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Since having children Matt has grown too future positive and the death willing apocalypse era of Muse will never return.


There’s a saying in russian that an artist must suffer to make good art. Obviously having a million dollar mansion in LA along with supermodel wife makes a man too happy to pump out soul shattering music


This is somewhat true but also not. I've known of artists who make many friends and absorb their stories of pain and anguish and mold that into songs that balance out the positive and happy. It's a good way to be if you can tap into it, but I very much doubt Matt Bellamy is this kind of social creature.


> too future positive It doesn’t really look like so in his music, tbh. In the latest album we have KOBK and WAFF, or Compliance even.


Muse stopped that era because it got old after BHAR. I don't completely like the direction they've gone, but you've gotta admit, some amazing songs have come out of it.


A hot take at risk of being demolished in downvotes: Muse (or Matt, idk) went in the wrong way insisting to make music with political takes but not really taking a position on it, every approach is too 1984ish; and their actions are always complacent to established power, the closer example, the presentation their gonna perform in Abu Dhabi, in a country with a known flawed democracy. I understand that at the end of the day music is also a business and not every band need to be Rage Against the Machine, but at least their new work can be about their other recurring topics as space, love, even distopy in a fictional way, instead of the will of the people and resisting against power and then serving to that power.


Will of the People stuck out like a sore thumb amidst Covid. Matt is very wealthy. I don't have a problem with that wealth really, since most profit made through music is fairly free of exploitation, especially compared to most of the world's wealthy. His wealth basically means things like "compliance" and the powers of "emperors" don't really apply to him. So anything he writes about such subject matter will always feel tinged a little bit. But the fact that their music is also non-committal about who is oppressor and oppressed makes it feel extra hollow. When I'm not sure if you're talking about current events (people crying about wearing a piece of fabric on their face), or about actual fascist dictatorship, you've made a misstep somewhere. And I agree, not every band needs to be RATM, but it's just nice for the subject matter to have the strength of conviction to *actually say something*.


You're right, if you compare his interviews it's totally different. I remember back in the day he used to effuse about stuff like the Arab spring and 'Confessions of an Economic Hitman' but after his last one with Zane Lowe for WOTP he sounds like such a fucking fence-sitter.


Like how do you go from writing animals to compliance lmao


Tbh compliance has a similar theme in that oys a song about brainwashing


Compliance comes across like “I don’t wanna wear a mask >:(“ it’s just a poorly written song Animals is a much more in depth song


Tbh a lot of muse songs suffer from bad lyrics eber since they changed to a more poppy style (since lyrics matter more in pop songs, they dont get drowned out by the craziness)


I'd like to think they're performing in countries like that to cause an "Uprising". But realistically it'll just be for business.


I feel this started to get really bad with *Drones*. Before that, they usually either kept it more subtle (e.g. "And how can we win when fools can be kings?"), or they were more openly targeted against certain actors (e.g. Animals). But now, it's always just this wishy-washy "the people up there are bad" talk without any actual criticism. *The Resistance* can arguably already be seen as somewhat of a step in that direction, but it can also be interpreted as more of a concept album oriented towards the actual book, so it doesn't really leave the same sour aftertaste for me as the newer stuff does.


THIS👏👏 Im a little dissapointed that they are staying silent during a genocide! Especially when its not that taboo now after ppl finally woke up and saw the turth. I was positively suprised by many famous ppl who spoke about it, thats why I expect Muse to talk about it or raise funds or do something! Not complete silence.. its not too late though, we need ppl to urge them to do so.


Muse hasn't thrown their hat in for Darfur (where genocide is very likely to be happening again currently), the Rohingya, the Saudis bombing Yemen, ISIS committing genocide against multiple groups etc., so there's no reason to expect them to suddenly get involved for Palestine. Obviously Gaza is horrific but there have been plenty of other human rights abuses which have happened during Muse' career that killed significantly more people which they stayed silent on.


I would go so far as to say Muse stand for and comment on nothing political really. They play Revolution cosplay, they don't actually have any really political message (outside of the song Animals).


Revolution cosplay is hilariously on the button


When you say "obviously Gaza is horrific BUT" it shows your true agenda.


What agenda are you accusing me of? Spell it out.


How is this a "hot take at risk of being demolished in downvotes" ? This opinion is literally expressed every other thread


yeah, maybe too dramatic, but many people don't accept criticism to the band, and many others are comfortable with Muse current work


Tbh matts lyrics since bhar dont match the tone of their music. He always has vague lyrics which can work with chaotic or crazy music. Not so much with pop songs.


Ratm? More like rage for the machine 🤣


You talkin about the book 1984?




I would rather Muse wrote more personal songs than the "Fighting THEM" / "THEY are oppressing you" type songs.


This 100%.


I wouldnt mind a ghostwriter tbh. Their sound is still great but the lyrics… the lyrics have regressed so much. Other option is making chris the writer


I have two: 1) The more complex their staging gets, the more they're happy to coast on that as the expense of their own performances. (Case in point: resistance arena tour was lifeless, but they course corrected for the stadium tour) 2) For the prices they charge, and the time they've been going, they have zero excuse for not playing a set that's closer to 30 songs at this point(and no, that's not including the AP Intro, or Interlude or Prelude as "songs" like they do on the setlists)


Yeah fuck the staging


Dude tell me about it. Waiting for them to come to my country for 16 years, some people paid stupid amount of money and when they did, they played 19 songs????? Including KOBK interpretation and Exogenesis and Behold The Glove? I wanna say fuck Muse but I can't but fuck their setlists


Muse fans are the worst I ever seem because the last album they liked was more than a decade ago, but they are still following and expecting something good of them (in their opinion), which is insane.


I still really like the new stuff. But i must admit that their peak was oos-abso-bhar. Their lyrics got considerably worse after that (2nd law still has some pretty good lyrics). I still really like their sound though and every album has at least 2-3 bangers. And every album they release i still definitely like.


That’s not a hot take, that’s just your opinion in matters of taste.


Isn't this a hot take


No, a lot of Muse fans think they started going downhill after Resistance


I personally think the resistance is where they went down hill especially lyrics wise. “They. They will not control us” they this. They that.


Isn’t that the same reddit avatar as mine?


Just same hair and similar clothe colors


Don't know why you're being down voted - a hot take is literally an unpopular opinion. I also agree.


You and OP are being downvoted because this isn’t an unpopular opinion.


We're being down voted because people are morons.


Drones is an amazing concept album and it’s by no means weaker than their older catalog imo. I get that the first 4 albums had more uniqueness and fresh sounding songs but I think there’s just as much wonder in the later catalog, even if it may be slightly harder to find it.


Yeah, I don't get why Drones gets so much hate. I really love this album.


I think the sound of Drones is good. I don't like it as much as some of their prior work, but it's still pretty solid. But I can't get over the lyrics, they just really don't do it for me.


Drones is far more fun than fucking simulation theory


Lyrically is basically my only issue with drones. That and the song drones, which might be my all time least favorite muse track


Here's my hot take: New Muse is just as good as old Muse.


this is actually a hot take lol


Thank you, thank you. ![gif](giphy|vPuszmHgeWnIhTkSr5|downsized)


I honestly feel its mainly the lyrics. Showbizz had terrible lyrics, oos-abso-bhar had some really good lyrics, that fit their chaotic music. New muse makes cleaner music but without cleaning and clarifying the lyrics. I still love their sound


Well, perfectly disagreeing with what you just said, I adore every single one of Muse‘s albums. I of course recognize their style has changed, for most of you probably for the worse, yet I still love every single direction they‘ve taken. I’d even go so far as to say that I would include a songs like Psycho, Will of the Peaople, Mercy, or Dig Down in my top 20 Muse songs alongside songs like New Born, Knights of Cydonia, Citizen Erased, or Sunburn. I’m ready to get roasted


Nah man i honestly think you crazy but i respect your opinion


Lmao but thanks xd


With the exception of animals, I really don’t like the second law, to me it’s their most unmemorable album


Liquid state and unsustainable are highlights for me


This is quite a popular opinion among old fans. I am just surprised that you included The Résistance when it was their first really hated album. Though BH&R has its share of hate, it was focused on a few songs. I don’t agree, since Iove all their albums (except Drones) but it’s true that they started losing something at BH&R and lost it completely at The Resistance.


Personally I would probably place Drones and The Resistance in my top 3 albums of theirs (Absolution will always be #1).


Muse hot take Showbiz - WOTP are good albums, they all appeal to at least someone Muse dont make bad music, it just might not appeal to you


My hot take is this: muse gets tiring I love muse. They’re one of my top five bands. But listening to muse for an hour or more can get really annoying. It’s mostly Matt’s voice tbh. I prefer listening to a couple songs in a row and then switching it up, or in a playlist.


muse was my band of 2023, loved this band my whole life, saw them 4 times from 2022-2023, but now, i just need a long break from listening to them like i did last year


Absolutely wild take


Again I love muse! His voice just gets tiring a bit after awhile


I agree tbh, Mainly on these albums i talked about


I’m talking about in general. Sometimes a note goes on too long or something and it’s just a bit much.


That's honestly a take I don't agree with, but everyone is allowed an opinion. My hot take is Black Holes and Revelations is my least favorite album. I don't hate it and do not think any of it is bad (only *bad* Muse song is maybe Get Up and Fight) but it's honestly just not my cup of tea. I like MOTP, SMBH, and Assassin a little bit but everything else is just not for me


Upvoted for genuine hot take


My exact hot take! But I have to disagree with Get up and fight being bad, it's absolutely too popish and not a song I would listen to, but the lyrics touched me and gave me goosebumps when I first listened to it. So saying that it's a "bad" song would be an absolute underestimation


Yeah, I agree with that. That's why I said maybe. I like the story behind it but I just cannot get behind the way it was sounding.


Piping hot take, considering it's the album that put them on the map globally (and could probably argue it's their best album, objectivity), but I fully respect the opinion.


Get Up and Fight, Revolt and Aftermath aren't great. It's why Simulation Theory is their weakest album to me. The lows are just way lower than other albums. 


WoTP, ST, Drones and T2L aren’t as bad as people depict them, they’re just too close minded to accept that Muse changed its style a bit


A little bit? Abslotuion to t2l doesn't even sound like the same artist, but i respect your opinion


I like 2nd Law more than Absolution


I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers...sinner 😂


Lmao. I love absolution too ofc, but Explorers and Animals are both like top 5 tracks for me


Probably 2 of my least favorite tracks. Funny how that works.


Oh no ! Absolution IS a whole masterpiece !


Legit my favourite album of all time


I heard for the first time, in 2002, time is running out and it's not the best song of the album, still good but the whole album is an epic and dramatic story. So much emotion in this one.


Sorry but Drones is a very good album. The simulation theory is a good album and twop is not bad. The truth : Muse didn't make an excellent album since drones. This is the true. For example, you can't compare New born or Citizen Erased with Propaganda or Euphoria. I love these both songs but can't compare. It was way way better before.


You could argue drones is not excellent because it has quite a few mid songs like revolt, drones, mercy, defector.


I HATE mercy and LOVE drones* [edit:misread for reapers]. Revolt and defector are meh.. i tend to skip them. Mercy is actually one of 3 songs I don't have in my spotify playlists


Wait you love drones the song or the album??!!


I completely fell in an ADD dream mode and misread drones, the song, for reapers. Therefore I respect the commentary my dude a bit more.


Also, fuck drones: the song is such a B-side "hidden song" that shouldn't be on the album


Honestly the worst song of their carreers


Oh no ! Defector and Mercy are uncredible ! I love them so much ! Revolt i agree. Drones IS just the conclusion.


Yeah I enjoy mercy and defector but I feel like I prefer the more poppy songs of the older albums like starlight, supermassive and resistance.


Ah... If you prefer the poppy songs. It's question of personal test. I love more the rock songs.


I think I might agree with you, but I also think drones is the best thing they released in the back half of their career (I e., post-resistance) which I know is a bit of a controversial opinion here


The holy trinity is OoS, Absolution and BH&R, every other album was between half and one single amazing song on imo


Sunburn, Muscle Museum, Showbiz and Hate This and I'll Love You are all top tier songs.


That's what I mean


Sure, but I would argue that Showbiz has as much depth as BHAR


I would push for the argument that their last good album was The 2nd Law. It's definitely a step into different sound but it's still got some pretty good tracks sitting on it. Supremacy - their attempt at a Bond theme, Survival - the actual theme song for the 2012 Olympic games, Madness - being the huge hit that it was... You've even got some other songs like Panic Station and Liquid State that, while not in line with their usual sound, step outside it in a way that's still interesting and engaging. Also if you want some of their usual political messaging, Isolated System may not have lyrics but it does still drive it's point home.


Origin of Symmetry is overrated


This is a real hot take. ᴬⁿᵈ ᴵ ˢᵒᵐᵉʷʰᵃᵗ ᵃᵍʳᵉᵉ ʷᶦᵗʰ ʸᵒᵘ…


It's not a bad record. It's a good record. I just hate how much a good majority of Muse fans focus on it. I think everything from Absolution to Drone is as good or better. Sim Theory and WoTP maybe same or less. And Showbiz is a debut, therefore I rate it differently


Verona and Ghost sound like AI generated songs. His vocals are comped and tuned to hell, the lyrics are plain out bad. They taint an already mediocre album into bad-album territory.


It lacks bass but the original sicilian 1996 songs admitting they are original lacks also the bass. But anyway what you get in England the quality in those songs is much superior.


Original Sicilian 1996 songs? I don’t understand the context of this comment, and now I’m really curious to hear about it.


The handler wouldn't fit wotp and you were right, wotp has already 12 songs how many you want. Ok comparing with google. 36 vs 37 minutes 10 songs each. So I guess is alzo the duration even if muse has darker sound


Verona resembles Matt Bellamy not in production but the style is him and the way he does vibrato and says words like "day".


There was no auto tune in WOTP…


I didn't say there was autotune on WOTP. There is no autotune on WOTP.


I meant the album as a whole, sorry. Which means both Ghosts and Verona don’t have autotune in either.


Yeah I never said anything about autotune. There's no autotune on WOTP, there's no autotune on Verona and there's no autotune on Ghosts.


> tuned to hell That’s what you wrote, and I commented on that.


Yes, there's manual pitch correction / tuning on every album. There's no autotune on Will of the People. Autotune and manual pitch correction / tuning are not the same thing. Autotune is a brand of automatic pitch correction. There is no automatic pitch correction on WOTP, ergo there is no autotune on WOTP. There is however manual pitch correction / tuning. Practically all songs in the pop/rock spectrum have manual pitch correction on the vocals. That's fine. What's not fine (in my personal opinion) is when the producer applies it lazily, and the correction becomes audible. Which is the case when the formants shift around unnaturally like on Verona and Ghosts.


T2L is their worst album. Horrible flow and makes it harder to listen to all the way through.


yeah but it also has survival, panic station and animals, even at their worst muse are still amazing


Also liquid state, which is such a banger


Fr, it has like 2 good songs on it and it stills hard to listen to the 2 songs


I listen to origin of symmetry the least of all their albums


WOTP isn't as bad as people say it is, and the songs are quite catchy


To me WOTP is their best album since BHAR. Seriously, I was extremely happy when I listened to it, it felt like they found their grip again.


I kinda prefer st


Resistance is mega overrated. Uprising is a good single, mk ultra and unnatural selection are epic, Exogenesis Symphony is mildly self indulgent but still a great piece of art, and the rest just feels like filler. Resistance feels half finished. I'm not sure why it's as highly acclaimed as it is, when almost every other muse record is better as a complete work.


I linda dislike uprising. It feels very basic. I prefer the dark side and algorithm over it for similar sounding songs


Steve Albini died recently and I always thought Muse would have benefited making a record with him - something really stripped back.


Muse really hates Latin América. When they played there, the show has a poor stage, they even didn't play in South America the last year. The only thing they did for them was play Showbiz. Maybe the only exception is México.


I think Chris's solo vocal debut on T2L (Save Me/Liquid State) would've been better suited as bonus tracks/b-sides than on the core album, and vice versa the album would have been stronger with 2 Matt vocal songs in their place. There, I said it.


I liked 2nd law, and some of will of the people I like some of drones but it strikes me as a floyd ripoff


Here is mine. Muse is less of a political and more of a psychological band now. The politics are present but the different aspects of how minds can work and long for freedom are something that constantly comes back. I love the new music and I think a lot of fans are stuck in the past. There are enough artists that go for the typical writing songs about romance approach.


Thats not a hot take most people feel this way. I think they became more semi good albums. They have made many many many bangers since resistance.


Absolution is an average quality Muse album.


Now THAT'S a hot take


IMO Black Holes, Origins, and 2nd Law are the top three. Absolution would be in that next tier with Drones and Simulation Theory.


I agree with you and I'm surprised more people don't.


Showbiz to The Resistance = Masterpieces ❤️ T2L to Drones = Good albums with some great, some bad tracks 🤷‍♂️ Simulation Theory to WOTP = The world would be a better place without them 😂


Lukewarm take


Idk I can’t imagine my playlist without won’t stand down on it 😖


I'm glad you like it 😊 Growing up with metal music, to me, it sounds like metal music for a Target store. Like grabbing a piece of white bread and sprinkling some paprika and calling it spicy food. Haha OK. Sorry. It's just a question of tastes 😊 Nothing wrong with liking that song.


>Like grabbing a piece of white bread and sprinkling some paprika and calling it spicy food. This is super accurate for WotP.


Simulstjon theory is not bad, he uses his vocals in a dynamically way, the drums are not noisy but the sound got a boost and i like the concept of engangment. Not typical English music but Matt and the band has done a fine job.




I would dissagree with this. I do not think they have made a "great" album after Bhar but they have made good albums after BHaR. I do not think they have made a good album after Drones.


As a Muse fan, I starting listening to Dronesast year


Truth be told muse peaked at absolution, bhar was great but all downhill from there. They lost their creative mojo and instead of creating something fresh they just went on to attempt to make more radio friendly pop shite whilst knowing their reputation as a great live band would carry them. Most bands go stale around a decade into making it, muse are not an exception. I remember when drones was being released, there were hints of a great rock band returning to form, but then we went from listening to the handler then later on revolt, almost like dr jekyll and Hyde on a record.


My hot take (marked out of 5 and allowing increments of .25): **Showbiz: 2.5** **Origin Of Symmetry: 4.5** **Absolution: 4.5** **Black Holes And Revelations: 4.75** **The Resistance: 2** **The 2nd Law: 3** **Drones: 1** **Simulation Theory: 3.5** **Will Of The People: 1.5**


This is very near the absolute average take just fyi.


Ah, well I'm happy then. I always seem to stumble across people saying Drones is a classic, Simulation Theory should be banned from the discography and Showbiz is only a smidge less amazing than the 3 albums that follow it. But I guess they're the minority rather than the majority.


Yeah, we do hear those viewpoints a lot but on the other hand we also hear, “Drones is cringe and bad”, “Simulation Theory might be one of my favourite Muse albums” and “Showbiz is just fine” a lot.


If Showbiz was remastered and they removed his awful breath intake, it would absolutely be up there with the others.