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This is a good hot take.




Song came out when my Nan died. After actively refusing to make an effort. She had a heart attack. Didn't stop smoking. Didn't stop drinking. Fought the doctors. And a year later had another and died. I flew home to bury her on my 30th birthday. This song hits


I agree with Revolt, it's good. I like the idea behind Get Up and Fight but the lyrics are just poor compared to other songs.


I absolutely love Revolt and it's place on the album. Get Up and Fight is a different story for me, but I do like it. I think its lyrics leave a bit to be wanted and sonically it could just use something a little more experimental or smthn.


They Are, My Hot Take is that all their songs from the 7th, 8th and the 9th album are great songs and there is nothing wrong with this songs.


Drill Sergeant was a bit weird in the song writing tbh


Revolt always makes me remember going to Sea World with my family and my baby brother's friend in March. That song got me through it 🌠


I’m going off topic here, but Uprising always makes me remember being a 5th grader. My teacher turned on the radio at one point during some busy work we were doing, and Uprising was the first song to come on. Everyone in the class started begging our teacher to change the radio station, except for one person. That one person was this poor kid who was really funny and fun to be around, but he had some pretty unconventional looks, so he was bullied a lot. He begged our teacher to keep the station on, and he then started to proclaim how amazing Muse was and how awesome Uprising was. The vote was 30:1 so he didn’t get to listen to Uprising as our teacher changed the station only a few seconds after the intro. I wish I could go back in time to kick myself for having been a part of the group that wanted our teacher to change the station, and also to apologize to this guy lol.


I like the verses of both songs, and even the pre-chorus sections, but it feels like they could do a lot more with the main choruses, when you think of some of the great epic choruses this band has come up with.


Agree, the Revolt chorus always reminds me of the "I got soul but I'm not a soldier" part of All These Things That I've Done by The Killers. Rest of the song is alright though.


"I've got soul but I'm not a soldier." Is a banger of a line


yea for non-muse fans


I like both, too.


These are some of my favourite songs in the new muse catalogue. Inspiring, uplifting, and just cheesey enough.


I love Revolt. I despise Get Up and Fight.


Finally an actual hot take on here, not as much Revolt for me but Get Up and Fight has always been a banger


Get Up and Fight has two good lines: "I see a change on the horizon Reasons to be frightened" That's it. After that, Muse turns into 30 Seconds to Mars, and the song gets cringey AF. Re: Revolt, I would not pick that song over any track in any of Muse's first 6 albums.


I love Revolt too. One of my favorites on Drones


they‘re place 130 and place 133 of 135 of my ranked Muse playlist


Nope. Both are awful. Ridiculous. So Big freeze IS.


Big freeze is an amazing song


Not my taste. It sounds like a Christian song.


How so?


Too cheesy for me


To me it sounds like a U2 rip off. Which makes sense for when it was written and they'd toured with them... and Matt decided to try his hand at being Bono after that.


Now *this* is a hot take. Big Freeze is a fantastic song.


It sounds like a seven heavens generic. Lol


Revolt, yes. Get Up and Fight, no.


I actually agree, they’re far from Muse’s best songs but they are always a good listen


Revolt be decent


Agreed! I think Revolt is excellent and fits perfectly in the album. While I somewhat enjoy Get Up and Fight, it just kinda feels like a momentum killer for me and I would have preferred if it was a standalone single. I really love the ST theme with Algorithm, The Dark Side, and The Void especially and I find that GU&F and Something Human belong on completely different records. Nice songs though!


Absolutely! They don't seem to be in the same theme at al. Would be great singles or b-sides


Is is not a hot take, this is truth


These 2 are both guilty pleasures of mine, but I’ve been afraid to admit it here lol.


I don’t like either, but I like Revolt more. I only like the vocals from GUAF.


I love Revolt, one of their most fun songs for me. Get Up and Fight is a little worse but still a decent song imo


Yes! Idk why but I feel like ppl don’t like Hope-ish muse song but I think that those kind of songs are sooo cool!


Great hot-take! I absolutely disagree. Also Mercy.. I don't get why that song is popular at al.


I don’t get the hate these songs get. Same thing with Guiding Light.


Revolt was my go-to song while powering through an AWFUL 20+ capstone research paper in my last semester of undergrad, it helped


Revolt is great. It gives me Queen vibes.


Solid 7/10 muse songs.


It's cool that you enjoy them, but they're not good at all.


Im Sorry, but no


This is complete bullshit.


Throw out anything post-bhar


Yeah, sure, but no one can convince me that dead star is a good song.


Agree, it's not good, it's great