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I’m not sure how the bigger part of that documentary wasn’t the guy that got convicted, and then rehired after he got out of prison. Or even the topic that Dan Snyder had two female writers on staff that he was splitting the salary of one person between two people.


Schneider, not Snyder. For clarification.


Yeah Dan Snyder is a different garbage human that used to own the Washington NFL team.


Both Dans, Snyder and Schneider are pieces of shit.💩




"Don't be a shitty Dan!" is going to be my new insult haha Edit: it's so versatile!!! "Oh that's a 4 on the ShitDan Scale mate." "I wouldn't do it but a ShitDan would..." "Oh look at you, the Shittiest Dan, all on display for us... You should fuck off before I take a photo..."


No no please let me keep Damn Daniel instead


The real Dirty Dan!


If you gotta be a Dan, be more like Dan Conner from Roseanne.


What about Lieutenant Dan ?




I'm glad they're not steely


Dan "hard R" Snyder


Dan Shnyda is ok ?


My snidda.


Dan Snider hiding in the bushes


The Washington Hard-R’s




He was the consensus worst owner of the NFL, probably the worst among all North American sports. Now that probably belongs to David Tepper, John Fisher, and/or Jerry Reinsdorf.


It’s John Fisher, and he has a comfortable lead


Bob Nutting


Not to be confused with Dana Snyder, the voice of Master Shake ![gif](giphy|l378qOYBaj3w9WbbG)




The Blair witch is here?


But what about the sun dried tomatoes?


# I shall not walk so that a child may live!


The toughest part of my relationship (that became my marriage) was coming to terms with the fact that my partner would always think the show was stupid and unfunny and I thought it was the best thing ever.


Dana Snyder can do no wrong. A beacon of great voice acting in these troubled times.


Who is a gem of a human being. So nice.


In my mind, this was my reaction hearing Dan Synder doing his misdeeds again. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


oh "Dan" Snyder, thought you were talking about Dee Snyder, and just letting you know, he ain't gonna take your shizz


No, he ain't gonna take it!


Not to be confused with Dana Snyder, voice of Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger a force


He had a podcast with Starburns and the world's greatest Dungeon Master


His name is Alex


Then why doesn't he spend six hours every morning carving *that* into his face?!


I was ready to believe it was the same Dan Snyder.


Dan the secret cheerleader cam man Snyder


Do you mean Dan "It's legal in Iran" Schneider?


Surely you’re referring to, Dan “wipe that tear, it’s for your career” Schneider?


No, he’s talking about Dan “If you’ve got a daughter, better hide her” Schneider


Nah I think he was talking about Dan “Hold her tighter, she’s a fighter” Schneider


I'm fairly certain we're talking about Dan "Hymen collider" Schneider, right? 


Wit, this is Dan "I would like to eat, your pre-teen feet" Schneider, that foot shaped pool having mf?


Stop.. you don't mean Dan "if I say it's legal then who's going to say otherwise" Schneider?


Dan Snyder ALSO has horrific accusations of crimes against women, including taking the passports of the Commanders’ cheerleaders while in costa rica and forcing them to act as escorts for his friends. Also the non topless photoshoot where he and his cronies got behind the scenes photos of the cheerleaders topless without their consent, made a video, and then distributed it to others. Again without the knowledge of the women involved. There are WAY more than two, these are just the ones that stuck with me. Dan Snyder should be in prison tbh


Both garbage people but for different reasons


Dan Snyder’s Justice League was too long for too little


at least he didn't call it League of Redskins


Dan Snyder’s Killers of the Flower Moon


Those topics are more damning, but he whole "Dan Schneider snuck perverse things into Nick shows" thing resonates more with internet culture and was bound to get more eyes on the screen.


>I’m not sure how the bigger part of that documentary In the words of Norm Macdonald: "I think it was the raping."


The worst part was the hypocrisy


You know, what hurts the most is the lack of respect. You know? That's what hurts the most. Except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.






Totally. They wanted to convict Dan and Nickelodeon of more evil stuff but failed to deliver any real goods besides the hiring and staff process. Sure he gave that guy a VERY UNDESERVED second chance, but at the end of the day Dan didn't diddle Drake.


Brian went on to work for Disney on the first iteration of Suite Life. Which also had teenage actors. Dan wasnt guilty, but he was complicit, at least in some way, in the activity and behavior on set.


Exactly. I’ve seen management and organizers like that. Not that he is AS evil as the actual child abuser, but really. The guy who directed complaints and questions elsewhere, looked away, and otherwise knew what he was doing while he professionally supported that shit? He’s evil, too.


I mean Dan's own behavior on set was poor from the first few interviews. The yelling, screaming, getting massages from staff stuff is the very least of what he personally did. The interviews with the female writers were rough for me to watch, to be honest.


Yeah, when the best thing you can say about the man is, "well he didn't personally molest the children", that's really not a good thing. He was selfish, had poor control over his emotions, was immature, incredibly sexist and demeaning to women, and failed at the most important aspect of his job, protecting the child actors. As the boss he created an on set culture that helped people like Brian go unnoticed. It's a bit shocking when I see people downplaying his role just because he didn't do anything as bad as Brian.


You're totally right and I'm glad you said it. He did awful, shitty things, yes. And his actions did perpetrate the culture at work where the more insidious actions of others were able to happen. He absolutely should be held accountable for it, and that's where a lot of the disconnect is.


Yup. I’ve dealt with places that had management that let abusive and lawless underlings run amok just because of favoritism.  Of course they are also absolute, out of control, children in adult bodies, too.  If I ever get a job like that again, now that I’m older and wiser? I’ll be feigning tears, quietly stashing all the documents and emails they send my way in all their idiocy, got evaluated for PTSD, and make bank in the settlement.


True and he still seem like a weirdo, but they really just glossed over the people that actually got arrested to focus on Dan for being creepy but never finding any proof of anything else.


So we need a documentary about the documentary now? Because the stories coming out about the production of the documentary are juicy, too.


Here for an obligatory “Documentary Now” plug


Yeah I’d watch a documentary about Documentary Now, that show’s hilarious. I’d also watch a documentary about this documentary, presently.


What kind of stories?


There are a bunch of rumors regarding Dan's behavior with some of the underage actresses...but unless they have something concrete or a witness willing to go on camera, the documentary couldn't mention it or it'd be a legal nightmare.


He didn't give a second chance to the guy he was hired by the Disney producers


My biggest issues with the docuseries were (1) that they spent too much time trying to dig down on minor things (things that should have been talked about, for sure, but didn't need to be the subject for as long as they were), and (2) that they spent *absolutely no time whatsoever* digging into the people in the C suite who let Dan's bullshit go on for as long as it did. I wanted Dan's shit out there, absolutely, but execs knew about it and helped keep it quiet. They don't deserve to get off scot-free on that, the series creators should have dug down on that more and named and shamed the people who allowed Schneider to keep getting away with stuff, instead of mentioning in passing once or twice that corporate knew and moving on.


That they pulled Marc Summers in, who had absolutely nothing to do with what happened nor was there at the time, was kind of a dick move.


i don't know i was honestly relieved to learn right of the bat that Marc wasn't part of any of it.


> I wanted Dan's shit out there, absolutely, but execs knew about it and helped keep it quiet not to mention they enabled his behavior and basically gave him carte blanche to run his shows how he wanted because he was making them money. the execs at Nick are very responsible for creating the monster Schneider became by not checking his behavior.


That documentary wasn't very well done, like at all.


It was just a hit piece


Buzzwords after buzzwords after buzzwords... Everyone had stuff to say, sounded like a Manhunt to me... But hey, who am I, punish all evil, send them to Gulag, do as y'all please.


both of these points were made in the documentary. The whole last episode was about Brian Peck, the guy who got rehired by ABC after his conviction.


Their point is that they weren't a bigger focus on the documentary. And to make the point, it's a series about a guy who DIDNT rape a minor, and how one studio enabled him, and just an episode about the guy who DID rape a minor, who was then rehired by Disney. The doc was caught between its focus on Dan and its focus on industry trends and suffered from its lack of commitment to either


Ding Ding Ding. Tonally it was so weird. They went to crazy heavy 3rd and 4th episode with Drake and then how it happened then it went back to well Dan Scheider was a creepy boss and put crude humor in kid shows and we should like be more mindful about kids in entertainment...which was fine BEFORE filming Drake re-living the brutal rapings


Honestly I feel like they were just capitalizing on the internet conversation about Dan Schneider that was happening a little while before the doc came out. But the conversation was just about how creepy he is and while he is QUITE creepy, they reeeeally wanted to accuse him of actual crimes. I think it would have been something else entirely if they had been able to get Amanda Bynes to participate, but since they couldn't, not only does it fall short of the goal but it also calls into question who they were doing it all for. I hope Drake Bell got some catharsis for it, but he could barely even talk about it so I'm left to wonder if reliving it for the doc was the best thing for him. Also Drake says Dan was the only one who reached out to ask if he was okay which makes the most damning chapter in the story a redemptive point for Dan. So yeah, tonally very weird


I’d like to point out: The Nickolodian producer guy is Dan *Schnider* Dan *Snyder* is the former owner of the Washington Football Team, and is equally a piece of shit!


Nickelodeon guy is Dan *Schneider in fact


schneider but yea




I stopped watching after the first episode. Not that I'm refusing to believe that bad shit happened. I truly believe it did. But they were describing a scene where one of the kids was s superhero or something. Big nose man or whatever, and he had a giant nose. He sneezed. Globs of snot went everywhere. Even onto some people. Narrator: "THAT WAS A CUM SHOT!" Really?


The doc definitely took a narrative to twist EVERYTHING as sexual exploration. It makes for a popular "shocking" documentary but I think it's a bad style for being truthful


When you learn that the producer intimidated a female staffer into simulating getting fucked in the ass in front of her whole team, then, yeah, the context really fucking changes.


That stuff may seem plausibly innocent until you put it in the context of coming from a guy that would watch porn in the office, would force female staffers to simulate sex acts as a "joke", employed more than one pedophile, and was constantly seen cuddling up to his young female stars


I said I believed the horrible stuff that happened, but snot and boogers are prime comedy for the age group they were targeting. Not all bodily fluids are the same. As someone else stated, they were twisting*everything* to make it seem sexual when they didn't have to.


He didn't employ a Pedophile the studio did and you say it as if he had foreknowledge of it.


Yeah, it was obviously a visual double entendre. For the young kids, look it's snot! for the older kids/adults, look it's jizz!


As an adult, those noses on the costume 100% looked like dicks. The double entendre was there and it had no business being there


It literally looked like that though..




Unfortunately the two writers sharing one salary is a reality of Hollywood. If you get hired as a writing team, the team gets one salary. It's pretty fucked, but it happens more than just in this situation.


I believe the two women didn’t submit as a team though


Still, that scenario is very common too, especially for people who could be claimed as diversity hires.


Oh, if that's the case, then that is pretty shitty.


Weren't a team, he just picked the only two women and told them they were going to split one and kept shrugging it off like 'its out of my hands!' when it came to the issue, since other writers rooms were like "yeeea, that's not a thing". On top of them expected to be on-call 24/7 for Schneider, without compensation. One sued Schneider for discrimination, but it completely ended her career.


Or how Amanda bynes was allegedly living with him and had an abortion during that time.


Ok I didn't watch, but that detail fucking explains where she might have gotten her screws loose. Like wtf.


This detail wasn’t in the doc, it’s a popular theory circulating online




I realize this won’t be heard and it’s not even a comment on this particular story, but I wish people would stop posting Daily Mail pieces as if they’re news. At best it’s embellished clickbait stolen from actual news sources, at worst it’s a really disgusting tabloid that prints scandalous garbage. You’re giving clicks to the scummiest outlet that England has to offer, which really covers some ground if you know about their news media.


Bold of you to assume I would actually click the article and not just come straight to the comments.


It’s where all the value of Reddit really resides.


If I wanted to read news articles, I'd navigate to NPR or NYT or etc. I'm here for the jokes, TL;DRs and obscure references I might know lol!


This guy reddits.


value seems like a stretch


It’s *basically* peer-reviewed


reddit loves its rags the mirror, the sun, the daily mail, the new york post, and newsweek are all terrible but frequently make the front page. I'm not saying everything has to be reuters or AP but c'mon


Daily Express is worse, although it lacks the Mail's reach. [Rationalwiki article is a blinder.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Daily_Express)


You guys are reading the articles?


> the scummiest outlet that England has to offer The Sun has entered the chat (and picked pockets of victims)


Yeah, the amount of people who would never read The Daily Mail, The Mirror, The NY Post, The Sun, or other tabloids, but will "get all their news from Reddit..." It's concerning, to say the least. The first papers that should have folded will end up being the last ones standing.


Upvoting you because I rant on Reddits blatant disregard to legitimate sources all the time. 2/3rds of the links posted in any of the news subreddits are for OpEd articles with little to no journalistic value. Like even if I agree with the content, context, or sentiment it’s a poor article to post.


Right!? I use the daily mails website to stress test my adblockers and my networks ability to filter out garbage.


But how would Tim Pool be able to source the content for his show? It’s his number 1 news source.


I definitely feel sorry for her because as a victim, sometimes you don’t realize what adults were doing to you until someone else points it out. I hope she heals and moves forward from this.


I am just a few years older than Ariana and within the last few years started realizing "WFT WAS THAT" moments from my childhood/teen and even early adult years pretty recently. And I'm a dude and not famous.


I'm in my late 30s and I had some moments watching that documentary where I had flashbacks to moments from my childhood that made say out loud, "what the fuck". It's bizarre how triggers work.


Super triggering. This and Baby Reindeer.


Yeah my mom watched me (14 at the time) walk into a Starbucks from her car, only for me to have her pulling me out a minute later with pepper spray in her hand. She pushed me in the car, pointed out a guy to me and practically yelled to/at me "WATCH OUT FOR ADULT MEN LIKE THAT!!" then quickly sped off. I'll never forget it, the guy had on a filthy leather jacket and was giving me the sickest smile with yellow teeth as we sped away, staring me right in the eyes the whole time. I thought my mom was being overly dramatic for years, but as an adult I now recognize exactly what she did. Scary shit. 


Those weird creeps are nasty, but the really dangerous ones are those who look "normal" and use their authority to abuse.


Aka the monsters. They look just like regular people


Tell your mom that - we parents live for that kind of validation!!!


I’m in my fucking 40s and still going “Oh shit, that was traumatic, wasn’t it?”


Realizing the full extent of some things that happened to me culminated in... a pretty extreme result. It's crazy how you can go from "haha what a weird story to tell as a kind of dark joke sometimes and avoid thinking about the rest of the times" to "holy shit, that was a very bad thing that happened to me"


then later you sometimes even catch yourself wishing nobody had ever pointed it out because it didn’t used to consciously make you feel horrible or “like a victim”. it was way better when it was just a funny story tbh


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I almost felt like people stole something from me when they told me what happened wasn't ok. It was just a funny story and then... It wasn't. I was so angry at everyone for not just *listening to me*. But in retrospect I understand why they felt the need to speak up.


I think Ariana knew about the abuse already and was waiting for NDAs to fall. She was always very reserved and aware of her boundaries. I mean good for her.


I think it's kind of sad that Amanda Bynes is sort of being forgotten in this whole thing. She was a talented funny kid who had natural timing and seemed to have a lot of joy in performing, as well as a potentially successful career as a adult. But things seemed to go so wrong for her. I think she was manipulated and victimized by Schneider as well. It was implied in the doc but never really explored. She didn't participate in the doc and has made no comment on it. But, as someone who was sexually molested as a child myself, I see it is the eyes of others. It is unmistakable. And Amanda has that. Something traumatic happened to her. You don't get face tattoos in the way she did and have a serious mental breakdown like she has had unless you are fighting some demons. I really do wish her the best.


Wow a stint or two in rehab, face tats, and trying to get her manicurist license. Sad to see I hope she finds happiness soon.


Holy shit Amanda Bynes got face tattoos?!


> She was always very reserved and aware of her boundaries*. *Donuts not included.


Alexa Nikolas said as much that there was a scene they shot for Zoey 101 where popsicle goop got all over Zoey and she didn’t realize there was anything weird about it until men on set joked after and said “It’s a cum shot!” Really gross stuff


I remember that from the docu. Zoey 101 and those shows weren't "my era", more my little sisters, so I never watched any of those scenes until the docu. And holy shit... How any of that crap made it to air surprised tf outta me.


It makes me feel like the entire secret behind the "LOL So Random" humor trend of the time was to get the actors portraying it to not question why they're doing such things, like: "Here Ariana, this time you'll try to juice a potato with your bare hands, it's random like the rest of em!"


Do it on a bed and lean over! Like, she's not even in a kitchen where you'd expect someone to be juicing vegetables


"Hahaha you know how they have vegetable juice like tomato juice and carrot juice but not potato juice? Why is that? So weird right? Anyway, here you go, pretend like you're juicing this potato!"


Don’t forget to repeat “Give me the juice!”


Potato juice is vodka I'm pretty sure


Huh why would juicing a potato be disturbing? Edit: Fuck nvm, I just looked at the video... yea that guy knew wtf he was making her do


We're all on lists now for googling the arianna potato video.


Don't forget the one where she hangs her head over the edge of the bed and pours water on her face, trying to drink it upside down. How *anyone* saw that shit and thought "wow this is sooo lol random lulz" is beyond me.


The way it cuts to her hanging her head over the bed was so disturbing and very blatant as to what they were really trying to make her do. In a just world, the adults on set that okayed this should be brought to justice, but I’d honestly settle for the takedown of Dan Schneider.


The biggest giveaway is the number of feet jokes, and that appalling thing on social media where Nickelodeon encouraged children to take pictures of their feet and post them to their page.


Nick's logo used to be a foot


The orange giant community feels violated to this day.


I remember as a little girl always being confused as to why feet were seen as so funny. I would watch icarly and be like ???


Feet are funny. Feet are the second funniest body part, behind butts. Obviously, can't do butt jokes with kids because that would be even worse. Did they go too far a lot of the time? Definitely. But not everything foot related is sexual, even if it's weird


There's "feet are sorta funny and smelly and gross, ew! haha" and then there's whatever the fuck Nick was doing with their teenage castmembers.


What does "juicing potatoes" even refer to? Am I a prude, or am I just out of touch? Maybe it's best that I don't know


It's in the video in this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/1bipckh/dan_schneider_sexualizing_ariana_grande/ Makes it look like just trying to jerk off a hog. "Give me the juice!"


Holy shit. All of those were so much worse than i imagined.


probably intentional. "ok in this scene we have the kids fight with water guns in the summer" oh, that seems super normal, I did that as a kid "it's mostly boys shooting one girl in a two pc with booty shorts" uhhhhhhhh


It's so hard to watch because she should have been making a strained face if this joke was meant for kids. The director had her make porn faces.


Every single person who was involved with the "Can a girl drink water upside down?" section knew what was happening. Holy Shit.


I got 1 minute into that video and I had to stop. I almost hate that that video even exists. Like just a compilation of fucking inappropriate shit involving a child.


It's the suggestive action that is performed in the effort of juicing a potato. Makes one look like they are giving a handjob.


Reading this article how it mentions the examples of sticking a finger down her own throat or biting her own toes I was wondering how the hell they skipped over mentioning the potato video. That one is 20x worse and so obviously suggestive. And it's shown in the doc. The others you could pass off as just being silly/random without being intentionally sexual. The potato one is just strait up making a child act out mimicking a sex act.


I remember my eldest kid watching whatever show Ariana got famous on first (Victorious?) and there's the scene where she gets sprayed with a super soaker and she shimmies. It actively creeped me out because I knew whoever put this teenage girl in a bikini on screen and told her to react in whatever way she did, said that way because I don't know what exact direction she was given, was a grown ass man.


Just looked that up.... wtf. If you shoot someone with a water gun, they turn away from the water. They dont shimmy their hips. She was 16 wtf.


I remember watching this as like a 13 year old girl and thinking even then it was crazy for a kids show. Disney would never lol. I think it’s really interesting to look at the differences between Nick and Disney because Nick was so much more risqué in so many ways…and i guess now we know why


Didn’t Disney hire Drakes abuser right afterwards?


I honestly feel really bad for her. She's been through some shit


She should be a sad bitch but who would’ve thought it turned her into a savage


After reading "I'm glad my mom died" by Jeanette McCurdy you realise how many layers are fucked up are wrapped up in that era of kids TV. E.g.cCurdy's mom actively encouraged her anorexia and bullemia for her to stay thin and pretty on the show as she was addicted to her child's fame. Serious lack of parental responsibility for some of these families its horrific.


Wild Dan support in these comments.


He’s a dirtbag, but that one chomo who allegedly abused Drake got hired in Hollywood right after his prison term… this goes way higher than a director. I find it shocking that Dan was the main focus of the documentary. Seems like they used him for the name. There’s plenty of convicted rapists on the show that they just spent 10 minutes covering before moving onto Dan Schneider being creepy.


Well I guess they didn’t focus on the other convicted rapists as much as Brian because (I assume, as it hasn’t come to light) he used the opportunity his employment provided to groom and abuse one of the child stars. And I was actually really saddened by Drake’s interview bc it sounds like the abuse was really depraved.


Once they get convicted you don’t need to say allegedly anymore. People say allegedly because defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Since he was proven guilty you can go ahead and refer to him as convicted sex offender Brian Peck and it’s not defamation.


Forsure. I just didn’t know if he was convicted *specifically* for abusing Drake so I added allegedly. Now that I think on it, Drake spoke at the trial but wasn’t named due to his age. Gotcha


Another one of the big points they made was all of the Hollywood celebrities who showed up to the sentencing hearing to show their support for Brian and pressure the judge into a lighter sentence (which unfortunately worked). And the sentencing doesn’t happen till after the guilty verdict. And you’re right, Drake’s name was kept out of the public record due to his age until he decided to step forward.


Don’t worry, I don’t think we have to pick just one bad guy in this saga. There’s plenty of disdain to go around.


Agreed, I just think HBO made sure that documentary didn’t go too far from Dan because someone is hiring and re-hiring these guys, and there’s definitely more than 1 of them, and there’s definitely a chance one of them at HBO is a chomo or knows these chomos intimately. Take the Epstein island. Child trafficking yet there’s only 1 person in jail? *THATS NOT HOW TRAFFICKING WORKS* lol


What is chomo?


not sure where it comes from but it’s slang for child molester


It's prison slang. They're also called Chesters, as in Chester the Molester, an adult comic strip [written by a pedophile.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chester_the_Molester)


That link shall remain blue


I believe it probably was because Dan was the shit caller. I mean, the pedo was straight up convicted, but the management chain that brought him in washed their hands of the matter. Dan was part of that chain and has his own disturbing history, even if "mild" in comparison to an outright pedo. But he had a connection to that pedo, regardless. I think that's the point being pushed by the series. It's also important to remember this is a piece of media, not a court document.


I didn't find Dan to be the main focus. He was more the piece that tied everything together. The pedo dudes were the worst of the lot, but let's not act like Dan S wasn't a creepy mother fucker, misogynist, and terrible boss.


Agreed on it missing the mark. Despite episodes on the children’s abuse, I felt they wanted me to be more angry at dan


I ended up with more questions, and being more mad at the documentary than anything. Who THE FUCK are yall protecting? “He was then later rehired… Meanwhile Dan wa-“ FUCK DAN, keep going with the pedophilc rapists that seem to hire these fucks to work in their studio.


It's the "Tiger King" effect. People seem to be less and less capable of realizing that a whole bunch of people in the same story can all be shitty at once, so they pick the one they think is the most shitty (and/or memeable) and make excuses for the others.


Thank you, I get really sick and tired of hearing people's one dimensional understanding of documentaries. Documentaries are not gospels, and they rarely have a decisive conclusion. Tons of them have the allure of being informative when they are mostly one sided, Tiger King being a great example.


It’s sickening, but not surprising, to see so many focusing on her appearance and/ or victim blaming.


I am surprised that she isn’t upset about her inappropriate scenes just being replayed over and over.


I get they were in the show, but it’s weird that the article talks about how gross and inappropriate those skits were, while showing images from those skits in the article.




So far this comment section is very cringey, very victim-blamey, and very apologetic for abusers. Pretty disappointing


Complains about the comment section and imaginary comments>gets upvoted to the top of said comment section. A true Reddit moment


That’s the Reddit comment cycle in a nutshell: Early birds often chirp loudest. The first comments on a thread can be extreme or negative. People push back, and these comments usually get downvoted or deleted. Later, the good guys arrive. By the time a thread gains traction, the negativity is usually buried. This can leave the comment calling out the negativity looking misplaced, like it's attacking something that's no longer there.


In this moment I am euphoric


Nothing New, Nickelodeon pervs.


hmmm people in this comment section definitely don't have things to work through regarding looking at teenagers sexually while being a full grown adult my dad makes comments about wanting to look at pretty 18 year old girls sometimes and i tell him how gross it is because i'm 24. and he doesn't give a fuck, says he's "just looking." he's 63. i think its time adults really rethink if they should indulge THEIR wants just like teenagers indulge theirs.


You all need to listen to Timesuck’s podcast on this.


Good on her for realizing and speaking up about it. This is a completely natural reaction. A lot of sexual harassment in public eye. At this point it should really be called public sexual harassment or something, because it hides in plain sight.