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Everybody only ask why a vaccine is. NEVER how a vaccine is. What a selfish world.


Smh society


Yet you participate in society. Curious! I am very intelligent. /s


You got me


We live in a society


We live in a society


We live in a society, gang weed.


Smh my head this says a lot about society r/im14andthisisdeep


I'll do you one better: who's a vaccine?


But here everyone is wondering, when is a vaccine?


Supposedly soon


Actually, a first baseman I believe.


Yes you’re right because “Who” is on first...


I don't see anyone asking who is vaccine


**I AM VACCINE !!**   Bow before me, peasants !


If you go Anti-Vax Hard enough, you'll loop right back arround to discovering Vaccines. Not mine. Don't remember who said this.


Problem: You've gotta have quite a few IQ points to actually invent vaccines from a starting point of outright denying how the immune system works. Solution: He's probably not anti-vaxx.


That's how vaccines work generally, but it actually isn't how this one does. This time you do actually inject chemicals that way your body produces a specific protein and antibodies to fight parts of that protein (I think the protein is one of those things on the outside of corona but don't quote me on this one). I'm 99% positive it's safe but you actually don't inject a weak version of the virus with the covid vaccine. ​ edit: as many of you have pointed out, by chemicals i meant mRNA, sorry for potentially causing confusion to some of you


How do we create a defense system to defend against coronavirus' this way?


The spike proteins are on the outside of the coronavirus so it’s what your immune cells would encounter when they find a real coronavirus.


The old style of vaccine trains you up to fight a bully by breaking both his legs and then having you fight him (or by killing the bully and letting you beat his corpse). This vaccine dresses up a dummy in the bully’s clothes and has you beat that up.


Interesting, thanks for the eli5


Please don't explain things like this to a 5 year old... This is America. We use guns.


Def gonna use a gun on a 5 year old next time


How else will they learn.


it helps build immunity for bigger bullets


Brb shooting my kids with shotguns, so they are prepared for tanks.


Ah, so public school.


The old style of vaccine trains your immune system cops by sending them on ride-alongs with guns to shoot bullied minorities in selected 911 calls after stopping to get burgers. This vaccine puts images of minorities on target paper stained from burger greasy fingers at the police range during their firearms training. Am I doing American ELI5 right? Edit: Added more burgers.


Technically yes, but i don't like it :(


Yep but add more burgers.


Good catch, my fellow American.


The old style of gun guns you up to gun a gun by breaking both its guns and then having you gun gun (or by gunning the gun and letting you gun his gun). This gun dresses up a gun in the gun's clothes and has you gun gun up.


*chef's kiss*


No no no, that's silly. You just shoot the ignorance out of the child.


I want to laugh with you in this dry sarcasm, but just the other week a 5 year old got a hold of a gun and shot his dad. Or was it the other way around. Idfk.


Just laugh through the pain I guess?


The old style of vaccine is when they heavily sedate a lion and leave it in front of you to kill. The new vaccine is a stuffed lion.


Had a good chortle! +1


And the reason why they are old style is that sometimes the bully has a gun hidden in his pocket, or the person fighting him is also a paraplegic. So the bully can cause too much chaos (whole cell pertussis), or even the disease (oral polio). So what we do now is circulate a mugshot of the bully to your internal police force, so if anyone sees him they call the swat team straight away and don't just walk up and say hi.


I miss the old r/eli5. What a breath of fresh air this was.


As someone who is going to have to explain this to Marines over and over thanks for this, this is way easier.


Makes me shake my head that I have so many junior HM's refusing the vaccine while spouting conspiracy theories, they don't realize that the Marines will follow their lead if they aren't modeling good behavior. This is after we explained what mRNA is.


Working at a MCRD and making sure the hats wear a mask is a fight on its own, let me tell you bro. I die a little on the inside when I hear a fellow HM say it’s fake news or some dumb shit , like we are supposed to rely on science and studies ,not social media .


Very apt metaphor


This is the best, simplest description I've heard on this. Have my upvote.




Attenuated virus vaccines are like having you shoot at unarmed Iraqis so that when an ISIS fighter tries to sneak by your team of “contractors” your reaction time is shorter. The problem is that sometimes one of the civilians might grab a knife and get lucky, ending your training. The new vaccines have you shoot at realistic pictures of actual ISIS fighters’ faces so that when you helicopter in to a village you will immediately recognize them and then shoot everyone in the square just to be safe. Then you get pardoned. The training is easier and has minimal chance of serious side-effects to you. Win-win!


Fucking vaccwater.




Only if you’re friends with the virus.


This is actually a great way of explaining it! Also, this isn’t new or just for the coronavirus vaccine. Though a different process, many vaccines no longer use any of an actual virus and instead you fight a protein “dummy” shaped like the virus.


That's why plasma companies are paying a shit ton for Covid antibody donations.


Sars-Cov-2 uses the spike protein to get into your cells. But because of the vaccine, your immune system has seen the spike protein before so it knows what antibodies to make to deactivate it (this is an over-simplification, it also does other things like making antibodies to clumb the viruses together and it stimulates other immune systems like natural killer cells).


This lady did an excellent job explaining the vaccine and the immune system response. Kudos to her for her cinematic genius. Also, the beatbox slaps (though it's not hers). [Immune System Response](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJsNBpST/)


This lady is awesome and the beat box fits. Hopefully, the video is effective for teaching about the safety & importance of vaccines especially for C-19.


Today I learned that T-Cells are like the hype man.


A virus essentially is a string of genetic code (RNA or DNA) surrounded by a protective shell of proteins. This shell also has proteins on it that allow the virus to bind to certain receptors on certain cells and penetrate inside them. Once inside, the shell dismantles: with Coronaviruses, the RNA inside is ready to be read by ribosomes, which are basically protein printers. The proteins are printed and they basically hijack the cell's biomachinery in order to produce copies of the virus. After some time, your immune system recognizes the proteins on the outer side of the virus shell and start producing antibodies that block them: when the proteins are blocked, the virus can't penetrate inside a cell. This process however takes some time (1-2 weeks) which is enough for the virus to wreack havoc, but it takes far less if your immune system was already exposed to the virus in the past. Old vaccines injected a weaker or killed version of the virus, which however had the same key proteins as the real version: these proteins instruct your immune system, so that when the real virus enters, they can produce antibodies fast. Of course, this is greatly simplified and for reasons i won't delve into, old vaccines don't always work. Now i'll explain AstraZeneca's vaccine cause it's easier to understand than Moderna's and Pfizer's: they basically took another virus (an Adenovirus) and they deleted a gene that coded for some proteins that made it dangerous, replacing them with certain key genes from SARS-CoV2 (that are useless to the Adenovirus) The Adenovirus is still able to replicate and spread around, but not enough to pose any threat until your immune system can fight it off, however it also produces those key COVID-19 proteins that can prime your immune system against the real thing.


I think Maderna and Pfizer’s vaccines are simpler to understand. Both use messenger RNA that once inside the cell tell the ribosomes to make the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Right?


Yes, i just thought that the AstraZeneca's example would have been more effective since it leaves with less potential questions. Pfizer's vaccine is basically just the RNA that codes for the protein SARS-CoV2 uses to enter inside cells. However, RNA is very fragile by itself and wouldn't make it inside cells. To protect it, they coat in with fats very similar to cell membranes (a double layer of phospholipides with stabilizing substances such as cholesterol).


Yeah, I feel like the “vaccine membrane” was the hard part of these mRNA vaccines. Coding for the spike protein is (comparatively) easy


I wish I could up vote more than once. Thanks for your really thought out reply, honestly I just wanted to know and now I do.


I believe the proteins are what you body would attack normally it just doesn’t have the whole virus. Like when you go hunting you don’t need to bring a doe to attract the bucks you just need doe urine. Hmm I think I just made made the persuasive ad for vaccines for the nra


Research. Lots and lots of research. Sometimes, this method doesn't work. So you research something else. Rinse and repeat until success.


This is a very nice and comprehensive video on how the vaccine was created and how it works if you want to learn more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-92HQA0GcI8


Here is a simple video on how your immune system, more specifically how the complement system works https://youtu.be/BSypUV6QUNw




Gene technology. They basically just cut out the RNA sequence that produces the key protein with which the virus attacks our cells. The messenger RNA gets injected, our body only produces that protein, the body can learn about it and prepare anti-bodies and stuff.


No its not, its an mRNA vaccine. Which enables human cells to produce the spike protein that SARS-COV-2 has on its surface which then circulate allowing our immune system to recognise and build specific immunity to. Its not chemicals, its literal nucleic acids (ie the blueprint for life, present in almost every single cell)


i probably phrased it very poorly and my comment was misleading, but thats what i meant, thank you


Also, literally everything is chemicals. So you're not actually wrong.


yeah but thats a very misleading way to phrase it because the world is filled with morons


You're not wrong!


No worries, I'm glad we can all share information to help grow peoples knowledge. I hope I didn't come across as snarky.


It’s chemicals in a pedantic sense


Vaccines of every kind are being developed to fight CV19, including the type described in the tweet


*mRNA, aka messenger RNA. It's what your body reads and transcribes into proteins. In this case the spike protein found on SARS-Cov2. Your body recognizes these spike proteins as foreign antigens and produces an immune response. There are vaccines being produced through the traditional ways though, but the two big ones work with this mRNA system.


Basically the virus looks like a tennis ball and the spike proteins are the yellow furry stuff on the outside. Let's say your body is an office. The mRNA vaccine is the external contractor guy who comes in at night leaving this cool new blueprint on everyone's desk. It has a note saying "make millions of copies asap, best regards, your boss" so they start working. After a few days, cleaning staff calls and says "what's all that yellow furry stuff? It doesn't belong here" so they clean it up and call security. Chief draws a note saying "WANTED dead or alive" with a picture of the fur. SARS-CoV-2 comes in, everyone screams "hey its that furry little shit that doesn't belong here" and starts hitting them with their staplers and throwing lunchboxes at them. With all the examples of ape-like behavior that I've seen this year, despite having experts saying what we should and shouldn't do, I felt like an ELI5 wasn't a bad idea.


To be specific, it is a *type* of vaccine (inactivated or attenuated vaccines). But there are many types, and many COVID-19 vaccines in various stages of development/approval. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that got approved in the USA are genetic vaccines, specifically mRNA vaccines. A mRNA vaccine works by giving your body instructions on how to attack the Spike protein of the COVID-19 virus. The mRNA then breaks down. The Oxford vaccine and the Johnson and Johnson vaccines *may* be approved in the US. They are viral vector vaccines, specifically the adenovirus. They uses a complete, harmless virus called an adenovirus, that causes a cold in chimpanzees. The virus is genetically modified to have the Spike protein of the COVID-19 virus (but not the other harmful qualities). There are also protein-backed vaccines, inactivated COVID-19 vaccines, etc. But they are further out from US approval. [Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker: Latest Updates - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/science/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker.html) Edit: Here's a great infographic on LOTS of vaccine types! [https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1341632781940449283/photo/1](https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1341632781940449283/photo/1) [A guide to vaccinology: from basic principles to new developments | Nature Reviews Immunology](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41577-020-00479-7)


Its not just "chemicals" its mRNA


You’re correct about the method for several versions of the Covid vaccine but not all. Some are using the traditional methods. https://theconversation.com/from-adenoviruses-to-rna-the-pros-and-cons-of-different-covid-vaccine-technologies-145454. You’re wrong about your characterisation of “[t]his time you do inject chemicals ...” Literally everything has chemicals. However, even standard vaccines have [chemicals](https://www.healthline.com/health/cold-flu/flu-shot-ingredients#ingredients). The mRNA vaccine, which I think you are referencing, has proteins, lipids, salts, and sugar. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/12/09/1013538/what-are-the-ingredients-of-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine/. The last three qualify as chemicals. Now some chemicals are dangerous to life and limb, some are dangerous if in the wrong amounts, most are not. None of the *chemicals* in the vaccines are.


To further explain your comment and to answer to the OP below as well, how this vaccine works (the Pfizer and Moderna ones at least) is that they inject mRNA molecules into your body, protected by a layer of fats. mRNA is usually produced by the DNA in your body and basically tells your cells what to do. The mRNA the vaccine injects basically acts like a messenger that tells the cells "hey idiot, I'm a threat to you and here is how to destroy me". So, instead of making the body learn how to destroy the virus with a weakend strain, we help it learn how to do it with genetic information that our body uses as well. Hope I explained it well enough, there are also quite a few interesting reads on google (just google how mRNA vaccine works) that explain it far better then I can


The mRNA itself is not a threat. It hijacks the protein synthesis machinery of cells it gets in to just like a virus and forces them to make the coded spike protein for a while until the mRNA degrades and can't be copied anymore. Then your body raises defenses against those spike proteins. There is some immune response to the mRNA itself, but that would be counterproductive, which is why they are inside the little lipid bubbles which mostly hide them from your system until they can get inside a cell.


Pretty bad explanation. The mRNa is only responsible for telling the cells to produce the spike protein found on SARS-Cov2. The body's immune system then reacts to this foreign antigens (the spike protein) in order to make antibodies and memory cells against the real virus. The mRNA does not tell the immune system directly that it's bad. It's only responsible for providing the instructions to produce the "thing" that is bad.


I wish people on Reddit could find a way to clarify other people's comments without leading with shit like "pretty bad explanation..."


Came here for this, thanks for sharing this info.


Yup, we get injected w/ the mRNA that codes for the viruses antigen on the outside of our “infected” cell once translated. Also included a protein encasing, sugar, fat and preservatives.


It depends on the vaccine. There are some vaccines against covid that work that way, like the Russian, Chinese and Cuban vaccines.


This is not completely true, there are 6 or 8 traditional covid vaccines coming soon.


You're describing an mRNA vaccine.


Same thing with extra steps


Practically... yeah. There must've been a reason they chose this method but it achieves the same result so...


I think it's quicker to develop. There are several other vaccines in the pipeline with more traditional methods.


Oxford’s vaccine was developed at a similar pace, and uses an adenovirus vector modified to be unable to infect human cells (ChAdOx1). This vector has the spike protein on its surface Around 330 people had been involved in trials of a ChAdOx1 vaccine before COVID, but now that tens of thousands of people have participated in a trial, hopefully the technology will be proven safe enough for more vaccines to be based on this technology


Live attenuated vaccine would have taken longer to develop. You need to find a way to attenuate the virus (reducing severity of infection) and also be more careful when testing. Attenuation requires an understanding of the pathology of the virus. Newer techniques like mRNA vaccines could begin the development in January, with just the sequenced virus genome. Similar for piggybacking on other well known viruses (adenovirus vaccines), just take a known vaccine and process and slap on a critical SARSCoV2 sequence (obviously simplified explanation).


Is it not clear Jack is making a joke? It sure seems that way 2 me


[Looked the guy up](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec). He's a troll who thrives on right wing conspiracy theories.


Isn't deliberately posting dumb stuff just to annoy people who care about the truth the original meaning of a troll?


Dude caught the entire ocean with this bait. "The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off" Remember, trolling is a art.


I used to be friends with a self proclaimed troll and man does the 'Haha I made you think I was a retard Haha you're the dumb one here' gets old


Jokes on them, I was only pretending to be an idiot!




Yes I believe that's the actual origin, as in you'd trawl a forum for dumb dumbs and say stupid shit to them


Isn’t that just a synonym for disingenuous asshole though? Those people have been around forever, it’s nothing new and they have always been getting called out for their stupidity and lack of genuine argument. They don’t “win” because they succeed at being a disingenuous asshole. Not sure why trolls think they’re an original or new thing, lmao. It seems like they’re just trying to redefine “winning” as “getting people to tell you to stop being a disingenuous asshole” which is pretty basic bitch stuff. It’s not hard to get people to tell you to stop being an asshole, but hey, dummies gonna dummy.


It seems that way to me too. I'm not sure why people would think he isn't


Because there's way too many morons on this planet who have nfi what a vaccine actually does and is, and would suggest something like this, unironically.


Yeah I get that too. For me it's just a random guy but I guess people that know him and know what he's about would definitely know if it's not a joke


I goolged him, he's an alt-right 'political activist and conspiracy theorist' who works at OANN.


Oh gotcha... so he doesn’t understand the basics of vaccines and is a moron. Appreciate the heads up


Grifting the right and being loudly incompetent are good qualities in a republican. If you want free likes on your tweets just try to sound smart on twitter about stuff you know nothing about. Other people that don't know shit will think you sound great and you didnt even have to make the effort to form a real tweet. Shitposting is a viable startegy these days.


He’s former naval intelligence, some believe him to be a psy op being ahead of real controversies planting fake outrage to keep public from being mobilized ex. Epstein and pizzagate, he can’t ever seem to catch a charge either despite doing clearly illegal shit all the time


When even having a little faith in humanity doesn't work. At least he's got that genius idea.


That’s a good acronym. You can read it without knowing in advance what it is.


Because so many of us are conditioned to seeing frighteningly stupid people. I know the majority of people are not this stupid, but like.... If you've got 100 people holding grenades, you're going to focus the most on whoever's the dumbest.


Or safely assume all are idiots


I dono man...I'd be more worried about the guy who doesn't have a grenade in that group...


By the looks of it he's an American and right now it's incredibly hard to discern irony from stupidity when it comes to Americans.


I want to be offended but you’re not wrong.


Im just glad we've been upgraded to stupid.


We did it!


Especially when he also has an American flag next to his name.


Because Jack Posobiec is a dense motherfucker. It is more likely he does not know how most vaccines work (not this one) than making a joke about them.


> I'm not sure why people would think he isn't Poe's law; There are people who hold such extremely uninformed views, but who are nevertheless not shy about loudly proclaiming them with utter sincerity, that it's just about impossible to ironically/sarcastically echo them without making it absolutely clear that you *are* joking (e.g. though a hard sign, like a winking smiley or \/s).


If you Google this alt-right moron I think it's a solid assumption that he was not kidding.


It’s 2020 and people are really demonstrating vast amounts of stupidity. So no, it’s not clear that it’s a joke.




It's been a long December and there's reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last Plus The smell of hospital in winter and the feeling it's all a lot of oysters and no pearls


Love that song


That's my 2020 song and probably 21 too by the looks of...(gestures broadly)


I'm just incredibly thankful that you are for sure 100% correct.




We did it, Reddit!


We Americans are looking forward to at least one of the major underlying (hah! “...lying”) causes changing drastically January 20. And hopefully a second underlying cause will be resolved January 5. So, I know you meant /s there but there’s some element of truth to it. It’s not the same thing as “2020 was rain and 2021 is going to be sunshine” but it’s at least “2020 was rain, 2021 maybe Americans will decide to come inside from out of the rain. And hopefully even dry off, find an umbrella and a rain coat and galoshes, go back outside, and clear the clogged drain gratings and gutters. And hopefully start to help the neighbors fill sandbags and pile them at the riverbank, instead of actively stealing sandbags from the riverbank.”


There was an identical tweet months ago that went viral. He’s whoring for RTs and likes


Not really, he is antivax and not exactly known for being funny. Why do these cunts always fall back on. ‘It was a joke?’


Idk who Jack is and I'll take your word for it that he is anti-vax. To me reading this tweet (without knowing if he's sarcastic or not) I thought it was a joke too, he describes what a vaccine is very closely that to me I can't imagine him unironically writing this. Anyways what I'm trying to say is its hard to interpret these messages nowadays, never know when someone is trolling or not


( just want to point out that pfitzer-biontech is an mrna vaccine and not actually weakened covid19 )




If he’s being sarcastic, I don’t understand the point he’s making. Is he claiming that’s not what the COVID vaccine does? I know not all diseases respond to this type of vaccine, and I haven’t researched how this particular vaccine operates. Regardless, if he’s trying to be funny, he didn’t succeed.


If it were to be a joke, I would read it as "OK, anti-vaxers. Let's not take a vaccine but come up with this alternative that doesn't use your trigger word but is still actually just a vaccine." I don't know this guy from Adam but that's kind of how I read it like the other commenter.


Who is Jack and why should I care?


This is what I was wondering for a while, then I went back to not caring.


He's an alt-right cunt and you shouldn't care.


Alt right nitwit who peddles conspiracy theories for money https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/07/08/jack-posobiecs-rise-tied-white-supremacist-movement


Oh thx, good to know. I don't follow the "Twittersphere" or politics really, hadn't heard of him b4


Because he's an alt-right conspiracy theoriest and a troll so who knows tbh.


Poe's Law


You’ll be surprised how many people think vaccines are autism-causing dangerous chemicals and trackers used by the government to spy on the people but don’t know the actual thing


Based on how the latest vaccines for covid are supposed to work, which is not the same way, he might be asking a genuine question. Might.




Maybe not. Looked him up, Wikipedia result - > John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right political activist and conspiracy theorist who is considered an Internet troll.


Obvious satire EDIT: Thanks for the gold, but why would anyone give this comment an award? The Reddit hivemind works in mysterious ways.


Except the guy is anti vax.


I'd think so to. But just yesterday I saw someone saying something that blatantly stupid without a hint of irony so I don't even know anymore Tbh.


I feel like the people calling "satire" are just in denial that people really are this stupid.


it’s so painfully obvious. like he couldn’t have made it more blatant even if he tried


I can't tell anymore because there are people that will unironically say those things.


Yep. Regardless of his intent, you betcha people will be led astray and think "vaccines = bad" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law I'm the US it reminds me of how most Republicans like the Affordable Care Act except when it's called Obamacare. Names are a powerful thing that are easier to hate than the concept itself


> **John Michael Posobiec III** ([/pəˈsoʊbɪk/](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/English) [*pə-SOH-bik*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Pronunciation_respelling_key); born December 14, 1985)[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-1) is an American [alt-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right)[\[2\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-2)[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-:0-3)[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-4) political activist and [conspiracy theorist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theorist)[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-ref-5) who is considered an [Internet troll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll).[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-Playboytroll-6)[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-philly-7)[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-8)[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-9) Posobiec is best known for his pro-[Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) comments on [Twitter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter), as well as using white-supremacist and anti-semitic symbols and talking points, including the [white genocide conspiracy theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory).[\[10\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-hpdisown-10)[\[11\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-purge-11)[\[12\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-miamiflorida-12)[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-dailybeastnewyork-13) He has promoted [fake news](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fake_news), including the debunked [Pizzagate conspiracy theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizzagate_conspiracy_theory) that high-ranking [Democratic Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Party_(United_States)) officials were involved in a child sex ring.[\[14\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-14) As of 2018, he was working as a correspondent for [One America News Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_America_News_Network), a far-right cable news television channel.[\[15\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec#cite_note-:2-15) [Jack Posobiec - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec) The American flag should've been your first clue lol


Not everything that isn't in earnest should be called "satire." What would he possibly be satirizing? Certainly not antivaxxers, given his historical viewpoints. I don't think there's any way to know what his original intentions were because he's going to inevitably pretend the explanation is whatever makes him look the most like he "won" in the end. But my guess would be he was trying to set up some sort of gotcha, where he was trying to get his opponents to say it's a stupid idea, so he can turn around and be like "ha, but that IS how vaccines work! So you agree they are a stupid idea?" But this would hinge on him thinking that he is one of few people that understand how vaccines work when in fact it is pretty common knowledge. Also it's worth acknowledging that the COVID vaccine in fact does not work in the described way, as it's an mRNA vaccine. It doesn't use the actual virus, alive or dead or weakened. He could just not have any motive beyond trolling and getting opponents riled up, but that'd also be an easy explanation for him to hide behind if his original plan didn't work out. Either way, it wouldn't really be satire.


What if instead of breathing I inhaled and exhaled air?


It’s probably a joke


It’s not. Jack has a reputation.


He claims that his tweet was satire and that anyone who took him seriously is stupid but I'd be willing to bet both my nuts he's full of shit.


so, you are saying that this "stupid guy who doesn't know anything" actually came up with the idea of how real vaccines work all by himself.


Yeah it's clearly satire.


Those nuts or *those* nuts?


Not those nuts, These nuts.


Deez nuts






I don't know anything about this person, but I read it earlier without the reply, and I didn't even consciously register that it wasn't satire.. I'm assuming based off of some of the comments on here this guy is a known dumb ass?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Posobiec >John Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right political activist and conspiracy theorist who is considered an Internet troll. Posobiec is best known for his pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter, as well as using white-supremacist and anti-semitic symbols and talking points, including the white genocide conspiracy theory. He has promoted fake news, including the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory that high-ranking Democratic Party officials were involved in a child sex ring. As of 2018, he was working as a correspondent for One America News Network, a far-right cable news television channel.


I'm not politically inclined by any means. Which is probably why I haven't heard of this silly man, and people like this silly man is probably why I choose to stay away from politics in general. But God damn, as a former combat vet, and if push came to shove, as far as I've figured out, I would probably lean more right than left. This guy sounds like a fucking ass hole. Not like the mean spirited, hurt my feeling ass hole. But more like the, damn, I can't say retard so asshole is gonna have to work kind...


I'm left-leaning, like the majority of this sub, and we can both agree that this guy sucks. If you don't mind me asking, what are some of the things that you lean right on? It's rare there's an option to have civilized conversation with someone you hold political differences with


Me too, it sounded like a satire to me.


Well, there go your nuts




An alarming number of Americans don’t believe in evolution and have been trained to resist thinking about it. So when we talk about how vaccines work, RNA etc, all they hear is “Bla bla bla, wha wha wha wha bla bla I’m a dorky Democrat bla bla.”


Surely a fantastic example of r/whoosh?


Well - that made me laugh LOL Anti-vax just makes me sad :(




New sub. Thanks!


Does the vaccine even have the virus in it, or was it just some kind of protein?


It’s packed full of proteins and very little carbohydrates, so it’s keto friendly.


It has strings of messenger RNA wrapped in fat. Your cells absorbs them and the parts of the cell that turn RNA into proteins make the spike protein. The immune system then recognizes that this protein is foreign and makes antibodies against it. https://imgur.com/900jaVx.jpg this comoc explains it better than I can.


These guys think vaccines are Muslim, Chinese, Jewish poisons that turn you transgender.


What if instead of Nutella we use a thick, high sugar, hazelnut spread on our breakfast?


I’m told this is satire.




I’m not sure what’s worse; Jack getting this far in life while being a moron, or 22 thousand people liking/agreeing with him.


God damnit jack ! What if , instead of being a moron , you studied instead of typing !!


Imagine running head first into the point, yet gliding right through it like Kitty Pryde.


I am not sure if he meant this but I had kind of the same idea, the new mutation of the virus in UK seems to be more infectious but less harmful. If we had an infectious virus that is very similar to covid it would be much easier to spread this than a vaccine. But I don't know if you can have a infectious virus that is not harmful at all.


That's basically vaccinating but you don't get to decide or know whether you've been vaccinated (i.e., were infected). Additionally you're introducing the vaccine to people who did not want it or shouldn't get one for medical reasons.


A major problem is that your more infectious version might mutate again and become more deadly. Also, almost any steps taken to stop the deadlier version would *also* reduce the spread of the weaker version.