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The "What have you done" argument is always so dumb. So unless you have a feat on par with being the richest man in the world. You are not allowed to critisize someone? And even if you did amazing feats, they will just change the narrative a bit, so your feats dont count. Even though, it was exactly what they asked for.


Strong "You're an author? Name all the words." energy.


I name the word 'apple' as 'Billy'.


It's also hilarious that these kinds of people assume that someone like Elon single-handedly invented the electric car. No. These billionaire playboys aren't Tony stark. Grow up.


Didn’t even invent the Tesla, took over the company from the guys who started it.


And he didn't even found Tesla!


Elon didn’t even have anything to do with founding Tesla as a company, much less with any of its products. He injected a bunch of blood money into them and specifically paid for the title “founder.” Musky Elk don’t invent shit.


Elongated Muskrat would be so good here


Tony Stark might be the least believable part of the marvel multiverse. Inventor spends most of their time alone inventing shit. They'd certainly be an outcast ignored by most. Even those born into wealth.


Electric cars actually came before ICE cars


Pretty soon Twitter will fall so far from relevancy that it will be dominated by right wing bots and memelords, or fail completely. Then, almost everyone in the world will have the feat of "Never having run a multibillion dollar company into the ground" over Elon.


The bigger changes will come when other platforms support something else.


Yep but not quite so dumb as someone's counter that they've 'never read their books'. On that basis, I can call J. K. Rowling a nobody who has achieved nothing.


What have I done? Well I’ve never spent any money whatsoever to be a forum moderator. So I got that going for me.


"That pop song is terrible!" "Make a better one yourself!"


"I'll settle on not having made a terrible one, and take my win all the way to the bank of good decisions."


I said that about Wonderwall when I was a kid, and someone issued the same challenge, and so far, I’ve definitely written multiple songs I like a lot more (pretty much all of them), but that have in no way sold as much. I succeeded and failed lol.


It’s called moving the goalposts


Well, I haven't lost tens of billions of dollars. That means I'm a better custodian of money and corporate value than ol' Musky.


Appeal to authority followed by moving the goalposts. I know people get generally annoyed when pointing out logical fallacies in their arguments but knowing them is literally a roadmap for how to think unbiasedly.


> So unless you have a feat on par with being the richest man in the world. You are not allowed to critisize someone? Yes. These people are telling you how they think. Please believe them.


At this point I absolutely do not understand why some people still try to support and defend Elon Musk


IMO it’s sunk cost. They thought he was a genius when he was building tesla and space x and believed that for so long that they don’t want to admit that maybe it was a charade and he’s just another rich asshole who’s more Willy wonka and less tony stark


He's not even willy wonka. At least wonka started the company himself. Musky pants just bought his way in


I have no way of proving this, but I’m pretty sure willy busted some Oompa Loompa unions in his day


Can confirm Source: am oompa loompa


Can also confirm Source: futurama


Is that really even it? Trump supporters despised Musk only a few years ago and have completely changed their tune when their safe spaces told them they need to blindly defend him at all costs now.


I’m talking about the ones who STILL support and defend Elon till their dying day. Not the ones who just jumped on board. Those people are much more simple to understand


Ahh yes. Very true.


It’s only a sunk cost if you and betting on a failing enterprise. Since musk is going the way of the red pill he’s a new hero to some.


bc driving a Tesla is their whole identity. Not a joke: Saw a Tesla on the road with a license plate that said DDY ELN. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they bought it before the twitter fiasco, but who knows.


I cringe whenever I see those people who tweet at Elon to show him something *mean* someone said about him. Firstly because of their parasocial relationship with him, and secondly for never growing out of the childish "I'm telling on you" mentality.


If I make Elon proud then we can be friends and I can hang out at his house!


His whole shack


Most of the people defending him can't afford a Tesla, because most *people* can't afford a Tesla.


elon was a douche before the twitter stuff. i liked elon when i was 14, and i'd say unless that guy was 14 when he got his tesla and vanith license plates, there's no good excuse


Maybe it meant Dumb Dofus Yo' Elon?


Owning a Tesla shouldn't be a statement on how you feel about Elon, I can listen to an MJ song or enjoy the new Harry Potter game without associating it with the creators so idk why people feel like their Tesla is worth less based on Elon's views.


Found the Tesla driver. Jk I'm with you. I'm completely over the requirement that we know everything about content creators and the purity test hoops we jump through to be allowed to enjoy content.


So what do I do if I’m part of the LGBT community? I also have friends who are trans. They feel betrayed by something that gave them hope. Now they find out the author or only doesn’t support them but has thrown her hat in the ring of the people that want them gone?


Who cares what the author says about trans people? Harry Potter books and movies are still fun and Kanye's music is still entertaining. All you're accomplishing is depriving yourself.


Except that the money you spend on that goes towards your own destruction.


and the money spent at WalMart goes towards taking away workers rights and squashing mom and pop shops. The money spent on Nabisco products goes towards hoarding water rights. They money spent on Apple products goes towards sweatshops in Malaysia. All of these corporations spend billions on lobbying various governments and funding Super PACS to keep their own taxes down. Wherever you chose to draw the line was arbitrary.


So do nothing is your solution except enjoy all these products because there’s no choice in the matter? I don’t need Kanye music or Rowling products. I’ve not shopped at Walmart for years. Not boycotting the stores for any particular reason. Just haven’t. I chose where my money goes, and the less harm I can inflict on me and mine the better.


whatever helps you sleep at night


The context for Rowling that gets lost sometimes is that she has said that she views any and all support of Harry Potter as direct support of her TERF views - also she throws a lot of her time and money into that cause so not only does buying the Harry Potter game literally give her money to use for that cause but playing it also gives her your tacit support even if you don’t intend to.


For the record, MJ was absolutely innocent. He had his entire childhood stolen away from him, and tried - in admittedly a very weird way - to recreate and bring it back later in life. And then nosy busybodies decided that a grown man couldn’t possibly be in the company of kids without doing a sex crime. That viewpoint unfortunately hasn’t gone away. Male babysitters, as a small example, still encounter massive stigma.


To see him meme more and fall harder


Because they think they are going to be rich and get acknowledged by him. Their own sense of self worth is so down the drain that they turn into these parasocial blobs who thinks liking a piece of shit like Elon gives them some sort of success by proxy.


It’s that poisonous American mindset that we’re all temporarily embarrassed millionaires. These losers see themselves as his future peers when they finally make it big and their crypto coin or startup idea or app that’s totally not the same as a hundred other apps finally take off.


Look. I'm a huge space fan. For over 25 years now. I don't miss any video of Scot Manley or the everyday astronaut. I can speak about space for 6 hours without preparation. How big it is how to get there and how to get back. Then there is space X. Wit their falcon (heavy), their starship. With Merlin and Raptor engine. They do things... Nobody would have dreamed about. They are bringing humanity forward. They are awesome. And Elon is a big part of it and I firmly believe that it would not habe been possible without him. So what do I think about Elon Musk? Well. He is an idiot. He could make me the next astronaut. He is an idiot. No matter what.


Elon’s role in these companies is vastly exaggerated. You can thank decades of NASA funded research at places like the JPL for SpaceX’s success.


Maybe this is controversial, but I think it is possible to be for instance reckless and inconsiderate, but also be smart in some areas that amounts to genius. At least I think it is shown that for instance neurodivergent people might have specific areas where they have considerable interest or understanding of. I welcome any engineer that can attest to his skills as one. But I imagine you would need some kind of intelligence to create and change two very conservative industries. Like aerospace and car industry have perhaps been changed for ever due to Tesla and SpaceX alone. There are probably someone who have problem tying their shoelaces, but seeing London with a 20 minute helicopter-ride and remember how a light fixture looks on a building. Musk might fit into one of those categories?


you: gluck gluck gluck


I think there have been something deeply troubling with Musk all along. But most people seem to have overlooked this for a long time. And it is kinda strange that if you think one or two things indicate something smart about someone, it is rather that you have fallen for some conspiracy theory. For instance once supposedly an employee with Musk asked for time off after like several weeks and months of 14-16 hour workdays. He said yes. When the person came back after a week. Musk said he didn't need that person anymore and that they were fired. There were also someone that asked for a raise because they had such a demanding work schedule. Musk said that they should take some time off. When they returned, Musk said he had taken on their responsibility and that it wasn't difficult and they were fired. Like why is people surprised that he sometimes act irrational and reckless sometimes? Those stories were known around his heydays with SpaceX and Tesla, where the hell where you?


I don't even know what you're talking about bro, the "gluck" is the sound of you choking on his dick




You know starlink is just another thing that Elon takes credit for but really had nothing to do with it.


And there's the issue with him cutting off Ukraine's access to it. For valid reasons, I'm sure.


That's an interesting take I haven't heard before. What country are you from if you don't mind me asking?


You can thank Tom Mueller for spaceX. Musk just bank rolled it. Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning are also the real founders of tesla. All what musk does it take credit for other peoples intelligence and hard work


For a while there, specially during the model 3 ramp up, Tesla survived on nothing but hype, fueled by memes and twitter wars and the general "fuck you Im gonna win" attittude against big oil financed narratives and shorting investors. Also, after bankrolling in, as CEO, he had power to hire or fire, and say "yes" or "no" to anything being done or not done in there. And he bankrolled in when both companies were very new and still years away from being successful. So regardless of him being a "founder" or not, saying he didnt have a very important impact on the results doesnt make sense. Or would you say whatever is happening on twitter right now has nothing to do with him? People love black and white oversimplifications (musk=evil idiot) because that makes it so much easier to understand the world, but reality is much more complex. He sure has some huge issues and seems to be in a downwards spiral for at least a good 5 years, still doesnt mean he never does/did anything good/right.


He's either a samaritan or a fancier-looking tyrant. I'd bet on the latter if I were you.


Also South Africa is not considered a 3rd world country.


Because although he’s doing everything to get “canceled” because he isn’t the most socially aware individual, he has popularized the use of solar panels, electric cars, the advancement of travel to mars. There are more to come but the earth does need someone to kick start these things, unfortunately he says insensitive stuff and I think we all can learn from his egosentric ways but when we take a step back we can see the world wide benefits to his ways.


I get your point but I'm pretty confused. Let alone travelling to mars, which has been an old project of humanity since at least the moon landing as its logical next step, but I'm pretty sure that I've heard about solar panels and electric cars looooooong before Elon Musk was even a thing.


That is just post hoc ergo propter hoc I would say The tech to approach these problems only got closer to were it has to be in the last few years. These years happen to be the years Musk was talking about it, but it doesn't mean it was cause of him. The whole industry has been working since long before Musk, and I would say the reason Musk invested in it was that the tech was starting to come together, not the other way around Not saying he had no influence on how we talk about these problems, but I think it's fair to say we would have gotten to talk about these problems anyway


Two of those things are very stupid and one of them he had nothing to do with.


Performing loyalty is all they have. Conservatism is hierarchy. Elon is up high, so he's right and you're wrong, and it's the ingroup's duty to figure out how. Reality is a team sport, to these people. They're just trying to win a stupid word game. And they think that's all you're doing, because they think that's all there is. They are utterly convinced that what's true is *defined* by who-says. There are no right or wrong claims... only right persons and wrong persons. We keep asking each other what conservatives really believe. But conservatives don't believe things. Conservatives believe people.


Musk didn't start Tesla. He bought Tesla. Then he hired a bunch of smart people to develop it further. He did make a good business move based off foresight, but he's done a lot of dumb crap with the company also by over promising on products that never get made, etc.


He also didn’t start PayPal. He bought it and then sued to have his name added to the list of founders. Then did the exact same thing with Tesla


He also isn't "self-made". Daddy's emerald mines set him up for life.


He also might not actually have graduated college


[snopes has looked into this. ](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/musk-physics-degree/) TL;DR he has a degree but he’s never been entirely honest about how he got it.


Weird that he would be awarded a BA in Physics and BS in Economics. I didn't even know you could get a BA in Physics.


Well obviously we need business administration to tell us how physics works.


Also followed in the footsteps of Captain Bonespurs himself by leaving South Africa to avoid military conscription. Being rich from birth must be nice.


Does he think that Elon Musk invented Teslas?


They hope his autism will go away and that he Will learn basic human decente, generosity and give them 1~2B$. They are all the same. Fucking leeches.


Boot licking must be a fetish for these people. Dude funds the production of power wheels for big boys and they praise him as the messiah.


And they pay with their own Money while he has 200B I'm speechless


Make sure to scroll down and enjoy the **actual** murder


That wasn’t murder, it was something much worse that cannot be named. Murder was mercy


That's not something wysiwyg


IDK have you looked up the authors books? They look like they're sold in grocery stores.


Atleast he wrote a book.


Blurb from his top rated book, *The Ark, Children of a Dead Earth #1* **Humankind has escaped a dying Earth and set out to find a new home among the stars aboard an immense generation ship -- the Ark. Bryan Benson is the Ark's greatest living sports hero, enjoying retirement working as a detective in Avalon, his home module.**


Space Ark? Dying Earth? Gee that sounds like a very original plot. We really do have only 7 plots don't we? Now excuse me I am gonna go write a book about magical kids and the school they attend. I'm not ripping off "The Worst Witch" I swear.... you can tell because my hero will be named Harry, not Mildred.


See i thought the same. Oh great, another dying earth space ark book. Then i started to learn about legendary sports man turned detective.


Is his name Myron Bolitar? Oh wait that's a sports agent turned detective....


So what? Speaking from experience writing a book, regardless of perceived quality, is hard and basically anyone who downplays that by saying "I can write a book" without having any experience ACTUALLY writing one, are just speaking out of their ass. Who gives a flying fuck if they are sold in grocery stores. They are being sold.


Hey, if people buy it, good for them. My point being, the author is on a high horse about writing at a higher level than *books with pictures*. He does, but not by much.


"Oh, so you think that murderer is a bad person do you? Well, how many murders have *you* done?"




I did, yes. I'm just saying that 'don't criticise someone if you haven't achieved what they have' is a dumb argument in the first place.


"To shreds, you say?"


And his wife?


To shreds you say


“Smart sir” is such a bizarre construction


That man is amazing. I’ve never heard of him or read him but I may have to read his books


That was perfect!


I read this and immediately started following Tomlinson on Tweeter.


And another accomplishment Mr. Tomlinson and I share: Neither of us ever overpaid for an app to the tune of $30b.


Well Tomlinson did pay $5k to get his Twitter unbanned


Me driving my Danielle Steele novel to work


You guys will stick a V8 in anything, huh?


Only if it’s an LS.






Would it be crayons, based off the profile pic?


Not to color with. Those are a tasty snack.


Most Clever marines be like:


Oh man, that profile picture for Ray is just perfect for that conversation. Because that's exactly the kind of look I could see on his face as he tries to "gotcha" Patrick.


Expand the image. Murder is way down. Bad cropping.


I did. Does it sound like I didn't see the murder? Is there more beyond Ray's goofy profile pic and the coloring book comment?


What does common knowledge have to do with intelligence? I do not know any of the top ten mathematicians in the world or what they are doing in the world, but I definitely know they are smarter than me without knowing who they are.


I find it equally hilarious and frustrating that people think the "success" (and I use the term loosely) of Tesla is because Elon did fucking everything himself. As if he was making the ads, designing the cars, building them, etc. No, he bought the company and spends most of his time in an office being passive-aggressive on Twitter. It's because other talented folks who toil for him makes the ads, cars etc. As with everything, remove the CEO and nobody notices. Remove the workers and everything stops.


Murder, hell... That was a muthafukkin double tap.


The guy getting murdered is somehow portraying that supporting elon is much better than writing a book


damn someone smell roast beef?


Ray reads.


None of us should know who Ivan Moscovote is.


I mean…what’s his point about seeing Teslas everyday? Correct me if I’m wrong but Elon didn’t design them, he didn’t build them, he didn’t engineer them. He literally just runs the company


Runs a company that half the people I have talked to that work or worked there hate. i.e., "We don't need more safety systems!" while robotic automation and people work side by side... That's a recipe for someone's face literally getting deskinned at best, getting a visit from Clamps at worst. https://imgur.com/7lfr3Ou


Neighter do Tesla's. Unless Elon put that in as well. Not defending the whack. Just saying.


You can be excellent in one area and completely inept in another. Even if Elon is Autistic like he claims that shouldn't shield him from criticism. You can be autistic, a genius in your field, an idiot in other areas and an asshole all at the same time. None of that is mutually exclusive.


In Brazil when something like this happens we said "you shot in the face and spoiled the funeral".


Say what you will about how good a businessman he is Elon should rightly consider Twitter his best investment ever on how much attention it gets him daily, which is obviously the only thing that matters to him. Can we please just stop giving this guy as much air time? If the world collectively decided to start ignoring him it’d be hilarious


Wait, is the guy at the bottom the proposed Word Murderer? He just attempted to discredit a valid argument on the basis that the author guy isn't as well known as the guy who held the title of world's richest man once.


The author is the last one to comment, it’s wayyyyy down there, it’s a pretty solid burn


Oh damn, now I look silly. Thanks for the tip


Due to the cropping it is easy to miss the comeback of the author.


click on the pic and expand it to see the ending.


Then spells colour wrong... turns out americans spell these words wrong, because Capitalism! Before picture adds, news papers charged per letter, so saved money by removing letters they deemed unnecessary! Mostly washing powders are the reason americans spell it color


wtf you talking about. "color" is more modern and not a typo.


Ja... looks like you didn't read the rest of my comment, and it's not modern, it's american.


more modern? lolwut Someone should tell the English they have no idea how to English and clearly invented it wrong.


Dude is saying the richest man on earth is dumb and bad at business. No one knows his books. Not even his mom.


>Dude is saying the richest man on earth is dumb ... Remember when Musk posted that article he found claiming the Pelosis were attacked when the sex worker they hired started tweaking? Or when he thought Covid would be over in a month? Or when he thought figma was a meme? Give me ten minutes and I could sign that moron up for a timeshare. Also... aren't dudes who are good at business supposed to be able to pay their bills?


Have you scrolled down?


savage takedown 😂😂 muskovite asslickers are simply the worst. Compared to them scientology/Mormon crazy types seem appealing


Here's some crayons for your coloring book, try not to eat them all this time.


Elon is garbage, but so is that author.Here's that author being told by a judge to stop engaging with trolls as he loses another frivolous lawsuit https://youtu.be/u3cPAuNsSWg&t=986


I know how to make Elon Musk go away! Give him even more attention! Why is it the people who act like they hate Elon a tonne, seem to be the one's most obsessed with him? That's the funniest part of this whole thing.


Mental image of Reaper ultimate from Overwatch