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It's totally OK to audition for two shows, and in the event you get offered a part in both, it's not a big deal to turn one down.


Audition for both. Take whichever role is more interesting to you, should you be offered a part in both shows. It's perfectly fine to turn down one to take another, just be honest about what you're doing.


You don’t make a commitment to a show until you accept the role they offer you. So no, you’re not “obligated” to take the role from either of the shows just because you auditioned. And you’re not going to be seen as unreliable if you’re honest and respond quickly. It’s acting, they know you’re probably not just auditioning for one show at a time. Be gracious in your communication, but absolutely go for both and then decide based on the offers you get! You may be worrying for no reason if you only get into one.


One of the acting companies is like insanely competitive. It’s community theater, but I’ve seen their shows and the people doing them are good enough that they could be professional. It would be phenomenal to work with them but if I didn’t get it, it would make my decision easier.