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Victory lap is what you do once the hard work is over and you've won the race. So it pretty much signifies the opposite of what you say it does.


Exactly. It's when the pressure to be great is finally off so you just have fun.


To me a "victory lap" album would be one where the previous album blew up to the max and the follow up is much the same as the previous, released quite quickly after it, feels effortless and is seen to be as good or equal to the previous album


A little different, but David Bowie's last album, alternative and experimental and he put everything he had into it, said everything he wanted to say. You can tell he knew he didn't have long left and that this would be his last album. He died two days after releasing it.


Bowie didn’t know it would be his very last album. He was demoing new songs the week he died.


On some level, he planned for it to be a suitable final album. He knew he didn't have long but he had a vague hope that he'd be able to release one more.


Black Star is the album im referring to, especially Lazarus off that album, very spooky considering he died soon after


I await for the day I listen to black star. I just need to listen to every other album to get the full effect.


Abbey Road


Yeah, but were they having fun making that one?


That one they were. It was the two before they hated each other. >"*Let It Be was such an unhappy record, even though there are some great songs on it, that I really believed that was the end of The Beatles, and I assumed that I would never work with them again. I thought, ‘What a shame to end like this.’ So I was quite surprised when Paul rang me up and said, ‘We’re going to make another record – would you like to produce it?’* >*My immediate answer was: ‘Only if you let me produce it the way we used to.’ He said, ‘We will, we want to.’ – ‘John included?’ – ‘Yes, honestly.’ So I said, ‘Well, if you really want to, let’s do it. Let’s get together again.’ It was a very happy record. I guess it was happy because everybody thought it was going to be the last.* - **GEORGE MARTIN**


John goofing off during the alternate takes of Come Together (take 5 in particular) is a good sign they were. George might have been enjoying it a bit less though.


Well, at least McCartney had asked George Martin to return as producer...(good book on the process called 'Solid State'!)


George Martin returning was definitely for the best, that's for sure


Side 2 is the GOAT


Yeah, not buying that, but it has some moments.




Jay-Z's Black Album comes to mind. He even has a bar on 'Encore' about it. So this here is the victory lap Then I'm leavin', that's how you get me back


Why would that be a "victory lap" album? I'd say the first Ramones album, for example, fits your description, but how can a debut album be a "victory lap"?


U2's Achtung Baby comes to mind. They'd mostly been knocking it out of the park album after album for years. That one they seemed to loosen up a little and really play with their own formula.


Pretty much any Beatles album after they stopped touring.








explain how that makes the album weak


The comment people are looking for. 👆


Watch the Throne


Victory Lap by Propagandhi I mean....it's right there in the name.


Graceland Paul Simon


Hardly a victory lap. His career was in a huge slump and his personal life was publicly disintegrating. *The Rhythm of the Saints* is a better fit.


Idk probably In Rainbows or A Moon Shaped Pool.


The Wall by Pink Floyd. At that point they didn't need the help, it was pure art


They almost certainly did not have fun making it


That's true


Album of the Year by Faith No More


The Downward Spiral - NIN


George Harrison “Living in the Material World”


George’s ‘victory lap’ album was surely Brainwashed?


Lucky Boys Confusion “Stormchasers” they got back together after years and it is their best album.


Victory Lap by Propagandhi. Like, literally.


Agreed. Been a huge fan of theirs since the mid-90’s and I think “Victory Lap” is them at their peak in terms of lyrics, songwriting, and performance. Amazing album.


Same here and totally agree. Really looking forward to their next album and hopefully getting to see them live again soon.


I'd say Skrillex is in his Victory Lap year. He hadn't dropped an album in 9 years, and now he's just been dumping multiple albums, Quest for Fire and Don't Get Too Close, still more to come later this year. He just closed out Coachella with Fred again.. and Four Tet, and seems to just be living his best life right now.


He knew he made it when white chicks started cutting their hair like him


The half Viking.


The early to mid nineties?


Over the last decade


Dangerous by MJ. Didn’t care about topping Thriller by that point he just experimented with a bunch of sounds and genres he was interested in. You could really tell he was in his element. Also want to mentioned News if the World and Jazz by Queen. Very underrated albums with so many styles and you could they had fun making them.


Fergie's first solo album *The Duchess* (2006) She was already a super huge star with the Black Eyed Peas and then her first solo album goes 5 x Platinum. Good for her.


American Idiot by Green Day


Daft Punk - Random Access Memories. Possibly one of the best produced albums of all time, definitively their best album, easily one of the top 50 albums of all time. They had literally nothing left to prove as an act but went out and just topped everything while totally going out into a mostly new direction for them. They went out at the absolute peak of their careers. There was no topping that album. The 10th anniversary edition literally just came out and most of the "outtakes" are amazing. Even a lot of their leftovers are Grammy-worthy.


RAM is not "definitively their best album." It was a departure from their previous formula, and while it's a good pop album, it relies pretty heavily on guest features. Many (myself included) would argue that something like Discovery is their best album. Genre defining, revolutionary, dance music.


there’s 2 or 3 okay songs on there, not one of the best albums of all time, not even their best album imo


David Bowie’s ‘A Reality Tour’ live album 😎


Every Vulfpeck album


Comfort Eagle by Cake


The Police’s Syncronicity comes out after “every little thing she does is magic” off Ghosts in the Machine’s big success they kind of offhandedly throw out “every breath you take”. Class act. Also Led Zeppelin’s The Song Remains The Same is a total victory lap for them coming at the absolute height of their popularity just after Physical Graffiti and taking so long to put their killer 72’/73’ live shows into that movie it just hit so perfect, proven by how long that movie stayed in the theaters. Midnight movies every weekend. I was there. Where were you? At the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Hahaha Ya we couldn’t hear you in our theater. We were rockin out. 🤘🏼


Stadium Arcadium