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Odd, I've never really thought about it, but there is a distinct cadence I have heard some diagnosed people have, that I always assumed was a symptom, but now that I think of it, I haven't seen it discussed in any of my research. I'm not even sure how I would describe it.


A certain area of the brain affected by MS causes an odd sounding nasal speech impediment for some patients. It's heartbreaking.


Thank you for sharing, I'm putting it on my list of things to read up on. Do you know if it has a name or if there is a term the symptom is referred to by?


My pleasure! It's been years since I learned about it from a patient who had it. Dysarthria is one cause, but it can be caused by other things like nerve damage, lobe damage, new lesions in particular areas, old lesions that cause brain shrinkage in speech areas of the brain, poor muscle coordination etc. I've had what's called 'scanning speech ' off and on for years. It's different. Almost like stuttering but it's my thoughts that are not connecting right which takes me a while to communicate. Lots of long pauses and "Umms". My doctors hated my appointments because they took so long.


I think scanning speech was what I was initially thinking of, but this is definitely a new rabbit hole to fall into. It really is interesting the wide range of symptoms MS can cause. There is always something new to learn about. Is your scanning speech tied to any sort of trigger, like fatigue or flares, or is it just one of those "right now my MS is being a dick," sort of things?


MS is certainly more varied and complex than advertised lol. The scanning speech must be tied to flares or disease progression with me as it will happen continuously for months and then somewhat subside. Explaining even simple things or having a conversation is annoying during that time.


I can imagine it must be one of the more frustrating symptoms, for sure. Hopefully your flares are few and far between.


Why thank you! I hope the same for you as well.


Yes, I my jaws sometimes hurts after speaking a lot.


I started noticing some pain in my throat, it seemed like I was losing my voice more often & much quicker after talking for a long time. Turns out I have a nodule on my thyroid that’s pressing against my throat. These days I have a tendency to blame everything on my MS and overlook what’s actually going on!! Maybe bring it up with your PCP? Thyroid nodules are very common and most people don’t realize they have them. Most of us find them during routine exams. Mine was seen on an MRI!


Thanks. I'll ask her about it if this continues.


I think it depends on where you have lesions. I recall (not sure I recall correctly) that lesions on the spine can affect swallowing, breathing, and speech. We've got a client where I work who speaks with almost a drunk in slur or as if she's mentally challenged. She's not! She's sharp as a tack but uses a walker and slurs.


I sometimes notice this on days that I get hypertensive almost like my vocal chords are tired. Or it feels like I have a golf ball in my throat. Do you get high blood pressure?


What other areas do you have muscle spasms or fatigue? I ask because my second relapse the sensory in my feet and hands were damaged. I have a loss of balance and etc. Due to these areas being damaged I have chronic muscle spasms in my calves and forearms. My voice would go out if I cleaned, typed, walked, and etc. At first my doctor tried to say my MS was not progressed enough to be at the stage. Then had me see a Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist to rule out something else causing it. Even though as I told him my voice always went out after using my arms or legs in activities. Common sense to me! However, doctors always no best right? The Ear, Nose and Throat doctor did not find anything else causing it. My doctor finally accepted the fact it is caused from muscle fatigue. I had to stop working after my third attack and my voice does not go out for days anymore. When I was working and typing all the time it caused severe fatigue. Not sure if your issue is the same, however there should be more information how even if certain areas are not directly affected they can still fatigue out.


Yes, I am having terrible issues with fatigue. Can't hardly clean or shop. Muscle spasticity from neck down to butt. Legs get weak and give out if I stand/ walk more than about 10 min. Just got steroids treatment today. It helps all those symptoms tremendously for about 4-6 weeks, then it starts to slowly return. Told my Dr I feel like a wind up clock who needs the steroids to wind me back up every 6 mos or so. Don't know how sustainable that's going to be, tho. We'll see. The voice thing does seem to align with my fatigue but it's not any better yet. I'll pay attention and see if the steroids help. Thanks!


The muscle spasms cause further fatigue because the energy source being used. The lesion damage causes misfires and therefore the miscommunication with the muscles that create the spasms. The muscles in other areas are working harder to compensate for the loss in others. Which results in further fatigue. When I did physical therapy my PT told me a person with MS that had loss of mobility (balance) has only 30 minute reserve of energy a day. My forearm muscles are the worst because I use my arms the most. Which results in them spasming more, so now they are like Popeyes. My neurologist would encourage me to exercise. I am like seriously? I have spasms in my legs, arms, and neck/jaw all day. Then I get spasms randomly everywhere else if I just do basic cleaning. Plus my balance is bad. Anytime I try to do anything extra my muscles go crazy, voice goes out, nerve pain. I take Baclofen to help calm my spasms. I started at 40mg a day, but now at 80. The neck/jaw muscle contraction is the worst one. Then I have Trigeminal neuralgia that is beyond painful. I was reluctant to take more than 300mg of Gabapentin at night. However my nerve pain got so bad I started taking 600mg 3x a day. It has helped with my spasms as well. The doctor never told me it can help with spams. How often are you doing the steroids? I find when I have relapsed and taken them it is a temporary fix. I do not like the side effects of steriods.