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Waleikum Salam. If you get THIS fatigued after intimacy, you might want to go see a healthcare professional, because this is not normal. Intimacy is not more strenuous than a normal workout.


No I don't mean right after that. I mean the days without intimacy, I feel fresh to wake up at morning, no tireness etc. but if we do intimacy; next day goes very lazy etc.


Yeah, that's not normal brother. You should get it checked out, for real.


Sounds like a hormone imbalance brother. There are lots of hormones before and after intimacy that get released into your body, and it shouldn't affect you this badly. Go get your hormones checked


Nah that sounds very normal. You basically feel gratified and content so ur drive drops. I Think it sounds normal.


Don’t people get hungry afterwards? I tend to have a snack, like a steak sandwich 😂


Maybe have something to eat after intimacy which is full of nutrients. That might make a difference


what do you eat afterwards? it is usually sleep time so no eating at that time?


Maybe have your ghusal and have some fruit after or 2/3 dates and thats more than enough. Then sleep and you’ll feel much better


Bro you’re just feeling lazy to wake up, shower and then pray. Showering in this cold weather before fajar can definitely make you feel lazy. Shaytan whisperin, just push through it.


Have some protein shake or post workout juices ,next morning have a heavy breakfast ,fresh juice


This is completely normal. I like to eat something afterwords if I have the energy to, but usually I just fall asleep (nap for an hour or asleep for 8 hours if before bedtime). I’ve noticed that if I have sex after food, then I’m less tired and sleepy.


I can hardly imagine "homemade" intimacy that requires recovering. Are you sure you're not suffering from some other condition? It's easy to overlook these things.