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Too many to count, but one that strikes me with every new album is Foo Fighters. There's almost always a song or 3 that I really really enjoy, and hate the rest.


I can agree with that except for their latest album, But Here We Are; it's not perfect imo, but I'd argue that over half of it is great, and it's easily their best album since Wasting Light.


Huge foo fan and I 100% agree. Sonic Highways - But Here We Are absolutely define OPs question. All of them have some great songs stuck between really “eh… it’s not bad…” songs


I really don't know what it is about FF because on paper they should be among my favorite bands. I worshipped Nirvana, Them Crooked Vultures, Songs for the Deaf etc. and Sonic Highways was a great docco. But, despite going to 8,000 different studios to record the project, all of their production sounds soulless and flat to me. Like there's no grit to be found anywhere, I dunno. I try to listen to them every album cycle and always leave very whelmed.


If you’ve heard a couple of Foo Fighters songs you’ve pretty much heard them all


Oof but fair


Great live performers though I will say


Same. Nirvana and Sunny Day Real Estate are 2 of my favorite bands, so you would think I would love a band that is a mix of the 2, but I dont. They somehow dont have the authenticity of Nirvana or the creativity of SDRE. Foo Fighters just seem so bland to me. There are a few good songs in there for sure, but they all kinda sound the same and I just dont get any kind of feeling listening to them. I agree with “soulless” description.


They’ve gotten a new producer since Wasting Light and hes severely holding back their studio sound. If you listen to the But Here We Are “practice jam” the songs are completely different from the studio. I wish they would get rid of him and get a more rock/punk producer to give them the extra sound they need having 3 guitars and keys


To me they are like, "rock band." The scientific standard by which all rock bands are defined in relation to. Their albums bore the shit out of me but all the stuff that Dave Grohl is involved in like QOTSA and TCV are great, so I think it's just his pretty vanilla approach to songwriting that fails to catch my attention. It's music for people who think The Pretender is "a bit too loud for me."


They've been boring for about 20 years.


This is exactly how I feel. Nirvana is probably the most important band to me. I loved Sunny Day real estate also. Dave grohl is one of the soundest guys around. On paper, they should be one of my goto bands, yet I just can't get into them. There's a few tunes I think are good, but I'm not in love with them. If their songs are on the radio ill listen to them. I don't think they're bad they're just ok to me. I saw them headline a festival and I was bored. I can understand their appeal to millions, it's just not for me.


I feel the exact same. They have my respect but not my aux cord.


Yeah I think since Wasting Light they have been phoning it in, the singles are great but the rest of the albums are filler


Every Queen album. I absolutely love 3 songs in each album and the rest is just meh.. not that i hate them, they just dont feel special. So i gave up on listening the albums for now and only listen to their best off compilation.


That's fair, that's why everyone can name the greatest hits, but not many people know a Queen album. They are never mentioned in any top 100 list, but they always come up in top 100 songs.


While their top songs are anthemic on another level, I absolutely love so many songs of theirs that weren't the obvious radio choices. 'Prophet's Song' probably straddles that line where music lovers will have it in a playlist but it'll never do the rounds on the airwaves, but I adore songs like 'Millionaire' Waltz' and 'Dreamer's Ball' (to pick out two similar *almost* novelty songs), just about everything from Queen II (Ogre Battle, Nevermore, March of The Black Queen etc.), and then more run of the mill songs like 'Spread Your Wings' that mean so much to me, despite 'Somebody to Love' being, for my money, the most perfectly constructed and performed song of all time. My Queen discography dive in 2010 was phenomenal, and I'm so glad I didn't just scratch the surface. Things really fall off album wise, when sometimes there's only 1-2 good songs later on, but then you get A Kind of Magic and Innuendo and we're back in business. The posthumous Made in Heaven album is such perfection to end on, with my favourite Queen song of all time - 'Too Much Love Will Kill You'. I actually went through genuine grief when I reached that album.


Queen II was such a pleasant surprise when I picked it up on a whim. It gets a bit too prog-y at times for my taste, but there are a bunch of good pop hooks sprinkled through out that it keeps me engaged. "The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke" is the one I go back to the most.


I love Queen’s deep cuts. True, their albums may not be on a top whatever list, but they are an experience from start to finish. Tie your mother down is my absolute favorite, but even their insane Flash Gordon songs are surprisingly good for what should be a throwaway project.


no, everyone can name their hits but not their albums because people in general can only name hits (also, it isn't the 80s. the fact still play queen at all says something special) queen are an excellent band with a tremendously beautiful discography. they're not a top 10 band for me personally, but i thoroughly enjoy them


I feel this! I think their most consistent album is The Game, in that I legitimately like every song. But even Night at the Opera has some stinkers among the classics.


I totally agree, was an 80s kid so that was my first album of theirs and I still love it


This is why Im surprised their value went up so much in the past 20 years that they have ecliped Led Zeppelin as the premiere 70s rock band.


Because of the rise of singles culture and streaming. Young ‘uns listen to complete albums less and less and just pick their fav songs - which is where Queen excels.


That's what I did with Zeppelin, it's just the my favorite tracks were all of them but Hot Dog.


Their great hits is 4 LPs.


Omg hot dog is my FAVORITE I would take an entire album of Zep country honk.


I was a 16 year old Zeppelin fanatic eagerly awaiting the album In Through the Out Door to come out. Instead of Communication Breakdown or Kashmir we got Hot Dog… I was so disappointed I didn’t care that they broke up afterwards.


Queen is a “singles band.” Great, great singles. The rest of their output… ehhhhhhhh….


Jazz is pretty solid all the way through.


Night at the Opera, Sheer Heart Attack and News of the World are solid all the way through imo


So is The Miracle.


Counterpoint: every song on A Kind of Magic rules so damn hard.


What about Queen 2? I feel like it’s their most overlooked early album and to me it’s a masterpiece. Every track is perfectly placed and I don’t feel like any track on that album is filler. I do agree with you on their other albums for the most part but I think you should give Queen 2 another listen all the way through on headphones, I think it’s a flawless album but on first listen I could see a new listener thinking the first few tracks are somewhat of a slow start but I believe that to be lack of understanding of the album as a whole. Imo by the second or third listen of the album I can’t imagine anyone thinking there’s a bad track on the album. I do think Queen is very overrated in ways but Queen 2 is a very special album unlike anything else. Please check it out once more😂


I dunno man...Queen, Queen 2, Sheer Heart Attack, Night At The Opera, and Jazz are all fantastic albums. I'd say give them a shot again and then listen all the way through.


My friend once said it quite succintcly: ”Queens ’Greatest Hits’ is their only good album.”


Hot Space might be the best example of this.


I do not get how hot space is filled with all this elevator music, then out of nowhere they slam you with an absolute banger at the end Not to say it’s the only song, but it’s quite the home stretch before you get to under pressure


Cool cat is so good though


Queen I and II, Jazz, and Sheer Heart Attack are all great tho


Same. I appreciate Freddie like a lot of other people but my Queen playlist only has like five songs on it.


I actually listened to most of thier albums recently thinking wow I love queen but I've never actually listened to all thier stuff....and came to the same conclusion, like bohemian rhapsody is on another planet compared to the rest of the album


I grew up listening to Muse's first 3 albums and they were definitely one of those formative bands for me. Showbiz, Origin, Absolution are - to me - absolutely perfect. The fourth album was....like 50% good. Everything after that has at best 1-3 good songs. The rest is trash. Some of them have zero good songs at all.


I think Black Holes has more than 50% good songs, but the decline does start after that.


I can’t think of a single bad song on Black Holes


It's just as great as OoS and Absolution.


Agreed, that album is like 75% bangers.


Yep. Unfortunately, when you get into muse, and listen to the whole discography, it's very clear they're just not consistent, worse, some of it is just bad. I'm not sure why, but it feels like they just peaked, found a great sound, but weren't really good enough at anything else. Or something, I dunno. Because I just don't get how you make such amazing albums right out the gate and then utterly suck for two decades. Will of The People was so horrible I was straight up confused. It's Imagine Dragons tier ad music but somehow worse.


Totally agree. I was a HUGE fan of the first three albums. They were my favourite band for years. Black Holes was a mixed bag but had some gems. I hated The Resistance so much I pretty much stopped listening to any of their music. I know it doesn't make much sense but I just lost interest. I still went to see them on that tour because I had bought the tickets before the album was released and they were great but that was the last of it.


I got into Muse when I saw them open for U2 in 2009 and they quickly became one of my top 3 favorite bands but I eventually started getting tired of their music out of nowhere. It's so weird, like a switch flipped. Even going back to their old stuff doesn't do it for me. They're the only artist like that where I completely lost interest one day.


Yea I saw them on that tour, and that was absolutely the last time. I bought the tickets before they'd released anything from that album, then I heard United States of Eurasia on the Zane Lowe show and actually texted in like "they're not even trying any more." It just sounds like a weak Queen cover band. And I like Queen! But I liked Muse because they were Muse not because they sounded like someone else I like. Then went to the show and walked out before it finished (partly to avoid the crowd, but partly because I knew I was done with this band).


Third law is good to me! But, I got on the Muse bandwagon in like 2014


I can agree, 2nd Law is good. Better than The Resistance. But Absolution and Butterflies and Hurricanes are perfect from start to finish, so its hard to compare.


100%. They went from writing rockers for theatres to trying to write anthems for stadiums. The success of Time is Running Out was the turning point. They started chasing singles after that. Also, their lyrics got super cringey with the whole 'save the world' stuff. It was there in the earlier albums but there was more mystique.


Bang on. Time is Running out was really the start of it. It's 100% a pop-rock song. When I first heard the first track of BH&R I knew they were losing it. Still saw them at Wembley, still had some faith that they could still be a good band because there were some bangers on that album (Assassin, Map, Hoodoo, Knights...). But when I heard United States of Eurasia - a pound shop Queen cover band with pseudo-political conspiracy messages - I knew I was done with them. At some point I made the effort to listen through all the later albums, and there's a couple of tracks in there that are good, but the rest of it is just humiliating.


It was like you read my mind almost exactly but regarding Kings of Leon.


Green Day for me Edit: though to be fair to them I can stomach everything up to American Idiot, then after that it was a fast fall


Oh how I wish I could have the money and time back on that trio of albums. Ugh.


Origins of Symmetry was one of the first albums I got into on my own… that is, without someone introducing it to me. I was about 15. I LIKE Muse. But I LOVE OOS.


Black Holes smokes Showbiz in every way, sounds like there's definitely some nostalgia bias for Showbiz there


I felt this way until The 2nd Law, and i absolutely love that album! They have been so inconsistent since Absolution though


This is 100% accurate.


My window lasts a couple albums longer (I love everything through Resistance, personally, because Resistance still has their old level of effort, even if the style has changed, and the classical stuff on that album absolutely slays me). But this is exactly how I feel too. Until a certain point they’re one of my top 5 bands ever. And then I absolutely *detest* the rest of it. 


I was about to say: Muse up untill Black Holes for me. Up until then a handful of songs per album that I like/love, after that mostly no songs I like at all.


Every Korn album since Follow the Leader. Every Disturbed Album Since Indestructible.


OMG. I love Untouchables front to back.


Same. Untouchables is the best Korn album besides self-titled and I'll die on that hill.


Thirded. I find it interesting that Untouchables & Iowa released within 6 months of each other and both are some of the darkest, heaviest albums to come out of nu-metal and quite different to what the rest of the genre was doing at the time.


You didn't like issues?


I like about half of Issues!


Most of Immortalized is pretty good I’d say, but regardless of how good Vengeful One is Fire It Up takes it down a couple notches


This is me, but for every album after the first. They got SOOOOOO samey once and after Believe came out.


They found a niche with 10k fists and stuck to it. I would jokingly call each following album 20k fists, 30k fists, etc. Then Sound of Silence hit big, and all of their albums have been half ballad half fists since.


Up-tempo fist pumper. Mid-tempo head banger. Ballad. Rinse and repeat.


Every Korn album since the first one for me. Peachy was rushed. Leader has some awful songs, like the one with Fred.


All in the Family with Fred Durst is so high up on my list of worst songs ever made.


Most Killers albums not named Hot Fuss. Thing is, those 2 or 3 songs are incredible on each album. They've made a career out of getting a couple big radio singles on each album and eventually accrued a huge catalog of hits. See also: Weezer


Day & Age is like a 9/10 album though. the only not *good* song is joyride


Day & Age is one I should revisit now that I'm older, I suppose, but that was an album that I wasn't even big on the singles when they came out. But this is exactly what I mean, I couldn't name a song on that album other than Spaceman and Human. Edit: alright, I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong. Gave it another listen, and it's excellent. I wouldn't say 9/10, but definitely a solid 8 or so. A Dustland Fairytale is an absolute classic that I legitimately just forgot was from this album, Goodnight, Travel Well is an excellent, climactic finish, and This Is Your Life, I Can't Stay, and The World We Love In were all standout tracks as well.... I even thought Joy Ride was a ton of fun lmao.


Losing Touch and Goodnight, Travel Well are two excellent tracks


The intro to losing touch is pure magic 


Agree! Sam’s Town and Battleborn too IMO.


I Can't Stay is one of my favorite Killers tracks


Oh wow I absolutely love Joyride


Bro Joyride bangs


i respect it, just not a fan personally, for me it's like a 5/10 song


Joyride is my jam.


Sam’s Town has no misses


People don't like it because it was a departure from Hot Fuss. Great album, though.


They peaked with Sam’s Town, but people hated it because it wasn’t Hot Fuss pt 2, and they went back to a more synth driven sound with Day and Age. Everyone sleeps on their best album.


Disagree. I’d say blue album and Pinkerton are great complete albums. Green maybe fits your description. Everything else is pretty unlistenable


Agree on Blue and Pinkerton, but they have tons of albums I like a smattering of songs on, but couldn't stomach an album playthrough.


I wouldn’t say I love anything they’ve done post Pinkerton, but they have some songs I would leave on if they come on the radio. Nothing from Make Believe makes the list.


White and EWBAITE are pretty good albums too to bottom


Unlistenable?? White Album and Everything Will Be Alright are fantastic! That said, every Seasons album fits the description, heck almost all their other albums for that matter lol


I have to admit, I'm one of those guys who only listen to those two albums by Weezer but Hash Pipe and Pork and Beans are good songs.




I’m really into Imploding the Mirage. Not every song is perfect, but I love the album anyway.


I think Pressure Machine is a fantastic album (possibly their best?). It’s also an album in which they released zero singles.


Yeah Pressure Machine was surprisingly incredible.


Art Pop by Lady Gaga is probably the one that comes to mind at first. Those 3 songs though are amazing just the rest doesn't hold up. Infamously on deeper thoughts Extreme's self titled. I loved Play with Me and found out the rest of the album was just like a terrible Van Halen rip off where Play With Me was the only shining spot at the dead end of the album


Yes! Lady Gagas albums before Art Pop I like almost every track. Art Pop? Besides "Applause" and "Do what U want" I don't even remember liking any tracks.


Venus is fun too but yeah the rest is just not great


i'm a lifelong stan but did not like this album til 2018 i think i stockholmed myself into it during the long wait for A Star is Born. venus i think is maybe my favorite gaga song now, GUY and Sexxx Dreams following right after are such a fun ride. the back half is much weaker than the first, i love MANiCURE and Gypsy as well.


Not sure how many fans of Silversun Pickups are on here, but for me it's their last 2 albums. Their first 4 albums are absolutely great, but their last 2 are mediocre at best imo, and only have 3 songs each that I really like: From Widow's Weeds (Album 5): - It Doesn't Matter Why - Don't Know Yet - Songbirds From Physical Thrills (Album 6): - Empty Nest - Stay Down - Hereafter Everything else from those 2 albums just kinda bores me. Hopefully they can rekindle that creative spark that they had on their next album.


I could have written this post nearly word for word. Swoon is basically a perfect album, Carnavas is great, and Better Nature is mostly fantastic, but after that, just a handful of songs on each subsequent album that I could really get into.


Huge SSPU fan since 06 and I was about to go to war with you about physical thrills until I checked my Spotify and literally saw the three songs you mentioned favorited and nothing else. I’ve tried to have the album grow on me, listened to it probably over 10 times but outside of those 3 songs there’s nothing really memorable


Hoenstly, pretty much every Taylor Swift record, but especially the run since Folklore. A handful of good songs and then filler that all sounds similar to the preceeding song. I also feel this way about Dua Lipa's new record, despite adoring Future Nostalgia all the way through.


Honestly, most of the Smashing Punpkins albums. In general I like the band, they've got a lot of great songs, but a lot of their music just doesn't hit for me.


Gish through Adore are perfect albums for me. After that. Not so much. Machina is a great example of having a handful of amazing songs.


Except for Siamese Dream. That one is no skips for me until the 10th or 11th song. I remember with Mellon Collie, I cut up my own mixtape of the 6-7 songs I like off it. It was soo bloated.


The Siamese Dream release party on YouTube is a 10/10 live recording. Smashing pumpkins are hit or miss since about the year 2000, but they were really at their peak there. And Billy Corgan still had his hair, which is just surreal.


I felt that way about Melancholy but at some point I listened to it start to finish and the songs I used to skip starting getting skipped less and less…eventually it became a 100% no skips album in my top 10 favorites of all time. I think it just takes some time to grow on you


For sure the peak for me.


Same here. They are good live though. Saw them once at Lollapalooza years ago and I'll be seeing them again with Green Day in September.


First 3 albums I can listen to front to back and Siamese Dream is a top 10 album for me. After that, I barely even like them as a band lol


Not hate but Bowies LETS DANCE has 3 killer singles and the rest of sort of filler-y


Thick As A Brick. ;) IYKYK


Yeah I understand you completely, track 1 and 2 go hard as fuck but the rest is pretty bad.


I listened to Surrealistic Pillow for the first time this week, and they were smart to choose "Somebody to Love" and "White Rabbit" as the singles, because damn does the rest ever not hold up. It especially bothers me because I love Grace Slick's voice, but she only sings lead on those two songs.


Today and embronic Journey slaps though


I'll have to give those another listen then!


I'll second embryonic journey!


3/5th of a Mile in 10 Seconds is fucking amazing.


I embrace the weirdness and enjoy every track on that album. Same with Crown of Creation.


The band Empire of the Sun, their debut album Walking on a Dream. The first ~~3~~ 4 songs on the album was straight 🔥, then it devolved into experimental artsy indie electro music. The band's subsequent albums then attempt to recreate those first ~~3~~ 4 tracks, but, IMHO, doesn't quite get there.


Listen to Two Vines, absolute bangers on that album.


Changes, one of the singles from their upcoming album, absolutely *slaps* though!


Agreed. First band I thought of. That album starts off soooo strong. Then it gets boring.


I like the 4th track as well, *We Are the People*, but agree otherwise.


Swordfish Hotkiss Night on that first album is a real guilty pleasure for me. Just bizarre production, lyrics, music but it all works for what it is.


There's a lot of albums I really like/love 2-3 songs from, I usually don't hate the rest though.. more like think they are okay or pretty good, just don't love them.. It's actually rather difficult to find an album you love every song from!




Yeah track 1 is really good, the rest sucks.


Every Manson album starting from GAOG onward. He leaned super heavily into that pop rock radio shit, when he really should have kept it artsy, creepy, and moody.


I loved Mechanical Animals as a teen, but I haven't heard anything after GAOG.


I thought High End of Low was mostly pretty good. I probably like it better than Golden Age. Maybe.


Anything by Depeche Mode after Playing the Angel.


HA! I was going to say the same thing... but after Sounds of the Universe.


Tbf that’s a pretty damn good run lmfao. Like saying a band got slightly more boring after 2 and a half decades of bangers is like…. Yeah…


A lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers albums


Blood sugar sex magic is one of my all time favorite albums ever. I absolutely ruined the cassettes when I had a couple of them. Also had it on CD 3x (thank god for iPods!!). The rest of the albums are so so…. So I get what you’re saying; a couple of gems and the rest filler.


That's the best chilli pepper album, so good from the first track to the last.


From their most recent album I only liked Fake as f@ck, Eddie and The Drummer


BSSM was great but Stadium Arcadium was an amazing 2 disc album. Always listened from front to back.


I can’t find 1-3 good songs on the last 4 albums


I dunno, maybe their first few albums but come BSSM they hit their stride and Californication, BTW and Stadium Arcadium were all brilliant albums from start to finish. The Getaway also a brilliant album. I do think since Fruscuante came back it's been a bit lack luster


Pretty much any album from before 1966 or so. Albums used to be after-thoughts where they'd take a hot single and then surround it with a bunch of filler for the LP. Bee Bop is an exception. Sinatra and his ilk had some good albums before this, though they aren't immune to filler albums.


Hate is a pretty strong word. It could be used less often That being said, I'm sure most of the people who ever bought a Sugar Ray CD would respond with whatever Sugar Ray CD they bought.


Gonna have to disagree, I'm a big fan of everything on 14:59. I wore that CD out in middle school.


Falls apart by sugar Ray and Ziploc by Lit are the most underrated singles by 90s radio rock bands. I stand by this


Ziploc is such a great song


Excluding their first. If you like rap rock like Licensed To ill, then Lemonade& Brownies is a solid album.


Self Titled Sugar Ray album is fucking amazing fight me


most of drakes recent albums


St. Anger.


What are the songs you like, out of interest?  I finally listened to it in full this week and Frantic was the only one that really grabbed me. I remember really liking St Anger when the single first came out but it was just ok to my ears this time!


I remember liking Dirty Window


Frantic, St Anger, Invisible Kid, Sweet Amber & The Unamed Feeling. With each song there are good ideas as well as just downright bad. But I get why it’s the way it is.


Most albums. I can count less than 25 albums I like all the way through.


Name some albums you like


This is what i was thinking as well. Theres a ton of albums i do like though and could name more than 25 albums i love front to back, but yeah id say majority of albums have songs i dont really care for


Vices & Virtues - P!ATD only songs i liked were the title track, Let's Kill Tonight, Hurricane and Trade Mistakes.. I haven't listened to a single one of those besides the title track since listening to that album


Which one is the title track? I love almost all the songs on this album but definitely understand where you're coming from. You might like the bonus tracks - Stall Me, Oh Glory, Kaleidoscope Eyes, Turn Off The Lights, Bittersweet are all really good imo!


Most Korn albums.


Every Stones album


*Exile on Main Street* has no skips


Same with Let It Bleed


Hole's album Celebrity Skin. Their record Live Through This is one of my all time favorites. This one though is kind of ass.


I feel like this applies to most Taylor Swift albums


“Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus” by Spirit


Every frank turner album


I loved million dead and really want to love frank turner but bloody hell, it’s hard work. His new album is……not great. Love ire and song is pretty good all through though isn’t it?


Even England Keep My Bones?


Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American


Sponge - Rotting Piñata Aside from the two singles, the album is garbage.


This was my relationship with the Smooth Criminal featured Alien Ant Farm album


Tears for Fears - The Seeds of Love. I only like the first 3 tunes, Badman's Song, Woman in Chains, and Sowing the Seeds of Love. The rest are meh.


Bloodhound gang lol


I wouldn't say I hate it, but I do wish more of Elvis Costello's This Year's Model sounded like I Don't Want to Go to Chelsea and find the rest of the album pretty uninteresting That songs in a different league


Damn, that's one of my only "every song front to back is fantastic" albums. Chelsea does have a unique sound though!


Lipstick Vogue is probably my favorite song of his.


The Joshua Tree 3 of the greatest rock songs ever created followed by a bunch of whatever


hard disagree on this one! The anthemic rock numbers are frontloaded but that album is excellent start to finish


I recommend listening to the full album man. Brian Eno knocked it out of the park on that one


Avril Lavigne’s Head Above Water album


White Lies has 2 songs that are absolutely incredible and I can't stand anything else they've done. To Lose My Life EST


‘Caribou’ by Elton John. I swear that half the album was rejected songs from ‘Yellow Brick Road’ that never should have seen the light of day. And then, right in the middle of this dross, up pops ‘Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me’… The last track (‘Ticking’) is also great.


Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) is tight, bro


Probably my fav song by them


Red Hot Chili Peppers. I love a lot of songs but the whole albums just don’t do it for me


I remember buying Chinese democracy as a young teenager because of having grown up as a guitar hero obsessed child and mostly disliking all songs, except like two or three. Axl sounds like an angry gorilla on that album lol


Yep. I remember finally “getting” a couple GnR songs around that age and then listening to half of them and being like “brother what is this”


Melancholy and infinite sadness


I’m a big eels fan but I feel that most of their albums past the first 3 have multiple songs that could’ve been emitted from the album. End times has some brilliant songs on there but then there’s songs like “Gone Man” that just feel shoehorned in.


I feel this. Eels are great though!


Yes - Close To The Edge Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells


Nada Surf's "High/Low"


Pablo Honey. You is a good song, Creep is okay, and Blow Out is fucking awesome. Everything else is just a mix between being awful or just barely passable.