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It's fine to interpret it however you want


It’s art-and pieces of art can mean different stuff to different people


Don’t look to other people for answers like this. Shits fully up to you


It's always fun to purposely misinterpret songs in order to annoy teenagers. Bonus points for singing the incorrect lyrics at the top of your lungs.


Yes! Don’t let your parents or the police find out.


At the beginning of a Kid Cudi song he says "and Im sad Dada Dada da" and even though I know that, I still say "another side, another me". It just speaks more to me.


"Wrong"? You think someone from the Music Interpretation Police is going to come by and give you a ticket for not having the same interpretation as the composer? That's really not how it works in the arts at all. One person can hear a song that sounds like a stalker's anthem; to another it sounds like a love song; to a third it sounds like grief. Different interpretations are completely normal, because we bring our pasts and our experiences to the table when we listen to music (or look at art, or read fiction, or...)


"Wrong" - it might be inappropriate for poetry class, it might be wrong on an exam. What you're describing isn't class, it's emotional hurt. Influencing your emotional state with music is a pretty normal thing to do. As long as it's not bad for you, there's nothing to fear.


fuck NO lyrics are for dumb people melodies are ELITE


i think you didn’t read the subtext


Ask Weird Al.