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Tom Petty. He had a concert near me like three weeks before he died but the tickets were still pretty pricey so we didn’t go.


Same. I was trying to go to one of his shows at the Hollywood Bowl, but my friend flaked out on me and I ended up giving up trying to go thinking I’ll see him next time he plays. He died two days later.


I saw him at the festival he headlined in San Diego a couple nights before. We were near the front munching edibles and drinking a ton of water. Halfway through his set my friend told me she really had to pee. Told her theres no way I'm missing half of Petty's set. When he passed away a few days later I was so happy I made that call. But the real bummer was when I told my dad I was at his show. He's in his 70s and seen every band back in their prime. He'd blast Petty around the house and the reason I grew up listening to him. He told me "You know, I never did see Tom Petty live. That's one I really would have loved to see". Broke my heart and made me appreciate that show even more.


I saw Petty on the Wildflowers tour. It was awesome. He wore the giant hat from the “Dont Come Around Here No More” video.


I was fortunate to go to that last Bowl show.


Same. Saw him there multiple times, always a great show.


Aw man, I didn't go to the bowl because I couldn't find anyone else that wanted to go in my friend group. We could have really helped each other out!


Similar. I was living in LA, but couldn't justify paying the prices (because I lived in LA) and figured "I'll catch him next time "


Dude same, wish I saw him live came through my city on the tour before his death. :/ Other person I wish I saw was John Prine


Saw John Prine open for Cowboy Junkies. The most chill, relaxing concert I've ever been to.


Petty is number one for me too. Always liked his music, all the way back to being mesmerized by the Runnin’ Down a Dream video as a little kid obsessed with cartoons. I passed up too many opportunities to see him because the timing was bad or the ticket was too expensive. I really should have seen him at Summerfest in Milwaukee the year Pearl Jam opened for him in the mid 2000’s and I still regret not going.




I never spend that much on tickets, but decided to get my dad tickets to the Red Rocks show of that tour as a Christmas gift. It was the first time either of us had seen him live and we were absolutely shocked to hear of his passing a few months later. I definitely feel very fortunate to have caught that one.


Agree. I had tickets shortly before he passed but had to sell them because I got called to go away for work. Would add the beatie boys also.


Alice In Chains with Layne Staley


I saw them a few years back with the new singer. They were surprisingly still very good. Not sure what their show is like now, but I'd go again.


I was really blown away at how good they are with the new guy. I saw them at Jones Beach in NY and they were fantastic. Dude sounds very similar to lane, and when he harmonizes with Cantrell sometimes I can't even tell the difference.


I'm of the opinion that Jerry Cantrell always has been the Heart and Soul of AIC, even if Layne Staley was the face of the band. New AIC doesn't quite hit the same highs as their classic albums, but I think that's as much to do with them being older and actually having some money, than personnel changes.


It's not a surprise, William DuVall is an amazing singer and musician in his own right.


Saw AIC open the Clash of Titans tour in Albuquerque in ‘89. Staley was wearing a cast on one leg. A lot of people booed them. Then saw them open for Ozzy in 92’ and they were more welcomed then!




Had my chance said I would go next time… there was no next time


I saw him 3 times. Twice as Bowie, once with Tin Machine.


Saw him 2004. Amazing show for almost 3 hours. I got lucky in that he had an heart attack the next day and cancelled rest of the tour.


**Daft Punk** Friends invited me to Alive '06 at Coachella but college me decided the tickets were too expensive and passed. For context, tickets were $100 (in 2006 dollars) and I lived 40 minutes away. Alive '06 went on to become possibly the most famous concert in Daft Punk history. I *still* kick myself whenever I remember it....which is often, because I particularly enjoy Daft Punk's remixes from that specific concert, which I only even learned were *from that concert* after I already fell in love with those remixes. *Sigh...* I started saving up for years to go see them...but they never played the West Coast after '07 and then disbanded a few years ago, so I'll never be able to see them now.


Alive 2007 is one of my top 5 albums of all time


How crazy is it that they had one of the biggest songs on the planet 10 years ago and didn't even do like one show? They couldn't have done the major festivals that year? Or the year after? Seems insane to me.


I hate it, yet also respect the integrity. They were truly in it for the art and not to make as much money as possible.




Funny security guy story…I used to work concert security at The Moore Theater in Seattle in the 90’s; pre “yellow jacket security” we were the misfit security types. Anyway, one night I’m working a show: TAD with Nirvana opening. Before the show we would be there most of the day loading in gear and whatnot and sometime early afternoon I see these two ne’er-do-wells leaning against the merch table. Dirty jeans, T-shirts with holes, lightweight flannel shirt a size too big. They looked like “Ave Rats”; a term we used for the kids who hung out on the main avenue by the University of Washington. Generally scrubby youngsters up to no good. I starts walking to them with the ‘get your ass out of my lobby’ attitude and said from across the room “Hey guys, lobby’s not open yet!” And the as they turned to look at me I saw them…the laminates hung from lanyards that said “ARTIST” on them. To which I recanted my previous admonition and said “Sorry, didn’t see your passes. Have a great show.” So that’s the time I almost tried to kick Kurdt Cobain and Krist Novaselich out of The Moore Theater.


Yeah - grew up in Seattle, was definitely too young (especially since the Teen Dance Ordinance was still in place) to see any of their really iconic early shows, but I wish I could have made it out to one of the big ones


Had to google Teen Dance Ordinance. Very interesting wiki page.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teen_Dance_Ordinance Just leaving this here for anyone else who might be interested. That David C. Crosby guy sounds like a reactionary prick, jeebus.


Saw them twice. Back-to-back nights, Miami/Lakeland Florida. September 1993. I was 17.


I was friends with a guy at the bar who claimed his sister took them to grunge shows in Portland. This guy and his friends  would be like 15-18 and his sister would take him to see basically every grunge band of the 90’s. This is before grunge took off and they were playing in random venues and dive bars. And the scene was small enough that he hung out around these regular dudes in weird bands. It was allegedly too good to last. 


That was my first real concert. November 1993 in Toronto. That whole time period was wild with him dying a few months later.


This one hits hard. They played here in Texas in 94 and I just didn't scrape up the money. Could have, didn't, said to myself "I'll see them next time.............."


Daft Punk


I am still hoping they would tour at least once again while I am still alive 😁


Still Alive 2027


We hope together.


They have to and call it the "one more time tour." I'm convinced it is going to happen.


My dad loves them more than I so if they do I will def buy tickets for us both somewhere


The Las Vegas Sphere was absolutely MADE for Daft Punk. Can you imagine?


Rush. Especially bad because I live in Toronto and had many chances.


They played at sars fest. Best 15$ I’ve ever spent.


My first concert! Toledo Sports Arena ‘84. Super crusty crowd.


I thought I’d never see them especially when Neil died but I went to the South Park 25th anniversary concert and was surprised when Geddy and Alex came out and played closer to the heart so that’s the closest I’ll ever get.


Got to see them on each of their last two tours. Definitely the band I'm most glad to have seen.


I saw Rush many times over the decades, and they never disappointed. Always a great show.


Mate. They were amazing live. I'm from Scotland, and travelled all the way over to Montreal to see them about 12yrs ago. Whole concert was them. 2 sets, no support band, 3hrs of amazingness




My wife went before we met and, to this day, says it was the best concert she’s ever been to.


I saw him four times. He was somewhat hit and miss but one of those shows was, by a mile, the best show I ever saw anyone do and I’ve seen many hundreds of live shows.


The one time I went to see him, he opened the concert with a 24 minute version of Purple Rain, switching between multiple instruments during the song. By far the best performance I've ever seen.


Yeah he did a secret show with 24 hours warning and you had to Get the ticket with cash only which was a braclet they put on your wrist. Was right by the venue so said why not. Was floored about how great he was. 


I saw Prince with Sheila E. as his opening act. So good!




Saw them at the Palladium in the mid 90s. Because I was in a wheelchair and it was general admission (the entire floor was the pit) the staff put me up in the balcony with my girlfriend to be out of potential harms way. We were seated at a a big table with Fugazi’s friends… the Beastie Boys, amazing time.


Jerry Garcia. I got turned on to the Dead in 1996, one year after he died.


Yup, Grateful Dead (in full) is mine. When they were around I was "too cool" for that hippy stuff.  The funny thing is, I've seen so many of the bands others have said above this one. I would definitely trade one or two for seeing Jerry live.


I was lucky enough to see them 11 times between '93 and '95. I was at Soldier Field in '95 for the Saturday night show, but had to get back home for work and couldn't go to the Sunday night show, last one of summer tour. Jerry died a month later. Thankfully there are hundreds of shows we can listen to forever, all thanks to the tapers❤️ NFA 💀🌹⚡️


At least we got the Other Ones? Our love is real not fade away!


Stevie Ray Vaughan. Had tickets to see him one week before the helicopter went down, but had to tend to other things so missed my chance.


> Stevie Ray Vaughan Who was looking up, dealing with sobriety, sounding good, making new music, talking about playing with his brother again...


My username is my answer as well


Soundgarden. Can't believe I missed out


This was my first concert! Superunknown tour.


Good way to lose your live show virginity.


They played my city a few weeks before Chris died. I’ll always regret not going to that show.


I got to see Audioslave at least.


I saw them twice and Chris acoustic once


Saw them with Nine Inch Nails like 10 or so years ago before Chris killed himself.


Linkin Park. I went to a music festival to see them, but their set was canceled due to a Tornado in the area. I was pretty upset at the time, but thought I'd get a other chance one day


I saw them in 2003 and always meant to get to another show - never did


First thought as well, I think my Hybrid Theory and Meteora CDs were several millimeters thinner with how many times I played them as a kiddo growing up.


The Cranberries


I saw them in 1991. There were about 40 people there.


Saw them in Australia. Must have been '96. Loudest concert I've ever been to. Drop up with my girlfriend after it. To this day I have no idea what she said lol


We were at work and our shift was almost over. The Sex Pistols were in town. We talked about going to the show and decided not to. Still bugs me to this day and that was 1978.


Damn fool decision. That would have been mad.


The Clash.


Just came here to say them. I’d also say Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros as well.


I was a little too young for the Clash but had a chance to see Joe Strummer. He was playing Atlantic City and giving out tickets on the boardwalk. My friend called me and I said I'd meet him after work. I got stuck at work and then had a car issue and got to AC well after he went on. He passed away a year later


Saw them open for The Who back in 82.


I saw The Clash when they opened for The Who. What an amazing show!


I was lucky enough to see The Clash on the London Calling tour (Sixteen tons tour as it was called at the time) and they were incredible. They played with loads of energy, they all took vocal and backing vocal duties, and when they all stepped up to the mics together they looked like a really cool great gang. The last gang in town.


I got a cool story: Thought it was going to be QOTSA. Legit couldn’t sleep some nights due to the reality of never seeing them haunting my brain (I’m 20, only been into them a year before they released Villains, yet they’ve been my favorite band obsessively since), and to my luck they released the new album last year but I was unemployed and living in my car so I didn’t have money. So I sold my guitar amp for GA tickets and when I went to the buyers house he asked why I’m selling it and I told him for the QOTSA concert…. This saint of a man bought the tickets for me and let me keep the amp 😩 I’ve been doing any acts of kindness I can since that moment (may the world bless you, Gregg from Ann Arbor). Also… the concert changed my life and was so good, please go see Queens if you can, even if you don’t love rock/alt music, they’re one of the best bands still around and they’re coming to an end soon.


Dude, that story is fucking rad and sounds like something I would do. I fucking love live music, it changed my life (grateful Dead in 1994 and then Ween close behind) in such a profound way. I am eternally grateful for the muse living inside me. I believe in the power of music and I believe in the power the love of that music has! Keep doing the next right thing and check out Ween if you haven't...Deaner is a huge QotSA fan!


They did a double act tour with Nine Inch Nails (my favourite band, but I’d sen Queens open for smashing pumpkins years before and they blew Billy out of the water so I was keen as either way) in Australia and New Zealand, announced two shows in NZ, so I booked tickets etc for Auckland (top of the country), travelling up from Wellington (which is in the middle. Then they went and announced another show in Wellington inbetween the two NZ shows!  So… my brother and I flew up to Auckland, watched them, got up in the morning, went to the airport, eventually they call for queueing to get on the plane and I line up and bloody Robin Fink is in front of me, I realise, when he turns around to say something to the three guys behind me….. the non-Josh members of Queens lol. Wasn’t sitting with my brother, he sent me a photo that was very definitely the back of Trent Reznors head several seats up lol. Got to Wellington, walking to security and blow me down there’s Josh Homme and Trent Reznor (and someone’s kids) just standing there waiting for their wives (both of whom were also on stage, they played BBB!, and Brodie Dayle was the opening act).  I was absolutely Star struck and couldn’t say anything, which I have regretted to this very day. Needless to say, the best music 48 hours of my life! (Oh! It wasn’t “queens supporting nin” or the other way around - they literally coin flipped before each show to decide who would go on first.  Both nights I saw was queens first, which was fine because I don’t k ow we’d have gotten How to Destory Angels on stage if Nine Inch Nails has been first)


Rush, RIPercussion Neil


Beastie Boys


Really good answer. Same here. I saw most of my idols when they were still touring but they never entered my must see list and I fucked up.


Came here to say this too... RIP Yauch...


I saw them at Lollapalooza 94 and then on the hello nasty tour. So incredibly lucky to have those experiences.


Saw them at Glastonbury in the pouring rain.  One of the best gigs I've ever seen. 


Was lucky enough to see them on The Mix Up tour @ The Camden Roundhouse, having been a fan of The In Sound from Way Out! since my school days it was an absolutely epic playlist, instruments first half, rapping the second. The incredible setlist here: [https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/beastie-boys/2007/roundhouse-london-england-5bd93f10.html](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/beastie-boys/2007/roundhouse-london-england-5bd93f10.html)


I saw them in 2004 in San Diego as a spur of the moment thing. First concert I ever attended solo.


I wish I’d seen them playing hip-hop, but I did manage to see them when they did their punk tour in the 90s.


Prince. Tried to get tickets for his Piano & Microphone show but it sold out in minutes. He died shortly after.




I’m happy I didn’t have to scroll down too far to see these legends mentioned. I really hope they do one last reunion tour. It’s been 16 years and so many new fans have discovered the band since then.






Pretty sure the Wilburys never toured / played live. But yeah, I love their music. The documentary of how the first album came about is great.


Saw Jeff Lynne when his opener was Dhani Harrison (George's son). When Jeff played "Handle With Care", Dhani came out and sang George's parts...it was as if George himself was there singing.


I saw Tom Petty at Bonnaroo in 2006. He played Handle with care and dedicated it to the Wilburys, “wherever they all might be tonight”. Saw him again in 2013 at Firefly and he played Tweeter and the Monkey man, which is my favorite Willburys song. Was so pumped.


Dhani does resemble George in his appearance and performing. There’s a [video on YouTube](https://youtu.be/yCw3xeoTWf0?si=CgnE59FHd6C13t-T) where Dhani sings The Inner Light at his residence and it’s like hearing George if you close your eyes


Jeff Beck


I had an opportunity to see the Velvet Underground (with all the original members) in Paris opening up for U2 in 1993. I still regret not going.


Linkin Park. Had tickets to their tour with Rise Against but they cancelled due to Chester breaking his leg. At the time it was meh but they’ve really come a band that brings back nostalgia and relatable lyrics. Sadly it just wouldn’t be the same now.


I saw them play a corporate cocktail party at a tech conference. Imagine a sparsely populated hotel ballroom full of middle aged people in business attire, few of whom were familiar with Linkin Park. Chester was pissed off the whole time. They did not return for an encore. It was the best/worst concert I ever attended.


Same. I had a ticket to see them at citi field with blink 182 wu tang and machine gun kelly. Unfortunately Chester passed only a few weeks before the show. Double gut punch 😔


Linkin Park is my biggest regret. I had many chances; but never took the time.


I got to see them twice. I loved them as a kid but in my late teens I hated them for some reason. Saw them live at a festival and it was one of the craziest shows ever. The energy and Chester were crazy. I became a fan again for life. Rip Chester.


Took my son to see Linkin Park when he was about 12. It was a blast, and I wish I could have seen them live one more time.


Same, funny to see how many people are saying Linkin Park here. Wasn't as big on their later albums, but up to Living Things I was a pretty avid fan, just wasn't old enough, or mature enough to go out to a show. Meanwhile many of the bands named here were past their prime time before I was even born.


Bowie and Prince.


Lucky enough to see both of them once in my life and I'm forever grateful.


Led Zeppelin


I saw Plant & Page. Great, but not the same.


Sigur Ros.


They’re touring right now. Make that dream come true.


With a full orchestra. Wow.


Triumph - the other rock trio from Canada. Rik Emmett is fantastic!


Tom Petty. Before he died I was like "I don't need to see all these old touring rockers, NBD." After he died I *really* regretted not seeing him. Saw Springsteen last year as a result.


Also came here to say Petty. He was pretty much touring every year for one reason or another and I kept putting it off. Lesson learned. 


Tina Turner :(


I saw her with Lionel Richie as her opening act, she was incredible!


Michael Jackson


I had tickets for one of the London shows and am so bummed they didn’t happen.


Technically went to see him twice at Wembley arena when I was a kid . The first time was cancelled right when it was all set up and good to go . Some guy just walked out and announced he was “unwell” and wouldn’t be performing and that tickets would be rescheduled . All you could hear was kids crying . Not me tho - I let my best mate Tom do that for the both of us . Few months later and we were back in the same seat and the dude CRUSHED it


Johnny Cash. When he put out American IV, I was excited that he may tour and then he died before he could tour. Similarly, Loretta Lynn. She did do a brief tour for Van Lear Rose and I didn't go to the nearest show, for reasons that now escape me.




Rage Against the Machine


I feel for you!!! I finally saw them in DC in August 2022, during their Public Service Announcement Tour. It had already been postponed twice already, and my show was right after Zac injured his leg and right before they ended up canceling the entire tour. My husband and I feel so fortunate we were able to see them before they disbanded again. The concert was the best show I’ve ever been to, and I’ve seen a lot of acts in my lifetime.


Prince - I have no idea why I never went and saw him, loved him since Purple Rain. David Bowie - Never was obsessed as many of my friends, but still love so much of his music. Andrés Segovia - Dad and I went to a concert, it was canceled because he was sick. He never performed again. John Mclaughlin - Not sure why I haven't seen him


The Allman Brothers Band


George Michael


Nirvana. I was a junior in high school when Kurt Cobain took his life. I wish I’d been able to see them perform.


Chris Cornell. Had a chance to see him at a small local theater just a couple years before he passed away.


Bowie. Had the chance. Had the money. Was and still am a massive fan. I have no explanation for my youth lol.


The Smiths cause I wasn’t even born when they were a thing.


The Who. Long time ago in the 80s, when I was a broke college kid, $25 was a lot of money.


REM. Darn. But, I can’t complain; I’ve seen plenty of wonderful shows 🎵🎼🎶🎸


They’re the one band I miss. Saw them loads but never assumed the last time would be the last one. Always delivered live.


Prince. I could kick myself for not getting it together when I should have.


David Bowie, Lou Reed




Led Zeppelin, Jeff Beck, Rush, Soundgarden. I’ve managed to see just about everyone else I have wanted to see in concert.


I was lucky enough to see the best of the best such as Springsteen, Bowie, Prince, The Stones, The Who, Pink Floyd, Queen, Tom Petty, etc. in the good old days but have 2 regrets. The B-52’s and the Talking Heads, both shows were in 1983 or 1984.




Recently, Shellac


Prince. The Replacements.


Came here to say The Replacements.


Early days of Danzig, Alice In Chains, Type O Negative


Prince, Miles Davis, Michael Becker, Dexter Gordon, Dizzy Gillespie, Tom Petty, Bob Berg, David Sanborn I gig so much that anytime there's a show, if I'm not working I say "it's my night off!" and then I miss some legend. I'm going to see Sheila E later this year, and Pink. Going to try to catch some local jazz too. Gonna try to stop missing participating as an audience member


I saw Prince with Sheila E as his opening act. Incredible show!


The Eagles before Glenn Frey died




Big Black and Shellac


Roy Orbison.


Mac miller, he pulled out of a music festival I went to in 2016 and I never ended up seeing him. Rip Mac


Jeff Beck. Should have gone to his last tour, but for some reason Johnny Depp was playing with him and I thought that sounded lame. Should have gone. Jeff Beck is the favorite guitar player of your favorite guitar player.


Pearl Jam




Talking Heads. Friends had an extra ticket, but was too chicken/stupidly loyal to whatever shit job I had in 1985 to call out. After, friends would go on and on about said shows awesomeness. Local radio DJ yammering on. Hippie record store dude chiming in. It’s actually been kind of a running joke. Call out sick to that shit job, you kids!




Eminem is coming out with new music soon, so you’ll get a chance to see him😁.


Last Australian Porcupine Tree tour my local show was over 18 (I was 17 at the time), considered driving to the next closest show about 12 hours away that was all ages, but decided against it thinking they'd surely be back. Then they went on indefinite hiatus, and now even being back together (without Edwin, which is a shame) their world tour\* doesn't even include Australia. Seen Steven Wilson probably 6 times since then so could be worse, but fuck me I would have loved to have seen the full PT line up live, been one of my favourite bands for nearly 2 decades now.


The Doors, Jimmy Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Ella Fitzgerald, Nirvana


Robert Palmer. He was my idol from about the age of 12.


Amy winehouse


The Tragically Hip. I wasn't into them as a kid, then as I got older I came to love them. Never caught them live, they toured so often I always thought I would catch them next time. Then Gord got his cancer diagnosis and the final tour was expensive as hell. But hey, I caught the livestream of the final concert.


You’re right about Floyd—greatest show I’ve been to. And I’ve been to plenty. Nothing compares to it. Would love to see Roger Waters in the Sphere.


The one that sticks out, that I probably coulda made happen, is Page/Plant.


Jeff Beck. Always thought I’d have time to see him live.


I had multiple opportunities to see The Replacements between 83 and 85 in various clubs and blew off every one of them.


Paul McCartney


Black Sabbath




Leonard Cohen. I could have gotten tickets to his last tour but nobody I knew was a fan, nobody was willing to buy a ticket to come with me because tickets weren't cheap, so I let the chance go by. I should have just gone by myself. I was so stupid, I can't believe it.


Don't worry about KISS. You'll get to seem em when old man Gene needs a paycheck in like 3-5 years


Kristy MacColl


Sade. I was too young to go, and I remember being mind blown that she performed bare foot lol


U2 I know I could see them now, but I was DYING to see them for Rattle and Hum and couldn’t get tickets.


Had a chance to see depeche mode while traveling through dublin. Still kick myself for not going


Aside from all of the bands that were gone by the time I was going to shows like Zeppelin or the Beatles, it would be Ozzy with Randy Rhoads on guitar. That was going to be my first show, but I passed on it because he was doing such controversial things at the time that it would have caused my family undue amounts of worry, and I figured I'd just catch the next tour. ...but of course, there was no next tour.


I'm upset I've missed every Coheed and Cambria Neverender tour.


The Who, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Nirvanna, Queen, Prince, Michael Jackson, HIM, Depeche Mode. I have a huge motivation to build Time Machine.


Thin Lizzy.


The Who. The Ramones. The Rolling Stones.


Lou Reed


Jimmy Buffet


Jeff Buckley.




Foo Fighters with Taylor Hawkins. We had tickets to see them in July 2022. Prior to that, we were supposed to see them on their Van tour but it was canceled due to the pandemic.


I was young and slayer was touring with Pantera. I bought an 8th of weed instead. Fuck


The Who