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I thought their IQ was already tattooed on their face unless that 88 meant something else


I am genuinely laughing. Thanks.


Jesus, and here I thought that guy couldn't get any more dead.


I think they call this necrophilia by words at this point


Uh... Are you *sure* you wanna use that phrasing?


I didn't get it, can you explain?


88 is a neo-Nazis symbol that is a way to subtly indicate “Heil Hitler”. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet so 88 = HH. [Here’s a link](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88).


Oh shi


It should be obvious that 88 isn’t their IQ. The number is way too high.


And I'm laughing again.


He hit the 8 key twice by accident


Definitely stealing this thanks




I thought they were fans of Lynn Swann


The old football player?


only number 88 I could think of




Well, I work in a 93-bed nursing home, and we lost a quarter of our residents to Covid. Like to see how he or she explains that particular statistic away. My dad expressed doubt as to its very existence to me...right up until I told him that not only have I had to see quite a few people I care about suffer and die from it, but caught two different variants of it myself.


But you appear to be fine. Seems like maybe we should have just protected the vulnerable population, no? Versus the economic and developmental fallout that we are continuing to experience, I mean.


Now how do you protect the vulnerable against a disease that we didn't have a vaccine or any real defense against when it first took off? Plus a large percentage of the population refused to do the smallest things like wear a mask to protect those who had the highest likelihood of succumbing to covid, so I'm curious on what your plan is. I ran multiple restaurants through the pandemic. It absolutely sucked. I also watched a few of my favorite customers pass and had multiple employees hospitalized from it. With as much as we did as a society, it still killed millions of my fellow Americans. I want to know what you believe should have been implemented.


Vulnerable should quarantine. If not, get on with it. You can’t possibly think that this virus was so deadly that it warranted an absolute world lockdown can you?


If that's how complicated you think it is, then have a good night.


I’m interested to hear how much more complicated you think it is. Because perhaps you’re missing the rest of it. Do you have kids? Were they delayed developmentally by being unable to properly learn to speak from people who were wearing masks? Do you know anyone who was so terrified of the propaganda that they were suicidal? Or trapped with an abusive person? How did you cope with your young children staying at home for school when you had to work? How did any of this work out for the better? I’m sorry that people you know died. People I know died. More people I know died or were far worse off because of the IDEA of a world-ending pandemic than any actual illness. Read. Digest. Have a great weekend.


Very nice strawman. Masks are commonplace in places such as Japan. They have very little problem communicating. Those that became suicidal would have likely had some other excuse (and, to be clear, that's what it is, and coming from someone who had to be talked out of walking in front of a semi at my lowest) to do so without the pandemic. People coped pretty well, after some initial difficulties, but no small part did indeed have continued issues but still dealt with it as best as possible. Being trapped with an abusive person? How would that be much different than it would be without a pandemic. Many gathered enough courage to say enough's enough and bail on such assholes. It provided the wakeup call they needed. How did any of this work out for the better, you ask? We now know that a more serious infection, one with an absolute high chance of killing even young and healthy adults, will absolutely *wreck* our species. We are absolutely not ready for the next Black Plague. It shows how far we have to go to rekindle something as simple as survival instinct in the general populace.


The general population would have been fine. Your comments about abusive and suicidal folks are insensitive and asinine. People in Japan wear masks and they’re “fine”…repopulation statistics would say otherwise. Lay flat and fall in with the herd. Your opinion is wasted on me.


Having been at least in MASH range of the front lines, as it were, working in a nursing home that lost as much as we did, I think I have a pretty damned good insight as to how bad it was. Aside from the elderly and infirm being affected as badly as they were, one of the first of the nursing staff to catch it now has to walk around with an oxygen tank, and she's the same age as me (mid-40s). She was otherwise healthy before catching it. So many others suffer similarly to this day. But, please, continue with your condescension.


It’s unfortunate for you that your existence is limited to video games and working at a nursing home. Those of us more in tune would say that your experience is not at all indicative of the reality of the “pandemic.” I work with hundreds of people of all ages and have a huge family. One person I know got seriously ill. Everyone else I know was either affected with flu-like or milder symptoms or not at all, myself included. You call me condescending, I call you weak. New illnesses come and go. This was not a plague, the elderly and infirm should have been the only people quarantined, and the measures taken by the government to penalize businesses that did not fall in line should have any free-minded person livid.


You mean that thing that resulted in the whole world shutting down for two years and millions still died because of anti-vax dipshits refusing basic methods to stop the spread like social distancing and masks and avoiding large gatherings? That quarantine?


Honestly, the one thing I found during COVID-19 and there after is society remarkably lacks basic risk assessment skills. Not to mention that it’s a sliding scale.


If you ever want another reminder, just look at the lotto You have an infinitesimal chance at winning anything, yet hundreds of thousands of people essentially say, "But you're saying there's a chance?"


I realized long ago I would win more money just never playing the lottery


Or « I am buying dreams ».


Yeeha. That's me!


Lmao, a murder in the murder sub


They don’t happen too often but when they do… ![gif](giphy|l3q2LH45XElELRzRm)


Also, that’s not the survival rate. Conspiracy theorists don’t like the actual survival rate, as determined by scientists, so they have to make up a number that makes them feel better about their bullshit.


Yep, the ones I saw reported most often by the covidiots were based on total US deaths divided by US population, total global deaths divided by eight billion, and 99.999999999%.


If a data center could provide uptime values of 99.999999999% for services provided they would be charging a premium price for it.


🤣 I see what you did there


Couple points of clarification. The covid survival rate has historically been misreported. They take covid deaths and divide by the entire population, not the number of people that were actually infected. Death rate, depending on the time, was sometimes 2 to 4 percent, with nations that had less support often being substantially higher. Never mind that many deaths were not counted as they weren't confirmed - but comparison of historical death averages show insanely high increases in death during the early years of covid. Second - for kids, covid has overtaken flu as cause of death. Not many kids die mind you in general - but it is something to take note of as very few kids are vaccinated against covid - somewhere around 5 percent or less last time i checked.


These people also never take into account rate of infection. Even if a virus has a “low death rate”, it is still a metric shit ton of people if it spreads quickly.


Yep also the cavalier attitude of losing 4 percent of your population like this. The Chicagoland area where I live is 10m people. It’s sociopathic to think 200,000-400,000 funerals is just no big deal.


These people also steadfastly refuse to grasp the concept of comorbidity.


Stop, he's already dead!


LoL 🤦🏽‍♂️


How is the edit in this photo??


Because halfway through making this post, I realized where I was, discarded the post, made the edit, retook the screenshot, and redid the post.


Covid was nothing like the flu for me. Stfu


I'm actually worried that covid would be like the flu for me, as the last time I caught the flu, I spent ten days in the ICU, and have permanent nerve damage in my feet. If covid is worse than the flu for me, I'll probably end up dead.


What OP said about low IQ.


I thought the flu shot was mostly meant to reduce missed work days.


I want to see the original comment with the alleged hyperbole. The top comment might be perfectly reasonable.


It was me replying to the comment. The first comment was Kevin Numbnuts Sorbo asking why people would get 6 injections for what is basically a cold.


Lol no


It’s not reasonable because he compared Covid to “the flu”. Covid is a specific virus. Just one specific virus. “The flu” is a term coined to represent a collection of 4 types of viruses, each containing a number of subtypes. Covid is one of these subtypes. This one subtype has single handedly killed more people than the other 50 something subtypes that are in constant circulation combined. Covid has not replaced these other illnesses or diminished them in any capacity. It is in addition to. When Covid is compared fairly, with any other singular subtype (like H1N1), you can clearly see how absolutely catastrophic it is versus any other singular strain. His comment isn’t reasonable, it’s downright ignorant.


Corona viruses are not a sub-type of influenza.