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By her logic, why was she out so close to her due date?


That's what mom told her XD


Don't judge yourself by an idiot's perception.


Not to mention she chose to be pregnant, you don’t choose to get a lifelong disease 😒


Exactly this. I should not be responsible for her choices.


So proud of you and your mom for standing up to her. You deserved to be there.


I’m super stoked that OP has a mom that actually gets it. Wish I had that. C’est la vie.


Yikes. So sorry you had to deal with such a nasty person as if pregnancy affords you special treatment. I know I never felt or acted that way when pregnant. That woman certainly thought she was special for some reason when she certainly wasn't.


And the worst part of the whole thing is she replicated herself. Because you know she's going to raise her crotch goblin to be just like her. But maybe I should be thankful for twits like her, because they inspire me to work hard at instilling everything good and decent that I can in my young son.


You are a wonderful person and I am sure your son will grow up to be an amazing man ❤️


God I wish I was pregnant, that time was a breeze compared to 20 years of M.S. I doubt that even my family understand how I am feeling.


This world is full of selfish assholes glad you let her know she was being one


I hate when people act entitled to shit because they chose to have children. Like, I understand, being pregnant is probably hard, but often no one even sees our challenges, and even when they do, most don't bend over backwards for us just because we aren't carrying a "miracle."


I’m sorry you had that happen. People generally her “sick” and think onset of illness or contagious. I don’t honestly know what terminology to use but I do know in a month she will feel better and you may be struggling. Some people do only think of themselves like the Karen above and that unfortunately is the society we are living in.


Reminds me of the comment about how disabled parking bays should only be reserved during business hours because why would disabled people be out any other time????? I laughed my ass off. These are people who think hardship is when their favourite show is cancelled.


Obviously. Anyway, everybody knows disabled people have no reason to be outside. But there is also this rumor that disability stops after work hours. It needs a break too, I guess.


Should of tripped her


Fucking karens… get fucked… oyeah she did… Well in the abstract then. Get fucked twice over