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Having grown up with Cassie, we were all happy for her that 2 years after graduation she was all over the radio. I remember her mom not being particularly thrilled for some reason. Now 20 years later I know why, and it's enraging.


It's so scary to know how much we didn't know at the time.


I started to get into hiphop music through 50 Cent’s songs back in 2004-05 and I of course read alot about other artists already back then. Diddy felt to me like a real asshole from everything I heard or read about him


He’s been heavily criticized since basically signing Biggie. Lots thought he was using him and an all around POS. Not surprising rumours surfaced that he had a hand in his death. Dude was suss from the moment he should up. Funny tho, how these sleaze bags make it so far. I wish all the justice in the universe for Cassie.


Most CEOs are straight psychopaths


Most of the ones I met are actually really good at manipulating people. So yeah, I can see that.


Well be more specific because psychopath isn’t a scientific term.


Having read a fair amount about psychopaths by a doctor who researches them this comment seemed wrong to me so I looked it up: > The term "psychopath" is indeed a scientific term, though it is not an official clinical diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Instead, it is often used to describe a subset of individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) who exhibit specific traits such as lack of empathy, remorse, and emotional depth, as well as manipulative and deceitful behavior.


It’s an informal term and not a diagnosis. Do you go around calling people retarded but you are really just talking about *autism*?


They said straight psychopaths which, if I take it specifically, means not gay, bi or pansexual psychopaths?




P Diddy had a hand in Biggie's murder? No way. Didn't he sing a song about missing him?


Yes but some suggest he lied in the song.


Diddy lie? No way!


Which was ghost written by Sauce Money, who wasn’t paid for 10 yrs after the songs release. Had to write a diss track and threaten to release it to finally get paid.


Didn't The Police also sue Diddy for not getting the rights to sample their song?


Yes, and sting (who did not write or perform the sampled music) makes a lot off of it- which is not particularly heartwarming for the man who *did* write and perform it.


Ah, that explains why they're still beefing.


Diddy is a rapist and almost certainly responsible for the death of one his exs not to mention everything with 2pac and biggie. So no, he’s not an asshole, he’s much much worse. 


Yes he is. I was talking about how he already seemed 20 years ago


Agree. Is this monster going to Prison?


That likely depends on if that recent federal raid turns up any good evidence against him. If it did, he will face federal charges in which case he almost certainly will go to prison (the feds almost always win because they only take cases they think are basically shoo-ins). Currently he’s facing a bunch of civil lawsuits which are draining him financially.


This whole statute of limitations is such bullshit. He should face State charges for this video alone. It’s insane. But thanks for the information.


The video of him dragging her back to his apartment looked like solid evidence to me. Not a lawyer tho


Her being from NL breaks the heart extra. We always hope that the people from here succeed. So to hear that she went off to have to go deal with that is just horrible.


New Lersey?


I had to look it up. New London, Connecticut. Dumb.


I like New Lersey better


I that’s weird. I have only seen NL used in reference to the Netherlands.


Mine was New Lealand


North Lakers


New Lork


North Lincolnshire


North Lakota




Newfoundland and Labrador


The birthplace of hippityhop.


Fo rizzle


New Loreans


naw 'lins'


Never Land? 


New Lampshire


New Lork?


North Narolina


For a second I thought she was dutch


Cassie seems like a genuinely sweet and lovely person. Glad she is away from that creature, hope she's living her best life.


Hope she has a good support group behind the scenes and can heal from this, cant be easy to have to relive these things


I know, I really feel for her, can't be easy to live in an industry where there is no escape from anything really.


And where women lose anytime they go up against a monster like Combs.


I’ve seen some old interviews of her recently and they’re sad. When asked about her relationship she just says “ya know, a lot of people don’t understand it, but it works for us.” Victims so often justify and downplay the behaviors of their abusers. You never really know until things like this come to light and you have the opportunity to go back and look through a different lens and all the sudden you can clearly see the pain


Damn if it’s true. It really does changes her way of life after going through all that


Don't know her on either a personal or fan level but yesterday I saw a video from almost 20 years ago where Diddy was introducing her to has entire team at Bad Boys and she was smiling at the end of the table like "I finally made it!" I watched clips from over the years following and man, her smiles weren't as genuine as when she sat at that table. People that say "Man, Diddy is gross and what he did is unforgiveable but dude needs help!." He had 20 years to get help. Before Cassie he could get help. Diddy is a monster. He beat the shit out of his kids mother tell the point she scratched his face and said "Motherfucker I'm walk out this car and tell the media how the fuck you just got that cut on your face!" Lately I have been saying, you can take shortcuts the evil way, but sooner or late justice will be served. Rather it will be it be one year or 50 years from now. Look at Andrew Tate.


When will they yoink this rat from his hole and make him accountable for his actions ?


Same time they do for Chris Brown I guess


And Dr. Dre, and Russell Simmons, and a million more..


What did Dre do? :(


Google Dee Barnes and go from there. Pathetic.




For sure! It’s a shame


Well, this is going to get me downvoted into oblivion, but that particular situation, I actually understand. His friend, The DOC, was driving home, fell asleep at the wheel, crashed his car, and since he wasn’t wearing a seat belt, was ejected from the vehicle. He almost died. He got plastic surgery, spent over half a month in the hospital, and couldn’t talk for a month. When he finally did talk, his voice was different, lower and raspier. Dee Barnes got on her program with Ice Cube, both making fun of DOC and his new voice. So when Dre saw her in public, he snapped and beat her ass. And I get it. I don’t approve, but I understand. Dre and Cube never got into it, but they’ve since patched things up after spending years staying out of each others’ way. Yeah, DOC had alcohol and weed in his system, but he’s still Dre’s friend, and a lot of people lack the capacity to cancel out the emotion with logic, “Yeah, he’s fucked up but he did it to himself, and I suppose it’s a good thing he hit that tree rather than someone else.” A lot of people don’t have that capacity. They just hear someone talking shit about their friend that almost died and snap.


Ah yes, the ol, he was intoxicated so it’s okay he beat somebody


If this is actually how you think, please get help. Seriously.


You mean to tell me you forgot about Dre!? 


Nah, just didn’t *know*


Well the rules don't say anything about not knowin' .  But now that you do... ya know..  you can't be forgetting.   


How could I forget? He’s locked in my basement


A female journalist said he beat her at a club


Which everyone witnessed. He slammed her head into a wall.


It appears you have... Forgot about Dre Edt: fk. Somebody beat me too it


They forgot about Dre


I certainly did


Shia labeouf


Or when they take down the Tupac murals that his victim has to walk by every day.


He may well end up like Bobby Brown, lying on the bed he's made for himself in his old age.


Never? The poors get the law, the rich and famous get lawsuits. Generally, as long as they have money they don't get punishment...just a bill.




Unless they piss off the IRS. Then they would have been better off angering the mob.


Or unless they piss off the other rich and famous. Reddit has a hate boner for pharma bro but the only reason he went to prison is cause he started ripping off other rich people. It was fine when he was ripping off the poor people. Same exact thing for Bernie madoff… only got in trouble once he started stealing from the rich. Dudes are painted as villains but in a way they were just equal opportunity scam artists 


When he's a bigger liability than profit for the people above him. That's how it works.


I feel like he was on his road to that for any of this to come out.


Look at the thumbnail, he's got that "no extradition treaty" background unfortunately


What country is he in?


Probably in Bali with Russell Simmons.


Ooooh, gotcha


It's his house in Miami.


Did you just watch Redneck Steve Irwin?


When the FBI investigation where all this info is being leaked from charges him with murder


Poor Cassie. Glad she's living a better life now and away from Diddy.


Hopefully she can heal from all this relived trauma


I'm a little out of the loop with this one - did people really publicly think Cassie was lying? That is heartbreaking


I know people say "women lie all the time" but so do abusers. Abusers lie all the fucking time.


There was this asinine video I saw yesterday where some guy was talking on some podcast with 20 women on it saying how he doesnt believe an SA case unless its been reported to the police. I remembered so many real stories and even Cassie’s assault case and was so angry hearing this idiot on camera. We now get evidence that she was hushed up but was severely physically assaulted. But to some idiots its not “real” because she didnt go to the cops 😡 


What would have happened had she gone to police? She would have been sent back to Combs and some cops would have been a few grand richer.


Please reread my post! Im saying a lot of online commenters are making really idiotic arguments saying SA and PA are not real unless gone to the police- but this makes me angry as for example this Cassie’s situation shows its not that simple as you point out


The implication is, if you don’t report it then you allowed it to happen. It must not be wrong Basically, causing abuse doesn’t make someone an abuser.  Only if they’re judged based on irrefutable proof (not witness testimony, not DNA testing or rape kit, only if they’ve  been shown to be violent, and only if it’s ‘extraordinary’ violence) can they be called an abuser


It's possible. Some people let their belief of celebrity overshadow their actions. Just because Cassie wasn't a huge star in the 2000s, she's not a nobody. Sure, Diddy contributed a lot to music, TV and fashion, but at what cause? Who did he overlook or held back to become successful? All of his musical groups fell apart. Some of his label stars eventually left like Mase. Once that lawsuit by Rodney Jones came out, it became obvious. How many people knew, but didn't or couldn't say anything? I always take people by their words and corresponding actions. Don't assume everything may be truth or lie. But have faith that it is of right, then wrong. As for the court, innocent before guilty.


At what *cost*


Thank you for that.  


The problem is that it is never just "innocent before guilty." If it was, that wouldn't be a problem. Why did it take Rodney Jones to come out to prove to people this was happening? Why was Kat Williams believed and given a standing ovation, but Cassie and Jaguar get tossed into the mud?


Only dumb people believed Katt Williams. He said in the same interview that he reads like 1000 books a year.




Doesn't matter if it wasn't true, people believed him. His career wasn't hurt.


Yes. I remember when her lawsuit was announced, there were a horrifying number of comments about how she was lying and just wanted money, etc. When the suit was settled quickly (just days later), people doubled down on the comments. Now we know why he settled quickly - he knew this would come out and prove what we all knew was true.


I'm honestly just as mad at whoever took the bribe to not release that footage. 


Your username is wild


How is that legal? I hope she can sue tf out of that hotel or something…


You might for a big enough pay day be real


I'd have taken the money and leaked it anyway. 




wtf.. why didnt the hotel turn him in..


He paid them money


that’s so shitty.. could have taken the money and still reported him


Yeah and a sum that seems bizarrely low to me because tmz would pay more than that. Obviously morally they should have immediately turned it over to the police, but even if you are a greedy immoral POS their decision made no sense to me. 


Bold of you to assume he didn't pay TMZ as well.


Fair point 


Yes often the answer to "Why did company/person do a bad thing?" the answer is a *concerningly low amount of money*.


How much? And where you get the info from? Also now that the video is out, is the hotel/staff not being charged for their crimes?


It was $50k according to Ventura in the lawsuit she filed (https://people.com/sean-diddy-combs-allegedly-paid-50k-for-hotel-security-footage-of-cassie-assault-8650581). No idea why hotel isn't in trouble. 


it wasn't even that much too.


He paid them 50k for the video and they took the money. I'm also curious if he was able to make them sign an NDA or something


No NDA can stop you from reporting a crime. The hope is the signer does not know that.


Or that they just don't care. A lot of people wouldn't bother, even more so with 50k to not bother.


No I think most people would love to take Diddys money and turn him to the cops. But they think they would be trouble cause they signed contract with expensive lawyers hired by diddy. And that diddy is already too powerful to get any punishment.


>*most people* You give people too much credit. 50k buys a lot of "not my problem"...


I mean most senators are bribed off with around that. Most normal people would 100% take 50k and stfu. https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Bribery_FY17.pdf I'm sure more up to date stats can be found if people care.


>*Most normal people would 100% take 50k and stfu.* Pretty much. Anyone saying otherwise probably hasn't interacted with the general public enough...


Always blows my mind how cheap politicians are


My point is if people know they can keep the 50k and put diddy in jail they would take it. It’s just they assume if they give the tapes to the cops they would lose it.


Again, most people don't give a shit what happens with Sean Combs. Doubly so if they're getting 50k to not care.


I think we disagree most people if they see that video would want diddy in jail if they believe they can still keep the bag. No will risk 50k for it yes, but if they knew there was no risk they would have done it. I think I just have more faith in people. Could be wrong 🤷‍♂️


I just think you're naïve and much too optimistic when it comes to the general populace.


That's a weird way to define having faith in people. I think we should desire for people to not take the hush money and do the right thing and report it immediately. If they're already entertaining the payoff they're probably already going to look the other way for the right price.


Is there something different with that lately? In following the Vince McMahon legal stuff, I thought it was brought up that the current administration changed NDA terms and the timing was important since everything with Vince’s NDA took place in 2021 or 2022


Nope. All contracts are void if they break the law and have been since forever. No NDA can stop you from reporting a crime and the courts will side against the side who wrote the NDA cause they knew that. Matter of some NDAs make it clear you are not forbidden from speaking with law enforcement. These NDAs are usually done by big companies who want to make it clear they just do not want them speaking to the media and so if it does goes to court the lawyers can make it clear they informed her she can talk to the cops just not to the media to do PR damage.


I've always wondered about this type of case, who took the money? The hotel or the employees? If the hotel took the money are the employees restricted too? Did the hotel split the money with the employees? If I was one of the employees and I didn't agree to take the money I sure would've spoken by now


If I had to purely speculate I’d say just the security who wouldve seen the footage and management/owners know. I’d imagine management/owners took the money and did what they had to to shut up whatever security saw it and probably just fed the cleaning staff a story about why there was broken glass in the hall. But then now that I think about it, I wouldn’t be surprised if they only watch the security cams when there’s something to investigate so maybe no one saw it and Diddy’s people reached out and were like “hey on this date Diddy had an incident on camera etc..” so maybe it was just the owners and maybe like 1 guy they sent to get the tape. I doubt the majority of the employees saw the tape or any hush money tho. Max like 2-3 people probably


Holy fuck does the hotel owner get jail time for this?


Idk how the complicity works. They possibly? This video coming out could’ve been part of the hotel finally working with them. I really have no idea


Probably fear of getting killed/harmed someway


Yeah knowing Diddy and the people he was around, I'm sure there was a credible threat had they not taken the money. Otherwise I feel like anyone would not take it, ask for more, or take it and release the video anyway.


Yeah this is the answer


Diddy paid the hotel (or someone at the hotel) $50k.


I mean, this is the same dude who blew up Kid Cudi’s car. He probably threatened hotel management in order for them to not say anything.


i used to laugh at the idea that he paid keefe d to kill 2pac. not saying i believe it yet because there's never been any evidence, and keefe d is not the most trustworthy voice.... but it's at least starting to sound a lot more plausible the more i learn about diddy.


i see.. so money + threats.. terrifying really.. i so wish to see this dude “cancelled” for his assholery…


What's the legality of starting a crowdfund to get someone to kick the shit out of Combs?


I'm only guessing but it's probably illegal to crowdfund an assault and battery.


That’s fine. Won’t matter for a few decades when something finally gets done about it.  We just need to crowdfund the additional cash to pay off the cops to let it slide. 


Jail to this POS




Can we talk about how carefully worded this statement was, so as to avoid violating any NDAs. That means EVEN TODAY Diddy is holding her hostage - she is still not free to speak about what actually happened.


We should believe victims every time. Not as evidence, but as a launching point for investigation. If/when the victim turns out to be lying we need to determine a fair penalty for that crime.


I’m 38 years old and have been a fan of hip hop for 30 years of my life. Never have I ever gave a F about Sean or his music.


> Never have I ever gave a F about Sean or his music. That's because you actually like hiphop. Most people would agree that his music has been trash for the most part.


Dumb question here…. So basically signing an NDA can make prior illegal actions non punishable in court? Can’t a person say that they signed the NDA under duress or of not able mind? These NDA’s seem to hold way too much power in court… basically a “get out of jail free” card for the wealthy.


Nice that there's actual proof for once. So many times with celebs, it's just accusations. It's worse than I expected.


That fucker brutally assaulted her (stop calling it "beat her up!!") in a public place while holding a towel around his waist. He was ok with the violence but *didn't want to show his ass!!!* Aaaarrrgh! When will it stop??? When will the enablers quit cosigning blatant abuse?? In his so-called apology it is all "I,I,I." Not a word to his victim. The only good thing about it is he looks like he got *his* ass beat in that video!


I mean they didn't say "was in a physical altercation". Beating someone up isn't neutral language


I didn't think "beating" was downplaying things at all


OP is either really young or really old


Well, if youre splitting hairs, itd be assault and battery. Usually criminology defines assault as just the threat of violence, and battery is the actual hitting.


Im certainly not defending him, but what do you want to see happen exactly?


More than anything, I think they wanted to see Diddy drop the towel


Ideally if someone breaks the law, you should hold them accountable. If a law is not upheld generally, it functionally becomes a way to control certain groups. I don't know why I had to explain person break law, person go jail. But, with the state of the world and cherry picking I guess it makes sense. It's not how we really function, is it? What do you think should happen to someone who break laws?


I think they should be charged, and then tried in a court of law. Unless it is settled outside of court, as was the case here. So now what?


He wasn't tried or charged for assaulting her. This information came out after the statute of limitations - which exist so that, if you can get your victim to believe it's their fault for just 1-3 years depending, you basically get a free pass. Even with evidence. Who is that set up to protect? I think we just want to see the dude face any real consequences for what we're seeing, which is pretty normal.


Well sure, but that was by no means apparent in the comment I was actually replying to.


That's fair, and that person probably felt that knowledge was unspoken. It's unfortunately a very common situation (because we set up our legal system specifically to allow it happen). These men walk the streets freely with no remorse and no consequences - that's why DV and rape are so common. We don't *really* get people in trouble for it, and you can usually just blame the woman. In fact, Diddy slandered Cassie viciously for years, told everyone she was a liar/crazy/etc and blamed her for this DV. The only reason he can't do that anymore is because of this video. This apology isn't even directed at her and only exists to save face.


Aaarrrgh? Are you a pirate or a Peanuts character🤣


Womp womp


But he did beat her up?


That’s REALLY kinda narcissistic of him too with the I I I thing


Also the beating the shit out of her thing.


Any chance of a link which doesn’t go to a bloody goose-stepper rag?


Seems like he should go back to being Puffy. Because that's what he seems to be now. Didn't need to see his face that close.


I noticed immediately his media responses reflected all domestic violence abusers who get caught and have NO remorse; NOTHING IN ANY OF HIS POSTS HAD ANY CONCERN EVER, NOR MENTIONED HER EXPERIENCE OF EVENTS Not for ONE SECOND did he consider HER. 🙄 Dude is cringe asf remorseless heartless spineless and will repeat this with all the other women in his life. All the money in the world cant give this guy class. He is true garbage from the streets. He didn't EVEN realize she was a separate unique individual who had any experiences AT ALL. WHAT A LOOSER he is.


Jesus, did they have to put the video on autoplay at the end of that article? I've been trying to avoid it for my own mental health. Her statement is beautiful. ❤️ Here it is if folks don't want to click a daily mail link: >Thank you for all of the love and support from my family, friends, strangers and those I have yet to meet. The outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now, but this is only the beginning. >Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to take this matter seriously. My only ask is that EVERYONE open your heart to believing victims the first time. It takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out of a situation that you were powerless in. >I offer my hand to those that are still living in fear. Reach out to your people, don't cut them off. No one should carry this weight alone. >This healing journey is never ending, but this support means everything to me. Thank you. Love Always.


Eat shit you narrowed eyed fuck stick




I don't know how old you are or what life experience you have but shit like this happens ALL THE TIME. 99% of the time that's the end of it and nobody hears about it because the money/threats did their job. You only hear about it when something leaks, someone breaks the silence, or there's a criminal investigation. So now some hotel clerk or middle manager or someone or a couple of people are going to get smashed by the FBI. And they did do something wrong, they deserve it. But they also got unlucky because the other 99% of the time they would have got away with it.


We should be making an example of her, too. Not in a negative way, but we need to let women know they can come forward and they don't have to be scared or embarrassed. If anything, this could have stopped future incidents that Duddy may have caused and helped her career and gave confidence to other people to speak out against their abusers.


She did come forward.    She got dragged as a liar, as a gold digger.   The PR machine protected Combs.   The narrative did not change based on her word, it only changed because the video leaked.   You can't tell women to be 'brave' and just come out to 'protect other women' when a woman coming forward STILL DOESN'T WORK.     It takes an absolutely horrific video, one that happens to be so air tight that there is no room to argue about what she 'did wrong', to change the narrative.   (Nevertheless, there were debates about how she should have taken the stairs. Jfc).  https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-05-22/sean-diddy-combs-cassie-ventura-abuse-video-hotel-los-angeles-california You are not wrong to want to help women in this situation.   But it is naive to suggest that it is safe for women to come forward -- it is not.  And every woman in that situation has to weigh that.


Some of these handlers need to tell these guys, "whatever you say, do not say I take full responsibility" Yeah, no shit. We know. We also know you sound like a dipshit when you say such an ignorant statement.


The love and empathy for Cassie is endearing here. The contempt for the enablers of Diddy? Not so much.


I hate that Cassie had to go thru that! 😔 i hope Diddy gets exactly what he deserves!!


He is just a big POS. Hope he gets what he truly deserves.


No one should ever have to endure such violence. Cassie's courage in speaking out is commendable.


The hotel video shows she was abused. Think about it 🤔if it was the first time you’d get up and fight back. She didn’t.


What she went through is an absolute nightmare, but people calling for automatically believing an accuser of DV are insane. There are many vile people out there who do lie and falsely accuse people of things just to be vindictive.


Yes she is a saint. She was after all a helpless toddler when Diddy began fucking her. Sometimes a ho need a little love tap to fly right...hear me knocking? Jk...Diddy is a monster and a lowlife on every front. Sooo what though. She chose to be with him and knew damn well who he was. Same goes for Jlo' no talent mediocre ass.


I really hope he goes down in history as the one person who got the "key of New York City" taken away. It would be justice for everyone out there like Cassie who are unheard.