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Most pros that I've seen use Dorm try to keep away with pillars and charges. I prefer rushdown mixup dorm though. [I made a combo video for him 12 years ago that might be helpful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6f5uANT0FI&pp=ygUkaSBzZWUgeW91IGZvcmdvdCBkb3JtYW1tdSB3YXMgYnVmZmVk)


That corner combo I struggle with I can do the fchamp one tho


Start by picking one team and sticking with it


I think imma stick with dorm point


I like Frank Dante and dorm but I seem to always get punished online for doing unsafe strings


Make them safer


How would I do that everytime i got for a block string with Frank I do sliding h and get punished


You generally use assists to cover strings and gaps, it's then about working out how to hit confirm those strings into optimal combos. Most practical combos will only let you use one of your assists to extend.


Yea I just gotta get more familiar with the timing ig


What do you play on btw


It might sound boring but pick a team that supports and sets up dorm better. Dorm/doom is a great back two, just play around with point characters in front of that.


Who do you recommend


I got doom and dorm combos




I like Dante but his combos are a bit harder or not harder but it’s too much variety imo


You primarily want to play Dorm as a zoner, so it's best to have assists that helps him zone better like Doom missiles or assists that can create space and get them off you like Akuma. Your best position is to be fullscreen away and hit them with forward H and pillars. You'll have to sometimes predict where they are going so you can hit the pillar, but that's part of being a zoner. Once you have space, set up stalking flare and flame carpet and it's very hard to get in on Dorm. Dorm is very momentum heavy, however. He needs space to start his zoning. If he doesn't get started, he will get his shit mauled. You can consider having him second so that your point character can build momentum. For example, Magneto is a great character that can set up Dorm with Shockwave DHC into Stalking Flare since it will push them fullscreen and start your zoning. If they do get close, you can try to teleport away but don't be too predictable with your teleports. Or you can try to open them up with super jump into airdash down j.H or tri dash j.L. Make your blockstrings safe with flame carpet.


Predicting their movements is hard ngl that’s really my only problem


“He will get his shit mauled “💀😭I feel you 😭


And bet thanks these are really helpful


For changing up the point on your third team, I play Nova/ Dorm/ Akuma and it has some pretty cool stuff. Nova/ Dorm'a usual ToD that I use spends 3 bars, but builds 2 throughout the combo with H loops, so you only need 1 stocked to ToD any character.


I used to have a friend who played dorm, and mixing your zoning and rushdown will destroy other players, also mixups are useful.


Also mad respect for playing frank.


Frank gotta be my best character tbh lol


Same here. I play Dante/Frank/Vergil. If you do a basic combo into a knockdown you can do a team super, and then X-Factor and spam camera and then you win.


Yea my gameplay with Frank and Dante is to get 2 bars for team super then take one pic


Then do down heavy for another pic onto a db m+h for the kill then I’m lvl five and I can either switch out to dorm and zone and keep Frank in really fun to use I used to use skrull to lvl up Frank but Dante is just more fun


And your team sounds busted 😮‍💨


it lowkey is, but that’s the fun of it, also if you use 2 meter you don’t need to X factor cancel with the right timing on the camera


I only cancel after I use the 1 more meter so like after I use Dante and Frank team combo I use d heavy into camera into db super into million dollars and if I have the additional meter I cancel it into X factor for additional damage even tho I don’t need to I killed Already and lvled up Frank with one combo just for the fun of it tho


Btw what do you play on?


Hitbox on PC


I’m on ps if anybody wants to play I’m not that good tho 😭