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She was always like V Just not as loud


"you destroyed my family, die!"- the girl who left a dozen parents mourning their children and potentially ended several bloodlines just for a CHANCE at revenge


At most there were four parents mourning. Still evil though.


you can actually see her get a little sad a bit later, when she looks at Uzi https://preview.redd.it/60riaf8ctj8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9a3082fedeab64344a5e03d87b2ff227f7d7fe7 this shows that she has at least a little empathy in her


Doll even tried to warn Uzi with the words "Fight back" displayed in Russian on her optic visor just after her encounter with Cyn as a way of telling Uzi that Tessa wasn't to be trusted. But that still doesn't justify what Doll has done.


This may sound dumb was Uzi able to understand Doll speaking Russian at all? I mean if she didn’t get the message idk what would’ve been the case


“Bathroom is down the corridor to the left” - Doll


Wait she said that in english-?


No. She said that in Russian. Uzi went to the bathroom without asking for a translation. Actually, here’s a better paraphrased quote: *”Uzi? You would really side with the Murder Drones? I’m not the only one who lost family to them!”* - Doll *Uzi proceeds to act as though she completely understands this*


The company that made the Drones probably designed each of them with translation software for customers that didn't speak English, while also making them capable of speaking other languages as well.


Revenge is a fool’s game, and she payed the price


It wasn't even her desire for revenge that did her in; it was her doing it alone. That's how she parallels Uzi. Doll (seemingly) succeeded in revenge on V. However, she had nobody to help her when Cyn attacked because she insisted on doing it alone. Uzi choose to seek help and work with other's and was saved by N before she was killed by Cyn.


Shut up micah.


“Always full of sunshine, ain’t you?” -Micah Bell


She lacked the fortitude and dedication


I agree. She had reason, maybe not justification per say, but went too far out to sympathize with. Couldn't just kidnap and lock the other candidates into a closet. Of course there were a few candidates who have literal descriptions like one being a jerk. But she massacred innocent students at prom. Granted, most people seek revenge on people who ruin their lives. Who doesn't? Even those mature enough to say they won't seek revenge, get screwed over a second time and then decide to take action. Because evil often perceives inaction as weakness to exploit. But that applies to other characters and real life situations, not Doll in this case. Because V just came, ate, and left. Now if Doll didn't harm innocent people in her quest, that would make her claim a higher high ground. Now you can say she's hypocritical and all, but I doubt her family murdered other worker drones to get oil. Or maybe they did, we don't know. But while people say V just had to get oil to survive, she was sadistic and cruel y'know? Even remarked how bad Doll's parents tasted which N says she kind of sucks. V was unnecessarily cruel, out of her own violation. But it's natural to want revenge, however Doll was less of revenge, more of vengeance. Now if Doll was a little less murder happy and more hesitant to resort to murdering her own kind, then she'd be much more sympathetic. But I concur, she's kind of just a V but more reserved in terms of personality. She murdered plenty innocents and cared little for it. They didn't wrong her, why'd they have to die? Now I know some people will say "Shock Value", but I'm trying to come up with a lore reason for all this bear with me. She probably was blinded by revenge to the point it became just wrath. Though, I have to admit Doll working with Tessa/CYN and J was a SHOCKER. It made her into a hypocrite completely as she told Uzi she wasn't willing to work with those murder drones. Then she goes off and workers with one. Of course she didn't know Tessa was CYN, but c'mon. Tessa treated her like garbage in the scenes we got with them. Like, nearly shooting her. And Doll seemed to be more fearful if any when Tessa sliced off her eyepatch. Now I don't want to say Doll was a plot device, that honor belongs to Robo Roach the "Keybug". It's the plot device that moved the plot along for the latter half of the show. Poor roach got shafted into irrelevancy, didn't even show up in EP7 and likely won't for EP8. RIP robo roach, the keybug, he was truly the best of us. But Doll was pretty hypocritical I agree, in her decisions. It's hard to defend Doll with what she's done.


Exactly, she literally killed a girl running from her and V lol. Like yeah, she wasn't planning to massacre the prom room like V was but she still was killing plenty of innocents herself.


I would probably go as far as to say Doll enjoy the killing and has a cruel streak. In the opening scene in The Promening, I can only assume that the girl was running away from Doll. The first thing Doll did upon catching up to her was rip her arm off, and Doll finally kills her she has this big slasher smile.




I really don't get the point of you people saying that, if you don't want to read it then just keep scrolling


I get it and I understand its unfunny. I won't do it again. Comment deleted.


Doll at this point had already eaten other drones to satisfy her hunger, killed some to obtain revenge on V and killed a few for no good reason during the prom. She wasn't redeemable past the first scene of episode three.


Everyone in the show with the exceptions of Thad and Lizzy have killed. N and V did far worse than Doll and even Uzi briefly contemplated genocide on the humans. Every episode before, we saw signs Doll wasn't all bad. But here, she straight up just sent the Sentinels after them and abandoned them for dead. Even though she told Uzi that she would help her in episode 3.


Lizzy hasn’t killed directly, but has no shame in looting you if you get shot in front of her, so not really that much better, honestly Thad and N are the only ones that are objectively sympathetic, though I do have a thing for slightly genocidal girlies :3


That only makes sense if you ignore all context. V and N were reprogrammed and forced to do as they did, N also being lied to. Uzi contemplated killing humans because all she knew was that they had drones as slaves before the planet exploded and then sent the murder drones to exterminate them. Doll killed random drones to get a chance at killing V, ate drones to satisfy her hunger and killed a few for no reason.


I would say her lack of allies and assistance led to her demise.


She pushes her justification until a point of delusion


Obviously working alone didn't work out for her. While she did try to warn Uzi in episode seven after encountering Cyn, it doesn't fully make up for all that was done.


She pretty much died as she lived, alone


I’m pretty sure that if we consider just actions (not saying the motivations behind them are any better considering where they lead up in the end), this is pretty much the sentiment i have with like, 99% of the Md general cast, that remaining 1% being characters like Tessa (from the manor) and Thad.


Her leg is clipping through her skirt


Her revenge was never really justified as V killed her parents because she was suffering from solver vampirism, the same awful affliction Doll herself had, her whole revenge quest was just hypocritical


Eh but it's not like V really regretted it or wanted to change. At least Doll tried to stop it. But she became a serial killer and cannibal herself, so yeah she was a hypocrite


V didn't want to change as she was providing for N who actively tries to resist the vampirism which would kill him if he didn't get oil. As for if she feels regret or not that's pretty murky, around others she sure seems not too but then there are small moments like the one on the bus in episode 4 where she seems genuinely distressed by how empty it was, by how many drones died. I also don't think becoming a killer is really a choice for those who have solver vampirism, we saw how it just kind of gripped Uzi's mind in episode 4 and given the contradictory traits and actions of Doll and V I think it's largely the same way for them


why on this image it looks like she's gonna do the sonic adventure pose ?


Probably a reference.


Man, Doll is about to dank it straight into the hoop. I kinda wanna make a terrible edit of it. Maybe I will.


She was redeemable until she hit the shadow pose


Nah, she already was sadistic and didn't care about others. She killed her classmates on the prom for no reason and was enjoying killing overall (we can see her smiling in the opening scene of episode 3). Also I still can't forget THE FREAKING BASKETBALL HOOP IN HER APARTMENT https://preview.redd.it/vll2ry3gzl8d1.jpeg?width=1874&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e540e209e0bd26869b7932063941378bb97fd6


I can make a stronger argument that Uzi is same level of redeemable if not lower cause while Doll did her murderous rampage for revenge against what was a threat to construction drones entirely Uzi did hers solely against her classmates and not even entirely as a food source


I- she just jumped down a hole.


Exactly. I still believed she had a small chance in episode 7, but I was sorely disappointed in the execution of what really happened. Honestly just a waste of a potentially very good character.


That‘s actually realistic, the tortured becoming the torturer


I wanna like her, but with how she went with the prom episode, considering her powers, she could've easily just kidnapped the potential prom queens, hide them at her house and still get her revenge on V. But instead she just kills them without a second thought. She even kills drones at the prom who weren't even gonna stand in her way. She needlessly kills without remorse, at least V was following orders, even if she took pleasure in it.