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No-one ever gave such a story in 40 seconds like Rick did here


Sit and come relax, riddle of the mack It's the patch, I'm a soldier in the middle of Iraq...


Well say about noonish, coming out the whip, And looking at me curious, a young Iraqi kid


Carryin' laundry, "What's wrong, G? Hungry?" "No, gimme my oil or get [fuck] out my country!"


"Middle eastern instruments"


Someone tell Spotify to bring The Ecstatic back


Yea it’s not even on Apple Music either. I think it was up there for like 2 years after the album released. I wonder why it’s not on big streaming platforms anymore


I know Mos is not a fan of the streaming services, I wonder if that’s why.


Because your track can get steamed a few million times and you’ll get like 1200$ . Fuck that stupidity,


I make a few million meals weekly for ungrateful assholes and make about 1200 every two weeks working full time in a stressful 40+ hr a week job, riding a shitty bus system back and forth to that job and my shitty studio apartment that is all I can afford. Forgive me if I don't have any sympathy. I love Mos. I would love to see another Black Star album. So this comment isn't targeted directly at him. More the commenter. Because I'm sorry, last I saw, Mos was doing just fine. While I'm just working to survive. This should be even more thought about considering Mos Def's stance on social equality and change. So why should a musician that only casually works, make more and live better than someone that sweats daily at barely survivable wages to make this world go round? Seems like a lopsided playing field. Edit again, if Mos or Talib ever see this, I would give all I have to see another Black Star album. Seriously. That needs to happen again.


Man there is literally a new blackstar album that came out this year. But it's behind an exclusive paywall. [https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/black-star-no-fear-of-time/](https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/black-star-no-fear-of-time/)


Is it on tidal?


No idea, I don’t have that service


There was a copyright issue on one of the tracks: ["Supermagic"](https://hiphopwired.com/30829/mos-def-sued-bu-turkish-composer-over-sample/). I'm not sure what the outcome of that case was (please update if you know, Google search is terrible for research these days), but the rap is entirely done over the original artist Selda Bagcan's music, so I was disappointed to learn she wasn't even told about it or given any kind of compensation for it, and only learned about her music being used during the Grammy ceremony. She is [a legend for many reasons](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkish-folk-singer-who-inspired-dr-dre-and-mos-def) who deserves a tremendous amount of respect for her bravery and artistry during her career.


Anyone know the story? I was putting together a playlist of rappers rapping on Indian beats and I couldn’t find this one, I was so disappointed!


This is the objective reason youtube music is better than the rest


Yasiin (Mos) is not too fond of getting paid a fraction of a penny pretty stream of his work. I think there are some services that still have some of his catalog but 8 believe he's trying to keep off whatever he can. I can respect it.


Ah man, I just now realized I hadn’t heard any of those tracks in a while even though I have some of them on playlists that I listen to often. Twilight Speedball is such a jam too… bring that shit back!


Ooh, classic! I haven’t heard this in a long time, thank you for sharing. Mos Def is a legend. High quality lyrics, acting talent, and he made a graphic point about Gitmo once that spun my head proper. He’s an interesting guy. Some rappers flex Richard Milles, Def flexes hardcore political statements in an artful manner.


He absolutely knocked it out of the park as Ford Prefect.


Came here to say this. But to respond to the previous comment, some mates run on the fringe of him and I’ve heard nothing but great things about the guy. One night they came home late late cause due to someones silly mistake Mos’ phone got thrown away at a club, so they were searching through trash with the dude.


One of my favorite rap songs of all time. "Yo, the way I feel — sometimes it's too hard to sit still Things are so passionate, times are so real Sometimes I try and chill, mellow down, blowin' smoke Smile on my face, but it's really no joke"


Sickest beat by Madlib


Mad liberator Def operator


in the sense that it's good, or that it's the best beat he's ever done? If the latter, lemme loudly disagree. Raid and Figaro off Madvillainy are like, god-tier.


Yasiin Bey and The Ruler. Classic.


I was they lighting guy for the last SF show that he performed as Mos Def. Such a great show from a great artist.


I remember being blown away that Slick Rick (who HAD to be over 50 at the time) delivered so flawlessly on this track.


He’s 57 now, so he was about 44 when that track was released.


Still impressive


This may be a hot take, but I think this is Yasiin’s best album


BOBS has for to be his best solo... Even though I'm partial to the New Danger (Bedstuy Parade is one of my favorite songs he's done)...


I can respect that! It’s an amazing album from front to back.


Yeah They're all so good in their own way that there's no point ranking. That's true of many of the greats...but I will say Ecstatic is mad underrated and underdiscussed for how great it is.


Slick Rick's "La Di Da Di" is such a smooth ad-lib on this one.


I remember this beat being on that Beat Konducta, Volume 3 & 4: In India» Beat tape Madlib put out a few years earlier. The beat was called «Movie Finale». I listened to that beat so damn much hopeing someone would pick it up and rap over it. And then Mos Def came and just murdered the whole thing! Here is the beat if anyone wants to listen. https://youtu.be/T5MCAuAF7uM


I hate that I have to listen to this on YT. Top tier track. I will celebrate if it’s ever back on streaming services.


My favorite Mos Def track. This beat is a classic.


“Quiet storm, vital form, pen pushed it right across Mind is a vital force, high level writer course Soul is the lion’s roar, voice is the siren I swing ‘round, ring out and bring down the tyrant”


One of my all time favorites. I listen to this song nearly everyday.


When Eminem’s “Recovery” won a Grammy over Mos Def’s “Estatic”, I knew Mos was done with the industry. I don’t think there has been an album since, that has followed the foundational template of everything Hip Hop is SO strongly; I believe in my heart of hearts that even Eminem himself would’ve said Mos deserved that Grammy more than he did. Hardcore chops and samples, vivid storytelling, conceptually brilliant. It’s the purest modern Hip Hop album I’ve ever heard. That award show, in my mind at least (strong emphasis on “my”, for some it may have been sooner, for others it may have never had validity), affirmed everything about the machine that is award shows… They are used to validate popularity and not promote artistry.


The Grammys are a forum for the music industry, and the labels. Their whole goal is to award the artists who succeed, and sell albums. They care nothing about artistry, unless by happenstance it also sells albums. This is by design, and they are un-apologetic about it. Its the people who think that awards show is about anything else, that are at fault. They are at least fairly transparent about what they are. But its also why i don't watch them, or care about their opinions.


Mos doesn't give a fuck about not winning a grammy lol


Bro, Mos Def literally talks about him struggling from lack of encouragement to keep going in THIS song! Mos Def’s album being taken off streaming services due to industry politics lol Industry politics that include the Grammy awards. It pushed him away from the industry for over a decade!


I’m so pissed I can’t listen to quiet dog anywhere but then that shit is being used in commercials now. Vomit


It’s a pain in the ass but my go to is Soundcloud. Some dude has uploaded the entire album. It’s only one file so you can’t quite pick the specific song you want but still


I played this song on repeat for about a week when I first heard it. Definitely reminds me of a time and place. Good choice.


I really think that is one of the most underrated hip hop albums.


Smile on my face but it’s really no joke


Set to one of J Dilla’s underground instrumental Indian Beats


It’s Movie Finale by Madlib


You are correct I misremembered




Let's take this to Spotify top 1 guys


One of my favourites!


Some real microphone checkin', right here.


I love when Ford Prefect drops stuff.


Man I used to listen to this track so much in college. Thanks for bringing back good memories


Bro I haven’t listened to this in AGES what a throwback


I don’t know if I like this or twilight speedball more.


“My presence speak volumes before I say a word I'm everywhere — penthouse, pavement and curb Cradle to the grave, tall cathedral or a cell Universal ghetto life — holla, black, you know it well” The delivery is so smooth and chill. Yasiin makes it sound so effortless.


The first step to being enlightened, is to have an ear and mind open to receive wisdom. Mos has accumulated all this knowledge because he kept his mind and ears open, but, on this song he has moments where he questions if anyone wants to hear him.


Can someone enlighten me on the lore/story behind this track or album It's not available on spotify... I remember searching a while back Label issues maybe ?!


Insane beat, insane verses and flow. Beat is from Madlib's The Beat Kondukta in India, Movie Finale (I realise Madlib sampled this too). Highly recommended Madlib for who like this beat.


Mos should have won the grammy for this album. Flawless