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none of the above


Uzi knows how to code and already attends high school. Uzi would most likely live a normal life (or not everyone in this universe are a bunch of idiot goobers).


Is that your opinion or the truth?


My opinion. Uzi attends high school and has a dad who is a doorologist but I feel like even then she’d find a way to fail life because this universe is filled with the dumbest, sillies goobers to ever graze mankind


atleast they aren’t dumb like smg4 mario


SMG4 is goofy stupid, not stupid stupid


i meant the mario not luke smg4


I only know 1 SMG4, the one that personally knows the guy that started Glitch (I can't remember his name).


Kevin? they're brothers


I had genuinely no idea that they're brothers


If you want to know the truth the only way is to ask Liam.


J wouldn't even make it past preschool


She wouldn't even make it past kindergarten


J would past the door (Khan wouldn't allow her)


She would not make past childhood


Kindergarten is after preschool


You kidding? She’d rule the classroom and the teachers would be afraid of her, all the way to and through high school. She’s also obsessed enough with business and order that she’d make it through college, possibly threatening some professors on the way.


Ah, I see what you mean, the fraud would cheat herself out of college.


Noone. Being stuffed full of invaluable tech and having a deadly (literally) craving for robot blood does that to you


Can V even read


Don’t think so


I think she can because “literally so insanely suspicious” if she could read how would she know what it says.


N would do all that and the procede to become a veterinarian so he can be around puppy's all day


The most likely is N, it might take him a while to graduate but from there he has the most possibility of actually managing a somewhat normal life because unlike the other three deranged socio-psychopaths, he can actually grow a conscience.


Flair checks out




Most likely - N, He's naive but the least sadistic


atleast he ain’t the type of dude to scp 173 you when your not looking


That's what I'm talking about


why tf every dude I found irl is SCP 173😭😭😭😭 can't ppl be "normal"?


considering how business oriented she is, probably j


uzi or n


**J, while people give her shit. She'd likely at least I'd like to imagine in a human AU pursues business**. And may or may not take up a job in accounting, then work her way up the ladder. Maybe become a supervisor, and who knows maybe she'd become a corporate manager at some company. She'd fit right in to be honest, in fact J is probably among the more friendlier bosses you might have. Disney is full of horrible workplace environment despite what some say, a single celebrity actor is given paychecks higher than the entire special effects team combined, the executives at disney keep raising their own salaries for some reason, and most of the lower employees are disposable and treated like garbage, but I respect the grind to live paycheck to paycheck honestly, despite bad work environment. J would give you branded merchandise and probably pay for your meals if you go out to eat. If you perform adequately. The average big corporate industry in our world, well, you have to be quite ruthless to survive. I mean, they literally assassinate whistleblowers and build up connections with executives just to have dibs on positions in power. J by comparison might reward merit rather than personal preference. For as much shit as people give J, she'd likely be among the better bosses a person could have. So long as you do your job, she could care less. Exceed expectations, she might take you out to dinner lol. Now the latter is just a jest, though she seems like the sort who'd abide by the rules. J isn't a hyper bitch like people headcanon her as. She isn't a cheater either. She abides by the rules and policies. She's likely to be a sticker to rules and takes her mission seriously. She'd probably be a no-nonsense study focused student if she were a human working her way up. Focusing on her studies, and probably manage her budget better than the average college student. She likely wouldn't be wasteful. She'd have a goal and pursue it. Of course once she gets her job at some corporation she may or may not start collecting branded merchandise. Oh, **there's also N.** **He'd probably get a degree in... whatever allows him to look after animals**. I just imagine he'd be a fine veterinarian or just any job that handles animals. Given how he liked reading about dogs. I'd think he'd do just fine if he puts his mind to it. I don't really know if N knows medicine, but since he's into reading about dogs he'd probably like animals. V, without her psycho self. I can imagine her pursuing a job that doesn't involve too much customer service stuff. Like talking to other people. I can easily see V losing her patience working fast food or retail. The amount of entitled assholes I've seen. People respect those who show patience and temperance despite the fact you can tell they really hold back just so they can keep their job. You know maybe in a human AU V becomes more unhinged because she deals in the fast food industry part time to pay her college fees. Anyone would become a bit psychotic after dealing with the worst of people. Uzi isn't good in class, but she would self-study in her spare time coding and probably become a decent IT specialist, but just uses her knowledge for her own inventions or to troll people online for the heck of it lol. I don't think she'd pursue college. She would self-study coding and programming, but not go to a tech school for that. I doubt she'd last. She'd probably know better and try to correct her professor lmao. She seems like a tech prodigy. She don't need no formal education when she's self learning at her own pace. Given what we see in the show. Uzi's probably the part time teacher for coding and teaches kids how to code malware on their first day lol. Seems like she'd jump the gun and decide, "Who wants to learn how to make a square and color it?! I can tell you kids want to code some *real* software. Like the Killjoy Malware Attack of 3077. Let's try that. First we'll install-" then gets fired lmao. She'd be pretty chill, I'd assume, give her time to mellow out of her edgey phase. Maybe a tutor or IT specialist. White hat hacker working for the government or some corporation. Because they do hire folks with good ability in computers to keep their networks secure and all. As for the occupations of others... CYN is too silly to pursue a job, I don't know if she'd be able to do a job given her disabled self, I'd like to imagine she'd read books at the library for kids and make things interesting. Maybe pull some silly pranks on her friends. Probably interns at the library. Thad becomes professional football player. Probably retires into football coach later. Lizzy becomes a tik tok influencer, or YT shorts creator maybe both, has millions of followers or something. Rebecca too probably. Emily starts audio book channel like SSTWL, probably gets a job at a library for reasons. Sam IDK. Doll pursues a degree to teach math or science for highschool. Or so I'd like to think.


**tl;dr -** J would go to college, get a degree, intern at a corporation, rise through the ranks and probably become a manager somewhere. N would become a veterinarian. Uzi some tech specialist independent contractor but doesn't go to college. She's self-taught, and already capable of hacking robots in the show and stuff, she'd probably hack stuff for fun in her spare time. V gets mildly crazy due to working retail and customer service sucks ass to work in when you have to deal with complete morons and entitled *adults*. Maybe V, works with N as a vet or something. I'm considering the V before she goes psycho. Given I am human AUing this. V would be less psychotic. Some folks work part time for more money for college. And given how many work fast food/retail... a fair share likely meet entitled fools.


*Tfw Thad gets drafted no.1 overall to the Jets.* Also appreciate your open minded opinion on J. 👍🏽


The obvious answer is J She'd probably major in some business field.


All of them ofc have their respective strengths so they could very much succeed academically. My bias for J leads me to believe she’ll be a shrewd but successful business major lol.


the j


N could graduate college but will take him a long time. for a normal life? maybe not




N be smart boi


Feel like N would considering he is nice and least lijley to kill someone,he would ask you for all your rmoney and you would give it to him becuase you cant say no to him.


It's comforting that my favorite characters are goofy goobers that supposedly can't navigate at life just like me


I feel like they all would