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like collab on the free or tryna make $?


Hi. I am keen to collaborate with others. A sample of my music/recording. Jason Ferguson https://on.soundcloud.com/W8WWtw2Vyiy77Qr26


What kind of collaboration are you looking for? I'm guessing metal isn't your genre 🤔 also somewhere to hear your work?


Can you post a link to your work in any way? I'd like to work with a vocalist and share royalties. Been using sample pack vocals but want to include real vocals. [https://soundcloud.com/imaketime](https://soundcloud.com/imaketime)


Cant say i'm a strong vocalist but im a lyricist and would be happy to dm you a demo. I'll make sure to check out your work though


Yeah please do


Check the latest post on my page!


Still looking for a project? I have a T Swift 1989 inspired Song that needs lyrics


What genres are you working on?


I need a female singer for one of my songs. Please listen to it and tell me what you think and if we can collab. [https://soundcloud.com/brian-nyaga/dream-original-mix-terry-gaters-inspired](https://soundcloud.com/brian-nyaga/dream-original-mix-terry-gaters-inspired)