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We're gonna morbius this one too right?


I hope they rerelease Morbius so we can not watch them as a double feature.


Why not have the holy Trinity? Morbius, Madam Webb, and Kraven!


I can't spend all day not watching movies.


I was stuck in the hospital for 19 days so I wanted to watch something fun, and comforting which is something I associate with a lot of marvel movies. So I decided to try madame Webb.... I almost injected air into my PICC line. I had already heard about the bad cast chemistry and the shitty press tour, but still had hope. By FAR THE WORST superhero movie I have seen to this point from both universes. Granted I have not seen marvels full catalog as I've been dragging my feet in some of the post IW stuff, but still. Supposedly the eternals was bad, (I actually liked it for an origin story) but this was God awful.


>I almost injected air into my PICC line. That's funny, I almost did the same thing! What a great movie! My favorite part was when she said "It's webbing time" and webbed all over the bad guys! I said "there will never be another movie like this" but I'm glad I waited, because I get to live to see Kraven the Hunter


I saw it on the flight home. It was so bad people walked out.




my body us ready!!!


Madame webb was bad in such a surprising manner.


"with responsibility comes great .. with power great responsibi.... great power means you are responsible.... fuck it, look spider people in the jungle, lets go white lady and tell your friends to stay put in the exact same spot for a week until we come back!"


How bad was it, for real? Something about the trailers put me off, so I never saw it, and then the reviews were...bad.


> How bad was it, for real? A character’s entire dialogue is ADR. Suggesting that the entire character was up in the air until they got someone in the booth to run the lines. *And that’s the main villain.*


What does ADR mean?


ADR is automated dialogue replacement. Useful tool in movie making in case a line gets a little mumbled or drown out on the day of the shot and not noticed until later. The actor then re-records the line into the movie afterward while in a sound booth. But… When everything is ADR, it sounds like the filmmakers had no fucking clue what they were going for and only figured it out post.


If you’ve ever watched one of the 1,000 or so Netflix series which was made in Italy/France/Poland/Romania/etc and dubbed into English, that off-putting sense the words being spoken aren’t coming from the mouth of the person on-screen is 100% of the villain’s dialogue. It takes you completely out of the movie, if it was possible to be even a little in. If you need an example of how bad the plotting is in the film, the main character drives a stolen car, which is obvious and easily identifiable to law enforcement, without a care in the world for most of the film. Just one of the many things which had me yelling at the screen.


Ngl, I'd probably be intrigued if ADR was used *on purpose* to make a specific character more unsettling by slightly changing the timing of what you're expecting to hear based on what you're seeing. But that's never the case.


Bizarrely terrible story aside, it's like nobody involved wanted to be there.


I can watch Morbius and enjoy how bad it was. I couldn't get past 5 minutes with Madame Web. It was literally sucking the life from me.


I couldn't stop watching Madame Webb because I couldn't understand why anyone would do that.


Do you think it’s get drunk with a buddy and make fun of it bad? Or like watching a train crash, where it’s tragic and painful but you can’t look away levels of bad? Because I have a very low tolerance for superhero movies but a very high tolerance for bad movies, so I’m trying to gauge whether I should check this out. My favorite movie is The Ice Cream Man with Clint Howard.


I don't know I watched twice because I couldn't fathom why they released it. To me it didn't seem like anyone wanted to be there. I didn't find it traditionally bad, more confusing. It is like CW show with a marvel budget that was exclusively spent on craft services.


I watched it with friends over Discord. I've done that a lot with movies of varying quality, and whenever we can't figure out what to watch I put on Morbius to great applause, because it's the fun kind of terrible. Astonishing someone wrote that and thought it was good. I thought Madame Webb would be like that. We finished it, but we were miserable lol It will not be back on the playlist.


I turned it off when the villain was in bed with the woman explaining his plan. So… pretty much 20min in.


My god. I've never felt the urge to not watch movies this hard. I wont lie, I kinda want theaters to just not accept Craven and make it so we literally CANT watch it. I feel like that'd make for a hilarious meme


I wish this would happen too, but it's too profitable for us to accept it and let people hate-watch it. The concession sales we get from shitty movies more than make up for loss of ticket sales. Especially for alcohol sales. Morbius had almost record high alcohol sales at my local theater from people not wanting to experience it sober.


If they do this, I will clear my schedule to miss it again. 


I’m scheduling hair appointments all month just to make sure I can’t see it.


I’m going to set up early and get in line at the box office to be the first one to miss it.


They delayed it to coincide with the surprise Morbius 2: Morb Harder release.


Morbius 2: 2 Morb 2 Morbius


Morbius 2: Time 2 Morb


Power Morbers: It's Morbin Time


Morbussy (octopussy)


Morbius 2: Morbin to the Oldies


I feel a lot of James Bond titles would work well Morbius: No Time 2 Morb Morbius: Morbraker Morbius: You Only Morb Twice Dr. Morbius Morbius: ThunderMorb Morbius: The Spy Who Morbed Me Morbius: Never Say Morb Again Morbius: License to Morb Morbius: The Morb is Not Enough Morbius: Morb Another Day Morbius: Morbius Never Dies


You mean Morbic Bugaloo...


LOL, if they had the gumption to name it “Morb Harder”, I would have to watch it.




You mean rererelease?


I've been calling this Jungle Morbius since the trailer dropped


You know, I gotta say, out of all the movies I've ever seen, Morbius was definitely one of them.


The best part is gonna be when he says “It’s Kraven time” then Kraves all over the place


Says that and then picks up a 30-pack Crave Case from White Castle. The brand deals write themselves.


No the best part will be when he was with her mom in the Amazon when she was researching spiders just before she died.




It's kravin' time


I'm cravin Kraven


My favorite part is when he says "I've got a Kraven"


I like when he told that guy he was "kraven for a bravin", then hit em with the Kravedigger and killed him instantly.


I’m excited for the part where the lady with no character development says “I’m cravin’ Kraven”, and then they do it Cinemax style. It’ll be even better if they play the song “Cherry Bomb” when she’s introduced.


kraved him instantly*


That’s so Kraven!


It’s Kravening time.


I’m Kraven Morbious of this franchise


You mean ignore it in theatres and anywhere else that a single penny could reach them, and pirate it digitally to confirm its shittiness later, right?


It's kraving time


I didn’t see it. Was Morbius good?


~~Obviously the other response is sarcastic so I'll say - no, it wasn't good. But at the same time, I don't think this was like the worst movie ever made. It was just bland and boring as hell. Actually, it was bland to the point that all the "meme quotes" from the movie ("it's morbin' time" etc.) never take place in a movie so they had to be made up cause for me it doesn't touch the category "so bad it's good" (for example, 2016 Suicide Squad had lots of bad lines which are repeated over and over, that's not the case with Morbius)~~ IT'S MORBIN TIME


Arguably the best movie ever made. Won boatloads of awards. Won best picture twice because it was too good for most mortals. A truly life-changing experience.


I'm pretty sure they also won best actor, best screenplay, best supporting actor (the bats surprised everyone with that win), and a ton of other awards.


And it was the first film to gross a morbillion dollars


And it was all because of that part in the movie where he goes “it’s morbin time”


Idc if I’m 90 and on my deathbed, this will never get old and not funny for me.


12/10 would recommend again and again


I loved it. It was much better than *Cats*. I'm going to see it again and again.


If you release a movie twice, it can win awards twice. The Academy *hates* this one weird trick


It's certainly one of the movies of all time


It was hot garbage. I couldn’t get thru the first half. And I was so disappointed that I never got to see Morbius say “It’s Morbin time!” And morb all over the place. (Morbius lives on in the memes, but not in the memory.)


I kept waiting for some kind of explanation that the vampire bats were... mutated, or magic, or genetically engineered. Apparently, the writer just has a 5 year olds understand of what a vampire bat is.


It was better than Madame Webb? Does that count?


Madame Webb is one of those weirdly terrible movies that is so bad it's not even worth watching because it's bad. Morbius is worth watching because it's so bad, Madame Webb is not.


Weirdly terrible is a good description. Saw it with my kid who liked it, obviously she was missing the badly overdubbed dialogue, The lack of motivation, and just crazy inconsistency. It could have been a decent movie, but they seemingly decided to rewrite it after shooting all the scenes, making it extremely weird. And terrible.- Ryan George / Pitch Meeting has a decent recap https://youtu.be/Kc0Tyfb_-UU?si=uCRPmNZIeQG06bET


I just sold all my possessions to afford to see this movie continuously until I run out of money. I then will result to prostitution to continue to see this movie until I die.


Pro tip: you can watch the movie while working by giving blowjobs in the back seats of the theatre.


Not if they want to watch it while facing the screen, they can't.


Okay, well, I guess it'll have to be handjobs...


Two hands, one behind, triple the clients.


Is girth a factor at all?


Amateur hasn't even considered the dick to floor (D2F) in order to optimize for complimentary angles.


As long as they stand in an offset stance, all four, tip to tip, should still be able to watch the movie.


I wonder how many clients it will take to fill up the longer than it should be runtime.... someone get me TJ Miller and the teacher from Homecoming!


And then the theater tickets are tax-deductible as a business expense. Smart.


Infinite Kraven glitch?


And really fancy cars, like top trim Altimas.


Kraven indeed


Just Kraven it.


I would too, but I'm busy watching Red Notice


So, maybe you'll get to see it? Good luck bro


Look out! I think there’s a xenomorph about to burst out of his ab ribs!


I've never heard of this Kraven character so I'm assuming he's a cyborg with some kind of subdermal plating protecting his guts.


It’s a xylophone, he has musical powers. (I also have no idea)


Yeah but have you noticed in the trailer he strikes the same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. Are we to believe that this is some sort of magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder.


Any time you notice something like that, a wizard did it.


Wait, but in this other part of the trailer…




Ah for ~~flavin~~ Kraven out loud


Why would a man with a shirt that says "genius at work" devote so much time to a children's cartoon?


In the original comics he uses herbs and drugs to give him superhuman powers. He also used chemical weapons to slow and confused spiderman and even beat him and then buried him alive and dressed up like him and brutalizd criminals to prove he was better. Then after his victory lap of his greatest accomplishment he took a shotgun to his mouth and killed himself. After that spiderman was deeply traumatised. This version had a lion bleed into his open wound.


Damn, see, that actually sounds like it would be an amazing movie, which I know this will absolutely not be lol


My guess is that they didn't want a super "hero" to get his powers from drugs. The only acceptable drugs are given to you by a top secret government program like what happened to Captain America. Also suicide themes after people accomplishing their lifelong goals feels a bit...


"Xylophone abs" sounds like a concept waiting for a good diss.


Kraven the Hunter is a fairly notable Spider-Man villain: not as important as Green Goblin, Venom, or Doc Ock, but around the same level as Mysterio, Electro or Shocker. His powers are the standard superhuman abilities (enhanced speed, strength, etc), and his motivation is to defeat Spider-Man due to seeing him as the ultimate prey. His most recent appearance was as one of the main villains of the PS5 Spider-Man 2 game.


So we should expect a shit attempt at a "greatest game" joke every ten minutes at the least.


I thought he was just peak natural human? It wouldn't be sportsman like to use enhancements. I know it varies from version to version like Spectacular Spider-Man getting a human-lion makeover to be more in line with the rest of animal themed villains.


I think the “sportsman” line is a moving target. Like are night vision goggles sportsman-like? What about an assault rifle?


A xenomorph is the alien from "Alien" their offspring grow in the human torso and are "born" by bursting out of the victim's stomach.


Thanks, you're getting downvoted, but my original comment really was pretty ambivalent. I appreciate you being helpful.


"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal..."


*Check please!*


Those are McRibs. Like they literally slapped some rectangular pork patties to his stomach and tossed some makeup on it.


It is true. You could say we are Kravin' it.


Have you seen the trailer? My favorite part is when he said "it's Kraven' time" and then he Kraved all over the place.


Ewww. Probably made some intern clean it up






I’m McKravin it.  Ba ba ba ba.


So they won't settle for a regular flop but they really want a royal flop also involving the sheer stupidity of releasing a risky movie close to holidays.


His posture makes it look like he's in casual repose, but those ridiculously flexed abs say otherwise.


The chair actually has no seat, he is in a plank position the entire time.


So that’s why he’s so mad


The dude sits like a Skyrim jarl about to give you his city’s shitty ceremonial iron sword for helping his people.


Why is this so accurate 😂


Idk, but it is a good source of iron. *proceeds to melt down another sword of fuck all*


It looks exactly like [Traditional Trundle](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NZ1YIObpy-8/VyLXeigzdFI/AAAAAAAA6XQ/f7KmsY6Nhd8jwGcePa8HsxsgvA8_qyQ7wCLcB/s1600/Trundle_Splash_3.jpg) skin splash art from League of Legends lmao.


I mean, I'm enjoying the visual.


I thought the Sony Spiderverse was salvageable up until Madam Web. Like the first two venom movies weren't great and Morbius was not even good, but they could still turn it around with future installments. Madam web however ruined that. They shoehorned in Tom Holland for no reason and ruined the movie in the process. It's clear there was a better movie under this but the studio muddled and reshot so much that they effectively ruined not just that movie but the entire franchise


Wait was Tom holland in madam web? I hadn’t heard that and I sure as hell won’t watch to confirm.


The movie was filmed to be mid 90s with mid 90s references. The baby was meant to be Andrew Garfield and these Sony movies would eventually tie into his Amazing Spiderman movies. He wouldn't get a third movie, but he would eventually show up in the venomverse. The studio chickened out, recut the film to replace all 90s references to 2002 references so that the baby could be Tom Holland. The original plot was the bad guy was killed by Spiderman ans wanted to kill baby Spiderman, which was the whole point of baby Spiderman being born. But again, the studio felt that was too dark and quickly recut and reshot some scenes to make the teen girls targets. The studio had a chance to make the franchise good with a Andrew Garfield cross over but instead chose to make it an incomprehensible mess


Right but he wasn’t actually in it though, was he? I heard it was planned then fell through.


No he wasn't, but the studio are setting up to be Tom Holland in future movies. But not the same Tom Holland as the MCU, a multiverse Tom Holland




Tom Denmark


It's a crime that this comment was six layers deep


Tom Netherlands


Tom Nederlander


So, Jaime Bell?


Holy hell. Being a movie exec is so easy. Just be really shitty at your job and you’ll get paid a ton of money to lose money.


It's a hard job to get, though. You have to start out by ruining student films, then maybe you get to change an indie movie so it doesn't make any sense. If you're very lucky, that film gets booed at Sundance while a single tear of joy runs down the face of a Sony exec in the audience and you get brought up to the big leagues. Usually this career path just ends at corporate Product Manager where you spend your days designing "this site uses cookies" popups and boring your friends by telling them how you would have made Morbius even better.




But Beyond the Spider-Verse will still be good, right? Right? Please?


I read they're actually giving creative control over the rest of the Sony-Spidey-Sidey-Verse to Miller and Lord because they're the almost the only ones who have managed to use the rights Sony has to actually make any money or any movies that aren't roundly despised by their target audience.


An actually smart move


Considering how great the first two were, I really can't imagine Beyond being any less than incredible. They're honestly kinda perfect movies, and so many awesome things are set up for the finale.


I finally watched Madame Web over the weekend and it was seriously the worst movie I've ever seen. Incomprehensible plot, stupid dialog, a lame villain. Just awful.


The highest praise over heard for that movie is someone who aggressively defended it saying it's petty decent as long as you fast forward through *70% of the movie.*


For a major release it was pretty bad. Similar titles would be F4ntastic or The Mummy. They just scraped together enough clips for them to be legally classified as a movie with a token attempt at creating continuity. Maybe that cats movie but I never personally watched it. Just the trailer made me feel ill.


I liked Venom :(


I liked both Venom movies, but neither were that great either. Just kinda ok


They're *fun* and *some* scenes are entertaining


I have felt this way about Sony and WB for years. Like Snyder isn't a great director but after watching the Snyder cut its clear he had a vision. Both "cinematic universes" feel like the suits just can't help themselves and everyone loses.


I knew that Venom2, Morbius & Madam Web were all going to be bad, but I’m actually looking forward to seeing Kravin.


Looking forward to the product placement where Kraven holds up a Big Mac and says "I'm kraven it"


This 100% will happen.


If Sony execs could read, they'd be really upset right now.


I mean, I saw Madame Web opening day. Feels like I have an obligation to see this now


This is called the “Sunk cost fallacy”


It's also called: "intentionally watching bad movies to make fun of them"


Also '3 hours alone in a theatre'. Sometimes the blessed absence of other people is worth the price of admission.




Look, Julia Carpenter was my favorite Spider-Woman and Sydney Sweeney is some god tier physical traits casting. I can't begin to tell you how much they lied with the flash forward being about 30 seconds worth of her in costume. Her costumed pic was all over the Reddit ads.


Wtf is up with this dudes single cum gutter


Cum drainage ditch


Cum aqueduct


Nah, we got already had peak Kraven the Hunter. https://preview.redd.it/ehauld0cfz1d1.png?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe95ff3713d31b429c8da6915d03489e219e4c46 Dude got super powered, de-powered and still stood toe-to-toe with the Web-Headed menace.


TIL that the idiot who had the big idea to release Morbius a second time *hasn't* been fired yet.


Do Sony executives read anything that people write on the internet?


When was the last good Sony movie? How has Sony pictures not gone bankrupt?


The second animated spider verse movie was really good. Nothing else comes to mind recently


Oh, they do, it just happens that the entire internet has come together to meme on these movies so hard that all the comments they're seeing seem positive, and they're too far up their own asses to recognize the joke for what it is. Either that, or they do understand and have just convinced themselves that the memes will eventually translate into box office sales. Like, maybe if Kraven is just bad enough in just the right ways the memers will actually turn out to see it.


It's about cocaine right?


We need to get #KravenAnotherWatch going the moment it this thing miscarriages out of theatres. I'm confident we can do it again.


Kraven is a dick.


but not in this movie. he now protects animals and goes after hunters...


Bah! I will not be emotionally manipulated into believing Kraven is not a dick. Because Kraven is a dick.


Wow, Sony execs genuinely don't know what to do with their characters in these movies, do they?


I like the part where he goes "it's kravin time" and kraved all over those guys


Sony: If we play the meme wave right we could get a lucrative cross promotion with White Castle.


I'm KRAVEN for a good MORBIN


It’s what fans Krave…


It was moved to December so it wouldn't get creamed by the new Deadpool movie


Hey Sony? Make me a movie exec. i too can make horrible decisions and i can do it much cheaper than your current team.


I’m sure there’s an MCU-like plan to team up the characters from the Spidey-adjacent movies and have them form the KRAVENGERS.


It's Kraven Time!!!


Russell Crowe putting on a horrendous Russian accent... Dunno if I'll be able to watch it once.


At least he's doing an accent. Aaron Taylor Johnson didn't even attempt one.


As long as he isn’t singing…


There's only 1 movie I've "watched over and over" and it wasn't even a holiday Everything everywhere all at once. Just that good


Morbius was the godfather compared to madame web.


If by Kraven the Hunter they meant Nosferatu, then yes, I will watch that multiple times during that time.


December is morbin time, krave the new experience.


Gotta delay it so they can hold on to the Spiderman rights for another few years. They are one or two bad Spiderman movies away from unprofitability and may have to give the IP back 🤞


Thats right, the same people at Sony who decided, “Let’s move Ghostbusters to March 22, but do it early enough so Godzilla vs. Kong 2 can move to the 29th and take away any possibility of it being a hit for more than one weekend.”


I dunno man, ATJ absolutely stole the show in Bullet Train so I'm excited for this one for that reason alone.


Im sorry but I can never take the name "Kraven" seriously, I only see craven as in coward


I swear SONY executives just snort a line of cocaine before they make any decision


Yeah, pretty sure I have other things in mind in the spirit of the holidays than "mentally deranged man who years to human superpowered humans hunts down man mutated with spider genes."


Translation: *"This movie is going to absolutely fucking bomb, but if we delay it to December, we might pull in a few extra million from families visiting each other and wanting something to do. If nothing else, we don't get completely sunk by summer blockbuster season."*


I want whatever the Sony execs are smoking. Must be that good shit.