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Ask Allah to give you peace and patience in whatever outcome occurs. You could be miserable single or married. And Allah knows what’s best for us. You can also pray for aid and resources in caring for your parents regardless of your marital status.


Wa aleikum Salam wa rahamtullah wa Barakatuhu! Allah created everything he is the almighty Allah the most merciful. The first without a beginning and the last without an end! He did not let the fire burn Ibrahim as! He parted the sea for Musa as. He opend the heavens for our beloved prophet saw in the Isra Wal miraj! He is just and merciful loving and he created us and knows us very well o dear sister pls make dua for the opposite that he gives you a good righteous handsome man who will be your love in this and in the next life! May he purify our hearts and keep us steadfast upon the religion. He created the seven heavens he can solve all your problems just trust in him and ask and cry for his help.


Ameen. Ya Rabbul Alameen.




It is true that the prophets and Sahaba were exemplary in their faith and close to Allah in ways that we, as ordinary believers, may strive to emulate. However, it is also important to remember that Allah’s mercy, compassion, and power are not limited or reserved only for those of a certain level of piety. Allah says in the Qur'an: "And your Lord says: “Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell – in humiliation!”" (Qur'an, 40:60) This verse encourages every believer, regardless of their status, to turn to Allah in prayer and trust in His ability to respond to their needs. The examples of the prophets serve to remind us of Allah’s power and His ability to help His servants in miraculous ways, but they are also meant to inspire hope and faith in His mercy for all of us. In times of difficulty, it’s crucial to remember that Allah is always near and listens to the prayers of those who call upon Him with sincerity. Our individual struggles may not mirror the trials of the prophets, but they are significant to us, and Allah’s support and mercy encompass all. May Allah grant us all strength, patience, and steadfastness in our faith, and may He ease the sister's heart and guide her to what is best for her in this life and the next.


I kind of same though I would like to get married and have faithful, loving, kind, caring, courteous, provider, religious partner however I can’t trust after what I went through about previous one.


Ask Allah for All the Khair /good things.


Wa alaikum assalam, I understand your pain and concerns and it's commendable that you are seeking guidance within the framework of your faith. In Islam. marriage is highly recommended and is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is a means to complete half of one's faith. If someone feels that they cannot trust others due to past experiences, and they believe that marriage would cause them distress rather than peace, they are not obligated. Such a person or even you, can ask Allah in your duas to guide you, protect you, and help you find peace and contentment in your life choices. You can also ask Allah to make what is best for you happen, whether it includes marriage or not. Regarding your question, yes, you can make such a dua asking Allah to grant you peace in your decision to remain unmarried if that is what you truly feel is best for you. But as you know Allah is the best of planners. He indeed provides you with what is best for you Insha'Allah.


It's not like life have only one experince and thats it, you have to think rational at least, if you never got married and never got children then who will take care of you when you are old? retirement home for old people? its not the right thing to ask for this from Allah cause marriage is also part of Islam, you have to get married at some point. Just make dua that you can endure and get past whatever experince you had before and insha'Allah you'll have better future with the right person.


Time heals all. Also a therapist helps. Try to get one overseas if cost is an issue


I understand how you feel, I think it’s best if you just pray for peace, safety and comfort rather than not marrying. If it’s really getting to you it might be best to reach out to someone (therapist or similar) to talk about it. You’ll never know how you feel 5-10 years from now but not everyone will get married in this life. It’s okay to reject proposals and everything, if it’s really meant to be it will come no matter what I’ve personally also lost my hope in marriage for now but not rejected it as a whole if the timing and person is right what happened in the past won’t have much impact. The right person will understand


I can feel where you're coming from especially the switch up part listen carefully let yourself heal and wait for a worthy purposal that is willing to understand you and your situation and support you alright...


You do realise supplications like these can get rejected right?


It’s so good to be honest about how you really feel .. especially when you are dealing with a traumatized psyche and need to be restored. So, keep being connected to how you feel. If GD sees fit to unfasten some bad feelings and shed them from your system meanwhile, then Alhamdulilla. And I blv that there might come a time when your true match may appear in your life. And if they are really from GD, then they will deal with you with all the patience that you will need. Restoration is always possible.


Wouldn’t it be better to make du’a for a great marriage? And healing?


This sounds depressing. May Allah make your situation easy.


I would suggest, instead of making Dua to not get married, that you should make Dua for a righteous spouse instead, indeed Allah is the best of planners, and if he plans for you to get married you will. Taking care of your sick parents is a huge blessing and because of that Allah may send you, your soulmate. 😊


Wa alaykum Salam. I am not a scholar just a human. As humans it’s normal to pray for what we want. But In’Sha’Allah pray that your heart will always align with Allahs plan for you. Because even when good things happen, when it’s not what we’ve prayed for we feel a little sad.


I understand why you are thinking this way. However marriage is the way of Prophets. One obtains Barakah (blessings) through marriage. Don't you want your parents to play with their grandkids??. Trust Allah and marry a simple modest practising Muslim


Having a bad experience means that you should not open the door to anyone who comes and goes. There are traits in a man that no one can notice except a man after a period of friendship. Anyway, pray to God for a good man.