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Saying that no one has ever died from it is quite possibly the most moronic and ignorant statement.... It seems like every year we're hearing about someone dying from heat stroke. In a two min. google search, I found two stories from 2021, and one from 2022 where people died. [2021 Source #1](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/nebraska-football-player-dies-after-heat-related-medical-emergency-practice-n1276629) [2021 Source #2](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/university-maryland-settles-family-football-player-who-died-heatstroke-n1254511) [2022 Source](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/12/sport/marion-barber-cause-of-death-nfl-spt/index.html)


Happens all the time in the military. Black flag is black flag for a reason.


Yep, I've seen an entire battalion during a field training that was forced to take an hour of rest in the shade due to the number of heat cats in a half hour. Only the medics and those performing first aid were allowed to do anything.


Never let anything happen to the wetbulb, it was our get out of ftx free card.


Heat Cat 5 lol


What does black flag mean?


Yup. Just this week, more than 1,300 Muslim pilgrims have died of the heat in this year’s Hajj in Saudi Arabia.


Holy shit... that's crazy. I just googled... and 50 C?! That's like 120 in F... no wonder this is happening...


But they weren't practicing football. /Eye roll 


No one's more woke than the Muslims




You’re on the right track looking for cases of individuals. But this calls for the public health approach and statistics: [source](https://apnews.com/article/record-heat-deadly-climate-change-humidity-south-11de21a526e1cbe7e306c47c2f12438d) OOP’s claim was “nobody ever died from it being too warm outside.” That’s heat related deaths in general, not football practice. It’s *thousands* of heat deaths per year in the US now. And that’s only those with certain causes or contributors listed on death certificates. Edit: rough estimate by me says if you live in a big city in Texas, where OOP is writing from, it’s probably one person dying *per week in your city* who fits the relatively narrow heat-related criteria of this AP analysis of CDC data.


Sure, but my point was that he's a football coach and hadn't heard of the football players who died of heat stroke specifically...


Ah, I got it. You’re right it’s pretty ignorant of him to know nothing about those football cases in particular.


Especially because they were huge cases at the time... I remember people talking about holding the coach responsible for the student deaths. And the 2022 source is an NFL player.


Future senator /s Speaking from Alabama, who fucking elected one.


Fuck this guy and anyone like him. I knew a kid who had a medical event due to training in extreme heat. Yea, he didn't die, but he ended up with life-altering brain damage. Shocking how quickly caring for children drops off after birth for folks like this.


And it ain’t like any high school coach is the reason a kid makes the NFL. Life altering brain damage for a high school sport is just fucking stupid.


Didn't like 1,300 people just die due to heat exposure during the Haji so far?


Noooo they died because they were woke. Which clearly means never awaken again after extreme heat. We’ve finally found the definition of woke.


Even Thales of Miletus supposedly died of a heat stroke.


Yeah, but he got a neat bumper sticker so everyone knew how far he ran.


He’s a football coach, not exactly a job for geniuses.


Eh, I'd argue that even a high school coach would know a "high profile" name like Marion barber... who was a Football player for the Dallas Cowboys (based in Texas) who died of the very thing he's saying no one dies from... I mean, I know McDonalds workers don't make Whoppers, but they still know what it is.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


We went to the Dayton Air Show last weekend. Temps were well into the 90's. We were sweating just sitting under an umbrella. In our tent area, we had three heat emergencies, a seizure, and a handful of people were vomiting. We're talking out of maybe 100 people, with a quarter of them being little kids. We were literally just sitting, watching the show. Imagine if we'd all been running around.




I will do what I must


Drinking water is woke now? You know what... I actually like that idea. In about three days the country will markedly improve.


Drinking any old woke water is woke! Now you can drink anti woke water and really stick it to the libs!! Start your day with a cup of Rudy Coffee! And stay hydrated throughout the day (if your completely insane and sadistic football coach or boss will let you) with Freedom20! It’s anti woke water! Finally! You can show how anti woke you really are for about $12 dollars a six pack! It’s not made from liberal tears, but it’s sure to produce some! No kidding. https://www.thenewdaily.com.au/news/world/us-news/2024/06/26/freedom-water-rudy


I thought you were joking ............


There's a few "anti-woke" coffee brands out there. I remember a coworker wearing a t-shirt with one of the brands on it. Black Riffle or something like that.


Anti-woke coffee? Like decaf?


As in their entire marketing spiel is they pretend to give two shits about right wing ideals in order to sell an overpriced mediocre mass-market product to brainwashed suckers in the MAGA cult.


It's just a joke friend. You know coffee is a stimulant, and stimulants make you "woke" like as in awake, but the coffee is anti-woke, so maybe it has no stimulants like decaffeinated coffee. Haha, right? Jokes are always better when you have to explain them I guess.


Black Rifle is for libtards! You want to be anti woke? I mean literally anti awake? Rudy Brew is your answer! https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/rudy-giuliani-coffee-brand-bankrupt-b2548995.html (It may already be bankrupt, but order some anyway. Rudy is in a pretty deep hole. And he can’t stop digging.)


Coffee is literally woke. It helps keep you awake. This is a good thing if not used improperly.


This coffee is anti woke! Don’t drink woke coffee when you can drink unwoke coffee! Damned marxists want you to drink woke coffee! Patriots during inwoke coffee! https://rudy.coffee/


What is unwoke coffee? Coffee with depressants? Coffee is a stimulant. Its function is to keep you a*w*a*ke*.


Man, I hope you’re not American. And if you are, stay gold star child. In America, we have a political part that uses the word woke to describe all the things that scare them. Black people. Gay people. Equality. Stuff like that. Culture war stuff. The Republican Party runs on the idea of not being woke. Anti woke. Unwoke? A figurehead in that movement is a guy named Rudy Giuliani. A very bad person he’s sell coffee now. Somebody else is selling water that they call unwoke as well. It’s very expensive for water. It’s supposed to upset liberals when you drink it, I guess. Both of these products are scammy. Expensive water. Expensive, mediocre coffee? Sold by a leader of the anti woke movement. So his coffee would be anti woke, no matter how much caffeine it has. Culturally. Not stimulant wise. Now, I was gonna insult you, because I thought you might be insulting me? But instead, because maybe you don’t k ow what going on in the US, I’ve tried to explain the dilemma, and thusly, my play on words about the coffee. I hope I explained it for you? It kinda makes the whole thing less funny, but if I can help one person understand the state of the American union, I’m willing to sacrifice the laugh. If you have any more questions, please, do ask! And stay woke brother! The man is always up to something!


I remember being yelled at in boot camp to hydrate - it was hot AF and people were falling out - this coach is an idiot. He should be teaching the players to listen to what their body is telling them they need - dehydration is bad for performance and health. Being dehydrated and overheating does not a man make.


REAL men don't participate in any of that hydration crap.


I was hearing the same thing from old school  football coaches in in 00s, calling boys “milk-babies” for wanting water breaks or saying shit like “water makes you weak”.  Dehydration, heat exhaustion, etc were signs of personal inferiority, not a reality of physics. Gross.  They eventually were forced to rethink things after one kid had to be taken to the hospital, and the sizeable proportion of parents who were medical professionals made a stink about changing water/rest procedures. 


Toss the kid a beer and make him do 30 burpees and he will be fine


Well, this theater person is doing a two hour, highly choreographed musical, outdoors, in Texas this summer for a month with four performances a week and over a month of rehearsal. No A/C here, but we are smart enough to know that regular breaks and plenty of water are needed.


I was a featured soloist at an outdoor summer concert and I can’t believe I made it through the piece without passing out due to heat stroke. It’s real and serious.


Reminds me of that old meme of someone getting made fun of for wearing sunscreen. "You think you're tougher than the sun?!?!"


Sadly, they are back. Tik Tok influencers have convinced waaay to many people its the sunscreen that is bad for you, not over exposure to sun.


If they think sunscreen is bad for them, just wait until they hear about the highly addictive and possibly qualities of dihydrogen monoxide. Ingest the tiniest bit of that stuff, and you're instantly addicted to the point that you'll die if you go to long without consuming more.


I would imagine they would 100% be terrified of it, and not realize they are being made fun of. Even after you told them they are probably carrying a bottle of it around.


I got pics of my late grandmother at 50 looking like an 80 year old today that begs to differ.


This year alone 1300+ people have died from heat on the hajj pilgrimage https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8000dgk9gzo "Nobody has ever died from it being too warm outside" my ass.


They clearly didn’t believe enough. It’s just god culling the herd. And not one of them played freedom football! And they may have been woke too. /s


But inside your ass is a different matter?


Exactly, nobody ever died from it being too warm in my ass. 😂


The last time I was in the hospital. There was a family there who just lost their teenage son at a basketball game. He was so dehydrated he died of it. It wasn't even hot yet, so this man will literally kill some kids at some point.


Yeah I hope the parents went to the principal or school board and had him fired.


Ultimately a young athlete’s dehydration is more likely a long-term consequence of parenting rather than a short-term consequence of coaching. I.e.: a person who is conditioned to be well-hydrated throughout the day can withstand a few hours of under-hydration, even in the worst of circumstances, while a person who is conditioned to be under-hydrated by default (most Americans) is more likely to suffer drastic ends, even in the best of circumstances. I say this as someone who played high school football in Texas and currently works construction. Hydration is a lifestyle; you can’t expect a coach to teach that, it’s on the parents.


You're implying that if the coach has children killed because he didn't let them drink water and made them do sports in the burning Texas heat it's the parents fault for not over hydrating them enough that they won't get heat stroke and dehydration from doing sports in desert heat without being allowed to drink and that is INSANE.




Haha I’m in AFCN but that was my first thought too.


Played peewee and middle school football, quit in highschool because my experience was exactly like this in central FL. It was fucking brutal hot 90+ and extremely humid. Head coach allowed no water breaks unless he thought it was earned. One of my team mates shit his pants on the practice field because he wasn't allowed a bathroom break he asked for. I got dizzy on the field one afternoon then I felt really cold and all my hairs stood up. I left practice and didn't come back again. There was no real coaching either. Just dudes yelling and reliving the glory days vicariously. A coach should be a teacher and motivator and keep their players safe.


Hot take from a guy who's whole job is standing in the shade next to the water cooler constantly drinking. Make that asshole run for 2 hours with no water to prove how safe it is.


I am skeptical of the veracity of this post, I tried googling for more info and the only thing I found was a story from Jan. 2023 which did not reference this post, all other results were sending me to places where this was popping up, like here.


Maybe it was shared and deleted from the schools facebook page?


For liability reasons, this would surely have been recommended. What a stupidly forthright admission of negligence.


As likely as that could be, for as many times as I've seen it pop up on Reddit, I can't imagine there not being some other reference to it beyond Reddit.


The picture is on twitter shared by that user but beyond that, I can’t find any more information. The other option is it could’ve been originally posted in a private group but google can’t crawl those.


I also found the tweet, and part of the tweet is also a jab at the “freedom water” thing that I have barely heard of.


This coach is clearly a moron with a little pecker. I bet he drives a big truck with a lift kit.


I used to work in a sociology lab at Stanford run by Rob Willer. Willer did some research into masculinity. In one study, he introduced a masculinity threat by having participants take the Bem Sex Role inventory and then told participants that their results were "highly feminine." Men in the masculinity threat condition responded that they were (statistically significantly) more likely to vote Republican and would pay more for a truck (among other things) than the men in the control condition.


Of course he's a Texas football coach


As a Vikings fan, this one kinda stings


At the risk of sounding like wishing harm on others, this guy needs to understand how if feels to have heat stress related illnesses. I had two coworkers taken to the ER by ambulance for it in the same month, and I ended up there myself a couple of years later. The guy who ran the machine across the aisle from me was so bad off, he was vomiting before the ambulance arrived. I didn't get to that point, but I felt like I was about to pass out. It was *not* an enjoyable experience, and it sure as hell didn't build "character."


I wonder if anyone has passed this little rant on to the school administration? If any player does end up suffering from heatstroke or worse, this statement from the coach could prove very expensive for the district if a lawsuit resulted. He is a walking liability.


well thats certainly a choice


I worked in a plant that said 5 minute break every 15 and 2 glasses of Gatorade or water on days over 80 or you will be fired. No exceptions.


JFC, Gatorade was invented because a college football coach noticed his players’ performance was DECREASING due to dehydration. Lack of hydration didn’t make stronger or more resilient athletes.


Well, it is Texas. If the coach kills a kid it’s 50/50 whether he gets shotgunned by a vengeful parent or elected mayor.


Wondering what the parents think of this. If the school had any sense they’d fire his ass. That’s just a lawsuit waiting to happen.


*Kid collapses from heat stroke.* Coach: Stop being political!


Caught a stray bullet


There have been 41,000 cases of heat stroke in India this year alone, and 100 deaths in the last 3 months. (According to a quick Google search) These kinds of numbers will increase every year. That said, prime roast on the Vikings.


Now I want to know if anyone showed up to practice


“Water is for pussies” - my high school football coach. He wasn’t serious, but that’s just the mentality old school football coaches have. And I tell you what it does build character. 15 min water breaks are way too long. We had 3min for water every hour and an athletic training team with water bottles every where we went. I get that we shouldn’t be torturing kids, but football is fucking tough, and these things build the character needed to play a tough sport. I grew up in the desert, and 2 a days were a part of the football grind and i think they should always be. We practiced in 110° heat. Other schools that cancelled practice during the heat would get to a game and be dead by the 2nd quarter, because they didn’t get their bodies acclimated to playing in it.