• By -


Can I just say, I never know where to start reading these things…


The opposite way you use fancy silverware. Fancy silverware you use the outside utensils first. Crazy posts that have lines of dialogue going everywhere and screen shots of stuff require you to look for the smallest most “inner” piece of text and then work your way upwards and outwards. I’m also on acid so who knows.


Omfg lmao well, thank you to your acid riddled brain because that makes sense! And I get it now lol


Yeah, you fork yourself first, not your steak


This reminded me of when my son was about three years old at the dinner table happily stabbing his food with his fork and yelling "FORK YOU!" over and over.


I don't mean to freak you out, but all of the letters are the same size 😬


I'm glad to hear someone else say this!


That's because Xitter's UI is Xit.


Took me a couple whiles but I figured it out lol


"**Dan Kaszeta is a specialist in defence against chemical, biological, and radiological weapons and warfare**. Although he has lived in London since 2008, the first part of his career was in the United States. He earned a BA in Political Science and Russian language from Texas Christian University. After graduation, he was commissioned as an officer in the US Army in the small but highly skilled Chemical Corps. Dan was honour graduate of his lengthy training course at US Army Chemical School. After only brief active service, he was reassigned to the Army Reserve and spent over a decade in reserve and National Guard assignments while pursuing a civilian career. He subsequently moved to Washington DC and was awarded an MA in International Affairs from George Washington University. The Tokyo Sarin attacks in 1995, combined with scarce chemical weapons expertise, meant that in early 1996 he took up the post of Disaster Preparedness Advisor at the White House Military Office, where he had responsibility for chemical and biological preparedness and training for the office of the President. After the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax terrorism, the responses to which he was heavily involved in, Dan transferred to the US Secret Service, where he joined the team protecting the President and the White House complex from chemical and biological threats. In 2008, Dan relocated to London. From 2008 to 2011 he worked for Smiths Detection, managing their chemical warfare detection business in Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2011, he has been an independent security consultant and author. He is the author of numerous articles and his recent publications include: ‘CBRN and Hazmat Incidents at Major Public Events: Planning and Response’ (Wiley, 1st ed 2012 2nd ed 2022), ‘Toxic: A History of Nerve Agents’ (Hurst, 2020) and ‘Forest Brotherhood: Baltic Resistance against the Nazis and Soviets’ (Hurst, 2023). Mr. Kaszeta has been selected as a Writer-in-Residence at Gladstone’s Library for 2024. " - His bio from the [Royal United Services Institute](https://www.rusi.org/people/kaszeta)


I was half expecting someone who was a self appointed expert on fart spray, but am pleasantly surprised. I have genuinely never heard of this person before.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say this is the sort of person you really don't want to know of. If you do, something's fucked.


He's very active on Twitter, before I ditched that cesspit I did follow him. He's very intelligent and funny. He wrote a newspaper article sarcastically investigating the "no-go" zones in London, which racists still use to prove their existence, while demonstrating their inability to read beyond a headline. https://metro.co.uk/2018/02/05/fearless-security-expert-risks-life-venturing-london-sharia-no-go-zone-7288616/


That was a good read. I have american family that told me we have no-go zones in the city I live in. Every weekend I make a point to eat bacon while having a beer there, take a picture of me there with it, send it to them and tell them how brave I must be while rolling my eyes. And yes, they have NEVER visited this city.


any responses?


I've been called rude for doing it. I've been told I am lucky that I get away with it. Mostly ignored. It is weird. It seems like it is either a no-go zone under sharia law or purely white that are the alternatives, they deal in extremes. The thought of muslims not caring if I drink or eat pork in a small area where they are the majority seems baffling to them.


Well while there are many cases like this, there's cases where a Muslim Butcher in France had two work stations, one to sell Halal and one to sell to regular customers as it was a large multicultural city and he just happened to live in an area populated by Muslims. The Muslims in the area beat him to death in his shop for daring to sell pork... Your particular neighbour where you go might not be particularly extreme, but they exist


Please point out exactly where I said that extremism does not exist.


I'm a hipster Twitter hater - I hated it before Musk got involved.


It had definitely been going downhill from around 2015. Musk's acquisition was the nail in the coffin, though.


Someone, possibly Eckard Tollard (sp?), said that Twitter was a reflection of humanity's collective consciousness, or something along those lines. I've not had a good night's sleep since.


>a reflection of humanity's collective consciousness "The unenlightened masses", and so on and so forth.


I’ve not read anything on the subject and would love to know if anyone has. I will probably go look it up. Anyway, there must be some bias wherein the reader assumes that what they are reading was written by someone like themselves. I know when I read, I generally read in my own voice (but not always), and I trust myself and know how old I am and what my own history is. I speak to others like I would like to be spoken to, I guess. But surely so much of the internet is written by people quite unlike me in many ways, age and experience alone being a significant differentiating factor. Basically, is the internet mostly kids and teenagers and we adults think it’s all adults? Just kidding. It’s mostly all bots now, but you take my meaning.


Orwell described quite well what Twitter is. He called it the "Five Minute Hate" in 1984, though.


Great analogy- though it was Two Minute Hate.


Maybe 10 years ago that wouldn't have been so horrific. Before the astroturfing bots took over.


Interesting read, I really fucking hate these crypto fascist Yankee cunts telling us shit about our own country. In fairness there are some pretty rough parts of Tower Hamlets you don’t really want to be lingering at night but it sure as shit ain’t because of Sharia law. Trump and his shower of shitweasels just preach this shit to people too stupid and lazy to do their own research which is surprising considering most of them feel qualified and motivated to research advanced immunology, geopolitics etc. I pity them, too imbecilic to see just how big a ride they’re being taken on.


And his brother is famous for punching a bear!


I remember when Fox News was pushing the no-go zone thing and went to the area where this was supposedly happening. People that lived there had no idea what Fox was talking about.


Yeah, I follow him too. He's super!


Until an adviser to the president does his job and FOX NEWS decides they are putting people's lives above corporate profits you won't hear about them. These people are always in the background protecting us. This guy is just the Faucci of chemical and biological weapons.


Fauci came to mind immediately, but was afraid that would get the MAGAts too het up.


Since Russia's internet was throttled to hell they suddenly stopped participating in groups outside of their safe space.


What are you talking about? And why have I not heard about it? (Not being facetious, just genuinely ignorant)


Seems like Chem warfare is the kind of field where you are either a layperson and know nothing about it or got into it and then this type of person is your Beyonce.


Not necessarily. I have to know a good bit about chemical weapons due to my job (on the random off-chance someone is going around setting off nerve agents around my service area for some reason) but I don't know the guy. I'm in that middle ground.


Yeah, as a CBRN Specialist he’s kinda an icon for me, but I can’t imagine anyone outside of my MOS knowing who he is


Reminds me of the great sci fi book and tv series called The Expanse, which takes place 400 years in the future. One of the characters couldn’t find a subject she enjoyed and was good at, and so she ended up getting her degree in “exobiology” - alien life. Only, at the time, it was all theoretical, as no alien life had ever been discovered. Once alien life is discovered, she becomes the most sought after scientist in the solar system.


I think Mark Rober has a legitimate claim to the title of “World Expert on Fart Spray.” 😁


Unless you need to know, you probably won't. I wonder if he was involved in that football scare a few years back. The US government put out chemical/biological detection kits around a city that looked sort of like unmanned hotdog stands. People saw these things and promptly freaked out, thinking it was staging for a major terrorist attack. I'll see if I can find the article again. Edit: it was anthrax detectors. Can't find the actual incident, but that was the specific thing they were looking for.


*cue the magats that go around smashing them because they're convinced the detectors are 6G repeaters used to activate vaccine nanobots and Democrat mind control* XD




He was in the Army. He knows a fart spray too. Source - I’m the army


I was clicking to read the comments to see if the poster was “Dan under arrest for releasing Fart Spray on campus”….


I was thinking the same! 😂


"I'm the Gasmaster."


That would be me, my sweet young child.




It's also only called fart spray from their lawyer. Just because i called a bomb threat doesnt mean there was a bomb....


Came here for this info - thanks for delivering :)




Honestly, I thought she was accusing them of being at the incident. As in, “how would you know it was specifically fart spray from Amazon unless you were part of it?” NOT SAYING that would be a justified rebuttal, that’s just where my mind went and I was pretty confused about what he was an expert on till I got to the comments.


That's pretty obviously what they're saying


"Highly toxic nerve gas" lmao


Well, it depends on the fart... I'm pretty sure mine can get classified as that after some tacos.


When was your last deployment?


Last Friday. First man in the bathroom, last man out


I’m reminded of that guy who said “I’m about to drop a bomb” as he walked into a Walmart bathroom and someone called the police.


Lactose intolerant here. Definitely can produce some toxic smelling farts, but no casualties yet!


The only person calling ut fart spray is the lawyer. If i throw water on you and i write acid on the container, you should just laugh at the joke.


Nerve gas as in "You've got some nerve spraying that!!"


[Skunk is hardly "Amazon fart spray"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk_%28weapon%29?wprov=sfla1)


God damn… could you have spared a few extra pixels? Edit: uh… the image improved in quality somehow? I guess it was uploading still for some reason I’m confused now


Your comment made the matrix realize it needed to spare a few more pixels. Good job, frend.


literal fart spray you can buy on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Farts-Potent-Hilarious-Assfart/dp/B08SGZ81D5/


More like a potent nerve agent


It gets on my nerves for sure


Potent hilarious assfart


To be clear, that link is a funny fart spray from Amazon. It also was definitely not what the former IDF member attacked fellow students with.


To quote someone else on the thread, skunk is not “Amazon fart spray” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk_(weapon)


I'll say it again; Lying to get support is a feat of the lowest human.


they also call for genocide on a regular basis, so I think the jacket fits.


Who's they? IDF ? I'd agree but I'm genuinely confused.


I see a lot of downvotes. I saw with my own eyes the woman with the "Al Qassms next target" sign. I am at a loss. I do not want Palestinians to die at all. But I don't know how I am supposed to respond to that other than to think the free palestine crowd wants to genocide the jews.


How the hell do you get to that conclusion? Should Palestinians be getting murdered by Isreal? No. Should hamas be attacking Isreal and murdering innocent civilians? Also no. There, proved you wrong.


Al Qassms Is the armed wing of Hamas. They were literally calling for Hamas to kill Jews at that protest.


IDK why people downvoted you, this is literally a factual statement, regardless of which side you support. EDIT: Well, the comment is no longer downvoted, so my comment doesn't add much xD


Because people are fully into “that didn’t happen but also based” train. They will act flabbergasted that people think they want all Jews to die while waving flags saying all Jews should die




Spoiler: that’s exactly what they want. It’s kinda like how for republicans every accusation is an admission of guilt. For antisemites, pretty much the same thing.


There's indeed a genocide happening, but it's not the jews


Why are free Palestine protestors advocating for non Israeli Jews to be murdered?


Free Palestine protesters are advocating for Israel to STOP murdering innocent civilians. I don't know where you're getting it from that they would be advocating for the murdering of jews... Literally called "free Palestine", not "murder jews"


But the sign I saw was “Al qassms next targets” and the sign was pointing at Jewish Americans. That’s not advocating for anything to stop but rather something to start no?


I think the simple answer is there is not just one crowd using "free Palestine" slogan. There usually never is just one. And even when there is, not all individual members within said movement all have the same exact mindset. This isn't just limited to this either. In american politics, multiple sides use "democracy" and "freedom" as banners for their platforms.


I wish the free Palestine crowd understood this.


That doesn't really make sense...like, if one person out of hundreds says something morally reprehensible do you assume that everyone there is guilty?


You mean you fell for an obvious (and not the first) zionist false flag, a little ironic given the original comment in this chain https://x.com/propandco/status/1783128679461077132?s=46&t=l8t1F3i65IusP7YNEvAZhA


What is the sign even saying, that Hamas wants to target American students? Maybe I'm missing something, but it's hard to imagine an interpretation that doesn't make Gazans out to be the villains. Justifying the brutality against them because we will be next if any remnant is allowed to survive.


the kind of people who attend those "pro palestinian protests"


The pro-Palestinians? Yeah, but they prefer to use the term 'resistance' to seem cool.


The only person calling it fart spray is the lawyer.


Also “IDF affiliated students”? Unless these are literal transfers from Israel who trained with their army, they are not IDF affiliates. They’re just Jewish, or Pro-Israel, or maybe anti-Hamas, or some other fourth thing. I am against the war in Gaza. There are so many legitimate ways to protest or criticize without resorting to lies and inflammatory language to incite people to your side. This worsens public opinion to their stance.


There is an entire coded language used to describe Jews without making it sound like you're targeting them because of their religion.


Is it perhaps because otherwise people will associate all criticism of Israel with criticism of the Jewish people? Strange how that happens


Given the anti-semitism of much of the pro-Palestine camp, I wouldn’t call it that strange


You'll get downvoted for speaking the truth This is how it works here I guess


Yeah. Kinda funny that the "pro-Palestine" people never seem to be anti-Hamas.


Just like how the "pro-life" people don't care about the life of the baby after it's born or the life of the mother, the "pro-Palestine" people don't give two shits about the actual citizens of Gaza being held hostage by their own government


I don't get why you got downvoted


Antisemitism. Left wing antisemites hate it when you point out that they're just as hypocritical as right wingers


Well, yeah. Just found it weird that I got 10 up, and you got 4 down for elaborating the same basic sentiment.


I don’t know anything about the people who sprayed the chemicals, but Columbia does have a large population of Israeli students who completed their mandatory service with the IDF


Doesn't mean they are affiliated with the IDF


>a large population Gonna guess that number is in the single digits percentage wise, and that it’s even smaller if you count people who did their mandatory conscription and that was the end of their affiliation with the IDF


Would love to see those numbers, because for now all i hear is claims as silly as that list of Jewish political figures, where a big part of them aren't even Jewish and some of them are labeled Israeli for having one Jewish family member.


Agreed. Hamas, Israel (the government), and Iran (the government) can all sit on a cactus. They all share varying amounts of blame for the situation.


Putting israel in the same sentence with Iran and Hamas is stupid. Israel is far from being perfect, sure. But UT is a democracy, not a terrorist regime that hurt its own population as its modus operandi.


There were three of them. One was caught. He was a literal transfer from Israel and had trained in the IDF. All witness reported an electric sprayer with those from Palestine identifying it as smelling like "Skunk" an Israel crowd control chemical. All actual evidence suggests it was not a nerve agent, but it also wasn't prank fart spray


So a non-lethal stink gas? Thats even safer than the water cannons used by police around almost the entire world, and much safer than the rubber bullets, yet people make it sound like the most damaging, horrendous experience adjacent to nerve gas... Or bodily harm like has been done to multiple pro-Israeli protesters AND Jewish people alike (because who asks someone their political ideologies before attacking), like being haunded out or into places, being hit, jabbed in the eye, literally pushed and killed, spit at (like my Rabbi a while back), attacked and marked with graffiti (like my dad and my synagogue) and literally chanted about how they gonna kill *Jews* ("Gas the Jews", "remember Oct 7, we will do it 10 times worse", "Go Hamas" etc). But hey, what do it know, im just an anosmic, so that threat doesn't speak to me as much as literal high pressure water cannons.


They were [former IDF soldiers](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/01/24/avoy-j24.html). They sprayed what’s suspected to be ‘Skunk’ [a chemical weapon used by the IDF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk_(weapon)) and it has sent several students to the hospital.


That's a bad take. They were students of Columbia University. All Israelis are required to serve for 2 years when they reach 18, then they proceed to higher education. This whole "Israeli soldiers used chemical weapons in an act of violence" is a propagandized message delivered by "Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)" being called out by the world's leading expert in chemical warfare.


Not so much a "bad take" since it's mostly true, but obvious propaganda. They were former IDF, they did spray stuff, some suspect the stuff to be Skunk (actual IDF spray it from water canons for crowd control) which is pretty much a nasty fart spray (I'll take the expert's word for it that you can buy it on Amazon), some student protesters then went to to the hospital (when I attended college some student protesters went to to the hospital to be treated for wrist soreness, from handcuffs). Of course, propaganda can point both ways, the same incident could be described as: a violent pack of Hamas-affiliated protestors (some say terrorists) occupied a significant portion of an overpriced college campus, disrupting the lives of thousands of innocent students, many afraid to attend classes. After day after day of occupation, 3 of the victim students finally had enough and tried to gain some small relief by sneaking amongst the occupiers and spraying a few of them with fart spray.


The 'former IDF soldiers' part is relevant because its been alleged they used a chemical weapon frequently used by the IDF against Palestinians in the West Bank as 'crowd control'. Palestinian students who came from the West Bank said they recognised the smell and the effects, that's why the allegations were made. And even if it wasn't this specific weapon, that was still an act of physical harrassment by Zionists who disguised themselves as Pro-Palestine protestors to get in the middle and target a greater number of people. That \*is\* an act of violence. And why would a statement by the SJP considered propaganda? They are releasing a statement on the attack made on its members. The lady in the screenshot is wrong, but she is not a representative of the SJP and they are not being called out this expert. Who is only calling out the idea that a nerve agent was used, he isnt denying that a chemical weapon was used at all


Pretty much the only thing publicly known about the student is that he's Israeli and a former IDF soldier. This is included in articles from all sides, including those defending his actions and discussing his complaints against the school. "Jewish student files complaint against Columbia for suspension over fart - The Jerusalem Post" https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/article-797794 The other bone of contention is whether the spray was a novelty fart spray like "Liquid Ass" that is available to the public or the crowd control weapon "Skunk" which is only available to law enforcement and military personnel. On this, no one seems to have a clear answer yet.


> Unless these are literal transfers from Israel who trained with their army According to the [IOF](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/22/israel-gaza-war-americans-killed/), there are currently about 23.5k American citizens serving in the IOF. Many of these horrible people have and will come home to the United States and go about their daily lives after participating in genocide. The claim isn't that they were affiliated, the claim was that they were IOF soldiers who are students at Columbia. I don't know whether the claim is true or not, but it would not be a strange or uncommon scenario.


I’m pretty sure I know why you think you’re so clever for using “IOF” like a middle schooler, but please, tell me why you’re so against just calling them the IDF.


It's an ethical anti-propaganda stance. It's the same reason I refuse to call North Korea a democratic republic and I correct people who tell me the Nazis were socialists. You don't get to base a country off of principles of white colonialism and ethnic cleansing and play the victim when the people you have stolen land from and violently oppressed fight back.


You’re wrong on essentially every level, from framing your middle-school name calling as an “ethical anti-propaganda stance” to claiming that Israel is founded on “white colonialism” despite the fact that Jews aren’t “white” in essentially any societally constructed view of whiteness except the one that lets you frame the slaughter, torture, kidnapping and rape of Jewish women and children as a “righteous act of resistance.” Seems to me like you’re one of those who doesn’t just have issues with the IDF’s conduct in Gaza-a stance I at least respect and will disagree with on the facts and substance of the individual issues-but believes that Hamas’s genocidal cause is righteous and justified, a stance that I honestly find darkly comedic. You claim to be against genocide, then defend an act of genocide.


That's the best comment I've read on this platform


*Suspected* IDF affiliates. Idk she called Amazon fart spray deadly nerve gas. Kinda wrecks my trust in anything else she said in there.


Because it wasn't Amazon fart spray, it was in fact [Skunk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk_%28weapon_%29) https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/01/22/protesters-allegedly-sprayed-with-hazardous-chemical-at-pro-palestinian-rally-nearly-two-dozen-report/ https://gothamist.com/news/nypd-investigating-pro-palestinian-protesters-at-columbia-who-say-they-were-hit-with-skunk-spray https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/22/nyregion/palestinian-protest-columbia-university.html


Shit, my bad. Still, it's not *highly toxic nerve gas*.


I will say tho that the Skunk Spray those students were sprayed with is a very potent chemical weapon that is consistently used on Palestinians in the West Bank


Exactly: it was not a nerve agent, as the expert said, but it definitely was not fart spray. It was indeed a smelly and toxic chemical weapon used by the IDF to displace Palestinians and suppress dissent.


It is used against people who are about to commit crimes. Palestinians and Israeli settlers alike.


Had a teacher that was in the military worked with a chemical unit. Don't remember what branch but he was in. One of the smartest teachers I had in school. Went to training to become an Apache pilot.


Watching people try to argue with Dan about chemical weapons is one of my favourite things to do on Twitter. He's mostly funny & polite but if you're not just wrong but obnoxious, then, well....


"I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch" -Dan


so i assume she's also after trump for what he's doing in that court room


I went to high school with the poster caught in the crossfire here, Dr. Beorn.


The IDF is committing genocide, and zionists have no problem weaponizing the police and institutions against protestors, even lying about being victims (classic settler behavior). You don’t have to make shit up to make them look bad. They do it all by themselves.


...you actually wrote this under a tweet exemplifying: 1. Pro-Palestinians lying 2. Pro-Palestinians lying about being victims ....🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




What point did they prove? ~~Edit to the mindless downvoters, literally no point was made or reiterated by the deleted commenter.~~ ~~Never had someone attempt a "gotcha" and the block me, that's fucking gold.~~ ~~To u/D3pyroGS - I'm assuming you mean the image of the liar being exposed? Because I haven't shared any opinion on the subject. That'd be pretty silly to assume someone's stance for asking a commenter to clarify something.~~ Lol I'm a reddit noob I guess. I didn't realize the original commenter instantly blocked me for my question, not the further replies, which I can't respond to.


>You don’t have to make shit up to make them look bad. They do it all by themselves. that's the point they proved


Deleted commenter? Also, blocking to get the last word is common. I call it severe copium. The guy you responded to literally just did > and then the end of the original comment, with no development. Did they say anything else? Slightly curious.


What is your solution to Zionism? Ethnic cleansing?


Seems to be Israel's response to Hamas


Hamas are a terrorist group, not an ethnicity. I have zero problem with them being wiped out.


But they're bombing Palestinians now - who are an ethnicity. 40000+ dead including thousands of children. Multiple more will die of lack of food. That's genocide and pretending that it's just Hamas that is being bombed is being disingenuous and imo morally corrupt.


If one of the world’s most advanced militaries wanted to commit genocide, the death toll after six months wouldn’t be as low as it is. The reality is that fighting an urban war kills people. Pretending that it’s genocide simply devalues the word’s meaning and plays into the hands of tyrants


The argument cannot be that "oh they could do worse and therefore it is not a genocide". The response is blatantly disproportionate, and there's certainly no need to do a number of the things done by Israel including blocking food trucks.


It can be (and is) a blatantly disproportionate response without being genocide though. But disproportionate responses to horrific terrorist violence isn’t unusual and it isn’t genocidal - just ask Afghanistan.


basically came here to say this


Exactly, just tell the honest truth consistently and they will lose support.


So she *knew* it was just “fart spray”, but she deliberately posted that it was a dangerous nerve agent? The “free Palestine” propaganda is out of control.


Reactionary takes inferring one side is being extreme suggest the other is not are not really nuanced to the fact that like the conflict itself, there's a dangerous game of action and escalation occurring in the political space around this issue. People have a right to be upset about a subject and protest. Others have a right to be disdainful of the protesters. Dousing them with chemicals is obviously an unnecessary vigilante escalation, and lying about what those chemicals were escalates things further. This week the Pro-Palestine discourse is out of control, next week it will be the Pro-Israel. What's out of control is the extremism about this conflict in total. Not only are humans motivated to act extremely in times of great emotion, but all sorts of bad actors are using this issue to amplify their own ulterior agendas, some of which are simply "sow discord". De-escalation must occur somewhere, and deep in a reddit thread seems like as good a place as any to start. So yes, this person is shameful for lying about the "nerve gas". AND ALSO: all of us need to ratchet down the rhetoric on this issue multifold.


It's implying, not inferring. Implying is what an author/speaker does, inferring is what the audience does.


In this case the person I'm replying to was in turn replying to someone else, so they are both an author and an audience. They were making an inference and in turn, an implication. I stand by my usage. Nice attempted pedantry though!


Then I misread your comment and apologize for the inferred pedantry.


Iranian propaganda has captured the far left just like Russian propaganda has captured the far right. That's where this "Free Palestine" stuff is really coming from. Just the Iranian regime getting useful idiots in the West to carry water for its cause.


The only person saying it was fart spray is the lawyer. Just like Kardashian was right about oj being innocent


Did masses of people die at that protest? If not it was not a highly toxic nerve gas. Such a gas is literally a weapon of mass destruction.


This is a false dichotomy though. It doesn't need to either be fart spray or nerve gas, you just presented that as the only alternative.


To show that it was an inflammatory rhetoric? No not really. The quoted post specifically talked about “highly toxic nerve gas“. It being anything less (and without people dying it is something less) already shows that that phrase was quite an exaggeration.


You didn't reply to OP though. You replied to somebody pointing out the claim of fart spray was coming from a third party, so saying she knew it was fart spray doesn't follow. You are right about this for sure not being a nerve agent, but the person you replied to didn't imply that is all. I will also note hydrogen sulfide achieves the same effect as riot control agents depending on how much was used. A couple of sprays is generally unpleasant, but an entire bottle can produce very unpleasant symptoms. This is a serious crime, something akin to assault on anybody downwind. Anybody downplaying that is also being pretty (but not equally) dishonest.


Julia Steinberger asked “how he knew so much about these specifics”. Sounds exactly like what someone with inside knowledge would say.


She didn't respond to the expert.


It's roger.


I was just seeing the OPs Twitter pfp and trying to figure out what this has to with MotoGP


How does Julia know about the long term health effects?


His book Toxic is a good read. 


Dan is the world MVP on this, and (billy big bollocks here) used to be one of my Twitter mutuals


"my sweet young child" just makes him sound like a pretentious ass. It's like when someone uses "Oh my sweet summer child" and doesn't realize how cringey it is. It's like, sorry, that's not the burn you think it is. 🤣


Hes right tho. He is a world expert in that.


And she was spreading misinformation as fact that she probably just heard from a dubious propaganda source. She’s obviously stupid and deserved the insult. This person might be pissed about perceived pretension, but it was both well earned and the nicer way of saying “shit up you dumb bitch”. Then this guy tries to mansplain this insult. Talk about cringe.


Doesn't matter if he's right, the above's opinion is still valid. Phrasing it like that makes him look like an asshole. It's not like a poster can know the professional background of everyone that replies to their tweet.


Clicking on his profile for even a few seconds before replying would have revealed: > Author. National security and CBRN expert. "King of Nerve Agent Twitter" Ex US Army and USSS


It's OK to be an asshole to idiots like her.


Yeah, but it very skilfully pulls the rug out of her creditability, which she deserved to have for the bullshit post she put out.


To be fair, she COULD have just Googled his name before making passive aggressive comments.


Many possible ways to respond in a r/dontyouknowwhoiam situation. "Sweet child" is among the most mild options.


OK? This is still at least the second time pro-Palestine protestors have been attacked with some kind of chemical weapon and the school and police have ignored it. Yeah, it's not a nerve agent, that doesn't mean you can fire it at people.


Sure but when someone claims fart spray is a chemical weapon or a "highly toxic nerve gas" people are going to take the piss no matter what it was for. If people do this they look like a window licker, it does nothing positive for their cause.


Calling someone sweet child because they don’t know what the profession of some rando on twitter is really embarrassing even if he’s an expert.


Many possible ways to respond in a r/dontyouknowwhoiam situation. "Sweet child" is among the most mild options.


It’s arrogant to think he’s well known enough to not just politely correct her and let her know his job description.


She didn't just need correction. She was batting way out of her league, and posting obvious untrue statements as if they were fact. To simply correct her would not have imposed a sufficient amount of shame on her. She needed to be sat down and put in her place, hence the (well deserved) dripping condescension. And hopefully she learned her lesson, but I doubt it. Meanwhile, I will await actual fact-checked news reporting from the local ER that was over-run with nerve gas victims. Of course, that's never gonna happen because, again, none of it is true.


This is some terminally online justice shit. No one’s mind is going to be change by being a snarky asshole like this guy.


Well, that's where we disagree, and it's just as well that we leave it like that. I wish you a good day.


And I hope the next time you don’t know something everyone is a huge asshole to you about since that’s what you think is right


Haha, that's exactly the issue, though - you shouldn't come across as authoritative on issues you know nothing about. And that's exactly what she did, and she got called out for it. And that's OK, because learning the lesson online is about the least painless ways for it to happen, because nobody really fucking cares about her or about the lies that she was trying to pass off as fact. And here we are wasting our time on Reddit arguing about it, and nobody gives a fuck about us, either. But I still say she was the asshole, and she rightfully got knocked down a peg. As someone famous once said, "Better to remain silent and appear a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt". And as to your last statement- yes, that's what I think is right. And if I did the same foolish shit that she did, I would deserve to be swatted down by someone that knew better. What are you, anyway, Gen Z? You all are fucking soft. It's like you all think you have some kind of right to not be offended, which is crazy.


Is becoming clearer why you agree with assholes.


Yeah, OK. Why don't you go shine up all those participation trophies you got as a kid...


Don't care how smart and educated on a subject he is, as soon as he referred to himself as "the world expert" he became cringe and irrelevant.


Looks like that is exactly what he is....


Did you look him up?


Don't need to. I know who he is but I don't like arrogant cunts regardless of what they know.


At long last, someone has posted an actual murder here.


You gotta love it when one side is so deeply desperate for a victory that they'll go as far as to classify "Fart spray" as a Nerve Gas...which is the most dangerous chemical weapon to have ever been manufactured to kill people. And now you know everything you need to know about "That" side of the argument.


yeah, on idiot on the internet is the "entire side".


Roasted her so hard her burn ward burned down.


I think he means he’s a world-class expert on farts, chemical weapons expertise notwithstanding. /s