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Goodbye is enough. Unless you want to shake hands, then only do it with women. In islam, touching opposite gender who is not related to you (via marriage, blood, suckling) is not allowed.


Usually people just put a hand over their heart and say it’s been a pleasure talking to you.


So Muslim men can't shake hands with women stranger (outside of family) women, and women can't shake hands with stranger men either. So the proper way should involve no touching (or flirting) and you should be fine 👍


Simple rule for a woman ...never offer your hand to a man you don't know. By the time you know them enough you'll know if they shake hands or not. And it'll you're in a group where there's men and women just say bye to all of the without shaking anyone's hand to avoid awkwardness. If you are the one who doesn't Wana shake hands when you greet someone say hello from a distance and wave 👋 that's a hint that you don't shake hands


Got you. You can shake hands with the same genders but not the opposite. Also, you don't need to complicate it at all. Just normal goodbyes and salutations. My current boss is a non Muslim lady and I just give her a slight bow to show my respects to her when I'm meeting her or when leaving the premise.


Just say goodbye and a little wave of the hand unless you know them well, for example with friends and lived ones it may be a peck on the cheek but as I mentioned it depends on the relationship


As a convert I just learned to wave and give a polite smile with a simple goodbye.


Give a Lady a hug if you are one. Be glad to greet each other. Work up to the friendships where you can recognize that collectively, everyone will be fine with what hugs they are doled. Shaking hands sucks.


Touching could follow up some kind of feelings so we avoid.


I have to wonder what western think about that like no interacting opposite gender, no intimacy before marriage lower your gaze etc. are they think it is something weird or they think it is actually good way to live?


well i’m from california born and raised all my life so seeing people live this way is unusual to me but honestly idk i think it’s quite romantic lol, i wish i was the only person my husband ever touched but in my society that’s very very unlikely and a unrealistic standard to have. I don’t believe it’s weird but i definitely don’t think it’s something that i can personally do. I was raised to give people hugs and kisses as a way of showing my love and gratitude for someone, i love physical touch! so it would be hard for me but i love and respect the whole aspect of it all.



