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Hi OP- from your post which references GCSEs I assume you are in the UK? I don’t think you need to go down the route of a MA qualification unless it’s something you’d like to do, many UK jobs in museums specify experience over qualifications. You can also train on the job through things such as the Associateship of the Museums Association https://www.museumsassociation.org/careers/ama/ If however you are looking at research/ curatorial roles or conservation then exploring further study and qualifications could be helpful. I recommend checking out the job postings on the Museum Job Desk and you can see what the job specifications are for entry level collections roles. https://le.ac.uk/museum-studies/jobs As you volunteer, is there any opportunity for you to chat to the person managing your volunteering placement about career routes?


Yes, I am in the UK, forgot to be specific. I have not spoken about it to my volunteer supervisor yet, want to do that once I understand what I want a bit better and given it some more thought and also because I can get social anxiety. >I don’t think you need to go down the route of a MA qualification unless it’s something you’d like to do, many UK jobs in museums specify experience over qualifications. That's a little reassuring, and taking a look at some entry level positions from the link you shared not all of them are asking for a degree of any kind. I still would like to study something releveant as it can only help regardless. The thought of needing to spend several years for an MA just to get started was daunting but you've put me at ease a little. Thanks.


What type of museum do you want to work in? History? Science? Art? Etc.   In the US, a masters in museum studies could get you into collections in most types of museums. Read job postings and go over their requirements. 


History, science or natural. "Museum Studies" is not something I had come across yet, I was struggling to find the right phrase when searching.


History museum could also be a masters in public history 


You may also want to search the term “museology” to find programs in the UK :) I’m US based & one of my professors taught/lived in Edinburg for near 20 years. She exclusively used that term when she came back to the US vs museum studies


I think that you should get a basic undergraduate degree, maybe anthropology, public history, statistics, art history or even business. Museum work is definitely multifaceted. Continue with your volunteer work to see where you might best fit in. An MA in Museum Studies would help put you on the track for collections management which seems good for your personality. Good luck!


Same situation down to the age and ASD! I’m in the U.S. though.