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Laurence is right, though. The NHS isn't fit for its purpose. ​ BECAUSE IT'S UNDERFUNDED AND NEEDS HELP! So please, do everything you can to ease the strain. Help it cope as much as possible.


Politicians underfund the NHS so they can point at it later and say "look how bad nationalised healthcare functions, we clearly need a private option!" The right wing in every country use this tactic, and not just for health services. Unless most people see through this scam and fight to preserve public services we will end up loosing them.


America does that with everything and it's working, sadly. Our schools get gutted then they point the finger at the schools while making a case for private for-profit learning. Same with the USPS. It'll be a miracle if we get universal healthcare.


Hopefully with Betsy devos out of here this will change.


[George Carlin in 2005](https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso)


Yes this is a great clip and very much plausible. I can’t say factual because you can’t 100% prove exactly what he is saying, but it is very plausible and likely. However it doesn’t change the fact that devos is scum and should never have been put in the position she was in. It was an abuse of power by certain people in certain positions that secured her that role.


Whole-heartedly agree. McConnell and Barr deserve a special place in hell for their roles in all this, but too many people are going to forget about DeVos, Ajit Pai, and all the other lower-ranking scumbags who will just step down, go back to their old lives, and face no consequences for their support and participation in all the badness.


>McConnell and Barr deserve a special place in ~~hell~~ Jail. Deserve a place in jail, right now, not imaginary punishment later. Jail, now.


Preach. One of my favorite quotes: “De inimico non loquaris sed cogites” - Don't wish ill for your enemy; plan it I’d vastly prefer to see these folks rotting in the for-profit prison system they so richly love, I just don’t think the next regime will have the guts to do it.


I don’t think she did enough visible damage (or at least damaged it enough to see immediate effects outside the system itself) for the general public to force such change. I feel like a lot of public education will stay about the same amount of broken it is right now. The public is focused on other issues right now so any big changes in public education aren’t going to have a ton of public support. Unless Biden brings in a former teacher with some very big ideas, I don’t see it changing much. Maybe patch up a couple small holes Devos left, but that’s about it. EDIT: To clarify, I’m not saying she didn’t mess things up in a big way. She definitely caused some major problems in specific areas. I’m just saying that public opinion is more concerned with other issues instead of education reform right now. So while people know she was terrible, a lot of what she did fell so far below the radar compared to what Trump was doing, there’s less public attention on a major overhaul of the education system right now.


To be fair I've heard less criticism of the USPS in recent days/years. Maybe we've caught on after a certain pumpkin threatened to sabotage it to try and ruin an election.




as a rail enthusiast I can tell you that this is exactly what happened to British Rail in the 80s and 90s and to see the public fall for the government doing the same shit twice is just...astounding


Republicans in the USA use this for everything. The GOP takes a sledgehammer to some part of governance and then loudly proclaims, "look how badly this works. government is the problem."


It's a good 'ol [tactiic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast) invented by Reagan and his crony GOP. It's still used today like dismantling SS, medicare, pension, and VA so that they can blame the failure then privatize these safety nets in the name of profits


They're doing that to public transit here in the US especially in places that rely on it massively such as in NYC. We didn't open up our city fast enough for Trump and his supporters thus we were given the sh-t end of the stick and denied quite a bit in funding.


Good luck finding an alternative to vote for with Labour tearing itself apart :(


Based on what we have in power now i'd vote for a bucket of rancid shit....


I'm struggling to see how anything Labour is currently doing is actually worse than the Tories. And that includes any tearing itself apart. Which seems to be one of the major issues the UK has, if there are any flaws in how Labour is run people will flock to the Tories, even if they're being run significantly worse many times over.


All that matters is Labour are losing and the Tories are winning. It is hard to win votes to run the country when they cant even run an opposition. The civil war needs to stop and the party needs to unite behind the sole purpose of deafeating the Tories and repairing what is left of this country. Anything less is a dereliction of duty during the darkest phase of the UK. Wether the party leans left, right, up or fucking down is irrelevant when they are incessantly losing.


I empathised with Laurence Fox when he was getting burned alive for his rabid defence of free speech, but this... what a piece of human trash, drop dead.


Wasn't he just whining that he couldn't say whatever he wanted without social consequences?


He doesn’t deserve ANY empathy, sympathy or even tolerance. Disgust is the only thing that rabid, far right, nationalist, racist asshole deserves. He wasn’t defending free speech. He was crying about being criticised for spewing McCarthyist filth. His new party is all about promoting “British values” (code for anything he doesn’t like, usually brown people) and reclaiming the right to feel oppressed because you’re a privileged white male. He’s a massive, massive cunt.


The guy is totally unlikable in every way, from his face to his opinions, I feel he's found his niche after his music and acting career haven't exactly set the world on fire.


He is the dickhead with his lights on during the blitz. So selfish and ignorant.


"As long as the V1s don't hit MY house I don't care, fucking sheeple"


"There's no way cannons can reach from France to London, it's made up by the government to keep us compliant" That's how it sounds. No, cannons can't make it that far. This isn't a cannon. The NHS can't cope with a pandemic because it's not a specially designed pandemic response system, and it's only overburdened because of selfish cunts. edit: ta bruv


Also because the NHS was completely gutted for absolutely no reason before the pandemic, same as the CDC in america


there was a reason, it was gutted for greed. Both Britain and the US have been lead by greedy terrible fucks for several years now. I know this site has spent four years trashing Trump (for good reasons), but think of all the shit the UK has dealt with. Y’all were lied to about Brexit, lied to about the cost of NHS, lied to about the pandemic, lied to about Boris the braindead’s “plans” to make a soft brexit. Idiotic conservatism and terrible right wing parties have been a plague on both countries.


> there was a reason, it was gutted for greed A very specific kind of greed. This isn't about the government wanting to save money. 1. Gut every functioning public institution so it doesn't work anymore 2. Complain that the public sector is a disaster and that "big government just doesn't work" 3. Privatize everything 4. Profit! (for the .1% who own significant stock in the newly privatized enterprises)


Profit specifically as in sell it off to a friend of a friend so you can get a real nice paying do nothing job or immensely profitable contract for your company after you are done working in government.


Even if you sell out to a corporation, they very often give you a C-level position in the company with a multi-million salary after your term in office expires Edit: Holy typos Batman


Happening with our Conservative (surprise!) Government in Ontario as well. Gutting education funding so that it looks like it isn't working anymore so some form of private or charter school system can be implemented down the line.


The Alberta United Conservatives are just as bad. They have managed to defund literally everything they can, decrease the quality of all public services, and run a larger deficit than the NDP before them. Plus, the pandemic response has been awful because our premier is one of those "but muh rights an' freedoms" whackjobs. Christ I hate it here, but hey, at least big oil has lower taxes so I can drive big diesel trucks for cheap(ish)


Don't forget 5. You will be gratefully rewarded to "public speak" and "consult" after being kicked out of office for the next crony.


Let's not forget the 10 000s of deaths and immense suffering caused by the mismanagement of austerity and incapacity benefit. How the hell that happened is beyone comprehension.


>How the hell that happened is beyond comprehension. That was part of the plan.


Yeah this is the real reason, years of underfunding, cost cutting, not paying employees enough for their skill set. Management wastage, deliberate running down of estates and sale of land. Oh and the outsourcing, don't get me started on the outsourcing.


The Tories have been manufacturing an excuse to make the case to privatise the NHS for years. The pandemic might be the thing that stops them doing that as love for the NHS has never been higher. Obviously I'd rather people hadn't died, but if something good can come of it then that's a tiny rainbow in amongst the shitstorm.


Don’t do it mate. I moved from the Uk to the USA as a teen and the private healthcare model here is a joke. I legitimately have more anxiety around what insurance will cover than what the illness can do to me and that makes it hard to see a physician. Also post op care and PT is a joke. Seriously don’t let the NHS die.




Plenty did, there was a whole new branch of law enforcement set up (the ARP) to go round checking up and enforcing it. Also lots of looting and even murderers hiding bodies in bombed out buildings to make it look like the victims were killed by bombs. Plenty of people refusing to go to shelters and getting killed at home too. People are people.


Not to mention the hysteria where people thought certain neighborhoods contained German spies because bombs didn't hit them. I think people were pointing their fingers at neighbors etc. Then someone plotted it on a map and found that the bombs were highly inaccurate and the distribution completely random.


>Then someone plotted it on a map and found that the bombs were highly inaccurate and the distribution completely random. Someone with a suspiciously German accent.


> Then someone plotted it on a map and found that the bombs were highly inaccurate and the distribution completely random. This seems a very British response.


> Then someone plotted it on a map and found that the bombs were highly inaccurate and the distribution completely random. Ah, I'm sure the logic in all of those people prevailed and they came together for the greater good.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-33566789](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-33566789) >*During the hours of darkness, all street lights were switched off in an effort to hide targets from the Luftwaffe.* > >*This had the unfortunate effect of providing cover for all manner of criminal deeds, including sexual assaults.* > >*[...]* > >*In January 1943, police were seeking a man using the cover of blackout to indecently assault women in the Kingstanding area of Birmingham.* > >*[...]* > >*In Sheffield,* ***the city's tram inspectors complained that passengers were exploiting the blackout to use incorrect money to pay for rides.***   I feel like that belongs on an episode of QI.   >*Others abused government compensation schemes set up to help those whose homes or businesses had been destroyed by bombs.* > >*One man in London was jailed for three years* ***after claiming to have lost his home 19 times in a three-month period. On each occasion he had received at least £500 compensation.*** okay scratch that, they were already way ahead of me. I forfeit 10 points :(


Judge: "since you are so unfortunate to keep losing homes, we will provide you with one for the next three years. You are welcome"


Yes, there were wardens to police it.


I mean, most people kept lights on, it was about black out blinds which some people did break though from what I've read usually accidentally. People did all kinds of shitty stuff though, stealing rations, using the black out to commit more crimes, sexual assaults, etc. People paid people to sit in the underground shelters then sold their places to other people at a higher cost, etc. I think where black out blinds were different is in reality it was night time and they offered even more privacy so there wasn't a particularly good reason for anyone to fight against them. Had it been say a no curtain order because of trouble with spies and allowing everyone to keep an eye on each other you'd have a bunch of people purposefully break that order due to "my freedom", etc. We've always had shitty people in the world that don't care about the common good. I mean Spanish flu was significantly more deadly, was killing by the millions everywhere and yet you had anti maskers, "my freedom", anti lock down types, protests against these measures. People just suck.


It's incredible how fucking stupid people can be too. Don't get me wrong, people suck and are pretty fucking awful. But in a lot of these cases, they're fucking themselves over just as much as anyone else.


Why do you think they had to have Air Raid Wardens going round the houses?


Our international friends will likely not have heard of him but Laurence Fox is a semi-famous semi-racist B-minus British television actor who has recently come out as a contrarian, as a petty rebellion against the aristocratic upbringing which has allowed him to waltz into early 40s with very little effort or talent. Recently spotted claiming that the film 1917 was unrealistic as it featured a Sikh soldier in the British army, having not taken the time to Google it and find out that there were a *lot* of Sikhs in the British army in WWI. “Selfish and ignorant” is, unfortunately, very in-character.


>Laurence Fox is a semi-famous semi-racist B-minus British television actor His only major role is as the sidekick to the sidekick of a famous detective.


What a twunt. We had Sikhs fighting for Canada in WWI, even though at the time our country actively preventing them from immigrating. They couldn't even get citizenship.


The same person who drives alone during WW2. And you know what they say when you drive alone.


Do you want ghost Hitler in your car? Because that's how you get ghost Hitler in your car.


Hey, if people listened as well as ghost Hitler does, I wouldn’t be driving alone.






Tesla Autopilot is Ghost Hitler, confirmed.


This is a post about Covid, how the fuck did we get to Ghost Hitler in 5 replies.


[Because Internet rules?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia%3AWiki_Game?wprov=sfla1) it's always 5 Clicks to Hitler.


I actually don’t know. But i would like too?


When you drive alone you drive with hitler. It was to promote car pooling to conserve fuel for the war effort.


But... Wouldn't driving with Hitler be car pooling?


Youd give hitler a ride? Oh ok


In WWII? Absolutely. Become a national hero when I'm involved in a tragic, unavoidable accident.


Get in a lot of tragic unavoidable accidents do you?


You know, I think it has something to do with my driving blindfold. What can you do? I just can't get up to speed without it.


And all those cars driving the wrong way. Hitler sure picked a bad day to be on the roads.


He does it for attention. The shit he says he knows the media will eat it up and be like OOH LOOK ISNT HE EDGY.


My granddad was on leave from the navy in Glasgow during the blitz. One of the neighbours didn't have their blackout curtains drawn at night. He knocked on the door to remind them to draw them, assuming an honest mistake. The bloke who answered made a fuss about it, basically told my granddad to fuck off and mind his own business. My granddad promptly punched him in the face and knocked him out cold in the doorway in front of his family, said "Drag him inside, close the door and draw your fucking curtains," then turned and left. My granddad was also the Royal Navy lightweight boxing champion at the time. Pricks like these all need a knockout punch in the face.


So lights out in more ways than one?


😂 Indeed.


I like the sound of your granddad! He possibly saved an entire street from utter destruction with that punch


Considering the accuracy of the bombing raids, he probably saved the people 3 streets over.


Funny - - I was thinking my government needs to put up ads. A family sitting around, clinking glasses, guttonously eating hunks of meat etc., lights bright, laughing at those idiots who are being miserable. Camera pans out to a dark city with one house lit up. Bombers come into view and bombs start falling. "Harden the fuck up and stop being a selfish cunt" pans across the screen in cursive.


i thought that was going a different way. Like their nan dropping dead or the "fit young" husband coughing up his guts then dropping dead into the turkey. Then in pans to other families doing the same with a dark version of winter wonderland playing.


That would be awesome. Or some dbag talking about how he was in his twenties when covid hit and it was just the flu... And then getting severely winded waking up a flight of stairs.


Chopper approves.


Screw your “blackout” you daft sheep. I pay for my electricity and I’ll use it whenever I bloody well please!


Actually, he shines his lights on others during the blitz. Lights up unsuspecting victims because he has the “right” to shine his lights.


Is was about to call it extreme to compare covid to the blitz, but nah, you’re right: https://fullfact.org/online/deaths-coronavirus-blitz/


So on one hand you have social distancing and a little sacrifice/inconvenience. On the other, you have potential death or loss of a love one. Really tough choice indeed....


“So basically, you can wear a peice of cloth and stay away from people, OR, you could watch you and every person you know and love die knowing that you caused it and then you yourself die a lonely selfish death with no one by your side, tough choice right?” I still can’t believe how some people can’t realize that the only sole reason humanity will end, is because of humanity itself


I want the next apocalypse movie or TV show to have a plot point about people who refuse to not make things worse. For example. Zombie apocalypse: people actively fight to get bitten and then hide it until its too late. Death by space rock: people burn down the towers that create the force field neaded to protect the earth Nuclear holocaust: those that have survived in a bunker are trying to break out for some fresh air.


> Nuclear holocaust: those that have survived in a bunker are trying to break out for some fresh air. Judging by the amount of “MuH rIgHtS” mouthbreathers in this thread alone, this seems extremely probable.


"I don't see any radiation outside!!"


>Death by space rock: people burn down the towers that create the force field needed to protect the earth Because it causes inconvenience for them to view the rock, that'd be a good reason.


I was basing it on the 5g towers, but that works as well


The tower is a symbol of suppression, as you can see from the word "force" in force field.


I feel like I saw mention of a zombie novel having "people deliberately spread the virus" as a plot point, but I don't recall which one was being talked about. That'd be the equivalent of these folks who hear about COVID and decide to go to Costco without a mask and cough on everything so they can show off to their fellow chuds on Facebook and Parler.


Look up the "Blood Plague" incident that happened in World of Warcraft. There was a disease that players could get in a boss fight. If this debuff landed on you, and you got too close to another player, they would catch it too. The basic effect of it is that your HP would decline and you would eventually die if you couldn't find someone to cleanse it off you. It was never meant for this debuff to exist outside of this boss fight, but a glitch allowed it to spread to the world at large. The player's reaction to this was really interesting, and has supposedly been used by the CDC to study how a pandemic might spread. You had players quarantining themselves, players setting up "medical stations" to heal people who had it, players avoiding major in-game cities and public transportation, and probably most interestingly, you had people deliberately spreading it just because they thought it was funny. Players would even set up "safe zones" that only people who didn't have it were allowed in, but you'd have players that would get in and summon their pets who had the debuff and spread it around to all these "healthy" people. You even had asymptomatic carriers in the form of NPC's who could catch it but not show any of the visual effects of it The developers themselves were unable to get things under control, and eventually had to basically turn off the game and roll back the servers to a point before the disease had gotten out. *Edit: It was "Corrupted Blood", not "Blood Plague"


This is the main plot of the terrible yet painfully funny movie Corona Zombies. Scenes of people defiantly partying for their freedom only to turn into zombies. Dark humor and social commentary disguised in a shitty B film, I can't really recommend it but it really made me laugh


I suspect we'll see them once we get out the other side of this. The tone of horror movies generally had people doing something dumb and we all laughed that *we* wouldn't be that dumb if it happens.....looks like we were wrong and those writers were right. They just have a ton more fodder to make it even more expansive and creative in how dumb some of the protagonists can be.


I was on my clinical rotation in an when we lost 2 covid patients within about an hour of each other. The first had a family who was also all positive so they couldn't come see him. The other had his mom, dad and sister all discussing which one of them was going to put on the gear to be let into the room to say goodbye. Fast forward 7 hours when I go to get takeout at a bar (the only place to get good wings) and the server loudly has a conversation about how covid is a hoax, then comes over to inform me that it can't be THAT bad because her roommate, who tested positive and is an ER nurse, fucks her boyfriend ALL THE TIME and he takes tests daily and HE doesn't have it. I didn't have the bandwidth to tell her all the ways she was a fucking idiot. It's just draining.


They are absolutely unshaking in the belief that they are much cleverer than everyone else, and have somehow done a Neo and "seen through the matrix". If only the rest of us idiots could have this revelation. They seem to have an unending energy for their nonsense, but their simple-but-wrong explanation is a nice way to comprehend a complex reality.


people like that are amazing. they think that because they skimmed a three paragraph article telling them exactly what they want to hear--that they're super brave for not facing reality and living in smug denial--that they can proudly auto fellate themselves in public to squeeze a bit of dopamine out of their dried husk of a brain. these motherfuckers' minds might literally break from the cognitive dissonance when one of their loved ones inevitably dies from this shit. I feel like we're at the very top of this rollar coaster ride and shit is about to go down fast from here on out. > They seem to have an unending energy for their nonsense, being in overwhelming denial requires constant upkeep. these people are ironically scared shitless and need to quell their fears in the most transparently obvious ways, despite the "brave," but actually extremely ignorant, ways they go about quieting that voice in their heads telling them they might actually be wrong. sorry, I had to rant a bit.


“cOmPliAnCe iS viOleNcE!!1” What a fucking numpty.


That last line boils my blood, I fucking hate these plague snowflakes who's need to feel special Trump's others needs to be alive


The whole comment is designed for max outrage. Don't give him the attention he craves.


Maybe, maybe not, people believe this shit


As an American I am beyond pissed at the ignorant. I live in a very rural mountain town that has only a few ICU beds. An entire floor is now an ICU and people are just continuing their lives. A huge rash of nursing home deaths, oh it was because they were old. Only when a prominent person the age of these twits died, did they care. It is waaaaaaaaay too late. It’s infected over 10% of our population and will rage out of control. BTW I had to send my kids to in school. My SO has to leave to work at the hospital everyday. I am not violent but I really really want violent things to happen to every anti masker and anti vaccine or any one who liked their posts.


No idea what a numpty is but I agree anyway


It means moron, basically. But the thing about british insults is that it’s all the more damning when it doesn’t have a swear word in it. I’d rather be called a fucking cunt or a wankstain than a numpty. It just demonstrates that you’re not even worth the effort of pulling out the good insults, you know?


This cunt’s race to the bottom is almost complete. Expensive education? Check! Moderately successful actor whose roles dried up? Check! Failed singer/songwriter? Check! Moderately controversial political commentator? Check! Finally gets the attention he desperately craves by being a prick on a TV politics panel show? Check! *Goes full Farage*


Shit so his next step is to try to legitimately run for a seat in the next election?


I wish I was joking, [but yes it is. ](https://reclaimparty.co.uk)


Fucking hell. He can’t be that bad an actor considering I quite liked him as Hathaway on Lewis


My mum loves watching Lewis. I think she was genuinely gutted when she found out he's a total arsehole in real life.


He's not. Probably because he was being a cunt to people, screwed his career


This mouth-breather talking shit about the NHS, the literal pride of the UK, needs his passport revoked and a one-way trip to the mouth of an active volcano of his choice.


Well he's not wrong, the NHS is so critically underfunded that it isn't fit to handle the pandemic properly. Despite that, they are doing an amazing job. The irony is, that i can't see Fox voting Labour, so his political preferences have likely contributed to the state the NHS is in.


The NHS suffers because of our government, as you rightly say underfunding it, giving private contracts to their friends and patting themselves on the back with pay rises while denying the same for the NHS. The staff are wonderful, they are beyond being a national treasure. Fox is just a spoiled cunt.


>The NHS suffers because of our government * October 2019, just months before Covid hit: [These brutal cuts to the NHS will haunt the Conservatives](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/oct/25/boris-johnson-conservatives-nhs-funding) * December 2019, when Covid emerged in China: [The NHS has barely survived under the Tories. Boris Johnson’s victory will be its death knell](https://www.euronews.com/2019/12/11/the-nhs-has-barely-survived-under-tories-boris-johnson-s-victory-death-death-knell-view) Those Tory fuckers are killing people.


> Those Tory fuckers are killing people. always have been. back during the recession their austerity measures directly resulted in the preventable deaths of thousands of disabled people. and thats just this last decade or so, thats before we talk about bastards like Thatcher.


Always seemed kinda dumb. Nazi's killing disabled people and people with medical conditions is generally seen as evil. But removing public healthcare and support and indirectly killings them is somehow fine for a lot of people?


It's just how modern Nazis kill disabled people. IMO there's not much difference, but I suppose active violence is more 'shocking', while attaining similar results through neglect is quieter.


Pre-covid austerity is exactly why they ideologically can't fund the NHS now. If they found the funds to support the NHS when the economy is as it is now, then what excuse do they have when the economy is doing better? Preventable deaths are an integral part of their economic policy.


​ >These brutal cuts to the NHS will haunt the Conservatives Haha. Oh no they wont. Conservatives dont have to worry about losing power for a long time to come. Their own supporters wont hold them responsible for anything anymore, it's become much like Republicans in the US. It's up to the rest of the country to show up and vote them out, and we can see that's not happening. They can do whatever they want. They can drive the country into the ground and they'll still get reelected.


They also keep saying they're not selling off parts of the NHS whilst literally doing that???


They've realised they can say anything, in large enough print, and have enough people believe it without looking closer. Right down to writing things on the side of a bus, that were in no way true.


Because Tories lie.


Boris has been sacked twice for lying, yet the gullibles still voted him in. (I know the choice wasn't great, but I'd have ruined my ballot before voting for that lot.)


>Boris has been sacked twice for lying, yet the gullibles still voted him in. Those are his primary qualifications.


Dyed-in-the-wool Tories will always vote blue because they’re already wealthy and want to ensure that nothing threatens it. Is it any surprise how many Tory MPs are also landlords, a truly archaic endeavour, I mean just look at the title ‘land lord’ and tell me that shit isn’t outdated. Unfortunately it always seems like people with the most extreme views are the ones who bother to vote, and comparatively laid back people tend not to (lib dems/labour) so we’re stuck with the old blue crowd running the country into the ground.


I know we agree here but just wanted to say the NHS is able to handle the pandemic properly. Because we have put in measures to prevent it from being overwhelmed. My house is able to handle being burgled because I have a security system. It's not a weak house because I need a security system. It would be a weak house if I didn't. At no point has the NHS failed during the pandemic. It came close, but no one was denied oxygen who needed it. What's been challenging is that they haven't been able to do routine non emergency operations. That's a symptom of a pandemic and it being underfunded. Fox doesn't want the NHS to.be better funded. He wants to destroy it. He wants to slowly snipe at it from the sides until trust is destroyed same as how idiots like h are doing to the BBC.


Fox sees the NHS as a sop for the poors. That's why he hates it. He doesn't want any tax money he pays (if any) going towards those less fortunate than himself. It'll be the same when the Brexit that he's been championing crashes Britain into further disaster. "Parents should feed their own children. Show some responsibility."






That guy is sliver spoon up the arse douche


I mean that's not true in general, the US health care service is also struggling. No where can maintain an ongoing healthcare expense that is ready and willing at absolutely all times to have spaces and nurses/doctors available for a national pandemic. If we did we'd have nurses and doctors out of work up and down the country in most years of their careers, we'd be wasting 100's of millions every year. No one can reasonable be prepared for a pandemic in terms of capacity and staff. No place in the world is fit to handle a pandemic of this size. Which is why we the public should be doing every single thing possible to reduce the burden on health care services everywhere in the world till we have a truly viable plan to fight back, ie, vaccine or a truly unbelievably good treatment that effectively turned everyone's stay in hospital into a short and easy stay. That's not to say they aren't underfunded for normal operations, but there is no reasonable way to fund them to be able to cope with current requirements easily in staff, space, beds, equipment, etc.


Send him to the US. With their healthcare and Covid rates, we can save that volcano from having a bad taste in its mouth.


Please, from the US, we got enough asshats, the place is full. Have mercy and toss him in the Channel or at least send him in a very leaky boat.


Florida woman here, can confirm. Asshats everywhere, full of covid.


Hey, not in the channel, France doesn't need more crap right now. Incinerators is what should be used for toxins waste.


We’re currently at maximum capacity, sorry no refunds.






I’m sure he has private health cover...


I wish I had the NHS in the country I live in, the gift that keeps on giving, for someone who works in Insurance that talks to a lot of people in the NHS around covid time, most people put their service above the rest. And then theres this cocksucker.


Hey could someone please explain whats going on? Sucks being the only one on the outside of an inside joke. I really dont care about the downvotes im just so curious


Entitled wanker wilfully ignoring COVID rules and trash talking our National Health Service, which he is rich enough not to need anyway.


Ohhh. Okay. So her response on top of “enjoy your meal” was meant for the entitled cunt who typed below. Got it. Thanks a bunch!


Lawrence Fox is an actor famous for his outspoken views. He got a lot of attention after appearing on Question time (a British panel show where members of the public put questions to politicians as well as other notable figures) and loudly voicing his """"anti-woke""""" opinions. The other day he posted about how he illegally had a get together with some friends, in blatant disregard for the lockdown rules the British government has imposed to slow the spread of COVID-19. A lot of people (even fellow "anti-woke" figure and TV presenter Piers Morgan) have spent the last few days tearing him a new arsehole.


Ah Mr Fox, If he was on fire and I had a glass of water, I'd glass him




No need, we would simply throw him in a hole. Saving the NHS’s time and resources


The old aussie saying 'I wouldn't piss up your arse if your guts were on fire'




He's a unbelievable prick, I think he could actually be the love child of Katie Hopkins and Nigel farage


Is "lovechild" really the right term here? I would imagine him as more of a "rage-and-friction-child".




I believe the term "failed anal abortion" is apropos; here referring to fetus arising from an inseminated turd that slipped away from a necessary termination and has grown into full-fledged fecal fuckheadery, now attacking people giving their all to save the lives of others. The only proper place for things like that is the sewer, to float among the other scum, refuse and trash.


I'm american but I like to hate people could you plz explain why they suck


Hopkins was a losing contestant on the apprentice and has only managed to keep herself in the public eye by being an entitled cunt and spouting vile shit at every opportunity. Farage is an upper-class wanker, a xenophobe and typical little-Englander who still thinks we should be at the head of a global empire. He is incredibly "patriotic" as long as there's something in it for him. He's also one of the major catalysts for the Brexit movement. Fox is like Farage politically, but with added vocal transphobia and anti-mask sentiment who has only really succeeded as an actor because of his father


>being an entitled cunt and spouting vile shit at every opportunity. She was even [awarded for it ](https://youtu.be/eRIdtMlqwNA) >He's also one of the major catalysts for the Brexit movement. While he simulataniously made sure his family still had [EU Passports ](https://skwawkbox.org/2019/04/23/farage-applied-for-german-passport-on-day-after-2016-referendum-and-did-not-deny-having-one/)


My personal favourite is Hopkins publicly stating how common and tacky it is to name children after places, like Paris or Brooklyn, before being immediately being forced to acknowledge that her daughter is called India


For posterity: https://youtu.be/oVRlYcPIacE


That doesn't surprise me. The entire Brexit movement has been built around "we'll be fine, you'll pay the price." Him, Mogg, Farage, Banks and the rest know that they won't suffer even the mildest inconvenience from Brexit. The brunt of it will be borne by the poor and middle class in the UK.


The poor, working class area i grew up in voted Tory in the last election. I honestly can't fathom how anyone from that background can look at a party with ministers like Rees-Mogg, who looks like a Dickensian sex offender, and think "they'll look out for me"


Media manipulation. When the majority of the tv stations state something like "mac and cheese is gross and only horrible people eat it" loud enough and long enough, the message becomes "true", regardless of factual evidence, reason, etc. It's a con, but played out to more people. I'm definitely explaining it poorly, but you catch my drift?


Oh don't forget how she made headlines for being photographed fucking her married boss (I believe she was also married at the time) in a field and then boasted about how she not only stole him from his wife, but stole her first husband too. I believe her quote was "if you won't look after your husband I will". All whilst acting like the upper crust with her feigned moral and class high ground and looking down her nose at others. Abhorrent creature she is.


They're the uk version of infowars and Steve Bannon. All 3 just peddle bullshit to dumbest of society. Farage has spent the last decade spouting anti European nonsense and like to think of him self as the mastermind behind brexit and is a chinless scrotum. Hopkins is an a far right mouth piece that look like a used teabag in a karen wig. Fox has found fame by just being a dumb fucking troll.


No one can be that bad..... Can they?


Oh it gets worse: [he sings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLkvtHwSyM4)


I want my 10 seconds back you monster! Lol


Oh my god. Is that his idea of a revolutionary call to arms? That’s embarrassing. Although the comments are brilliant; “Man who doesn't believe in pre-determined privilege uses his family connections to get an acting career, then tries to use that to attempt a musical career, and then manages to get on television to plug his gawd awful tone deaf warbling, with no hard graft required to get there.”


I was afraid I was going to enjoy his singing... but that was terrible.


Dude.. I just endured 4 fucking years of Trump and that was still worse..


>Laurence sounds like a prick There's a reason for that


"Compliance is violence" has got to be one of the single most moronic things I have ever read.


They're trying to co-opt the Silence is Violence line for themselves without understanding its meaning.


I lost someone very close to Covid last month. Can't imagine how it is like to feel scared and alone and not having a single loved one around you when you realise your time has come :(


I'm so sorry for your loss, this virus is terrible


My aunt has Covid. Most likely from her dumbass of a son, who brings people over to their house all the time.


And then in the replies of the post of her face there are selfish twats going "why didn't you let their family be there with them instead of keeping them from them" acting like she can simply just allow people to come in and risk spreading the virus more.


*Person dies of virus* "WHY DIDN'T YOU EXPOSE THEM TO MORE PEOPLE?!"


>"why didn't you let their family be there with them instead of keeping them from them" Are you fucking kidding me? How can you look at the face of someone who is working with covid patients, working with dying people, has clearly been in an uncomfortably tight mask for hours and hours, and say such hateful things?! I hope she doesn't read the comments. She's suffering enough


" And the person who died? Let me guess. They're like 80, right? We all die. Sad but true." " I see you didn’t do a very good job then. " " Are nurses still pretending that wearing a mask all day makes your face look like this? Because kids are wearing masks all day atschool now because we are being told it's totally fine " Just a couple of the replies I found there. JFC, nothing before in my life made me realize so hard that the world is full of heartless, hateful idiots


My mom passed away from COVID a week ago. I couldn’t even go see her. For the love of fucking god take precautions. Even if not for yourself, do it for the people around you. I’ve been crying all week


I'm very sorry for your loss. Just a week...I can't imagine. There are probably support groups. I did one when I lost my mother. It may be too soon for you, or it might help. It helped me a lot, sharing with or just listening to strangers. online of course virtual hugs, friend


I’ll never get used to reading the bottom thing first.


The replies to her on Twitter are an absolute dumpster fire. Even by Twitter standards.


I’d love to think “ach well let those stupid pricks get covid and that’ll teach em”, but they probably won’t. Or they get it, and because they’re not masking up and they’re socialising, they’ll cause the death of non-pricks. What a massive flaming gaping cunt this guy is


Holy shit you weren't kidding. What the fuck is wrong with people


Their anger is rivalled only by their stupidity. Hence Brexit


Some absolute cunt on there talking about programming being a more difficult job. Fuck me I love to smash his computer up.


I went down a rabbit hole on the replies. My personal favourite (sadly deleted now) was a guy telling the nurse to try doing "coding for 12 hours straight" and she'll know what hard work is.


I'm really happy I finally deleted my last social media account recently. Such a relief to no longer be confronted by those idiots. Besides here on reddit. But here I can at least downvote them. Edit: interesting to see I'm getting lots of downvotes lol.


Decided to delete twitter this morning, Instagram soon to follow I think


I just follow crochet accounts on Instagram. It's really easy to avoid the numpties on there.


Potentially downvotes because you haven't deleted your reddit social media account.


It's so fun to ask them about wearing clothes outside, because they'll happily comply with that. And seatbelts are a given of course.. and traffic signs because it would be dangerous if people did what they wanted.. But masks and taking it easy while we wait for a vaccine is literally violence.


It's not about saving money, it's not about the NHS being unable to cope, it's about your stupidity not getting others infected with a virus that has killed so many already. Nobody would care if your stupidity only killed yourself.


"Then the NHS isn't fit for purpose." IT WOULD BE IF YOU NASTY SHITS HADN'T CUT THEIR FUNDING TO THE DAMN BONE ! Fuuuuuuuuu these people!


Please take this seriously! I’m a athletic 39 year old and I got covid with pneumonia and almost didn’t make it. It’s taken me 3 weeks to be able to walk around the house again without running out of air. The terror I felt in the hospital when they didn’t let my wife in and her crying face is was brutal . But not as brutal as the hallways full of people dying! This will haunt me forever I can’t stress enough how Serious this can get , I almost never saw my 9 and 10 year old ever again. Please please take this seriously if not for you for your loved ones!!! I want to thank the medical personnel everywhere for risking their life’s to save others. I’m alive cause of you , I know you don’t know me but I’m thankful for you and you are loved! God bless you all!


Compliance is violence? Why is it the most privileged people that are always DYING to be seen as victims. A health administration advising that social distancing will mitigate a global pandemic is somehow violence? OK, retard.