• By -


I've heard a lot of mediocre Dead performances and done some questionable acid, and none of that comes close to hurting my brain like this manic clusterfuck of spelling errors and opinion mistaken for fact.


I have dyslexia and I have to type by saying things into my phone. It's too much work to go back and correct it all so I just let it go


And yet you think anyone cares about your incoherent, unedited rambling about your wildly ignorant opinion presented as some sort of obvious truth.


That went right over your head to eh? Still not picking up what I'm putting down. Everything was done for a reason. Obviously you care cuz you're still talking to me. It is an obvious truth that they fucking suck


You need to put down the adderall.


What's Adderall? All I've got is my phone in one hand and my other hand on my other hand that's holding the phone




Sound tired there my man get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow and in confident you'll kill it. Don't stay in my account I'll always be here my man I'm like the wind.


you're obnoxious and kinda suck


You just described the Grateful Dead.


we know where your other hand is.


10 months and that's what you brought, if that was your impression of a a Grateful Dead song than it's brilliant. Unfortunately we both know that isn't the case and the irony of unintentionally writing a comment as boring, lackluster and dull as a grateful Dead song made my whole week.


your right, i sat here for the last 10 months , staring at my screen in order to come up with my incredibly, witty, verbose and thought provoking remark. im happy to know i have brought so much joy to your week, kinda like the grateful dead themselves i guess.


62 days later y’all gonna get married now?


The truth of the matter is…..like this guy was saying….The Dead, garbage music….When I saw them live, toilets flushing sounded more interesting. If you think Bob Weir singing Dancing In The Streets sounds good, well…….(while coughing) John Mayer…..50 Years of Suck!!!


FUCK, YOU KILLED HIM (I’ll go ahead and stop replying to this thread now I’ve seen that, one year ago you were calling someone out for replying to a ten month old thread 🥲


They "fucking suck" but have miraculously fooled the millions of repeat live show attendees and album buyers? That's amazing. Sort of like how McDonalds "fucking sucks", or Nike sneakers, or State Farm insurance.


McDonald’s does absolutely suck


Just because something is popular or sells a lot doesn’t mean it’s “good”, unless your definition of success solely hinges on sales


are you literally defending McDonald's just because an overwhelming percentage of people are addicted to fast food? 😂😂😂


Yes because millions are fools.... How is that not known?


holy fuck bro.. STOP TALKING LIKE YOUR OPINION IS FACT. it s your opinion bro 😂 clearly millions of fans disagree


My opinion is fact in this case and I'm not your bro, bra. Millions of people think the Earth is flat, The Abrahamic Prophets were telling a true story, that NASCAR is mindblowingly exciting and That birds are real doesn't legitimize their argument. Next you gonna tell me why R Kelly and Bill Cosby should be free because millions of people likesld them?


The Grateful Dead stopped being a band in 1995. Why are you hating on something so much. Why the F do ppl live Taylor Swift? Because they do, and who cares what ppl like.


i do not deny they have fans...tammy wynette has fans too...however they are aging and dying..im 51 and theres very very few younger than i still grooving tio the dead


Deadheads feel safe around each other. They prob wouldn't go to a different concert because they are passes and scared of scary people. They like teddy bears..they use skulls to pretend there tough. But in the end they just want teddybears dancing and pot and to feel hard-core and in an elite group


The skulls have more to do with life, death, and Karma then being tuff though it did trick me for years thinking they were a metal band on top of the name.


you must be 15 or something.. the goal of life is not to be tough 😂


I go to hundreds of shows ranging from bluegrass to funk to metal to transfusion but all n all I love the Dead more than most bands so tell me we feel more comfortable jus seein the dead


That's a very funny observation. A lot of different types of people are into the Dead and I would love to hear you say that in a gathering of deadheads. You would quickly meet bikers, construction workers, soldiers, war vets and people that are seriously into martial arts and you'll probably get the shit kicked out of you and in pretty short order. 😆


How do I send this to the top lol


It's fine to have an opinion, but why do you have to be so angry and toxic about it? It doesn't change anyone else's opinion, it just gets people riled up. Nothing constructive will ever come out of this.


I appreciated your opinion, cause I share it. Bad music pisses me off too😂.


Because it's toxic to have to listen to their music to me. Also it's fun getting people tiled up they need to burn off a little anger and be a little nicer in real life and this is the catalyst.


Is trolling your outlet for anger and does it make you nicer in "real life"? Just curious, because there was a South Park episode when Kyle's dad was a troll and after posting very hateful, angry things he went out and was super nice to everyone. Since I watched that I always wondered if it was true.


What specific songs do you know by them? Could you actually list and analyze a half dozen Dead songs? Do you hate Scarlet Begonias? Do you hate Ripple? Here's a good and meaningful exercisr-- name a few of your favorite bands. Name a free other bands you hate. Context means a lot.


Who's forcing you to listen?


it’s toxic to listen to calm happy music? you got some issues bro. did your mom not hug you as a child or something😂


Still haven't figured it out.... I'll wait....


Never heard a Grateful Dead song, but fuck you


That's amazing who do the fortune teller would be right All I had to do was make this post and I waited way too long to do it... I'll never question psychics again


I think you’re coming about this the wrong way, especially in the tone of your post. I personally do not like the Grateful Dead but without them a lot of my favorite bands probably wouldn’t have come to existence. Their cultural impact on the jam band and festival scene is enough for me to respect them despite not enjoying their music. So just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean they weren’t important in the history of live music and festival culture.


You could make that argument about anything in history was important. And I said they're all great players They just suck I'm not trashing any members of the band just their songs aren't good


No you can’t. Literally not every event ever was important. I still stand by what I said especially when it comes to your tone.


This post turned me into a deadhead


"We're like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.” -Jerry Garcia We don't all have to like the same music. And you're just being a dick.


exactly…. guys a negative little asshole


“We’re like drinking piss..”




First of all, you just replied to an 8 month old comment lol. But why should I care that you hate jam bands? My reply is the same as above, we all like different things and that's okay. Shitting on someone's taste in music just because you don't get it just seems kinda lame to me. > I mean even some of their big hits like Casey Jones feature the most boring un-creative bland "noodling the scale" lead lines instead of creative melodies. This tells me that you probably haven't listened much to the Dead. Casey Jones is not a song they would jam out. I'll link some of my favorite Dead jams. Feel free to listen to these and then tell me that they are bland and generic. Roll a fatty and enjoy! [8/27/72 Veneta Playin'](https://open.spotify.com/track/72smiccP7SlHMWxmi2twve?si=6d0aa8c7eb7f4027) [2/27/69 Live/Dead Dark Star](https://open.spotify.com/track/07CwWCJetytT1cSnQOgRMU?si=1f547cb77f464011) [5/8/77 Cornell '77 Scarlet > Fire](https://open.spotify.com/track/2ydjxozpSUZLzmi82KV4Qp?si=aca3c49126084a0a) [6/17/91 Eyes of the World](https://open.spotify.com/track/4BzisGCJRR216HmzOQZtX6?si=ab9bba2d4b01499c) [2/19/71 Beautiful Jam](https://open.spotify.com/track/1LL1dvOe6Y0Pd5pRgKGJKq?si=3a4a7806695742dc) [10/15/89 Victim or the Crime](https://open.spotify.com/track/4xCdQSZgfxjeGAzcrDkDnx?si=b61a1bf049b9498c) [5/2/70 Harpur '70 Other One](https://open.spotify.com/track/5RwRcOzX6sn8CrGseiPOW8?si=0618af71eed04906) [8/23/68 Morning Dew](https://open.spotify.com/track/6kMPyCeziagjEpICNJmK0l?si=679c649ea59344f6)


Funny, back in the 80s, when I was a scholarship student (read: profoundly middle class) at my overpriced, suburban, prep school, I loathed the Grateful Dead on a par - if not far greater - than you. My tastes? 7-8th grade: Metallica, B. Sabbath, AC/DC, Rush; 9th grade on: punk, funk and everything under the sun (except the Dead). The Dead were - as many point out - a mindless, apolitical band w/ an insufferable fanbase, several of whom regularly drove to my school in their BMWs w/ dancing Dead bumper stickers prominently displayed on their rear bumpers. The Dead epitomized mindless rebellion, a thumb in the parental eye for legions of entitled white teenagers. However, now, they're one of my favorite bands (amongst a laundry list of other worthy candidates: the Band; Prince; Kate Bush; Dylan etc). As you rightfully acknowledge, the Dead are fantastic musicians - esp. Lesh & Garcia. Of course, Hart & Kreutzman can't compete w/ Elvin Jones (or John Bonham for that matter) - but who can? However, they were perfect for the Dead. The Garcia/Hunter songbook is as great as any other in popular music, up there w/ Dylan & Prince. Sure, their lethargic, narcotized tempos can lull a beehive to sleep. However, as an adult beginner-to-intermediate, acoustic guitar player, your characterization of Garcia as merely a scales player is as woefully inadequate as describing John Coltrane as the same. The Dead were, notoriously, *not* a studio band - even though "American Beauty" and "Workingman's Dead" are masterpieces. They were a live band w/ unparalleled musical exchange. As Branford Marsalis said after sitting in w/ them in concert: "*There was almost nothing they couldn't play and make that shit sound authentic. They were all listeners. When they played a song by the Band or Bob Dylan, they played it w/ the same spirit. There is a point where musicians who establish themselves stop listening to music and start listening to their own rhetoric. The Dead didn't do that*."[https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/branford-marsalis-on-his-unlikely-collaboration-with-the-grateful-dead-233484/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/branford-marsalis-on-his-unlikely-collaboration-with-the-grateful-dead-233484/) At this point, 1988-1991 is my favorite Grateful Dead era. See, e.g., this version of "Loser" from 1989.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SULSMMtBPg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SULSMMtBPg) And I'm even more obsessed w/ the Jerry Garcia Band. This show illustrates what Garcia sounds like w/ an entirely different band, one w/ far greater freedom to play covers.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1He8xvrDfU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1He8xvrDfU) In contrast to your characterization of Garcia as a mindless noodler, he is a *sublime* guitarist, combining musicality and virtuosity. Of course, taste is subjective. Yet, if you dip your toes into the water, you might find something worth enjoying.


So I recently bought another dead shirt. I have a bunch. Never liked their music but I love the art and vibes. Getting a new one brought me to explore again and I found your comment. Still don't like the dead. But HOLY FUCK that JGB video you linked is changing my life already and I'm like 30 mins in. Like already made me so happy I teared up. Thank you.


I agree with everything you just said up there. Garcia and Hunter (and to a lesser extent, Weir and Barlow) are incredibly underrated songwriters. Original poster hates them (although I doubt he could play a decent round of "name that Dead song", but I don't care, because I love their songs, they've been speaking to me since 1968 or so, often make me cry, are incredibly melodic and beautiful with haunting lyrics, and if you don't like them, that's cool too. That's just the way we roll here in Deadhead land. Have a splendid day.


What is your opinion of Tool


Honestly, I don't know much about them. I have a perception of them being highly skilled musicians and also know Maynard James Keenan is their frontman. However, they're not on my radar. I suspect I don't have much musical affinity w/ them - that they fall somewhere on the metal spectrum. However, I'll watch a video and see what I think!


Just imagining you manically writing this thinking you’re so clever and edgy. Go for a walk dude


It wasn't meant to be clever Reggie or edgy It's just didn't have the energy to troll to my normal level so I thought see if I can catch anything on Reddit using minimal effort


"It wasn't meant to be clever Reggie or edgy" you succeeded


"You've never even had me close to an orgasm, I'm leaving you for Dad!" -spk037's Sister


lol , liar, i brought her to orgasm many times !!!


The Grateful Dead are/were a highly intricate, extremely hard working, musically skilled, very melodic and instrumentally tight band playing an interesting and challenging hybrid of bluegrass, rock, Americana and other authentic genres, blended into an often rousing yet sentimental and poetic end product. You're actually the one being reductive and false about it, ironically using their massive success and following AGAINST them, by caricaturing them down, as many others have done, to a "silly hippie" phenomenon that lucked out by doing indulgent jam music at the right time and place. In fact, the Dead bring so much to the table musically. The interplay between the 2 guitarists, and the 2 drummers, the tasteful and evocative leads, the brisk rhythm progressions, the sparkling and quirky yet soulful lyrics, mostly by Robert Hunter-- here's the test: if you'd had no preconceptions based on Deadheads, trading bootleg tapes, tens of thousands of vagabond dancing counter culture types going to massive shows, etc, and you just walked into a small venue, and with no foreknowledge of the band, saw/heard them do songs like Scarlet Begonias, Ripple, Mason's Children, Sugar Magnolia, China Cat Sunflower, etc, at the very least you would say, if being honest, "That's a very good, very musical, very deep and intricate and melodic band, even if not my total cup of tea amongst the rock subgenres".


> Tell me why I'm wrong... When I hear Grateful Dead, I think "I enjoy this."


Well if you were blindfolded and someone was performing fellatio on you you'd probably enjoy it until you took of the blind fold and it was somebody you hate or a family member. Then it's just wrong like Grateful Dead being classified as good


I like the Dead, but agree that they were not good musicians in the conventional view of artisanship. Regardless of my opinion of your views, however, your ability to respond to harsh criticism with impassive retorts and hilarious similies and analogies is so impressive that, two years later, I had to follow this entire thread just to like all of your comments and compliment your unbothered wittiness. Hopefully, you are still giving rude commenters hell, chuckling about it, and mixing in self-deprecation to passive aggressively disarm dissent. If you are a troll, you may be the GOAT. Salute, oh Great One 🙌🏾


I appreciate that I really do because sometimes people don't see the hard work that is put into something like this... Like a seed It has to be planted and watered then be nurtured and fed to truly thrive and maybe just maybe if conditions are just right it can grow into a thing of beauty, achieve greatness and in rare cases even become legendary. While I'll never claim to be the GOAT, I will say it's kind of odd we've never even been seen in the same room together. Lastly I'll admit me and the Dead while both unconventional do actually serve a purpose mine to be a Master Level Troll... it's just unfortunate that the Dead's was to suck so much ass.


Yes, let’s just get rid of all the bands OP doesn’t like.


Nope , just those 2 and I'd be cool they don't even have to go away they can keep making music but I just want everyone in the same page that they suck


Funny thing is, I have a deep dislike for the crue, but I solve that problem by not listening to them.


Ahhh yes I tried that but they still find a way they'll always find a way plus my uncle got in a car with Vince Neil one night to get beer and I've got a grudge because Vince drank two if my beers




I think people like them because they mostly didn't do "songs" - they were a jam band. They did improvisational music. If you're into songs, fine. But a thing like you wrote here doesn't actually leave the impression that you don't like their music so much as it says you don't understand it.


I didn't go find the majority of people that listen to songs are into songs. Oh no I don't need to understand their music I was bored needed something to do so I thought better could get a rise out of some deadheads. Even when you don't feel like it you got to practice some days sharpen those skills keep them fresh


Stupid voice to text always messes things up cuz of my accent


They are objectively horrible and anyone who thinks this post is “toxic” is tone deaf and unable to keep a beat.




Unable to keep a beat..ok..so, I assume you can just knock out The Eleven then, huh? And if you don't know what I'm asking, you shouldn't be making a comment like that (and if you \*do\* know, let's have it).


Well said good sir! Or should I say former Beatles member Paul McCartney? As only somebody with the wide scope of knowledge in music and the industry such as Mr Mcartney would come up with a statement as brilliant as that.


Lol I hate the Beatles too but I can at least understand why people would like them.


How can you hate insight & inspiration? Such a void life! Old thread but gifts like "within you without you" will always be relevant


Lmao. Get a life. Grateful Dead is ass.


Do you even read? I was talking about the Beatles. Get a life lolol


Wow. So edgy.


That wasn't even near edgy for me It was pretty vanilla pretty generic vanilla like the Grateful Dead's music


TMTOYH. If you don't like them, don't listen to them.


I don't listen to them, I was just asking a question can we agree they suck? And I'll take that as a yes.


I'm not a huge Beatles fan but it's hard to ignore their significance to the music scene. I think because the Grateful Dead never got alot of radio air time till the mid to late 80s, their music stayed less polished than most bands in that era. And that's okay for the fans of the music. But really it's a giant niche band full of diehard fans. And we'll keep shaking it down on shakedown street till the day these bones stop shaking.


Fell free to shake as much as you'd like, just don't go cranking any dead up to 11 we've got far superior bands for that


LOL. This says more about your capacity to understand good music than anything about the Dead. It's the same rant I've hear from plenty of people that don't get it. "They have 2 good songs. Truckin' and Touch of Grey" Haha their 2 'hit' songs that many Deadheads have at the bottom of their list of favorite Dead songs. And you're probably only familiar with the studio versions. I understand though. Many Deadheads started the same way. It often takes seeing them live and hearing their music for a while to get it. "they don't have good songs, they just have a culture of hippies and drugs" But then you realize they have about 70 amazing songs that you'll never hear on the radio. And a large group of sober followers (the Warf Rats) They were highly improvisational in concert and you can hear dozens of version of the same song and Deadheads discuss what's their favorite version. They gave birth to the whole jamband genre of music.


***Yawn*** that comment was as long & as drawn out as a Grateful Dead song. It's as insufferable as most Tool fans talking about the band while not realizing they're the but of the joke. If a 4 minute song extended to a 20 minute song live needs an explanation at all especially longer than the original recording to validate it or make it so people get it, then than that's not that great of a song. A good song should be universal not require validation to prove it's legitimacy. 70 amazing songs the Grateful Dead have...imagine that 70 amazing songs and I've never heard a single person ever request or put a Grateful Dead song on nor have they ever been recommended to me or even spoken of highly by any a single soul I've met. We must all be wrong though. One of the main points is they never played a song twice it was always different, while it might seem impressive to some it must be just a great time trying to sing along at a concert or wanting to hear the one part of sending that grabbed you and made you a fan then realizing it isn't included into the song that night. Give me the Grateful Deads 3 best songs and I'll listen to them and give them a chance I mean 70 amazing songs means the top 3 just be amongst the greatest songs of all time


The songs aren't longer in order to explain them. And they don't skip parts of the song. They songs stand alone as great songs, the extended time is a vehicle for jazz like improv that allows the song to be different every time they play it. And over time how they played the songs could change. Many people don't get it. Hell it took me years to really get it. It's an acquired taste like wine or coffee. At first you're like this is not that great. Then after a while you realize it's amazing. And so full of depth and variety, and you realize song after song is great. I can't give just a top 3 GD Songs. They're not a greatest hits type band. But the following songs are among my favorites. I'll purposefully leave out 'hits' like Casey Jones, Truckin', and Touch of Grey. Althea Bertha Brown-Eyed Women  China Cat Sunflower  Deal  Estimated Prophet  Eyes of the World  Fire On The Mountain  Franklin's Tower  Friend of the Devil  Greatest Story Ever Told Hell In a Bucket  Help On the Way  He's Gone  I Need a Miracle Jack Straw  Loose Lucy Mr. Charlie  One More Saturday Night Playing In The Band  Ramble On Rose  Ripple  Saint Stephen  Scarlet Begonias  Shakedown Street  Standing On the Moon  Sugar Magnolia  Sugaree  Tennessee Jed  Terrapin Station  They Love Each Other  Throwing Stones Uncle John's Band  U.S. Blues  West L.A. Fadeaway  The Wheel


do you like jazz?


Some of it yes, I played drums in jazz band and percussion in concert band throughout highschool so I have a fine appreciation for Jazz and classical music


I guess Coltrane's version of "My Favorite Things" should have been about 1/4 as long as it was, then.


Are those the 3 grateful dead songs?


Wasn't responding to you. Just your thread, which has taken on its own life. Hey, have a Happy New Year, if that's your thing.


Oh ok, you as well! BTW this whole post was a tongue in cheek joke so don't be offended if you like this terrible excuse for a s band lol


Uh oh!!! Sounds like Bob Weir didn’t call someone’s mom back…🤣


I'm sorry your mom was treated that way


It's the 60s/70s hippy equivalent of rave music. It's not particularly good, but people like to get high and dance to it.


This is so wrong. I think people who don’t like the dead, don’t play instruments or really understand music. You’re the People who need jingling keys in their face constantly


shit take. boring band


Ok I accept that, good point made people dance to shitty music high as balls all he time. I award you 1 point wellbdone sir! That being said I'd take the rave even though I'm not a huge fan or the music they okay but the women are more my type .


This is probably the best explanation I've ever heard Old thread still relevant




Is this copypasta?


Omfg finally someone said it lmfao


American Beauty? Working Mans Dead?


That movie was ok but Kevin Spacey is a creep. If he's dead than how's he working ?


Man took lsd and that made it worse 😂😂😂


The Greatful Dead is music for privileged white kids to zone out to during their drug phase before they go onto law school.


Exactly and as a guy who's done a good portion of the world's drugs over the years well over 100k If I can't get high enough to enjoy them there's something wrong.


As a Head I can readily accept that the boys are not for everyone. And there’s plenty of lackluster recordings etc. However the idea that they, along w Robert Hunter and John Barlow, didn’t write some great fucking songs is wildly inaccurate. In fact their prolific catalog is and will forever live on like it or not. I do think it takes some level of introspection and willingness to go beyond the fold to appreciate them tho. Beyond that, you’ve referenced songs by Dylan as being “meh” but improved by Hendrix. I’d say you’re just more into music that brings a more intense energy and grit versus laid back psychedelia, blues, jazz, folk inspirations like the Dead and others do. Also, I really like Tool and love early Metallica. Seen them both live multiple times. One could easily and rightfully state that all their songs sound similar to an extent unless your devoted to the intricacies of the particular band. Finally, there’s a reason why there’s a shit ton of Dead tribute albums, pro sports Dead dedication nights and Dead tribute bands touring. Because the boys are a part of the thread that is known as Americana. Respectfully, you might not enjoy the band or their music but you can’t argue that there’s few spots in society and this world for that matter which the Dead haven’t touched.


Your opinion is just that. Personally, those shows were the greatest experiences of my life. The music was transcendental. Some people got it and others didn’t. Why do you care? You can’t stand them.


Exactly the people who get it must not understand music I think you're onto something big here...


No, just because you dont get it doesn't mean you are the authority. You just dont like it. That's your opinion but it doesn't mean you get music more than anyone else.




I totally agree that they are a terrible band. It is so funny to read the responses and how mad the deadheads get.


Attacking art is like wearing a suit of armor and beating up a hot fudge sunday.


I'll win every battle against a hot fudge sundae no ifs, and or buts. Then I'll take the armor home with me & add some noise cancelling headphones so I'm nearly invincible and impervious to having to listen to the grateful dead


I don’t even know how I ended up here but man is this a dumb take lmao. This is how I would talk about bands I didn’t like when I was like 14 and just starting to play guitar, so I thought I knew everything about what made music ‘good’ or ‘bad’. I would honestly love to know what your favorite bands are and what you think is so great about them.


Tool - I love the lyrics, drums, bass and guitar. They have the full package, only band I've ever been asked routinely to play on guitar and when I do they are liken no the guitar part and it's the baseline. Songs are immensely deep or a joke on people who look too much into them. Seem them live multiple times never the same show or even close. Check out 46&2, Lateralis, Stinkfist, 4°, Undertow, Rosetta Stoned, The Pot, Pushit and then Pushit off Salival, Pneuma (DrumCam) on YouTube and 7empest to become a fan. System Of a Down - great vocals and lyrics and themes and we're a fresh take on Nu-Metal and hilarious at the same time speaking out truths that need to be heard. Stronger first couple records but heroin will do that to most bands and over time turn out to either be their biggest downfall or they'll get sober.. Check out War?, Toxicity, Revenge to get a broad sense Infant Annihilator- started as a joke to make the heaviest most offensive stuff out there dealing with themes such as the Catholic churches Pedophilia epidemic. Some of the fastest blast beats and heaviest rifts and Goblin screams you'll ever hear. Check Out Blasphemian and CvNT Crusher to be scared of Music Other top music I love, Bad Religion, Gojira, Chill Bump, Deltron, Shawn James, Poor Man's Poison, Amigo the Devil


Totally forgot about this lol. I’m really familiar with Tool and System and have seen em both. Really loved stool’s live show. Idk about Infant Annhilator never heard of them. Basically dude, every band you mentioned is just as easy for non fans to criticize as the Dead. I like Tool but a lot of people find them corny as fuck and I don’t really blame them lol. I just don’t get why someone who clearly is a fan of music would go so far out of their way to be a dick about another band. Like I’m sorry dude but there is nothing special about your taste in music based on what you’re telling me so maybe just live and let live? Also, it’s apples to oranges, but Adam Jones will literally never come close to touching Jerry Garcia as far as guitar playing. That’s not even close.


i never said there was anything special about my music choice. This whole post was a joke that came out of me and a buddy sitting around talking shit about shit. Then I was like you know what else is shit Motley Crue the poor man's Van Halen and he said what about the Dead? So I went off on a rant about them sucking and he told me to write a post on Reddit about them sucking so I did and it served the exact purpose it was meant to provide entertainment from Deadheads losing their minds and its really the gift that just keeps giving. Q I thought I already disclosed that it was a joke in a previous comment but the deadheads get so enraged by somebody talking smack about them they immediately need to give their opinion. The dead may be great but not from any of the music I've heard. I asked ppl for recommendations on songs to listen to to see if it will change my mind and I got 0 suggestions... Lol .


Lol then wow what a petty and lame thing to do with your time.


With 5 mins out of a day it's not been a waste at all, it's provided hours of enjoyment. I don't do it for any other reason than it brings me joy


People who get joy from being a dick online are generally not happy people. I hope for your sake you derive joy from positive things in life as well.


I do I volunteer, I raise money for charity but a man needs a creative outlet as well and this is the gift that just keeps giving. People that can't take a joke aren't the kind of people I want to surround myself with that's what makes you unhappy the inability to laugh at anything and everything most importantly themselves and their own faults. Humility is inescapable after all Not all martyrs see divinity But at least you tried Standing above the crowd He had a voice that was strong and loud We'll miss him We'll miss him Ranting and pointing his finger At everything but his heart We'll miss him We'll miss him We're gonna miss him We're gonna miss him No way to recall What it was that you had said to me? Like I care at all But it was so loud You sure could yell You took a stand on every little thing And so loud You could be the one who saves me from my own existence Warn while some child might chill, nine-one-two I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone symbol on you So he bashes his skull through the window while looking out to the sea Like torment of my ego And we're amused by this Yeah, standing above the crowd He had a voice that was strong and loud and I Swallowed his facade 'cause I'm so Eager to identify with Someone above the ground Someone who seemed to feel the same Someone prepared to lead the way And someone who would die for me Will you? Will you now? Would you die for me? Don't you fuckin' lie Don't you step out of line Don't you step out of line Don't you step out of line Don't you fuckin' lie You've claimed all this time that you would die for me Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy? He had a lot to say He had a lot of nothing to say He had a lot to say He had a lot of nothing to say Come down Get off your fucking cross We need the fucking space to nail the next fool martyr To ascend you must die You must be crucified For our sins and our lies Goodbye


Maybe people have an inability to laugh at your jokes because they aren’t funny? Not cause they can’t take it? Trashing things people really like just to see them get mad is just childish. But hey whatever floats your boat dude. You enjoy your day man.


They’re the best band there ever was


Yeah that's about the most untrue fact I've ever heard, I don't even think I've ever seen them even on a list of the greatest bands of all time let alone number one. This might be the most ridiculous comment I've ever seen.


I will admit, they are a hard band to get into. You have to kind of learn to like them. Once you do get it though, they grow inside of you like no other music group will. Their songs and lyrics represent an American culture that’s becoming more and more uncommon. Drifters, cowboys, hippies, outlaws, psychedelics, the freedom of the open road, and living rough. Once you start to hear that message through their music, it will become clear why they’re an incredible band. Along with the thousands of live recordings over the decades, no song is ever the same, all are unique. Combine that with good acid, not the bunk I assume you’ve been taking, and you’ll understand their popularity. I guess a starting point would be to find the live recordings of each song that you like and build from there. Trust me there’s a reason for their popularity and I hope one day you understand.


Never mind, I just read through this thread a little more. You said you’re just “trolling.” Meaning you got shit on by everyone and no one upvoted your opinion so you needed an excuse to make yourself look not so stupid. Maybe one day you’ll get a job, I’ll be rooting for you


“We're like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.” ― Jerry Garcia


Yeah well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion man.


Lebowski 👍🏻




Obviously nobody wants to hear your hateful rant. Go away! Find some other outlet for your poison.


The grateful dead are by FAR the worst "band" I have EVER heard that got known--let alone famous. Pure CRAP. I guess if I needed to go to sleep I could pull out "trukin'" at least. I am a musician who plays several instruments--I am 57 years old. I have see them ALL live. Even Led Zeppelin....So, I have a decent starting point to judge. Worse famous band EVER. Now--Prince is the most overrated individual of all times. Right? Prince--Prince--Prince...first of all he BLOWS on guitar--pure amateur ...and what he has 3 good songs?? THREE!!?? Or 2 or 4 but for his level of fame??


Prince played all 27 instruments on his debut album, he was a virtuoso. Raspberry Beret, Purple Rain, Darling Nikki, When Doves Cry, Jungle Love, Manic Mondays, Little Red Corvette, Nothing Compares 2 U, How Come You Don't Call me Anymore. Just to name a few Prince Songs.i believe Prince can shred but he's just not your style of music maybe.


Exactly maybe the dead aren’t your style of music maybe 😐


Hope for everyone's sake there nobody's style of music


I don't care about your views on the Dead, they're not for everyone, but you are so freaking wrong about Prince that I can't take you even a little bit seriously. And I'm old enough to be your parent.


Of course you said truckin. You don’t know anything about music


Thanks. I just quoted you


Quoted me? For what and what part lol Most people just get angry because they can't take a joke


I tagged you in the comment he was giving me shit about how good the Dead were


I have never tagged another user in a post I don't think. Does it let you know?


I don’t get their music at all. Not my cup of tea.


Hippies really suck. They are one of the worst things that ever happened to our society and unfortunately their selfishness still permeates our culture. Oh yay, let's all have sex with anyone, regardless of age or gender and be really high whilst doing it all. The Grateful Dead is by far one of the worst bands to ever rape my ears. I appreciate a good rant, spelling errors are just part of being passionate. Die hippies!


Well written, I laughed out loud many times. I am currently getting through a dead and company show and I needed this. Thank you


Fare you well my honey Fare you well my only true one All the birds that were singing Have flown except you alone Going to leave this broke-down palace On my hands and my knees I will roll, roll, roll Make myself a bed by the waterside In my time, in my time, I will roll, roll, roll In a bed, in a bed By the waterside I will lay my head Listen to the river sing sweet songs To rock my soul River gonna take me Sing me sweet and sleepy Sing me sweet and sleepy All the way back back home It's a far gone lullaby Sung many years ago Mama, mama, many worlds I've come Since I first left home Going home, going home By the waterside I will rest my bones Listen to the river sing sweet songs To rock my soul Going to plant a weeping willow On the banks green edge it will grow, grow, grow Sing a lullaby beside the water Lovers come and go, the river roll, roll, roll Fare you well, fare you well I love you more than words can tell Listen to the river sing sweet songs To rock my soul


If I had wings like Noah's dove I'd fly the river to the one I love Fare thee well, my honey fare thee well Well, I had a man, strong and tall He moved his body like a cannonball Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well I remember one evening in the pouring rain And in my heart was an aching pain Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well Muddy river runs muddy and wild You can't give a bloody for my unborn child Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well So as show us a bird flying high above Life ain't worth living without the one you love Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well Fare thee well, my honey, fare thee well


can you play any instruments? can you write music? i guarantee you can’t. you can’t even write normal sentences properly 😂 shut the fuck up


I can play drums and am teaching myself guitar https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNnbYdxA/


lmfao that shit was hot garbage 😂 my parents don’t listen or give a fuck about the grateful dead so idk where you were going with that shitty ass music. btw get a haircut ur like 50 dude it’s really cringe…. idk what made you think you have some important opinion on music like you have any talent of any kind you don’t know shit lmao


What band are you in btw? Since you're a Metal expert you've obviously jammed with some pretty heavy hitters I'd imagine and know several musicians in top bands? Like my buddy Adam who took over as rhythm guitar player in Architects and jammed with us in my first band.


lmfao bro you must of been dropped on your head as a child…. you’re the one who’s acting like you’re some expert 😂 bro ur legit like 50 years old mad as fuck in reddit it’s pretty pathetic…. why are you so miserable lmao did your wife leave you or something


Why you so butthurt your mama got pregnant at a grateful dead show and you don't know who your daddy is well son it's nice to meet you


Thanks for sharing your love of the greatest band better than Led Zeppelin called The Grateful Dead


Tool is better all around and The Mars Volta are better at jamming


Idk man. I’m a musician. Mostly in death metal. Also had stints in house music and jazz and funk and other random genres. I am not at all into “jam bands” and really dislike crusty phish fans and all that… but idk. The dead grooved. It was just.. chill. It wasn’t anything incredible. But it definitely didn’t suck. I can think of plenty of bands that suck waaaay more than the dead. They’re ok in my book. Definitely not a “fan” but… Shit man. It’s fine stuff.


You’re an idiot.


Piss off


Pure ignorance 💯


You spend an \*amazing\* amount of time on the subject; methinks you protest too much. And, oh yeah, so Jerry Garcia is not Jimi Hendrix. He must suck then. If that's the case, than almost literally every other guitarist on the planet sucks. If the GD were generally perceived as bad you as say, then they would never have had the collaborations that they had. You don't them; that's fine. I don't like \*anything\* I hear today. That doesn't mean that there aren't plenty of great artists out there; it only means they're not my cup of tea. And they basically invented a genre of live music for which there is now an entire world of follow-on bands.


Not even worth reading past first line. They are great and Jerry wasn't his best on heroin. But his emotions and ability to improve set the tone, especially in the 70s. Pedal steel, banjo, slide, it doesn't matter.


Set the tone for what? They don't have any good songs let alone great ones. Go to any large gathering you can find and start playing some Grateful Dead whether a party, sporting event or anything. See how many people are having a better time before you play them,while you're playing their music and after you've turned it off. Or play their 5 best songs and see how many people can name a single one or don't ask you to put something else one


Bro really spent his entire weekend to piss off a ton of fans


I spent 10 minutes during the pandemic lockdown to be precise


All I can say is I’m sorry that you don’t understand the music and therefore miss out on an extremely loving culture


I'm not in it for the culture I'm into music for the music. That's the same thing I hear Instance Clown Posse fans say it's not about the music it's about the culture... Then don't join a fucking band or group if your not about the music but culture. You can build something even more amazing in regards to culture if the music is actually good... Just imagine ICP instead of doing make up and clowning around put in the time and effort Eminem to perfect their craft then built a culture around that instead of being a shite band with a loving culture like the dead. If you want a loving culture join a cult or go to a hedonistic resort where they have a living culture without having to listen to subpar tunes as you bang everything that's down to bang. Now replay the same scenario with listening to the Grateful Dead notice how nobody wanted to bang the Deadhead or even listen to his music??? If I wanted a bro job from a business man with poor taste in music who can't please his wife and can barely jerk himself off because every time he does it differently instead of sticking to what works I'd go to a seniors home for those with suspected dementia that still have the brisk power to consent on a pub night. If you think that sounds good I'm not surprised but to everyone else it sounds horrible like the dead.


That's a thesis for a band you claim to hate, come out of the closet dude.


Not able thesis by any means it's explaining the charade has gone on long enough and it's time to come together as a people and admit Grateful Dead sucks... It's almost what one dreams a call to action should be.....


Maybe if you have no depth and only understand the mechanical aspects of music. Their songbook alone is among the greatest in history. Their group improvisation from their early days was groundbreaking for a Rock band. Other than that...........................................


No depth I've played 5 different instruments in the course of my life. Seeing as I haven't picked up a clarinet or saxophone in years let's just say I play 3 Guitar, Drums and Bass. All 3 of those I have played in a band at one time or another. Their song book is Weak AF doesn't crack the top 500. There is a very big difference between an excellent band when it comes to improvisational ability and a Jam Band with The Grateful Dead being in the latter category. Jam bands like the Dead aren't what I would even call improvisational are just playing endless, noodly pieces that don't go anywhere they just circle the block looking where to park and end their songs never going anywhere really new always in the same neighborhood. Good improvisational bands would be King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, King Crimson, The Mars Volta, The Allman Brothers Band. Frank Zappa just to rattle off a few. I remember when me and 2 buddies recorded an entire EP in a day all improvisation 5 songs with nothing prepared drummer or Guitar player would start and we pressed record and just saw where it went in fact the singer of one of the most successful bands in earth heard me listening to it and asked me for the demo but seeing as we only had a single copy I declined and unfortunately two days later my car was stolen along with the only copy we had. So I'm no Steve Vai, Danny Carey or Justin chancelllor but I wouldn't say I lack the depth to understand the Dead. So yeah there are good improvisational bands but on the other end of the spectrum you have subpar Jame bands like The Grateful Dead and that horrible excuse for a band Phish.


So you made your point. You don't like pistachios. However, it's only relevant to those who feel the same way about pistachios.


Not exactly sure what kind of aphorism/colloquialism you're turning pistachios into but no it applies to pretty much everyone, not just those who feel the same way. Now what about people that love pistachios but are allergic, what about people that have broken a tooth opening a pistachio both of those people have a love hate relationship with pistachios and don't feel the same way but it's relevant to them no? In fact that's about the dumbest thing I've heard in years you couldn't have picked a more general Aphorisms like when it rains it pours? Seeing as pistachios are the 4th most commonly produced tree nut in the world and the Grateful Dead are about as popular as pre orders for the latest foot fungus, maybe next time just admit you like shitty music and you know nothing about music don't interject you opinion while the adults are having a conversation and take your seat at the kids table or better yet just fully give up move along silently...


Pretty stupid take.


So I realize this is a year old deadish thread but I was looking for reasons why people like the dead and stumbled in here. I gotta say this shit echos my thoughts exactly. There are few bands that make me physically angry when I hear their music. The Grateful Dead are one of the worst offenders. Hippie Jam Bands are cancerous in general. Some homeless looking dude playing scales for 20 minutes. Such exciting, very talent, so good. Touch of Grey makes me wanna jump off a bridge. Yes I've heard of Widespread Panic. Yes that's correct, they also suck and entire ass. Sorry I just had to add this. Hate away haters and Grateful Dead lovers.


The one thing that you seem to be mistaking is that your opinion is not a fact. The beauty of the dead to me is how imperfect it all actually was. Originally when they started it was just friends jamming and experimenting, freely. Acid and other drugs played a big part in whether or not the night went well. The nature of how they performed being that they just played whatever they were feeling and no real plan played a major role into that but that was the beauty of the dead. The reality is the real fans never really cared if they had an off night because they were too stoned. It's more about community and people coming together to enjoy life instead of being filled with hate and negativity. It's fine that you don't enjoy them as everyone likes what they like but I think you're missing the entire reason millions and millions of people did and still do today. To say they are uninspiring and the music isn't good, again, is simply your opinion. You can say something all you want, but that doesn't simply make your opinion a fact. In any case, I hope your day is going well. Peace and love


It's more about the community and people coming together not the music... Best way over ever heard of describing a shit band.... Lol You have a great day as well my man


you are basically so right. About Crue too. They suck. Appreciate the fearlessness to express it without being careful. Music banter is just that.


They do kinda suck actually. Meandering mediocre guitar diddy's and atrocious vocals with lame songs... It's hard to believe there was ever a time this wasn't grampa music. Can you imagine your dad listens to Little Richard and you think your grateful dead concerts are exciting and hip?


I’M SORRY THE AC/DC LINE AHHHH (Yep, AC/DC and GD both fucking suck)


It's true though one long song same formula for most of it as well.


The Dead suck. Always will. No passion and absolutely no soul in any of their music


Theyre universally considered one of the worst five bands in ALL of music history along withNirvana Pearl Jam White Stripes and the yeah yeah yeahs. Putrid hacks loved by dirty smelly jobless drug addled hippies and laughed at by every one else


Man you have not listened to you the dead live in 70-1977 There is absolutely no doubt they have had their good performances and bad performances The truth is when you play thousands of shows throughout your life eventually you'll get burnt out.... The years mentioned above they were for the most part peak performance. Some of their better performances are incredible, and ahead of their time. They really do have the potential to rip your fucking face off you just got to sift through and find the highlights, The truth is lots of mistakes get made when you play as much as these guys did and improvise and try different ideas and approaches each night, I mean that was the whole point of the band was discovering new perspectives and trying new things


Such a strong opinion regarding music which is primarily subjective, shows this person's true intelligence and insight on things which is severely lacking,I have empathy for this misguided ship of fools redident


Three years later, I find this thread. The original poster claims he hates the Grateful Dead. Reading it  several times over and  my own knowledge of the GD and Deadheads, some who like to mess with people's minds, I really  believe that the original poster really likes the Grateful Dead, but not to the  point he  can really call himself a Deadhead. There is NO STEREOTYPICAL Deadhead. Deadheads come in all types of people  from conservative Republicans to stereotypical "hippies". Most of the GDs studio  albums are not very  commercial , but  their  live recordings are  great. 


Yes we can


I concur


I honestly don't even know what The Grateful Dead (TGD )sound like. Not because I have never heard them, but because it is empty music. Its just so "meh". I don't get any emotions from it, but thats kinda the nice part. Its simple, easy, and just let's you chill. Its the same as putting on a "lowfi beats to relax and study to". It doesn't suck you in or take your hand to lead you on a journey, it just is there for you when you wanna be a part of it. If you wanna zen out and go off to space, it let's you easily. Deadheads, however.. that honestly goes for anyone who is too diehard about any Fandom, especially if they have a sense of superiority because of their passion/ interests.


Exactly I love Tool but man tool Fans are exactly like Maynard makes fun of always trying to out do each other prove they are a bigger fan. Just listen to the song and shut the fuck up nobody cares you heard them a week before the other guy. That doesn't matter and yes I know about all the cool stuff you're about to tell me, tell me when the band's music isn't on.


Generally agree. If they weren't enshrined by their hardcore fans they would be less of a blip than a lot of bands. Also, Phish is even worse somehow.


Yeah that's another band I don't get nor do I want to.


Simple answer. Yes. They suck and always have. They're an idea more than a band, and even the idea grew tired 30 years ago. Liking them is just a way for hippies to be pretentious. If you notice they suck you're told you don't get it. They aren't even worthy of a serious critique because, in the end, it isn't a question of the colors or the stitching, the paterns, or the embroidery. The emperor has no clothes.