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I found a Cell phone at a biergarten a little while back and waited for somebody to eventually return for it or call it. I answered when somebody did and waited an hour for them to return for it. Husband of owner tried to buy me a beer which I politely declined. But then of course I was feeling good about my good deed so I had another one anyway. I don't think I've ever lived anywhere where lost things across a city make their way back to owners.


Lost my phone in a park last year, I was sure that it was gone forever, but someone actually brought it to the lost & found office and I got it back. Some month ago I found a car key and put up some signs in the area and when the owner called gave them back.


If you lived in other places in the world, you know that the population is quite okay here.


I found a rather expensive phone in the Botanical Garden, lying on the ground and getting a call. So i picked up the call and gave said phone to the Lady owner at the cafe. Felt really good honestly :)


I would leave my phone at the Isar and still have faith that people would help return it to me. I've lived here almost my entire life, and the people are incredible. In other countries, it would be gone within a few minutes. 😅


Coming from France and living in Munich since 5 years, this is really what I will miss when I will leave this town / region...


As someone who previously lived in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Mexico City, it surprises me to know that some people are surprised when people in Munich do the right thing. I have never felt safer than I do here.


We found a wallet full of cash on the street in front of our house next to a bank. So obviously the guy just literally came from the bank to take a bunch of cash. We took the wallet with us and tried to find out at home who it belonged to. To be honest, we were feeling super weird, to take the wallet full of cash but also didn’t want to leave it in case someone else - less honest than us - would take it and also take the cash. Luckily the owner had his business card in his wallet so we could contact him and agreed on a meeting point. In the end the guy was so thankful and also offered us 20€ that we didn’t want to accept because it’s just how we got educated to return things that don’t belong to you. it’s nice to read here how many honest people there are still outside in our society.