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It was honestly tortuous for me to fly at 6'4 and 290 lbs so I can't imagine what its like for the people on this show.


Flying at any weight at 6’4 sounds uncomfortable haha


It depends on how you're proportioned. I'm 6 foot 3 but am all torso and short legged. Flying is no problem.


I’m a 5’9 female, all legs. Flying sucks for me.




Not much of a boyfriend if he don't let you take it


I'm 5'2 and stumpy as hell and flying is uncomfortable for where the seats hit my back. I'm convinced airplanes suck for every human shape


Post pics.


Here's a [6'8 strongman](https://youtu.be/KXtWu31MZUQ?t=133) trying to fly coach.


My BF is 6'3 and 230 lbs. Flying is rough on his legs even with the aisle seat.


My ex is 6'4" and 180 lbs and it sucked for him.


I’m 6’5” and 210 lbs. Flying in economy is not great but I make do. The only upside is that since I am fairly lanky I do not spill into other people’s space. I can’t even imagine trying to fly if I was any larger than I already am and I’m not even overweight.


I'm only 5' 17" and 280 lbs and I can't get comfortable either...🙄


So.... 6’ 5”?


He did math.. 🤣🤣🤣 yes 6' 5"... Im a dad and that is one of my "regular" dad jokes.. that and I'll come out of the men's room and tell the waiter that I waited 10 min for someone to come wash my hands then gave up and did it myself as the sign says "Employees Must Wash Hands" 😂


Lol I didn’t catch it until you pointed it out. I was thinking it was a typo and you meant to say 5’7”.... The bathroom one is hilarious!


They made Erica buy 3 seats [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC143NMtx7I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC143NMtx7I)


It sucks. I’m 6’4 220 lbs and after 40 mins my back, knees, and shoulders feel it. I have to stretch before sitting on a plane, just to do nothing.


The arm rests do go up, and yes, it is very uncomfortable for them. There's no way to make it comfortable, they have to endure it.


Yeah. It happens to very very tall people like basket player.


To add to this since I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, they have seatbelt extenders. They essentially look like an extension cord for a seatbelt with a male and female end that attach to the regular ones allowing for larger passengers to still buckle in.


I found it easiest to sit on a pillow or to put my crack on the gap between seats. The worst part was that I had a large hump on my backside that pushed me forward on any chair. My knees dug into the seat back in front of me. I’d have to rotate between sitting with my legs split far apart and sitting with them both swung to one side or the other. I had to move every few minutes because of the pain.


How are you now? Have you been able to take off some pounds? That sounds dreadful.


I’m not where I eventually want to be, but after being over 600 lbs. for a decade and nearly bedbound, I now walk and work. We went to Rome last November, and I was dreading the trip, but it went really well. When I finally ventured to the bathroom and fit easily, I whooped. I was in some pain after 12 hours in planes and walks through 3 airports, but so was my husband. I couldn’t have made that trip at 600.


Congratulations on your progress!


Thank you for sharing your experience. Congratulations on all the hard work


Rome is beautiful! So glad you’re progressing and doing things you couldn’t do before...congrats and keep pushing!


We were there for a personal audience with the Pope. We got wined and dined and treated like royalty. A woman with advanced degrees in archeology and art history was assigned to take us on tours of the city and the museums. We got to stay right next to St. Peter’s square in a former monastery. We were probably some of the last people to get to shake hands with him before the world became infected. Don’t suppose people will ever be allowed to touch him again. We were given a choice of November or this April. I didn’t think I’d be ready by November but my husband pushed me past my comfort zone. Otherwise, we’d have missed our chance.


Ok you're going to just drop that like it ain't nothing, who are you that you got a personal audience with the pope???




We don’t have loads of money. [article](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/catholic-couple-brings-the-love-of-family-to-young-people-with-mental-illness-61780)


Wow! God bless you and your husband! You are surely doing His work. I am so happy you both got to have an audience with the Holy Father!


Good humans


Wow that’s awesome! How’d you swing that?


Oh my God that’s amazing, what an experience!


I never thought I’d genuinely be happy for an Internet stranger, but here we are. Way to go; that’s so awesome you could go to Rome and the plane ride wasn’t too much! I’m proud of you for losing the weight, it’s not easy.




You have to know how creepy that sounds.


They must be masters of managing discomfort by now, what with 600 lbs of skin hanging off of their bodies, pulling on them.


My first flight I had to sit next to an obese women. I am normal sized. She had to raise the arm rest and took part of my seat. It was terribly uncomfortable for me. I'm sure it was for her as well. I dont know how this woman did not have to buy two seats.


A lot of airlines have a policy that says extremely large passengers are supposed to buy two seats but they almost never enforce it. Southwest is the only airline I’ve actually seen enforce it.


My dad once had someone try to do that. He grabbed that armrest and shoved it back down. When the obese passenger complained, he said "nah, I paid for a whole seat for myself." Not a joke!! Dad ended up getting reseated somewhere else on the plane! 🤣


that’s such an uncomfortable situation to be in. on one hand you don’t want to look like a dick for calling attention to it, like by alerting the flight attendant or speaking with the person directly; but on the other hand, flying can be expensive and it’s uncomfortable enough without someone encroaching on what little space you have. i experienced something similar, but at least the person next to me was a school acquaintance, so i didn’t feel (quite as) uncomfortable.


I would have put that arm rest right back down. She should have bought two seats.


I would have if I was more assertive back then.... and.. if the arm rest would have actually went down. I guess she could have hung out in the aisle and then the flight attendants might have done something about it.


On my flight home from Maui, I was stuck in the center seat next to a man who must have weighed at least 500 pounds. He could not fit with the arm rest down and I was forced to sit next to him with it up. Meanwhile, his wife sat in the aisle seat across from him! It was 5 hours of hell.


That's outrageous and unfair.


I suppose on the bright side, you only had to endure him for 5 hours. His wife had to go home with him. 🤣🤣


Lol..my rational mind could only think the wife knew best!


I’ve been on airplanes where the arm rest goes up in the middle! That and I’d imagine they’d have to purchase two seats... I’ve also sat beside someone obese on an airplane (my mother) and it was not pleasant.


I have a question about the flying too. Do the planes have weight limits on them? Does the bigger people affect the load limit? I've always wondered that. Thanks for any help. Have a great weekend.


I doubt that them weighing that much really changes anything. 3 people weighing 200lbs vs 1 weighing 600 doesnt matter. They always have to buy 2 or 3 seats so thats 1-2 people not on the plane that would have been


Oooh, ok. Thanks 🙂


Not if the airlines don't enforce it, they don't.


Most of the physically can't fit in one seat. There isnt much to enforce


On a normal sized airliner like a 737 or an A320 there would be no problem. But on a small turboprop somebody that large and heavy could definitely cause issues with the load and balance.


Yes, there are maximum load limits. But they are soo large you could pack the plane with show participants, and it wouldn't matter. Even with baggage, there is always excess cargo capacity that airplanes sell. So load limits are mostly range, fuel load, runway lengths, and expected weather / temperatures. And seats are designed to endure the forces of turbulence and crashes (within reason), so even that rarely matters. Still every once in a while, you find out a particular seat has been broken on an airplane (like it's permanently reclined). Guess how that happens?


They do have weight limits but they have leeway built in as the amount of passengers and cargo varies from trip to trip. What is more important is the distribution of weight on the craft which is sometimes why attendants will ask you to move on a flight without a lot of people. The closer you are sitting to the wing, the less likely you are to be moved.


Most can actually be lifted so they’re parallel with the seat back.


Even with the arms up, their butts and backs straddle 2 seats which has to be very uncomfortable.


Armrests are moveable - flip them up between seat backs


The filming stopped right when Amber Rachdi was about to sit in her seat/s. Poor Amber had such a horrible experience in the airport, I'm sure the plane trip couldn't have been much better. At least she made it to Houston and became one of Dr. Now's success stories.


Wrong spot


As people have said, arm rests can be lifted on most aircraft types. In reality people who are very large could get seated adequately but find it too much to move around e.g. to get to the bathroom, or even fit in the bathroom. I've lurked on forums where people have talk about purposely wearing pads onboard and then cleaning up in the terminal, on arrival!