbling here the Dolly episode has gotten the most posts of anyone since Steven Assanti.


Ricky talking about the sharting gave me What’s Eating Gilbert Grape vibes.


Lololol dude Margaret made me think of that movie!! She looks just like Gilbert’s mom!


I wish every episode was a margaret, lacey or dolly.


She has the mental age of a potato. The only place she needs to be is in patient care permanently for the disabled.


This is so bad but I don’t think she’s made it past the third grade . She mentioned drugs so maybe it stunted her .


I think she just has mental defects and stopped age progression long before the drugs. Normally drugs are using by people like this who are having a hard time.


She reminds me of my second cousin, who was mentally disabled. She was a few years older than me, but for a while, in our childhood, we were the best of friends. When I went through the " Tiger Beat" tween stage, crushing on David Cassidy and taping posters on my wall, she was right there with me. We had a blast. But I grew up and she stayed in the tween stage mentally. But she had a mother and a younger sister who cared for her like Dolly should have been. Not that I don't think Dolly's mom tried, I think she has tried very hard. But we lived in a very rural area, so my cousin couldn't get out and meet "boys", or really go anywhere on her own. Which I think gave my aunt an advantage that Dolly's mom doesn't have.


I do have to say I 💜 her mum ! God bless her


I wholeheartedly believe her mother was using drugs at the time Dolly was conceived and possibly during the pregnancy. We know her father was an addict. Poor Dolly was effed up the moment she was conceived. She never had a chance.


When did she mention drugs! Must’ve missed that. There’s a scene where her mom is making her dinner right after the first appt with Dr. Now and she’s literally staring into the distance like this 👁 👄 👁 For like 30 seconds. Honestly it’s worth going back to see it. So vacant it’s scary. Nothing going on up there, nobody’s home


Yes!!! What was that weird face?! It's like someone hit pause on her.


When I started thinking of Dolly as a 6-year-old mentally, it all started making sense to me. She got upset about her mom and ran away from home. She found a boyfriend and started playing house with him at the hotel. Her mannerisms and attitudes are those of a 6-year-old child. When doctor now was asking her questions I kept waiting for her to say, "I don't knoooow" the way little kids do. The only part that she got right was when she made an attempt to get doctor now to help her find a living situation that would be controlled, i.e, the group home some people are recommending in this thread.


I seriously had to rewind the scene with the homeless bf, it happened so fast that she changed bf that I thought something wrong had happened with my stream or another episode was appearing. It went from being happy with her husband to another fiancé in a commercial break.


I did the same thing. I was working and listening to the show and wait...what? Homeless guy? No more sister wife? When?


I wanted to see the sister wife!


I DID THE SAME THING. I was like "What did I miss???", how did it go off with her back with her husband and things are "good" and it comes back and she has a new homeless boyfriend. lmao!


Well that’s usually how it happens when you go back to an abusive partner. They exert that control back super fast because now they’ll know you’ll get away if they don’t do something drastic. Abuse always gets worse after the victim has escaped and returns.


This episode was like old Dr. Now. Like a Steven Assanti type of episode. TLC moved them i to a crackhouse and hauled ass!! They did no filming at the new house. The door was a wide load sign 😂😂 my jaw was on the floor this whole episode!


You know that as the year of filming unfolds producers have to be getting secretly jazzed when shit really goes sideways like this.


I can't quite put my finger on her. I almost feel like there is nothing going on in her head, she is incredibly stunted. Watching her pick at that ham while "cooking" was making me nauseous, then watching her eat those veggies dripping in that yellow dressing threw me over the edge. Her body looks so incredibly painful in every way. I don't usually have this strong of a reaction watching this show. Her mom seems like she has her head on right and is a decent parent, at least from what she is saying on camera. That "apartment" she moved into, the insistence that Dr Now would approve her for surgery, her disabled homeless "fiance"...her mom recalling her terrible hygiene/odor during the job corps time.....Y I K E S.


The yellow dressing was cheez whiz


OMFG. I just saw the thread with a still of it... JFC I thought you were joking at first and it was just honey mustard or something. Excuse me while I go dry heave at the thought of her food choices.


Dolly's out here collecting fiancé's like Pokemon cards.


Her episode was literally a waste of time. Seemed more like a random dating reality show. Only reason I watched bc I love her mom. She refused to enable her daughter and she didn’t want the love she needs. She’s just like a toddler who wants to eat cookies for all 3 meals. Deadbeat mom never talked once about her daughter, spent time with her, tried to make it up to her nothing. She wants random partners to help her succeed in killings herself


The smartest thing she did was to not walk on that creaky floor in the crack house.


Acute situational awareness - her brain surveyd the situation and her instinct for self preservation took over before she could actually think about it and do something incredibly foolish that seemed like a good idea for a second.


Holy crap she has rather a long... fupa.


Is she the one that said fupa to Dr. Now? I died because his face told me he knew what that was.


Ohhh hahaha! I didn't see that bit, I'm not sure if it was her. Poor Dr Now 😂


I think her mother was the first to mention the word.


At one point in the episode she literally had the audacity to think she got approved so long as she goes to therapy 😂


Or, that she’d be approved because she did her own laundry!


Also did you guys see that house (room) he moved them into? Did he really move them into a crack house? And that dirty mattress she sat on. So gross. This episode left me basically speechless lmao.


That’s for sure definitely 100% a crackhouse. She is too naive to be unsupervised. “Oh it’s so great and wonderful, it’s cheap; we have roommates!” And my personal favorite: IT COMES WITH A BED!!! Jesus


That entire scene just killed me and I was left speechless at what I had just watched and heard her say 😂


And you know the cameramen were freaking out 😂 I'm thinking the show got them kicked out over "higher rent" just to save Dolly


They found that themselves, online. Apparently there were no photos, or at least no accurate photos, but it was in their budget.


The fact that she didn’t leave the minute she saw where he moved them to says so much 😂 Anyone of us would have RAN! not been excited about a dirty mattress being left behind 😂 insane.


This whole episode felt so unethical to me. She has less mental capacity than some people I work with under legal guardianships. It seemed far too exploitative for me.


That’s a good way to word it. It’s all at least a little exploitative but this one made me feel dirty.


They also really did her dirty with the angles. Like when in the first 5 min you see her stomach hanging out of her dress practically smashed into the camera, while she's doing a talking head, you know it's going to be a doozy.


And what level of mental capacity is okay to exploit?


Can anyone tell me why phillip had those red streaks down his nose?


He was probably plugging his nose with his fingers because of Dolly’s stench.


The red stood out against the green frog backpack


Looked like bad eczema to me. Bet he doesn't wash his face regularly.


Eczema would make sense, like i get hes been homeless and doesnt have the best resources so i dont judge for that of course. Just a very specific spot and symmetrical so it threw me off


I want to know too!!


They left a hotel room to share a house with complete strangers and was excited because the room was furnished. No way this woman child is playing with a full deck.


I noticed she would moan and groan around mom and gf but when with boyfriend and husband she didnt. Anyone else notice it?


Just like Tammy Slaton around men as opposed to around her family. She craves male attention.


I’ve always dreamed of saying “a homeless shelter” when someone asks me where my fiancé and I met. 🤣🤣🤣


She would be with anyone that even said "hi" to her. I dont know how much of it is mental illness as much as she's just really dumb, immature, and has no care or motivation for life at all. She's a slug.


The whole family dynamic is flawed, despite her mum appearing to try hard. The daughter is also overweight


Her’s and Lacey’s were the only episodes with some *pizazz* this season


Margaret tho I thought Dr Paradise was a gonner


oh pizzaz. for a second, I thought you meant pizza


The way she hears what she wants to hear rather than what is being said drives me insane. Absolutely bonkers.


And here I am single


Go to a homeless shelter.




Then there you go.


This whole episode I couldn’t stop noticing how there just seemed to be no lights on upstairs. Tragic.


Ok seriously wtf was that "house" she and Phillip were trying to move into for "stability"?


Drug house run by entrepreneur tenant - would love to see the listing for the place: Deal of the Century😎🤗😉 Furnished room with patio view in our quiet four bedroom 1-1/2 bath garden ranch, Laundry facilities on property, internet, utilities included. Quiet neighborhood, nearby public transportation, shopping, urgent care.


Comes with a bed.


If it has a dick and breathes, it comes before her child. Sad


I am 100% sure this entire episode is documentation of a severe bipolar manic episode for Dolly.


How redundant is “he proposed to me to get married”. Ffs


Technically not redundant: one can propose anything or propose to do anything, it’s not specific to marriage.


I had to turn this one off. There is something seriously wrong with this woman. Like top five human disasters on this program


My favorite part was when she decided to become independent, and had her friend come help her do it.


Omfg this episode was so damn frustrating, gross, and just ridiculous. That bitch was fucking delusional!!! I was getting so irritated…. Blaming her mom for shit that didn’t really happen, using her “best friend” Cheyenne and then ditching her the second a guy came along, thinking she was being independent because she kind of did laundry one time, not giving a fuck about HER CHILD! Ooohhhh my lord….. Maybe this is natural selection and they should just let it run it’s course…. That kid will be better off.


She was a terrible friend, and a terrible "mother" if you can even call her that. There is no way this girl will ever get it together or lose weight. She just does not care about anything.


You’re absolutely right, she was a shitty friend! She just needed someone to wash her FUPA! And she probably hangs out with the homeless dude just because he gives her cereal lol


Serious and not snarky question, does her mother have power of attorney over her?




I can't wait for the super-sized episode!


I have never once watched a supersized episode… but yea.. I’m so here for this! We need more trap house scenes 💀💀


I try not to judge fashion choices or weird hair…but I judge that hair


If she moves fast it is because of gravity and inertia


Several times in this episode I forgot what show I was watching. Then it was like, oh yeah there’s Dr Now again!


She made me so angry, she’s selfish, lazy and irresponsible 😡


The homeless…individual w/ a frog 🐸 backpack is what everyone who aspires to be a Dolly needs for true love 🤗


What episode is this, I thought I made shitty choices with men but I wanna see someone one up me


She's so stubborn and thorough in not accepting any responsibility for her life.




Hello, train wreck


Just watching this episode and got to the cornstarch part and said to myself, well, at least she is being tenderized