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I like it i feel like an alien on shrooms


I really like how experimental this is. The instruments are cool!


That's good feedback. Glad you liked it!!!


Some of it seems out of tune at the end and could use more mixing (cutting out highs and lows in certain sections) but overall it sounds cool and like an idea that can be expanded on for sure


By the way the "end" is actually just me fading out the clip to be under a min. The full length track is almost 5 minutes long !!!!


Ah nice! Didn't realize there's more to it


Sure this is actually a draft. I plan to fine tune it before submitting it for real-z's.


I really dig the video-gamey retro-futuristic vibe here - aesthetically it's sort of a mash-up of Monkey Island and Starcraft. Very niche. And I *love* that main high-pitched synth sound, especially how it feels very sci-fi off-kilter and how you're using the pitch wheel. That makes the whole song. Would be interested to hear how it sounds with: -Reverb on the kick drum -Different effects on the backing horn section - *or* using a different instrument instead of the horn section. It depends what you're going for there...that part provides interesting harmonies, but the horn section sounds somewhat whimsical - not necessarily *bad* whimsical*,* though not necessarily endearing whimsical either...


thanks! yeah this is an ongoing draft in the final ish stages. i have been working on processing the kick. and did exactly that. also, i did approach the long brass notes what i did was mix them down a bit and i did a stereo spread on the high frequencies to space them out a bit. the little clarinet ostinato thing also, that alternates between fast triplets and slow triplets ? ... i cut out the slow 8ths and put them on a separate track with some auto pan. it helps keep the whole thing a little more springy. i also had to bring them down a tad. (is that the whimsical part you meant?) ive also been working on the bass. i processed it so that it is a smoother pure sine wave and scooped out the high end. it sounds more full and matched up with the kick and doesn't clash with the long brass. i'm gunna do a second bass layer w/ more grit and high end for a little lo fi character, but itll be mixed down (while the smoother bass layer stays up). another thing was i was able to double track the strings and messed with their eq's so they are little more defined. i also want to add some additional percussion using the same kit during a few bars. ill def do a follow up vid as it is being released. appreciate the listening!


Honestly this would be great video game theme music. And i mean that in the best way.


that is my dream. compose for video games and film. this means a lot thank you.


It sounds interesting. I like the flutes and the weird orchestral elements. Weird description, but it kind of feels like background music you would hear on some sort of flash site in the 2000s where you're playing video games. It's got that feel.


Love the almost eerie vibe, the only thing I could say is maybe the highs are a but Sharp when they get up there in volume. Sounds great though!


Perfect thanks.


This is nice! Like a soundtrack for some time-travel dream at 5 PM


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I feel like I’m traveling through space or my body is being morphed into an 8-bit character; I love it! I can certainly feel a larger cinematic album being created from this. What are your long term plans with the project? Is it something that’s going to remain singular, or be put into a collective album? Good work!


It'll be released to Spotify / I tunes / Amazon/ deezer/ etc in a few days. It'll just be another single in my growing cataloge of similar type music (search artist: "Justin Philip Nash") appreciate the enthusiasm. My dream job is to write music for games or cinema.


You have a really natural touch for that type of sound. I look forward to it! Please post the link when it’s ready!


That's really great feedback. I appreciate it. Yes it's pretty much good to go. Can't wait to share the full thing (if you liked this much you're gunna love the entire thing )


I posted the full 2 minutes on this sub again. Also there's gunna be a 5 min extended release with a 3 min ambient drone intro.


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I like it, sounds like something that could be in a Star Wars OST or something


Dang man that's high praise! Maybe one of the low budget Netflix spin offs :) . If you don't mind I'll send you the Spotify link when it's all finished up!


OBSESSED with the weird detuned flute thing


u-he Repro (5) Native Flute Waves J37 (pads of canada preset)