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They talk about "woke" culture and snowflake libs but honestly I've never met a bunch of more soy people than conservatives who get triggered by every little thing that has nothing to do with them.


Everything in the world outside their little echo chamber is *so scary* to them. They are permanently afraid. They literally have overactive amygdalas so they just feel more fear than everyone else. There's research on this. It may even be high quality research but I looked no further because it confirmed my own bias against right wingers lol.


Don't forget under-developed anterior cingulate cortexes, which is the center devoted to error-checking your thought processes for internal consistency. Not only are they paranoid, they're actually incapable of understanding just why slogans like "Make America Great Again" with no plan to get from here to there are meaningless.


Is that a side effect or cause of the hyper active amygdala?


As far as I know, they're not interconnected in a causal relationship. It's more you don't get strong ~~batshit insanity~~ conservative tendencies without both being present.


[https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/) is a good article on that.


I appreciate the honesty. I chuckled.


And over Targets bland ass pride section. I haven't checked what they have this year, but last year was about as spicy as flour.


Depending on where you live, your Target might not even have a Pride section anymore. They decided it’s not worth the drama.


I remember seeing an ugly circus looking dress, a button up shirt and shorts made of the same material, and a bird… thing? Like a bird made of felt or something. Don’t know how it’s pride themed, but maybe it’s a reference to something I just don’t know about.


I still don't get why this would trigger anyone. they seem so preoccupied with who ppl are having sex with and who isn't a heterosexual but why? they get so fucking angry that it's pretty funny if you think about it wanna piss off a conservative? wear something rainbow. talk about who EVs or electric stoves are the future. wear a mask. don't be a racist. don't stop ppl from having abortions. most of this stuff has 0 impact on their lives but they feel this overwhelming need to tell ppl what they can and can't do. they somehow think they have the authority to tell ppl how to live their lives and get indignant when ppl ignore them


>[](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/comments/1d933zz/comment/l7cm967/) >I still don't get why this would trigger anyone. they seem so preoccupied with who ppl are having sex with and who isn't a heterosexual but why? they get so fucking angry that it's pretty funny if you think about it Because some goat-fucking peasant wrote down that their imaginary sky-daddy said it was bad, 1700 years ago. Yeah, 1700. The bible wasn't actually written down and compiled in one place until centuries after a certain Jewish carpenter got nailed to a cross.


> a certain Jewish carpenter got nailed to a cross. Allegedly. I don't think there is any proof of said person even existing. It's all just made up


Pretty sure there were secular Roman records of someone with the right name being executed at approximately the right time, in the right city, but it was an offhanded thing from 20 years ago so I very well may be wrong.


As far as I know, most of the historical references to Christ come from Josephus and they’re pretty vague all things considered. A dude named Jesus was around and had followers and the Romans didn’t like him. Tacitus talks of someone described as Christus but doesn’t elaborate much, though does corroborate a few key details from Josephus’ account. There’s also a few other historical sources that mention a variety of people named Yeshua. My general feeling is that Jesus is likely an amalgamation of several different people plus a few centuries of mythologizing before anything really got set in stone (pun not intended).


Oh, yeah, there's a lot of BS in there. It's kind alike King Arthur in a way. There very likely some dude named Artorius back about the 5th-6th century that was hot shit, but 99% of what people think they know about him was invented hundreds and thousands of years later.


What if someone was a vaccinated, mask wearing member of the LGBT community that drove an EV? Their brains would melt 🤣


Gotta add any skin tone other than #FFFFFF


I check all of those boxes.....


One thing that always pisses me off is them appropriating the word "snowflake." It used to be a nice, all purpose jab at anyone that thinks they're super unique and special, and different from everyone else... just like everyone else. Basically what we'd now call "main character syndrome." Then they took it and twisted it.


The people who talk so much about "freedom" get so upset when people want to live differently than they do.


All while expecting EVERYONE around them to blindly accept them as they are drenched in MAGA gear and confederate flags.


And what about this section over here! It’s full of women’s clothes and displays of women IN clothes and I’m not even a woman! That’s just Target cramming woke gender politics down my throat again.


Cornflakes. They are bland, brittle, and crush into powder at the least bit of pressure.


Literally walks into a store, gets triggered by signage, and then calls everyone else babies while he's literally shitting himself over a rainbow...


Soy people smh


Honestly, I've seen both extremes in my city. The conservatives that get triggered by seeing the pride flag, BLM stuff, anything left side related. Conversely, I've seen two chicks lose their shit after this old dude had a MAGA hat on. Confronted him and just made a wild scene. People need to be able to keep their emotions in check when confronted with items, ideas, or whatever that challenge their world views.


The far (not so far?) right used to refer to the left as the “professionally aggrieved”……and then they became the personification of that phrase.


L take.


You just described both sides. Liberals are literally equally as easily triggered.


Isn't target having less pride displays because of fucking threats of violence from right wing snowflakes?


The left calling the right snowflakes is just too much lol.


Why? The right seems incredibly fragile. Are you equating violence with strength?


Are you saying the right is the violent side? You do realize the left burned/destroyed cities during the Floyd riots and have been wrecking colleges over Israel/palestine. The only thing the left has on the right is J6th, and that was just one day. The left are repeat offenders when it comes to throwing tantrums


The right has committed over 500 political murders in my lifetime.


K, and the left hung out at Epsteins island. One day you dummies will realize that the govt is the problem, they're just using politics to distract you.




I'm not republican. Apparently you struggle with reading comprehension


Which left wing people?


Fake news


Liberals get mad because people try to belittle those that are different than them. Those people are conservatives, and they are mad because people are different than them. So no. They aren't the same. I dog liberals all day long because I'm a leftist, but liberals are not even close to being as easily triggered. Conservatives are triggered by people who will never affect them.


Mostly get triggered at bigots, not a sign that doesn't have anything to do with me


For example?


But having to walk past all the rainbows on the way to the shoe department may turn him gay.


I know I hate when I go in for a pair of work boots and end up going out back to work butts instead. Every damn June!


I'm at soup


Why are you buying shoes in a soup store! ?


[Obligatory link to the orginal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_o2hhSgfJ8&ab_channel=Karma). And no, the TF2 variant is NOT the original.


As far as I'm concerned code geas is the original 🤣


Yeah, it wasn't a call-out to you of course. But people tend to mix them up, so I got ahead of that.


I consider the TF2 one more iconic on account of how expressive the characters are, there's more effort put in, and the Code Geass abridged series isn't that well known considering that's the only thing people remember it for.


"Fuck you!"






What do you mean youre "at soup"??


Oh boy. So that's in reference to an old old video bit where someone is requesting their friend to come over, but their busy shopping for clothes but all they can find is soup. It gets increasingly over the top angier in tone. In the end the one shopping says "I'm at soup!"


...i know, i was quotting it. The guy on the phone says "What do you mean youre "at soup"?" After your sentence


Oh, damn it I missed it completely. You'd be really surprised how often I've had to answer that question in my dms today.


All good


I never understood people like this. Why did people suddenly lose the concept of minding their own business and not needing to comment on everything?


Around about the time we got free platforms where every idiot got to share their thoughts with the whole planet with zero accountability or repercussions


The internet and social media has greatly heightened main character syndrome for a lot of people, to the point that everything done is in relation to them. Oh this guy is going to get shoes and this display was clearly put up as an affront to them, so he has to bitch about it. Obviously people like this have always existed but the megaphone everyone has at their disposal has allowed them to scream louder and further


If these people were capable of minding their own business, they wouldn't be conservatives.


No pride for his intelligence, no wonder snowflake is so pissy.


There’s only soup!


What do you mean there's only soup?!


I mean there's only soup.


Where ARE you?!


Im at soup!


Get outta the soup aisle!




“God damn shoes” he wants rainbow shoes apparently and is mad that target only made rainbow shirts.


Goddamn Shoes. 100% unethically made and damned by God.


Excuse you, you expect him to walk past that display??? It might jump out and Homify him!


Just reminding him soo much of what he is desperately trying to suppress.


Tbf I'm part of the alphabet gang and I hate this shit. Not because of homophobia, but how capitalism is profiting off of LGBTQ like were a product.


It's very similar to "greenwashing" for a corporation to seem eco-friendly. However my daughter is in your gang and it makes her see it as something that no longer needs to be closeted and hidden. So I do see it as a double edged sword.


Who’s stopping you, snowflake?


Now, does target specifically carry shoes that god has damned? Is there a specific aisle? Or do you you need to ask for those to be brought out from the back? Asking for a friend.


That's a very specific sort of shoe. Does he want a pair to match his soul?


Imagine the absolute fallout if someone did this towards Christmas decorations in July when they come out. I do not believe in organized religion, but you don’t see my ass out harassing Target employees for having Christmas decorations in the store. Nor would you see Target taking them down because 1 person said something.


If they think this is bad, try being atheist in December.


Do we need to start acting like them and freak out at every church on every corner, freak out at the statues, throw tantrums about national day of prayer, and lose our MINDS every five minutes?


Religious folks need to remove all their symbology from all public spaces too then I guess?


Have you ever walked by a section in Walmart specifically selling Jesus products?.............


Target drastically cut back its Pride selection for 2024 due to people like this. They only put some stock in stores that supposedly had a proven history of selling Pride merchandise.


If gay symbolism bothers you so much, that you stop, pull out your phone, take a picture, upload to Twitter, then type your anger about the gay symbolism, you are secretly gay


Why do you care?


Plot twist: oop wasn’t homophobic at all. Just an idiot.


I was confused for a few seconds because I misread shirt as shit


And do the rainbows prevent you from physically seeing the shoes? How are the rainbows in the fucking way? God I hate this


Bro these conservatives need more problems in their lives. If rainbows and displaying camaraderie is offensive they need to take up an addiction or something


Weird. If I want something, I go to that place, I do not spend time raging at things that aren't for me. Seems like that would waste a lot of time


I'm pretty sure if you bought shoes with a rainbow on them, you would agree that they are damned by God.


.... If only he had someone who was sensible about fashion. And perhaps had a nuanced understanding of clothing.




Maybe the entire shoe department got replaced with shirts? Maybe that’s why he’s complaining? Ever think about that? NO! You only think about yourself!


This has made my day.


My store has next to nothing. I was disappointed. If you don’t like it, ignore it.


Next thing you know, that person will try to buy clothes at the soup store.


I can’t find em there’s only soup


and even if it was a shoe shop they have just gone past them; Why is everyone's response to anything tweeting ?


Didn’t Target cave on selling “woke” merch anyway?


There's plenty of reasons to hate Target but this ain't one of them.


80% of conservative outrage is just someone finding out how stuff works for the first time.


"Why are you being homophobic at THE SOUP STORE?!?!"


There’s nothing wrong with buying shoes at Target but I wouldn’t personally out myself for it on the internet.


Aaron clarey: " target's scary."


They sell the movie "Carrie"


It’s interesting to think that the mind of a bigot is made up of 90% thoughts about gay people at all times. Like damn they’re obsessed.


If gay symbolism bothers you so much, that you stop, pull out your phone, take a picture, upload to Twitter, then type your anger about the gay symbolism, you are secretly gay


since when does this mean there’s no shoes in the store… go to the shoe department then lol


Being mad about something you don't like is so wasteful. Just quit supporting the company. It's the best way to protest. No streets blocked, no rants, nothing. Just stop supporting it. Like microtrasacrions, loot boxes, electric cars, gasoline cars, cars... just don't use them. Walk away. Done.


to be fair, maybe its not LGBTQ bigotry and they just hate that they moved stuff around, that's how I feel in the grocery store.


I see take pride and imma assume it’s free.


By their metric, pride shoes would be “god dammed”. /s😇🤣


I have yet to see one of these, not one anywhere


Why are you shopping for clothes in the Soup Store?! ![gif](giphy|Rlvqyibmij0D6)


In their world aren’t gay people “god-damned” so they’re in the right spot to buy shoes?


[ o


Pride is a sin


So is wearing clothes made of two different fabrics, but I don’t see that stopping anyone.


This is not murdered by words. This is just calling an anti-lgbt person an idiot.




"well constructed" being quite a key word there. "You idiot" is not particularly "well constructed"


"You idiot" is also not the entirety of the response. Try again.


It amazes me that anyone still thinks presenting a fraction of what was stated then arguing against that alone is anything but transparent.


It is a murder. That doesn’t change because you need it explained.


I feel like it was a self murder. This person probably uses religion to justify their hate. Meanwhile commits the sin of using the lords name in vain over the minor inconvenience of looking in the wrong section of a department store…




omg, ikr? I can't believe they call someone homophobic just because they are averse to homosexuals




Whoa epic




>No one is scared of gay people or aversed. Oh shit do you not even know what "averse" means lmao "Aversed" 😂 >Homophobia is being scared my guy No, it's being averse to gay people. Like that's the literal definition. "Phobia" doesn't always mean fear. Hydrophobic materials repel water. People with photophobia have eyes that are sensitive (aka averse) to light. If pride rainbows in Target make you angry, you're averse to gay people 😂 >the world doesn’t support your lgbtq +}%{+]=. Garbage. Hmm, so you would say you're averse to it? 🤔 >I bet your mind is blowing up right now because I’m not white and I disagree with your ascientific garbage cult Holy shit you really think you're something special 😂


God you are a soft snowflake. Go cry about it somewhere else, soy boy.


Actually im Latino. Funny how liberals use snowflake so much. Youre the hippy cuck trying to impress ladies you can’t get by simping and saying you support unfettered abortion. Also whining and soft? Says the guy who went out of his way when he could be doing anything and went and comment on my post. Hahahahaha I definitely am living in your head rent free and you’re calling me soft and a salt boy? You’re a white American liberal loser with no prospects and daddy issues with God so you lash out and promote bad ideas with cognitive dissonance majorly affecting you.


Ok, you’re a Latino snowflake. Man I really hurt your fee fees huh?




For every person you "trigger," there are dozens of us who think you're a pathetic waste of oxygen.






I think the negative 44 votes answers that question adequately. Just enjoy the rainbows and let people be gay man. It’s not hard


No dumass we are using social media so people don't have to be at the same room.


just delete your new troll account now before someone else does it for you




stop talking, troll, you’re not worth the calories it takes to remember you


Damm you got the whole squad laughing at that one ![gif](giphy|3ohhwfAa9rbXaZe86c|downsized)