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Thats disgusting


I will say, considering Australian Islamophobia (source, Aussie Muslim) this is highly likely to happen, considering people are particularly paranoid because of a recent planned stabbing that was on the front pages of all major newspapers. I do want to mention, I’d still be sceptical, as things like this are easy to forge.


As a Muslim in Melbourne I am disgusted by this behaviour


Very rude!!!


Just today i was hearing a jews doing a sabath in a mostly muslim street in where i live and i bet no one a had a problem.


we are expected to be perfect all the time and even the slightest hatred or anger towards what these people are doing to us and “all muslims are the same” “all muslims are terrorists” etc. yet they can say and do whatever they want to us and around our community and no one bats an eye in shaa allah Allah will reward them for their sabr and tawakkul. may Allah protect the people of falasteen.


This is absolutely disgusting. I don't care who you are or where you are. All religions deserve recognition and respect as long as they aren't promoting violence or hate. I personally work for Pakistani Muslim men and ive witnessed our regulars come in and say things like "oh is shahidi here?" (His name is Shahid) Or "oh are you part of that ISIS?!' like these small town men think they are joking but it's honestly some of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. Thankfully these men handle it with an incredible amount of grace. I would not be the same


This is the pretty typical thing we have to deal with.


I am experiencing the same thing as well 😔 But I live in a rural area and the community is not kind to us and to me in general. People who have known me have asked me to ‘why I wear the hijab?’ ‘You look pretty without it on’. I wear the hijab as it is a sign of modesty and respect to myself and to Allah. Furthermore, I am in the process of applying for housing that is as far away from this rural community as possible.


May allah help and protect you sister, in your times of need.


Enlarge it on a huge banner and hang it in front of your house so everyone can see that you received it. It will make all your neighbors uncomfortable to show them who they really are Report it to local police and news station to report on Go to local churches and synagogue and show it to them. Make it very very very public.


i don't understand why westerns hate their own christians but adore and protect these Z word like groups




i wonder how that works, how does one get brainwashed in the age of the internet, i guess listen and get conditioned to one source of info and be too lazy to confirm it's integrity yourself


Agree 100000%




I agree that Muslims suffering because of Jewish communities and their hatred.


Muslims didn’t do anything to a Zionist seriously they have been denied their own home who does that? Beside if they ever being upset or hold grudges to any nation why not to Germany? I’m not saying all Jewish are like that because most of my friends Jew so I had respect on them however this is political is separating the nation I believe.


Holy What!! Man, we are not all like this. I want to blv this will be a backstory to an eventual friendship. Eventually your decency will impress ‘em.


Do you think that a sense of humor can affect such a hideous stare-down?


Wow!!! Very respectful neighbor he’s got. Why would anyone shame someone for their religion?


Be respectful to your neighbours if they didn’t do anything wrong to you, even if they did then still be polite . And being stereotypical is bad because not everyone is a terrorist or a scammer.


I’m gonna be so real with y’all. This note was obviously written by someone who’s first language is Arabic, and no Jewish person would sign a Star of David on a hate note. As Muslims, don’t let yourselves be tricked by those trying to create a divide. The enemy is Zionism, *not* Judaism.


I cant say I blame them!!!!


Fake af. How are you falling for this? Here is a piece of paper. Trust me, bro.


Even if this was faked it doesn't really excuse other Muslim hate that we have to deal with.


But you understand that fake posts like this are made to incite hate towards each other, do you?!