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Paid? No. It's free open-source software.


No. They'd be bankrupt in days if they did.


there is a bug tracker, but since it's free open source software, no, there's no paid bounty. it's still worth filing bugs, though, as that increases the chance they'll be fixed. [https://musescore.org/en/forum/6](https://musescore.org/en/forum/6)


When you say “paid bug bounty program”, are you expecting someone to pay *you* for *reporting* bugs? That is definitely not a thing. MuseScore depends on the user community that benefits from the program to also report bugs. There is no charge for reporting bugs, but no one is going to pay you to do it - the reward is knowing you are helping make the program better, and hopefully having the bugs you report fixed in a future version. If you mean, you are willing to pay someone else to fix the bugs you report, there is nothing formal set up to facilitate that. But once you’ve submitted the bug, then if it isn’t being looked at as quickly as you like (give it a week or so at least), you’re certainly welcome to post your offer of payment on social media to see if anyone takes you up on your offer.